ON Germ 3 syllab,Indep 2015-16

Herzlich willkommen in der Deutschklasse!
Teacher: Frau Christine Hanks
Hours 1-4 (Pl, German 1, 2, 3/4): OE, Rm. 119
email: chanksoe@olatheschools.com
Hour 5: Travel to ON
ph: 913-780-7120 (OE); 780-7140 (ON)
Hour 6: German 1; Hour 7: German 2 / 3, Rm. 812
website: http://teachers.olatheschools.com/chanksoe/.
http://olatheschools.edmodo.com/chanksoe/. Assignments and calendar events can be found here.
German 3 - Intermediate
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The objective of Intermediate German is to build depth on the structural
foundation of language laid in Levels 1 and 2. This is an independent study course using the JCCC
College Now Textbook and is nested in the Level 2 class. As appropriate, students will join in
conversational topics to promote their speaking skills.
Course content for level 3 covers the world of work, health and fitness, as well as recycling and
expanding on familiar topics of Levels 1 and 2. Grammatical structures learned in Level 3 are: 2-way
prepositions, genitive case, simple past tense, reflexive verbs, da-wo compounds, relative clauses, review
of adjective endings.
Students can earn College Now credit through Johnson County Community College for successful
completion of Level 3 German. See counselor for enrollment information.
TEXT INFORMATION: DEUTSCH: NA, KLAR! 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, is our core text and may
be supplemented by readers, news articles and other authentic materials. The text has on-line workbook
and audio-lab components which students will access in and out of class.
Additional websites: http://quizlet.com will have vocabulary practices; http://conjuguemos.com for verb practices.
http://german.about.com/od/gamesexercises; http://www.lsa.umich.edu/german/hmr/index.html; http://www.goethe.de;
http://www.languageguide.org/deutsch/index; slowgerman.com ; www.duolingo.org; http://www.deutsch-lernen.com/; verbix.com
MATERIALS. 3-ring binder with pockets OR a spiral notebook and a folder with pockets; pencil;
blue/black pen.
1. Come to class ready to learn: bring all materials (text, notebook, writing utensils, homework).
2. Only water in original containers is allowed.
3. Look for opportunities outside of regular instruction to use German!
(see websites above)
4 . Follow all school rules, i.e.: mutual respect, academic honesty and no private electronic usage
in the classroom. Students may use personal electronic devices for classwork at the discretion
of the teacher.
CLASS PARTICIPATION: Learning and fluency grow through active participation. Since this is an
independent study course, participation will be documented based on class preparedness, i.e., bringing
appropriate materials to class.
ATTENDANCE AND TARDIES. Regular attendance is crucial. There is no way to truly make up a
missed class. Class starts when the bell rings, and students who come late miss important instructions.
Student is considered tardy if not in the classroom when the bell rings.
ABSENCES AND MAKE-UP WORK. I will use the website Edmodo to post assignments and
communicate with students outside of the classroom. This will make it easy for students who are absent to
update themselves on assignments and come to class prepared. For planned absences, please notify me in
advance. When unforeseen absences occur, check the Edmodo site first. If that happens not to be
updated, email me or check with me on your return to school before class starts to get the missed
assignment. In general, make-up work will be turned in within two days for a day of absence. For missed
tests and quizzes, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule a time for make-up within a week of the
absence. Failure to make up the work within a week of the absence will result in partial or zero credit.
No credit will be given for an unexcused absence.
Late work. Work is due on the due date. If there is a good reason you don’t have homework
done, notify me before the start of the class period, and you may receive an extension with full credit.
Students who simply don’t do assignments by the due date, may still earn ½ credit if it is turned in within
a week or two. No credit with be given for chronically or excessively late work. It is important to keep
up with class work, because learning a foreign language requires consistent practice, and classroom
activities often depend on completed assignments.
GRADES. Grades will be weighted with 50% for quizzes, tests, and presentations, 30% for homework,
projects and lab and 20% for class participation and in-class work.
Lotto: Earn a lotto ticket for exemplary participation and cooperation. Lotto will be
drawn at the end of the school year for exemption from the final exam.
Coupons: Earn coupons for extra initiative. Coupons can be redeemed for credit for a late homework
assignment, detention for a tardy, or extra credit points. These are for going beyond what is expected, i.e.,
researching/ reporting on a topic relevant to class; doing exceptionally well on a homework assignment or
project, going beyond the assigned parameters; reporting to class on a current news item about a Germanspeaking country providing details (where, when, why, ...looked up if necessary) so that students
understand the news item.
Mach’s gut! Uebung macht den Meister!
Syllabus- Independent Study /Nested German 3
1st semester
1st Quarter--Aug. 12-Oct. 8
Review. (Aug. 12-Aug. 19)
Chapter 7, Deutsch: Na, Klar . “Freizeit und Sport”, review of Hobbys and conversational past tense
(das Perfekt). See Edmodo for additional review.
Lab Manual:
 Aussprache
(skip Alles Klar; skip Thema 1)
 Thema 2
 Thema 3
 Grammatik im Kontext – alles
 Skip Sprache im Kontext
 Skip Alles Klar
 Thema 1: Wörter im Kontext:Aktiv. 1 “Wie u. Wo verbringen…”
Skip Aktivität 2
Aktivit. 3 “Sportarten”
 Thema 2: Aktiv. 4 – “Was machen sie gern in Ihrer Freizeit?”
 Thema 3: “Was für Wetter ist das?”
Aktiv. 7—“Wie ist das Wetter in Deutschland?”
Skip Aktiv. 8 “Wie finden Sie…?”
Skip Wortraum
 Grammatik im Kontext
Skip Na Klar!
Chpt. Test: Sept. 9th
Aufgabe: Write a 200 word essay about what you did over the summer. Use conjunctions, comparative
and past tense. Or bring an significant item (or show a picture of it) from your summer experiences and
tell of its significance, i.e. describe it, tell where you got it, what were the circumstances, etc… Still
incorporate conjunctions, comparative and past tense. Record it on Sony Soloist.
Poem: “Vergnügungen”, von Bertolt Brecht.
Chapter 6, Deutsch: Na, Klar, „Wir gehen aus“.(Sept 10-Oct. 7) . Students will learn new vocabulary
for food, food preparation and dining. Grammar structures: 2-way prepositions; review of simple past of
modals, haben/sein. (Film: Bella Martha)
Record on Sony Soloist an answer to this question: Was ist dein Lieblingsrestaurant? Warum? Wie oft
gehst du dorthin? Was bestellst du meistens?
Chpt. Test: October 7th.
End of 1st quarter: Oct. 8; 2nd quarter--Oct. 12—Dec. 18
Chapter 8, “Fit und Gesund”. (Oct. 8–Nov.6) Students will learn vocabulary to discuss body, every day
routine, illnesses and injuries. Grammar structure: reflexive verbs –review with accus. and dative
pronouns; subordinating conjunctions.
Aufgabe: write a report about a serious illness or time of injury. Record it on Sony Soloist.
Song: Bettina Wegner – “Kleine Hände”
Chpt Test: November 6.
Chpt. 9, “In der Stadt.” (Nov. 9-Dec. 18) . Students will learn vocabulary to discuss lodging, places in
the city and asking for/giving directions. Grammar practices the genitive case and attributive adjectives.
Chpt. Test: December 18.
2nd semester
3rd quarter—Jan. 6-March 14
National exam; preparation for Schülerkongress
Chapter 10, “auf Reisen”. (Jan 6-Feb.9) Im Reisebüro; am Fahrkartenschalter.
Grammar: the simple past tense (das Imperfekt); comparisons w/ superlative; adjectival nouns; past
perfect tense
Chpt. Test: Feb. 9
Read a fairy tale (Grimms Märchen) and retell it in your own words. (Feb.9-19)
Aufgabe: Record your narration on Sony Soloist and hand in written text.
Chapter 11, “Start in die Zukunft”. (Feb. 22-March 25) Students will be able to express career goals,
write a resume and discuss occupations. Grammar structures: relative pronouns. (Spring break:
March 14th-21st)
Aufgabe: Create a resume in German complete w/picture to hand in. Discuss your plans and goals for
after high school. Record on Sony Soloist.
Chpt. Test: March 28. -- Or take the chapter test before spring break and finish resume and recording
after spring break.
4th Quarter—Mar. 22-May 19.
History Unit: die Wende (Fall of the Wall); Film—Good-bye Lenin. (March 28-Apr 13)
Chapter 12, “Haus und Haushalt” (April 14-May 19). Students will learn vocabulary to discuss
budgeting matters; cost of living issues; university costs.
Grammar structures will include verbs w/ fixed prepositions; da- and wo- compounds; and subjunctive II
with würde.
Final Exam: May 19.
German 3, Independent Study in Nested Class. Classroom Guidelines Signature Form,
Student Name (printed): _____________________________________________
** I and my parent/guardian have read and understand the guidelines and expectations for
this course, particularly the fact that in this nested class environment, I will follow
directions and stay on task. Please sign and return this page to class. Student must keep
a copy of the guidelines in his/her German notebook.
Student Signature
Student e-mail
_______________ _________________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Home phone
Work phone
Parent e-mail (Please print legibly)
 Please circle one: My…. home phone,
work phone,
e-mail ….is the best place to contact me.
Would you like weekly progress reports emailed to you?
Yes /
If not at the above email address, please give address here: __________________________
My student’s name may appear in school publications and teacher website. Yes / No.
My student’s picture may appear in school publications and teacher website. Yes / No.