Daily Gross Motor Activity Group Time (songs, recap the day, games, discussion etc.,) Monday Native Americans Tuesday Indian/Pilgrim Relay Wednesday Pilgrim, Pilgrim, Indian Review facts about the Indian nation. Discuss how pictures was used for communicating. Discuss how Native Americans had celebrations called “pow-wows: where they worshipped, play drums and danced. Discuss the Native Americans skills of hunting and fishing and how they taught the Pilgrims how to fish and hunt. Lesson Objectives: CC# FC# Story Time Book: Little Indian by Peggy Parish Questions: What is the role of the author? CC# Lesson Objectives: CC# FC# Book: Let’s Find Out About Thanksgiving by Martha and Charles Shapp Questions: What is the role of the illustrator? Thursday Field Trip Friday Indian May I Field Trip Lesson Objectives: CC# FC# Discuss the First Thanksgiving feast. Lesson Objectives: CC# FC# Book: One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims by B.G. Hennessy Book: Book: A Turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner by Eve Benting Questions: Where does the reader begin reading? Field Trip Lesson Objectives: CC# FC# Questions: CC# Questions: Where is the setting and who are the characters? FC# FC# CC# FC# CC# CC# FC# FC# Special Activities (Field Trips, Visitors) Planning for Groups CC# FC# CC# FC# CC# Invite a Native American to come out and share facts about their history. Theme: Native American Thanksgiving Small Group Activities: Teacher Activities: Group corn kernels in groups of 1-10. Number Bingo Sort fruits/vegetables Differentiation: Child: BC Objective: Use Number Song Cd to assist with rote counting. To be able to rote count from 120. Child: MJ Objective: Have picture of corn kernels for each group. To make and count sets of 1-10. FC# CC# FC# CC# FC# Invite a Native American to come out and dance for the children. Week of: November 16-20, 2015 Assistant’s Activities: Rote counting 1-20. Fruits/vegetables match Child:KG Objective: Have picture of corn kernels for each group. To make and count sets of 1-10 Child: KP Objective: To be able to match the number of feathers with the number on the turkey body. Child: TI Objective: To be able to match the number of feathers with the number on the turkey body Child: AC Objective: To be able to match the number of feathers with the number on the turkey body. Field Trip Independent Group: Match turkey feathers with number on turkey. Child: SP Objective: Use Number Song Cd to assist with rote counting. To be able to rote count from 1 to 20. Child: GC Objective: Use Number Song Cd to assist with rote counting. To be able Child: JL Objective: Have picture of corn kernels for each group. To make and count sets of 1-10. Child: MC Objective: To be able to match the number of feathers with the number on the turkey body. to rote count form 1 to 20. Child: BC Objective: Use Number Song Cd to assist with rote counting. Child: MN Objective: To be able to recognize numbers 1-10. Look at the number cards and match them on bingo board. Child: JW Objective: Use Number Song Cd to assist with rote counting. To be able to rote count from 1 to 20. Child: OG Objective: Use Number Song Cd to assist with rote counting. Child: WH Objective: To be able to recognize numbers 1-10. Look at the number cards and match them on bingo board. Weekly Planning Form Week of: November 16-20, 2015 Teacher: Lachardon Moore Blocks Plastic vegetables Plastic turkey Plastic deer Study/Project: Native American Thanksgiving Assistant: Peggy Britt Dramatic Play Garden tools Plastic fruits and vegetables baskets Math Turkey feathers Turkey body pattern Notes to Self and/or Reflections: Observe student’s areas of strengths and weaknesses Art Brown paper bag Yarn Beads Scrap material Sand/Water Table Plastic fruits and vegetables Corn kernels Technology Ipads Waterford Abcya starfall Library Little Indian Let’s Find Out About Thanksgiving One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims A Turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner Music & Movement Wooden letters Discovery/Science Potato Grass seeds Wiggly eyes cups Cooking Outdoors Garden tools Hula hoops Listening Books Cd Family/Community Involvement: Field Trip Native American dancer come to dance for the children