FEBRUARY 3-5, 2016 Outline Introduction Theoretical Methodology Rare Leptonic decay widths Pseudoscalar Decay Constant Results and Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Introduction Decays that are highly suppressed in the standard model are excellent places to search for effects of new physics. The rare decays 𝑩𝟎 𝒔 ⟶ 𝝁+ 𝝁− and 𝑩𝟎 ⟶ 𝝁+ 𝝁− are discovered from the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) and LHCb (Large Hadron Collider beauty) collaborations very recently [1–4]. The decay of 𝑩𝟎 , 𝑩𝟎 𝒔 and 𝑫𝟎 mesons to two muons is forbidden at the elementary level because the Z0 cannot couple directly to quarks of different flavours and there are no direct flavour changing neutral currents (FCNC). However, this decay occurs through higher order transitions such as those shown in Fig. These are highly suppressed because each additional interaction vertex reduces their probability of occurring significantly. They are also helicity and CKM suppressed. Consequently, the branching fraction for the 𝑩𝟎 𝒔 ⟶ 𝝁+ 𝝁− and 𝑩𝟎 ⟶ 𝝁+ 𝝁− decay is expected to be very small compared to the dominant b antiquark to c antiquark transitions. Introduction Experimental Status Introduction Experimental Status Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 53 (2003) 431 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 66, 014009 (2002) Fermilab E791 Collaboration (2001) Theoretical Methodology To first approximation, the confining part of the interaction is believed to provide the zeroth-order quark dynamics inside the meson through the quark Lagrangian density For the present study, we assume that the constituent quarks inside the meson are independently confined by an average potential of the form [5, 6] The bound constituent quark and antiquark inside the meson are in definite energy states. Dirac formalism The Dirac equation is obtained from as The solution of Dirac equation can be written as two component (positive and negative energies in the zeroth order) form as Where the positive and negative energy solutions are written as Nnlj is the overall normalization constant. Dirac formalism The reduced radial part g(r) and f(r) of the Dirac spinor of 𝝍𝒏𝒍𝒋 𝒓 are the solutions of the equations given by It can be transformed into a convenient dimensionless form given as [7] where 𝝆 = (𝒓/𝒓𝟎 ) is a dimensionless variable with an arbitrary scale factor chosen conveniently as and 𝝐 is a corresponding dimensionless energy eigenvalue defined as Rare Leptonic Decay Widths The decay width for rare decays of 𝑩𝟎 , 𝑩𝟎 𝒔 and 𝑫𝟎 mesons is given by [8,9,10] GF is the fermi coupling constant, 𝒇𝑷 is the corresponding decay constant and C10 is the Wilson coefficient given by [9,11] The branching ratio of these rare leptonic decay widths are then obtained as Pseudoscalar DecayConstant In the relativistic quark model, the pseudoscalar decay constant can be expressed through the meson wave function in the momentum space [12,13] Here MP is mass of the pseudoscalar meson and IP and JP are defined as ; Where and . Results and Discussion Pseudoscalar decay constant (fP ) of 𝑩𝟎 and 𝑩𝒔𝟎 systems (in MeV) 𝑩𝟎 meson 𝑩𝒔𝟎 meson Results and Discussion Pseudoscalar decay constant (fP ) of 𝑫𝟎 systems (in MeV) D meson Manan Shah, Bhavin Patel, P. C. Vinodkumar, Eur. Phys. J. C 76 (2016) 36 Results and Discussion The fitted model parameters System Parameters B0 BS0 Quark Mass (in GeV) mu,d = 0.003 and mb = 4.67 ms = 0.1 and mb = 4.67 Potential parameter (λ) 2.3756 + A GeVν+1 V0 -2.6461 GeV Centrifugal parameter (A) (n*0.1030) GeVν+1 , for l = 0; ((n + l )*0.086) GeVν+1 , for l ≠ 0 (n*0.1186) GeVν+1 , for l = 0; ((n + l )*0.091) GeVν+1 , for l ≠ 0 System Parameters D0 Quark Mass (in GeV) mu,d = 0.003 and mb = 1.27 Potential parameter (λ) (2.2903 + B) GeVν+1 V0 -2.6711 GeV Centrifugal parameter (B) (n*0.153) GeVν+1 , for l = 0; ((n + l )*0.1267) GeVν+1, for l ≠ 0. Conclusion Branching ratio for rare decay of 𝑩𝟎 and 𝑩𝒔𝟎 mesons [10] [15] [14] [2] [3] [4] [2] [3] [4] 2. 3. 4. 10. 14. S. Chatrchyan et al. 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