Age of Empires

• Age of Empires
• In the 15th century European nations had begun
to expand on their horizons and explore beyond
the European and Mediterranean World.
• This inhibition to explore would inherently lead
as a push to expand the world known to
• Europeans arriving in America would vastly
change the world on both sides of the Atlantic
• During these events Europe had experienced an expansion in
cultural and economic development.
• Merchants from Italy had gained control over the trading of
spices from Asia. As a result of wealth, Banking systems,
commercial and political growth had developed.
• Three other valued items of trade were: Gunpowder, the
Compass and printing with Movable Type.
– Gunpowder, used for military purposes had revolutionized warfare,
and gave nations a powerful advantage against enemies.
– The compass, combined with other sailing equipment equipment,
encouraged voyages of exploration for many Europeans
– Printing with movable type allowed knowledge to spread amongst
the civilians easier and faster.
– In 1453 Ottoman Turks had invaded and captured Constantinople
(present-day Istanbul)
– With new Islamic rulers, stopping Christian Europe from passing
through traditional routes. European merchants had to find other
ways of reaching Asia.
As the Spaniards were mining silver and attempting to convert the Native Americans to
Christianity other countries were gaining power and approaching the Spaniards level of
dominance. England and France were looking for a foothold on the continent north of the
Spanish colonies. The English and the French found fish and fur to be far easier to get and
more plentiful that gold and silver. This would create the foundation of the two European
empires in North America.
•Less jobs
•Harder jobs
•Less food
•More food
• Easier jobs than mining silver and gold
• Explorer Christopher Columbus, with
supported by Spanish monarchs sailed east
ward, hoping to find a sea route to Asia in
1492. He landed in the Bahamas which he
thought was China. Columbus landed in North
America, The New World.
• Push
• -New 15th century improvements in
shipbuilding and navigation allowed
Europeans to sail to new places.
• -promises of fame glory and glory
• Pull
• -The riches of the new world.
• Spain and Portugal came into conflict with
each other over boarders. The Treaty of
Tordesillas states Spain will receive most the
of Americas while Portugal gets Brazil, Africa
and Asia.
-conquerors for Spain
-16th century, occupied the islands of the Caribbean seeking treasure
-the Natives were killed, enslaved, or died of disease
-Spaniards did not approve the treatment of natives like this
-Priest Batolome de las Casas argued that they should be converting
natives to Christianity, not to murder them
-They lobbied for more humane treatment but with no success
-1519 conquistador Hernan Cortes led 500 soldiers into Mexico
-Mexico was at that time ruled by the fierce Aztecs
-Cortes led his soldiers into the capital, Tenochtitlan and captured the
leader: Montezuma
-The Aztec fought back but lost as the Spaniards allied themselves with
the enemies of the Aztec and the Spaniards spread smallpox to kill the
Aztec population
-Within two years, the Aztec empire collapsed and Spain established
Mexico City on the ruins of Tenochtitlan.
-Mines were established and became the main source of income for
the Spain Government
• -1513 Ponce de Leon claimed the southerly part of the
Atlantic coast for Spain, calling it Florida.
• -The natives fought back and Ponce de Leon was killed in 1521
• -A group of French Protestants established a base on the
coast of Florida from which they attacked and seized Spanish
treasure ships transporting silver to Europe
• -1565 Spaniards destroyed the French settlement; all
inhabitants were executed
• -Spain Establish St. Augustine to prevent future settlements
• -1598 an expedition sent to spread Christianity captured
several towns and killed most of the inhabitants and enslaving
the remainder
• -Santa Fe became the capital of New Mexico in 1609
• -Possessing little economic significance, it attracted very little
• -New Mexico remained an isolated outpost of the Spanish