Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 2
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Dinar 50 MW Wind-farm Project (hereafter referred as “the proposed project”) is a new built wind-farm project, located in Dinar County of Afyonkarahisar Province, Turkey owned by OLGU
ENERJİ YATIRIM ÜRETİM VE TİCARET A.Ş. The total installed capacity of the project is
50MW consisting of 25 three-bladed upwind rotors with 2 MW installed capacity each . The construction works of the project is planned to start in April 2012 and be implemented by the end of the year 2012. The annual gross electricity generation of the project activity is forecasted as
172,065,964 kWh after the wake loss taken into account. The air density correction factor and the rate of loss which is 3.5% taken into account, the net electricity generation is provisioned
141,429,011 kWh, annually. The net PLF of the project is calculated as 32.28%.The generated electricity will be delivered to Turkish National Grid via TEIAS (Turkish Electricity Transmission
The purpose of the project is to generate electricity by using clean wind resources to meet the national electricity demand. The project will contribute to the reduction of GHG emission by displacing part of the generated electricity by the Grid, which is dominant of fossil fuel fired power plants. The expected annual GHG emission reductions over the first crediting period are 97,586 tCO
2 e/yr, that will contribute to the alleviation of climate change effects.
According to GS V2.1 Toolkit section 1.2, the project activity’s eligibility criterias are assessed and justified as follows:
Scale of the project activity: The project is a 50 MW wind farm project and exceeding the 15 MW limit for small scale project according to UNFCCC regulations, the project is categorized under large scale.
Host Country: As Turkey, the host country, has no cap on GHG emissions, the GS VERs don’t need to be backed up by allowances or other denominated units resulting in local authorities stating that an equivalent amount of allowances will be retired to back up the GS VERs issued. The project will be registered and seek approval from the national registry on GHG emission reduction projects as regulated by Communique on Procedures for Registration of Greenhouse Gas Emission
Reduction Projects 1 .
Type of the project activity: The proposed projects fits into ‘Renewable Energy Supply’ category as defined generation and delivery of energy services from non-fossil and non-depletable sources as wind being one.
Greenhouse Gases: The project activity complies with Gold Standard and UNFCCC eligibility criteria as reducing carbon dioxide emission that is mainly produced by the Turkish Grid dominated by fossil fuel power plants.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Official Development Assistance: As Turkey being a part of the DAC list of ODA Recipients of
OECD 2 , a written declaration of non-ODA for the project activity is submitted in GS Passport,
Annex 1.
Project timeframe: The project activity has not been previously announced to go ahead without the
GS VER revenues. The construction works of the project is planned to be started in April 2012 and project to be operational by the end of 2012. The electromechanical purchases are expected to start in the first quarter of 2012.
Other Certification Schemes: The project doesn’t claim Green or White certificates or equivalents that may result in double counting as a result of carbon dioxide emission reduction purposes.
Dinar County which comprises the project area is 106 km distant from Afyonkarahisar City
Centre. The province is located on the plateaus that tall mountains rise on in a disconnected manner. The province is highly elevated inland and is one of the most seismic regions in the country. Geologic structure of the land is very promising with geothermal resources and rich mining reserves. Even though it is a rapidly industrializing city, still the mainstay of the public is agriculture and livestock. The weather is cold and snowy in the winter, droughty and warm in summer, due to the characteristics of continental climate. In the project area, the plant cover is weak which is made of scarce bushes. The project area comprises of the localities of Saklıkoyak
Hill, Karakoyunarkaçı Hill, Yanyol Hill, Gökebakan Hill, Keklicek Village, İncebel Hill, Gölalan
Hill, Sarıtaşınbaşı Hill, Çat Hill, Alacaaltıtaşı Hillside, Kaleyığı Hill, Büyükgözlek Hill, Kocagöl,
Gölyolu Hill and Sarıtaş Hill. The wind farm’s terrain is elevated between 1540 meters and 1700 meters above the sea level with homogenous structure. The site includes no planning or existing radar, private or government facility, public works and national park. The positions of the turbines do cause interference for the wind directions. Since the land is upland soil, it is not eligible for town planning or agriculture. Therefore any long or short term affect on the wind regime is not provisioned. The UTM coordinates of the turbines are listed below:
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
FIGURE 1: Turbine positions of the project activity on 1/25000 map
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
FIGURE 2: Province and County of the Project Activity
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
-The project activity has obtained the electricity generation licence (50 MW) on 16/03/2011.
-The project has received the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Exemption letter from
Osmaniye Governorship on the date of 20/10/2009.
The proposed project is currently receiving services from the following contractors:
Contracting Date Name of Enterprise Purpose
Technical Advisory for Research and Development
Construction Works
Construction Works
Wind Measurement Masts
Manufacturing and Mounting
Emission Reduction
Land Use Plan and Project
Introductory File Assistance
The electromechanical purchases regarding the project activity is planned to be performed in the first quarter of 2012. The construction works will start by April 2012 and the commissioning is expected by the end of the year 2012.
The meeting has been conducted following the phases that are listed below:
Opening of the meeting
Explanation of the project and the goal of the meeting
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Presentation of Climate Change and Carbon Offsetting
Questions for clarification about the project
Blind SD exercise and filling up the Meeting Attendance Sheet
Discussion on monitoring SD
Closure of the meeting
Non-technical summary in local language:
Projenin Amacı
Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları yerel kaynakları kullandığı için enerji güvenliği sağlar, sürdürülebilirdir, yerel, ulusal veya küresel anlamda çevreye zarar vermez. Havayı, denizi veya karayı kirletmez.
Olgu Enerji Yatırım Üretim ve Ticaret A.Ş. ülkemizin elektrik enerjisi üretimine katkıda bulunmak, "Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları" içerisinde en önemlilerinden biri olarak gördüğü rüzgâr enerjisi ile elektrik üretimi teknolojisinin ülkemizdeki uygulamalarının yaygınlaştırılması amacıyla,
Dinar RES projesi için EPDK tarafından 16 Mart 2011 tarihli üretim lisansı verilmiştir.
Dinar Rüzgâr Enerjisi Santrali , Türkiye'nin enerji ihtiyacının karşılanabilmesine katkıda bulunmanın yanı sıra, yerli endüstrinin oluşması ve istihdam sağlamayı da amaçlamaktadır. Santral
Afyon ili Dinar ilçe civarında olup, santralin toplam kapasitesi 50 MW’dır. Tesisin tamamı 2012 yılı sonuna kadar bitirilip devreye alınacaktır. Santralde ünite gücü 2000 kW olan 25 adet
Enercon-E82 model türbin kullanılması öngörülmektedir. Ulusal şebekeye verilecek toplam enerji
üretimi yıllık 140,000,000 kilovat saat olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sonuç olarak proje kapsamında gerek inşaat aşamasında çalışacak mühendis, teknisyen ve makine operatörleri gibi vasıflı personel gerekse işletme aşamasında çalışması planlanan personelin istihdam edilmesinde bölge halkına
öncelik tanınacağından, proje bölge için önemli bir istihdam imkanı sağlamış olacaktır.
Proje Özeti
Son yıllarda, yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından olan rüzgâr enerjisi başlı başına ayrı bir sektör olmuş, konvansiyonel enerji kaynakları ile rekabet edebilir hale gelmiştir.
Ülkemizin belirli bölgelerinde elverişli rüzgâr potansiyeli olduğu bilinmekle beraber, rüzgâr enerjisinden yararlanma amacına yönelik olarak Rüzgâr Enerjisi Santrali (RES) kurmaya uygun lokasyonlar çoğunlukla ormanlık ve hazine alanlarına rastlamaktadır. Bu
özellik, RES kurup, enerjiyi otoprodüktör veya üretim lisansı statüsünde üretmek için
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report avantaj sağlamaktadır. Bu tür alanlarda, Bozcaada, Soma, Sayalar, Sebenoba, Gelibolu,
Çatalca vb. Rüzgâr Enerjisi santrali (RES) örneklerinde olduğu gibi, kurulacak RES’lerin hemen tamamının çevresel veya görsel hiç bir olumsuz etkisi olmayacağı bilinmektedir.
Rüzgar enerjisi santralarının kurulacağı yerlerin belirlenmesinde en önemli faktörün rüzgar potansiyeli olduğu, RES’lerden yararlanabilmek için rüzgar potansiyelinin ve lokasyonun optimum olduğu yerlerin seçiminin tercihlere bağlı olmayıp, tamamen doğal yapıdan kaynaklandığı ve bunların yerlerinin değiştirilemeyeceği dikkate alındığında, öncelikle rüzgar potansiyeli uygun alanlarda RES uygulamalarına başlanılması çok önemlidir. Ayrıca,
ülkemizde iyi rüzgâr potansiyeli ve uygun arazi özellikleri gösteren lokasyonların çoğunlukla yerleşim birimlerinden uzak dağlık bölgelerde olması da bir şans olarak düşünülmelidir. Bu durum, çoğunlukla dağlık coğrafya özelliği gösteren ülkemizin atıl durumda kalan dağlarının veya uygun alanlarının temiz enerji üretilerek değerlendirilmesi anlamına da gelmektedir.
Rüzgâr enerjisi konusunda yerli teknoloji, zamanla rüzgâr enerjisinin yaygın olarak kullanılması ve bununla birlikte gelişecek endüstri ile birlikte ortaya çıkacaktır. Bu endüstrinin ulusal ve uluslararası pazarlara yönelmesi yerli teknolojinin gelişmesini sağlayacaktır. Yerli teknolojinin gelişmesi tamamen yerli endüstrinin doğmasına bağlıdır.
Proje Sahasında Yapılan Ölçüm Sonuçları ve Rüzgâr Potansiyeli
Yel değirmeni mantığıyla çalişan türbinler, kanatlarına gelen rüzgar sayesinde döner ve hemen arkalarında bulunan alternatörleri çevirerek elektrik üretirler. Kanatlarda oluşan kinetik enerji bu vasıtayla elektrik enerjisine dönüşür. Kanatlar rüzgarın hızına ve yönüne göre otomatik olarak kendilerini ayarlarlar.
Türkiye rüzgâr enerjisinden elektrik üretmede önemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Avrupa Rüzgâr
Atlası verilerine göre ülkemizin özellikle batı bölgesi mükemmel seviyede rüzgâr almaktadır.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Proje sahasının bulunduğu, Afyon-Dinar-Sandıklı bölgesi de rüzgâr potansiyeli açısından önemli bir konuma sahiptir.
Proje sahasındaki rüzgar ölçümleri RESEL Proje Danışmanlık tarafından Risø Ulusal Laboratuvarı
(Danimarka) tarafından geliştirilen WASP 9 programı kullanılmıştır. Topoğrafya, pürüzlülük, perdeleyici engeller, rüzgâr türbinlerinin iz etkileri, gölgeleme ve teknik karakteristikleri dikkate alınarak, rüzgâr verisi modellemesi yapılmış ve santral tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Proje sahasında yapılmış olan her türlü etüt çalışması dikkate alınarak, NRG model
ölçüm sisteminden elde edilen 10,20 ve 30 m seviyelerdeki 2 yıllık veri seti, yakın referans kayıtlar (Elektrik Etüt İdaresi (EİE)) ile uzun yıllar DMİ (Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri) istatistikleri de dikkate alınarak kullanılmıştır. Modelde kullanılan örneklem yılı için, veri analizi, süzgeçleme, korelasyon ve istatistiksel çalışmalar yapılmıştır.
Non-technical summary in English language:
Renewable energy resources ensures independence of a nation on meeting the energy demand on its own. They are sustainable, don’t cause irreversible environmental impacts either in micro or macro scale do not pollute air, water or soil.
Olgu Enerji Yatırım Üretim ve Ticaret A.Ş. is granted by the electricity generation license for the proposed project as of 16/03/2011. The project owner considers wind power as one of the leading energy generation resource and would like to support it to be widespread around the country.
The proposed Project aims to contribute to the local industry and employment as well. Both in the construction phase and implementation, the local employment and services will be prioritized to be received. The Project will be located in Dinar county, Afyonkarahisar province with a total installed capcity os 50 Mw. The Project is planned to be operational by the end of year 2012. It is planned to operate via 25 units of Enercon-E82 2 MW wind turbines. It has been presumed that
140,000,000 kWh net electricity will be delivered to the national grid annually.
Project Summary
During the recent years, the wind energy has been a rapidly developinf6sector competing the conventional energy resources. As there are significant regions that holds potential for wind energy nationwide, most of these parts that are eligible wind farms, rest on woodlands and treasury lands.
This feature gives advantage to investors to realize the projects on the prior scheduled timeframes after obtaining the necessary permits and ensuring the minimum intervention with the private property owners. As is seen from the long time operational wind farms in Bozcaada, Soma,
Sayalar, Sebenoba, Gelibolu, Çatalca, etc., it is certain that the prospective projects are very unlikely to cause any negative environmental or visual impacts. Since the natural topography and wind potential are the essentials of a wind project, for alternative locations, the options are very limited. In this case, it is very important to utilize the eligible potential holding locations for energy generation purposes. It is a big opportunity that many of such locations rest on mountainous regions that are remote from residential spots and desolate. Therefore it has utmost important to utilize these idle and passive lands to generate electricity from wind power.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
The local technology and equipment manufacture on wind energy will emerge and become prominent as the wind energy generation industry develops and the examples spread around the nation.
Wind Potential and Measurements on the Project Site
The wind turbines simply Works like a windmill, generate electricity as the wind rotates the rotor blades. Via alternators, the kinetic energy transforms to electrical energy. Based on the wind speed and direction, the blades automatically adjust themselves and begin operating.
As European Wind Atlas points out, west of Turkey holds a great potential for wind energy generation. Even though the location of the proposed Project is not within the most efficient belt, it still promises a non-negligible potential.
Wind measurements and yield calculations were carried out by RESEL Project Engineering
Limited Company, Turkey using WAsP version: 9.01.0000. The wind data modelling is based on the regional topography, surface roughness, obstacle, turbine wake effects, shadowing and technical specifications to design the project activity.
The wind measurements were held by the 2 year data sets on the levels of 10 m, 20m and 30 m via
NRG system, the remote reference records that are obtained from EIE (Elektrik Etud Idaresi -
General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration) 3 and historical statistics of DMI (Devlet Meteoroloji Isleri – General Directorate of Meteorology) 4 .
Statistics, correlation methods, filtering and data analysis have been performed on the sampling years.
The project area rests on the fields that are under the custody of Ministry of Environment and
Forestry. All the necessary permits will be obtained from the authorities before the project installation. Minimum amount of expropriation may be held, compliant with the regulations.
The project has no social impacts regarding the regional cultural landscape, human heritage and special ethnic groups. It preserves the lifestyles of the locals and perhaps can be positively influential regarding to the employment opportunities. Employment of local people is at utmost importance for the project owner.
The project owner has been building up sincere bonds with the local community and empowering them in the decision making process about mitigation and compensation of social impacts.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
TEMA foundation
Afyon Kocatepe
Department of
Environment and Forestry
Department of
Environment and Forestry
Doga Dernegi
Dikici Village
Kizilli Village
Onder Celik
Rector: Mustafa Solak
Sevket Yucedag
Mayor: Saffet Acar
Gulcin Ozensoy
Selim Yalcinkaya
Mehmet Tahan
Hasan Gumus
Osman Gurcan
Veli Gulbeyaz
Yasar Ozkan
Kadir Karakaya
Fehim Erguc
Written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Written invitation mailed.
Written invitation mailed and e-mailed.
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Phone call 16/08/2011
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Ministry of
Environment and Forestery
Isparta Regional
Directorate of
Federation of
United Nations
Protection and
Programme of
Human Rights of Women and
Foundation for
Industrialists and
Chamber of
Osman Ozturk
Mustafa Sahin
Canan Gullu
Nevin Senol
Erol Gungor
Sukru Demirayak
Written invitation mailed
Written invitation mailed
Written invitation mailed
President: Husnu Serteser
Irfan Balkanlioglu
Mayor Burhanettin Coban
Written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation faxed and e-mailed
Phone call and written and written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Phone Call andWritten invitation mailed
Written invitation mailed
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Dinar District
Ministry of
Governor Ahmet Yurtseven
Sabri Isik invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Written invitation mailed
Phone call and written invitation mailed
Association for
Gurkan Kumbaroglu
Written invitation mailed.
Gold Standard
Hilal Atici
Bahar Ubay
Laura Williamson
Sedat Kalem
Written invitation mailed.
Written invitation mailed and e-mailed.
Invitation e-mailed.
Written invitation mailed
The stakeholders meeting for Dinar WEPP was organized in Dinar County of Afyonkarahisar province on 06/09/2011 in the conference room of Dinar Governorate. The locals, government officers and non-governmental organization representatives were invited via phone calls and invitation letters sent by mail. Also announcements have been posted to the local headman to stick on the walls of their offices and around the village to be seen by the local people. Since the attendance of the local people is very important for the Gold Standard, a public announcement was also made in the regional newspaper Kocatepe on September 5 th , 2011.
In accordance with the Gold Standard rules, the stakeholders were selected from the local authorities, non-governmental organizations and the local residents.
Text of individual invitations in local language:
Sayın Yetkili,
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
OLGU ENERJİ YATIRIM ÜRETİM VE TİCARET A.Ş.’nin yetkilendirdiği Borga Karbon
Danışmanlık olarak, Afyonkarahisar ili, Dinar ilçesi sınırları dahilinde bir adet rüzgar santrali projesinin hayata geçirilmesi ve Birleşmiş Milletler İklim Değişikliği Ajansı’nın regülasyonlarına uyumlu olarak çevresel anlamdaki etkilerini tartışmak üzere 6 Eylül 2011 Salı günü saat 13:30’da
Dinar Kaymakamlığı Toplantı Salonu’nda kamu yetkilileri ve yerel halkın da katılımıyla bir toplantı düzenlenecektir. Toplantıda projenin tüm teknik detayları, çevreye ve sosyal hayata sağlayacağı faydalar ve muhtemel etkileri tartışılacaktır. Bu toplantı için sağlayabileceğiniz her türlü katkıyı içtenlikle karşılayacağız. Devam eden proje ile ilgili görüşleriniz, toplantıya şahsen katılarak ya da temin edeceğimiz anket formunu doldurarak aşağıda adresi belirtilen BorgaCarbon
Ltd’ye posta yolu ile veya toplantı sonrasında elden ulaştırabilirsiniz.
OLGU ENERJİ YATIRIM ÜRETİM VE TİCARET A.Ş.’ye ait Dinar Rüzgar Santrali projesinin
Saklıkoyak Tepe, Karakoyunarkaçı Tepe, Yanyol Tepe, Gökebakan Tepe, Keklicek Köyü, İncebel
Tepe, Gölalan Tepe, Sarıtaşınbaşı Tepe, Çat Tepe, Alacaaltıtaşı Sırtı, Kaleyığı Tepe, Büyükgözlek
Tepe, Kocagöl, Gölyolu Tepe and Sarıtaş Tepe mevkiilerinde hayata geçirilmesi planlanmaktadır.
Proje kapsamında 25 adet rüzgar türbini kullanılacaktır. Proje sahası ortalama deniz seviyesinden
1400-1700 metre rakımda bulunmaktadır. Proje sahası, büyük oranda Orman Genel Müdürlüğü
(OGM)ve Hazine mülkiyetinde, bazı kısımlar özel mülkiyet alanında bulunmaktadır. Proje sahası
üzerinde radar, herhangi bir tesis, imar, milli park gibi yapılanma ve planlama bulunmamaktadır.
Kurulacak RES’in, yerleşim alanı veya herhangi bir yapıdan etkilenebilecek bir özelliği bulunmamaktadır. Sahalar ve çevresi gösterdiği özellikler nedeniyle SİT kapsamında değildir.
Proje ile ilgili detaylı bilgi ilişikteki teknik özette belirtilmiştir.
Ülkemizin artan enerji açığı ve özellikle kömür ve linyit rezervlerindeki kısıtlılık sebebiyle dışa bağımlılığı göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, yenilenebilir enerji yatırımlarının gerek ülke ekonomisi, gerekse bölgesel istihdam ve teknoloji transferi anlamında faydaları açıkça ortaya
çıkmaktadır. Bununla birlikte fosil yakıtların sebep olduğu hava kirliliği uzun vadede iklim değişiklikleri ve küresel ısınmaya yol açarken yenilenebilir kaynaklarla enerji üretimi bunun önüne geçmekle beraber gelecekte fosil yakıtların atmosferdeki etkilerini geriye döndürebilme imkânına sahiptirler.
Amacımız bu yenilenebilir enerji projelerinin sosyal ve ekolojik değerler açısından en yüksek standartlarda sürdürülebilir uygulanmasından emin olmaktır. Bu sebepten dolayı, projelerimizi
Birleşmiş Milletler çatısı altında oluşturulmuş Uluslararası İklim Değişiklikleri Kurallarına ve
Gold Standard’a uygun olarak geliştirmeyi tercih ettik. İşleyen süreçte, ilgili tüm sosyal ve
çevresel etkileri göz önüne aldığımız konusunda sizleri bilgilendirmek ve görüşlerinizi almak amacıyla bu toplantıyı düzenliyoruz.
Bu gelişimle ilgili seçtiğiniz her türlü katkıyı memnunlukla karşılıyor ve toplantımıza katılımınızı bekliyoruz.
Telefon: 0212 356 96 76
Dear Those Concerned,
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
As BorgaCarbon Ltd., the we would like to announce and invite you to the stakeholders meeting of Dinar WEPP in Afyonkarahisar Province in Dinar county, Governorate conference hall on 6 th of
September,2011 at 13:30. In order to describe and discuss the possible effects of the power plant on the local community, the locals and local government officers have been invited to the meeting and the compliance of the project activity to UNFCCC regulations will be discussed profoundly.
Any contribution for the meeting and feedback will be appraised and assessed objectively.
Moreover, the contribution of the authorities from the international non-governmental organizations and their opinions and views about the issue will be much appreciated. In the meeting you may fill out the surveys that we will pass around and/or if you can‘t attend to the meeting you may share your reviews verbally or written via the contact details below.
Dinar WEPP owned by OLGU ENERJİ YATIRIM ÜRETİM VE TİCARET A.Ş. is planned to be realized on the locations of Saklıkoyak Hill, Karakoyunarkaçı Hill, Yanyol Hill, Gökebakan Hill,
Keklicek Village, İncebel Hill, Gölalan Hill, Sarıtaşınbaşı Hill, Çat Hill, Alacaaltıtaşı Back,
Kaleyığı Hill, Büyükgözlek Hill, Kocagöl, Gölyolu Hill and Sarıtaş Hill. The Project will consist of 25 wind turbines. The project site elevates between 1400-1700 meters and mainly owned by
General Directorate of Forestry and Treasury. There is no radar, facility, public works, national parcs, etc. that is existing or in the planning phase. The proposed Project has no interaction with any residential areas. The site does not include a protected area. The detailed information is attached as the non-technical summary of the Project.
Considering the expanding energy deficit and foreign dependence of the country, mainly based on the limited coal and lignite reserves, the investments on renewable energy generation has a vital importance for national economy, local employment and technology transfer. Moreover, as the air pollution that is caused by the fossil fuels lead to climate change and global warming effects in long term, the renewable resources preclude these effects and reverse them.
Our goal is
Best Regards
Adres: Ortaklar Caddesi, Kemal Bey Apartmanı, No:24/4 Mecidiyeköy – İSTANBUL
Telefon: 0212 356 96 76
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
The below banner has been sent to the local headmen with their invitations to be hang in their offices and around the village;
In order to promote and appraise the local community’s reviews and opinions on Dinar WEPP that will be constructed in Dinar County of Afyonkarahisar Province by Olgu Enerji, we would like to invite you to the meeting that will be held in Dinar Governorate Conference Hall, on Tuesday,
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
September 6 th ,2011 at 13:30.
The following public announcement has been published in local newspaper “Kocatepe” on 5 th
September, 2011:
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
With the invitation mails and e-mails that are sent to the Government Offices and NGO’s that are mentioned in the list of invitation tracking table above, the project’s non-technical summaries have been attached. These non-technical summaries and invitation letters include the contact information of BorgaCarbon and the expectation from them to share their opinions and comments regarding to the project activity via mail, e-mail, fax or phone calls. Unfortunately these requests were futile.
Besides the contact information of Borga Carbon consultants that is shared publicly, a notebook will always be kept in the site office to give the stakeholders the chance to write and express their comments and concerns all through the construction and operation phases.
BorgaCarbon will do spot checks to the site to collect the stakeholder’s ideas about the ongoing construction and operation.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
The original participants’ list (in original language) is attached as Annex 1.
Participants list
Date and time: 06/09/2011
Afyonkarahisar Province, Dinar County, District Governorate
Name of participant, job/ position in the community
(if relevant)
Teoman Kantarci
Senior Geology
Salih Dirlik
Control and
National Parks
Branch Office
Control and
National Parks
Branch Office
Veli Gulbeyaz
Sevket Yucedag
Halil Donmez
(Keklicek Village)
Feyim Enguc
(Alacaatli Village)
Hudayi Varol
Mustafa Senyurt
Isa Akar
Union of
Contact details
Mobile: +90
505 350 84 88
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Fatih Onur
Assistant Professor
Said Mahmut Cinar
Assistant Professor
Ismail Yilmaz
Osman Gurcan
(Dikici Village)
Osman Gurcan
(Bulucalan Village)
Umut Local
+90 272 353 13
Hulya Karakaya
Chief Clerk
Saffet Acar
Dinar District
Dinar District
B Ebru Keskin Female N -
The meeting had been organized in the conference hall of Dinar Governorate. The meeting announcements were made almost 3 weeks prior the date of the meeting. All local authorities, government representatives that are relevant with the project and the representatives of international environmental agencies have been invited, but none of them had attended to the meeting. The reason for this may be the remote location of the project area, tight schedule and heavy agenda for NGO and Ministry representatives. However the large portion of the participants was the local authority representatives. Two participants from the regional university were much appreciated.
Around 30 people had attended to the meeting, however some left early and some of them were not willing to fill out the forms. Prior to the meeting, via phone calls with the village headman, it was specifically encouraged of the participation of female members of the local community however there was no female local residents of the project site was in the meeting. As a result, 16 of the participants wrote their names down in the participant list and 12 of them filled in the evaluation forms and 14 of them filled in the matrices. However it is suspected that few participants filled in the same matrix since there are multiple scorings in one page. However these matrices were counted as one in the review phase.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
The original evaluation forms in original language are attached as Annex 2.
The representative samples in English are demonstrated below:
Name Sevket Yucedag – Karakuyu Village
What is your impression of the meeting?
What do you like about the project?
There is nothing beneficial about this project regarding my village.
It is beyond my intellectuality.
What do you not like about the project?
What is your impression of the meeting?
What do you like about the project?
What do you not like about the project?
What is your impression of the meeting?
Ebru Keskin
The meeting was fine I don’t have anything to criticize.
I find it positive since it doesn’t harm the environment and the surrounding natural habitat. It has seen that all the details were highlighted. I want the project to realize.
What do you like about the project?
What do you not like about the project?
F. Onur Hocaoglu
The number of participants to the meeting was not satisfactory.
It is impressive that the project will be the first
WEPP in Anatolia. The local employment opportunities are positive aspects of the project.
There is no precise number of people that will be employed for the project. In the planning phase, no guidance has been asked from the local university and its academicians.
YES Signature
What is your impression of the meeting?
What do you like about the project?
Mustafa Senyurt
The meeting has been held by the professionals who are experts in this subject.
To generate electricity without causing any
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report environmental damage.
What do you not like about the project?
Signature YES - 0272 353 6053
The stakeholders were glad because the project owner and Borga Carbon visited them in order to inform and listen to their comments. The meeting was held in maximum contribution from the participants and nobody was reluctant to speak off their minds. The debates were very positive and civilized. However discussing mostly the employment opportunities, majority of the crowd had left after speaking off their minds. The rest of participants who are mainly educated and working professionals were genuinely interested in finding out more about the technology of the project and Gold Standard Principles. The general opinions of the stakeholders were affirmative about the proposed project’s investment. By the end of the meeting, cold beverages, biscuits and cookies were served to the participants to appreciate the local customs. They were very glad and found chances to approach and discuss the meeting with the representatives of the project owner and project developer.
As it has been observed, the locality is made of a traditional, male dominated community. One reason for no woman contribution is regarding patriarchy. Another reason is, as it has been sensed, the notion individualism in the community is not well developed. As you can see, despite of the announcements and encouragement, the villages mainly were represented by the headmen instead of individual participation. Headmen expressed themselves as the local authority to have the say on behalf of the whole village. According to the prevalent group psychology, the women may be hesitant to attend to a meeting where her spouse was not even participating. Because the project site is under interaction with many different villages, considering the local balances (some villagers may not want to come/go to another specific village) the meeting was held in the municipality, on the day of weekly bazaar since it is convenient for locals to be there on that day already, and especially the women for grocery shopping. However the downside of this approach has been the little participation of village community. It is obvious that rising attention is much easier in a village school or the coffee house for the residents living nearby. In the feedback round, contacting the village headmen and local women’s organizations including the municipal tailoring, reading and writing courses, etc., the women will be encouraged soliciting feedbacks.
It has seen that some of the forms were filled almost in the same words and the reason for that is the stakeholders know each other since a very long time and mostly chose to talk out between each other at that stage and tried to come up with the same opinion. Some of the local peoples living in the villages were just there to complain about the project and the distribution company that they have long-time going on disputes. The major topic was about the high amount electricity bills and retroactive debts leading to dispute between the villagers and the local distribution company.
Participants were demanding that the project owner can settle this problem since the project will produce electricity in their region. It was explained that the generated electricity will be sold to the grid and the grid distributes it to the end users, including the project owner whom has to pay for his imported electricity to use on project site. Hence the problem is not originated or affected by the project activity, there are no publicity risks for the proposed project. These people had negative effect on the meeting by irrelevant discussions. However, their problems were heard and tried to be guided.
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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
It has been noted that none of the NGOs have attended to the meeting. It may has been due to the their busy schedule, travelling expenses or lack of interest. However during the SFR, the NGOs and local representative will be contacted via e-mail or telephone and their feedbacks will be incorporated to the process.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
The stakeholder meeting for Dinar WEPP project was held on September 6 th , 2011 at 13:30 in
Dinar Governorate building, Afyonkarahisar.
A. Opening of the meeting
Alev Erol as the project developer opened the meeting welcoming all the participants and announcing the purpose of the meeting. Participant list was circulated for sign-up
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Alev Erol introduced herself as the carbon consultant of the project owner and the representatives of the project owner; Mr. Erdem Atilir (renewable energy projects coordinator of the project owner and survey engineer). The opening speech including the agenda of the meeting has been made by Alev Erol. She had explained the purpose of the meeting as to inform the local community about the project activity and the role of UNFCCC mechanisms on environmental initiatives. It has been emphasized that the main goal of the meeting is to hear the stakeholders opinions in order to project and report them and to answer their questions as precisely as possible. The presentation has been held by the help of a slide projector to draw and maintain the attention of the crowd.
B. Explanation of the project
A non-technical summary in Turkish was distributed to all the participants. After the opening and the informative speech, Erdem Atilir had explained the project components and technology in detail with photos and charts. Later Alev Erol continued the presentation focusing on the electricity generation potential of Turkey and the portion of renewable energy facilities. The different energy demand and supply scenarios for the end of the decade have been discussed and the stakeholders were greatly interested in country energy deficit that leads to dependency of importing electricity and fuel resources. The talks were concluded by the importance of encouraging the private sector investment in energy sector, especially renewable energy generation in order to meet the electricity demand and prevent air pollution and GHG emissions. Next, Kyoto Protocol, its parties and Millennium Development Goals were explained to the listeners.
C. Questions for clarification
The participants asked a number of questions, which were answered by Alev Erol.
The particular questions related specifically to the project and regional conditions which were discussed in detail are below:
Participant 1: During the road constructions and turbine mast mounting, the soil structure of the region will be damaged.
Alev Erol: During the project’s construction, no chemical materials or wastes will be imposed to soil. Therefore an irreversible and large scaled disturbance for the soil structure and the plant cover of the region is not probable. The project site has no exquisite plant formations that need to be maintained. Moreover, the project’s surveys are conducting with the latest technology determining the slightest details of the natural topography. Considering the roughness of the site has a great impact on the efficient positioning of the turbines, it is important to underline that maintaining the current structure of the soil and land is vital for the success of the realization of the project.
Participant 2: Will the production of electricity in our region allow us to use cheaper electricity?
Alev Erol: According to the electricity generation and distribution organizational structure in our country, all of the energy generation that is produced both in government and privately owned facilities is given to the national grid and distributed by the appointed distribution companies. It is not allowed for the power plants to generate electricity and sell it regionally.
Due to this fact, the project will not provide cheap or free of charge electricity to this community.
Erdem Atilir: Even the power plant itself will buy electricity from the grid for auxiliary consumption even though we produce electricity.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Participant 3: There are mining activities in the region and your project will conflict with their territory of operation.
Alev Erol: According to the governmental regulations in a case of conflicting energy generation license and mining right, the energy generation license is prioritized. The implementation of the proposed project will refrain the mining activities within its borders since the government prioritizes the energy generation licenses in a case of conflicting with mining licenses that cross within the same area. The project has actually positive effect on the soil condition of the region since mining cause underground cracks and land subsidence due to the blasts.
Participant 4: The operating turbines will cause constant noise. I think it is important to distribute the turbines considering the residential spots and position them in distant positions from each other.
Erdem Atilir: The maximum operating noise of the aerodynamic rotor blades will be at 60 deci bels at 66 meters and the nearest residential area to a turbine is 1 km away. 60 deci bels volume level is equal to a normal conversation volume level.
Participant 5: Due to the biodiversity of Karakuyu Wetlands, I believe the turbines of the project will have a negative impact on the migratory birds.
Alev Erol: According to the ornithology report, the main bird habitat of the wetland consists of songbirds. These birds are petite and capable of high manoeuvrability. The wind profile and the nutrition conditions on the high elevation limit the existence of these birds in the project site due to the natural reasons. The definitive sentence from the Governorship for the project on this issue will be issued before the start of construction.
Participant 6: What will the project contribute to our society? We would like the local peoples to be employed but the village community is not highly educated.
Erdem Atilir: From the investor’s perspective, it is preferred to employ locals since the accommodation and orientation of the workers will not be an issue. The project will have employment opportunities not just for the qualified staff but for construction workers, truck drivers and security staff. Especially in summer season, we will be welcoming the qualified young interns who are willing to work at the project site.
Participant 6: But as you mentioned just 8 or 9 people will be employed during the operation phase and I don’t think that is an impressive number for local economy.
Alev Erol: Since the technology and process of the project requires that many people, it will not be realistic to assume more in order to sound pleasing. However please note that this investment is a start for this region and to substantiate it by a prominent and white shoe project owner will draw attention of other investors of the sector. This investment will mobilize others in the region and therefore more opportunities for locals can be maintained for local employment in long term.
Participant 8: Why there haven’t been any attempts to ask for the collaboration of the academicians from the University of Afyon in the planning phase of the project?
The project owner conducts the studies via different proficient companies and their legal experts who are officially accredited and experienced in their line of profession. So far, it has not been any biased intention to work with or not to work with people from specific universities. As being informed about the project and the features of it, please contact us in the following days if
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report you think you or somebody else can contribute to the project and explain how. Your opinions will be much appreciated and seized on.
D. Blind sustainable development exercise
The matrices were passed along with pencils and Alev Erol introduced the purpose and scope of the exercise and facilitated the discussion. Relevant indicators were identified one by one on projected slides and their impacts were assessed by the meeting participants. Please refer to
Section D of the document for the results.
E. Closure of the meeting
All participants were asked to fill in the evaluation forms reflecting their personal negative or positive opinions on the project and the meeting. Alev Erol indicated that the forms will be attached to the report and there is no possibility to emend the writings. It was also stated that it is up to them to write down their names and if it is more comforting to comment, they can keep it anonymous.
Finally, Alev Erol stressed on that the project owner voluntarily engages with UNFCCC and GS regulations other than the national regulations and ensuring that the project owner is confident in the project and will be under constant supervision and monitoring both by Borga Carbon and international verifiers due to the carbon crediting certification process. Then she had repeated the contact numbers of BorgaCarbon and requested the participants to get in touch with the company for any concerns they may have about the project.
Prior to the meeting, some of the locals called BorgaCarbon office and asked questions about the agenda and the subject of the meeting. Alev Erol responded and described the purpose of the meeting and gave information about the CDM mechanism. The main concern was the project’s technology, the prospect of the river getting dry and the employment opportunities. Other than these discussions on the phone with locals, the representatives of environmental agencies, local authorities and government bodies were called for inviting to the meeting and give brief explanations about the objectives of the meeting.
Stakeholder comment
Was comment taken into account (Yes/ No)?
Explanation (Why? How?)
During the road constructions and turbine mast mounting, will the soil structure of the region be damaged?
During the project’s construction, no chemical materials or wastes will be imposed to soil. Therefore an irreversible and large scaled disturbance for the soil structure and the plant cover
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Since the electricity is produced in our region, can we obtain certain privileges for accessing cheap electricity?
There are mining activities in the region and your project will conflict with their territory of operation.
The operating turbines will cause constant noise. I think it is important to distribute the turbines considering the residential spots and position them in distant positions from each other.
Due to the biodiversity of
Karakuyu Wetlands, I believe the turbines of the project will have a negative impact on the migratory birds.
YES of the region is not probable.
The project site has no exquisite plant formations that need to be maintained.
According to Turkish energy generation and distribution structure, all electricity generated by both government and private facilities are directed to the national grid and distributed to the individual consumers by the distribution companies.
The electricity production projects have no affect on the distribution scheme.
According to the governmental regulations in a case of conflicting energy generation license and mining right, the energy generation license is prioritized. The implementation of the proposed project will refrain the mining activities within its borders since the government prioritizes the energy generation licenses in a case of conflicting with mining licenses that cross within the same area.
The maximum operating noise of the aerodynamic rotor blades will be at 60 deci bels at 66 meters and the nearest residential area to a turbine is 1 km away. 60 deci bels volume level is equal to a normal conversation volume level.
According to the ornithology report, the main bird habitat of the wetland consists of songbirds. These birds are petite and capable of high manoeuvrability. The wind profile and the nutrition conditions on the high
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
We would like the local peoples to be employed but the village community is not highly educated.
YES elevation limit the existence of these birds in the project site due to the natural reasons.
From the investor’s perspective, it is preferred to employ locals since the accommodation and orientation of the workers will not be an issue. The project will have employment opportunities not just for the qualified staff but for construction workers, truck drivers and security staff.
The project owner conducts the studies via different
Why there haven’t been any attempts to ask for the collaboration of the academicians from the
University of Afyon in the planning phase of the project?
YES proficient companies and their legal experts who are officially accredited and experienced in their line of profession. So far, it has not been any biased intention to work with or not to work with people from specific universities.
Are you going to revisit the sustainable development assessment?
Please note that this is necessary when there are indicators scored
‘negative’ or if there are stakeholder comments that can’t be mitigated
Give reasoning behind the decision:
The proposed project is a run-of-river hydropower plant. Regarding to its technology, size, scale and characteristics of its components, the environmental impact of the project in the area is very moderate and reversible.
The stakeholders’ comments did not cause any alterations for the project activity plans since there weren’t any complaints regarding the basic structure and components of the project activity. The comments were based on lack of information and already had been addressed and resolved in the
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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
1. The project respects internationally proclaimed human rights including dignity, cultural property and uniqueness of indigenous people.
The project is not complicit in Human
Rights abuses.
2. The project does not involve and is not complicit in involuntary resettlement.
-The project esteems greatly the international human rights including life, liberty, security, personal, political, economic, social and cultural freedoms.
-The host country,
Turkey 5 , is a part of “The Universal
Declaration of
Human Rights” 6 .
-Since some of the project components may be located on freeholders’ agricultural lands, the lands may be expropriated and the owners will be compensated.
However since there is no residential activity, nobody will be relocated
Cultural and environmental heritage is protected against alteration, damage or remowal by the Law 7 .
The properties of the local people will not be impaired. The project area mostly rests on treasury lands and therefore will perform minimum expropriation.
According to the government regulations, energy generation license is prioritized in a case of conflicting land mining licenses in the same territory. The project activity will limit the widespread land mining activities in the region.
There is no residential area on the route of the project’s components therefore the project is not complicit in involuntary resettlement.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
3. The project does not involve and is not complicity in the alteration, damage or removal of any critical cultural heritage. involuntarily.
-The project does not have a negative economic or other impact on people living nearby.
-The project does not damage, alter or remove tangible property and sites having paleontological, historical, cultural, artistic or religious value nor intangible forms of cultural knowledge, innovations and practices of communities embodying traditional lifestyles.
-The claims on this criterion are supported by the
EIA exemption report of the project activity issued by the official government authorities 8 .
4. The project respects the employees’ freedom of association and their
-The employee association and collective bargaining are common practice
Cultural and environmental heritage is protected against alteration, damage or remowal by the Law 9 .
The project site doesn’t rest on any protected cultural zones or area that is valued by local people. Please refer to
Project Introductory File.
The employee rights including collective
Regarding to the ‘EIA
Exemption Letter’ of the project, the project area doesn’t rest on any cultural or historical heritage. The project has no negative effect on the traditional lifestyles of the community.
The project is not complicit in restricting any legal rights of the workers.
8 EIA Exemption Report is available upon request.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report right to collective bargaining and is not complicit in restrictions of these freedoms and rights. not involve and is not complicit in any form
5. The project does of forced or compulsory labor.
6.The project does not employ and is not complicit in any form of child labor nationwide. The project respects and encourages these freedoms.
-Turkey, the host country, had ratified ILO convention 87 on
12.07.1993 and convention 98 on
20.02.1952 and enforces their principles. 10
-All services of the employees of the project are offered voluntarily and they are free to quit their services without the menace of penalty.
-Turkey, the host country, had ratified ILO convention 29 on
30.10.1998 and convention 105 on
29.03.1961 and enforces their principles. 13
-Turkey, the host country, had ratified ILO convention 138 on
30.10.1998 and convention 105 on
20.08.2001 and enforces their principles.
15 bargaining is protected by Trade Unions Act 11 and Labour Act 12 .
The forced and compulsory labour is illegal in Turkey and protected by law.
The project activity does not involve any type of compulsory labor and it is as perceived uncommon practice countrywide.
The project owner certainly does not employ children below
15 in regular or hazardous work and 18 in hazardous work.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
7. The project does not involve and is not complicit in any form of discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other basis.
8. The project provides workers with a safe and healthy working environment and is not complicit in exposing workers to unsafe or unhealthy working environment.
-Turkey has its own credible legislation in place prohibited child labor in Business
Law Number 4857,
Article 71.
-Turkey, the host country, had ratified ILO convention 100 on and convention 111 on 19.07.1967 and enforces their principles strictly.
-Turkey has its own credible legislation against discrimination on
Turkish Criminal
Code, Number
- The workers whom contribute to project activity at any phase will not be exposed to any hazardous chemicals or materials and not being involved in potentially dangerous processes.
-Government obligatory insurance and pension systems will be practiced for all workers.
The labour safety and health is protected by law and regulations.
The wind turbine construction, installation, lifting and transportation process will be held by a private contractor since it requires specialized construction skills. The staff that will be in charge of wind turbine erection shall be competent in torque/tension training, proper safety procedures, fall protection, highangle rescue, evacuation techniques, proper use, care and maintenance og high safety equipment, installing and or
The project’s employment procedure is not concerned with any distinctions of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, political opinion, national extraction, social origin or physical/mental disability.
Safety of the work environment is a main concern for the project owner and all necessary trainings will be enforced and the compliance with the safety regulations will be strictly monitored by the Project Owner and government officers.
Private contractors will be employed with the certified qualifications and trainings.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report rerouting cables and electrical components, mechanical, electronic and hydraulic torque knowledge.
9. The project takes a precautionary approach in regard to environmental challenges and is not complicit in practices contrary to the precautionary principle.
10. The project does not involve and is not complicit in significant conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats, including those that are (a) legally
-The project enhances the environmental sensitivity as a renewable energy generation facility and do not pose any irreversible, long term threats of any kind against the natural habitat, flora and fauna of its surroundings and sphere of influence.
-Turkey has its own credible legislation on
Law, Number
-The proposed project activity is a
Greenfield project.
-There are no critical natural habitats located on or near the project site.
-There is no
The project performs under the applicable legislations to prevent any environmental damages.
17 Please refer to Environmental Impact
Assessment under
Section B and page 34 of
Project Introductory File for applicable legislations.
Please visit sustainable development matrix environment indicators and explanations for the projected impacts, compensations and applicable regulations.
There is no critical/threatened fauna or flora elements that are subject to endangerment or extinction within the project site.
There is no national protected zone within the project site but it is classified under hunting ban region 19 . However there is Akdag vicinity on the 10 km north of the project site and Isikli
The claims on this criterion are supported by the EIA exemption report of the project activity issued by the official government authorities.
The stripped soil for construction works will be laid to preserve the vegetable soil and natural habitat. The excavation will be used to fill in the turbine foundations. No underground or above water source will be used for any purposes.
The claims on this criterion are supported by the EIA exemption letter of the project activity issued by the official government authorities.
The project will be monitored by appointed
18 Please visit Project Introductory File page 18-19 for more information and applicable legislation
19 Please refer to Ornithologist Report page 33 for more information and applicable legislation.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report protected, (b) officially proposed for protection, (c) identified by authoritative sources for their high conservation value, or
(d) recognized as protected by traditional local communities. increased stress on the project area caused by any displacement activity or invasive species introduction to the locality.
Lake as identified
Important Nature Areas due to ornithology characteristics. Adjacent to the project site on the south, there is Karakuyu
Wetlands which is grade
1 natural site area.The project will under constant monitoring by
Ministry in order to control the adaptation of the wild life especially regarding Karakuyu
Wetlands 20 . professionals in order to determine the effects and adaptation of the natural fauna elements after commissioning in
6 months time periods for at least 2 years as directed by the Ministry and the operation of turbines will be subject to be stopped in migratory seasons 21 .
11. The project does not involve and not complicit in corruption.
-The project is in perfect harmony with all relevant international and national legislation adopting a transparent, reliable and credible working scheme at any stage.
-There is no entrusted power abuse or any kind of fraudulent conversion.
-UN Convention against corruption had been signed on
10 Dec. 2003 and ratified on 09 Nov.
2006 by the host country, Turkey11.
Convention on
Combating Bribery of Foreign Public
It is ensured by law in
Turkey that no action can involve and complicit in corruption 23 .
The project activity solely aims electricity generation to be distributed to the national grid. The amount of electricity production and sales revenues will be transparent and can be monitored via official documentation and electronic database.
20 Letter of circumstances and approval regarding Karakuyu Wetlands is available upon request.
21 Letter of circumstances and approval regarding Karakuyu Wetlands is available upon request.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Officials in
Transactions had been ratified by the host country,
Turkey as of April
1, 2009 22
Gold Standard indicators of sustainable development
Mitigation measure
If relevant, copy mitigation measure from
‘Do No Harm’ assessment, and include mitigation measure used to neutralise a score of ‘-’
Relevance to achieving MDG
Check and www.mdgmonitor.or
Describe how your indicator is related to local MDG goals
Chosen parameter and explanation
Defined by project developer
Preliminary score
Negative impact: score ‘-’ in case negative impact is not fully mitigated, score ‘0’ in case impact is planned to be fully mitigated
No change in impact: score
Positive impact: score ‘+’
Air quality
Mitigation measure is not required.
7a: "Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources"
1. SO
emissions /
2. NO x
emissions /
Baseline: SO
NO x
emissions due to fossil fuel combustion.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
7.2 CO2 emissions, total, per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP)
7.3 Consumption of ozone-depleting substances
The project will contribute to decrase SO
NO x
The renewable energy generated by the project will decrease the share of fossil fuels in the national energy generation mix and thus the combined margin emission factor will also decrase.
Water quality and quantity
There is no direct affect on water quality.
The quantity of the water is conserved by government approved
“Water Usage
Agreement” 24
Target 7.8 and 7.9:
Proportion of population using and improved drinking water source and sanitation facility.
-Biological and biochemical oxygen demand and sustainability of the surrounding natural habitat.
Soil condition
Other pollutants
No mitigation action is required.
No mitigation action is required.
No mitigation action is required.
-Changes of the baseline concerning pollution of soils, organic matter content and erosion level.
-Level, frequency and time occurrence of noise and light.
-Noise from the turbines inside the powerhouse.
-Number of affected and/or threatened Plants
-Number of
24 Water Usage Right agreement is available upon request.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report affected and /or threatened mammals, birds, reptiles, fishes, and other species and habitats
Quality of employment
No mitigation action is required.
Eradicate extreme poverty: Target 1.B:
Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.
Government supervision according to national legislation and approved certificates
Livelihood of the poor
No mitigation action is required.
Access to affordable and clean energy services
Human and institutional capacity
No mitigation action is required.
No mitigation action is required.
Electricity consumption per capita (kilowatthours)
-Change in income and asset distributions by region, ethnicity, religion, and socio-economic groups.
Quantitative employment and income generation
No mitigation action is required.
Target 1.4: Growth rate of GDP per person employed.
Target 1.5:
Employment-topopulation ratio.
Balance of payments and investment
No mitigation action is required.
Target 8.A: Develop further an open, rulebased, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system
Includes a commitment to good governance,
Household income generated from the project.
-Employment contracts, payrolls and minimum annual wage rate.
Amount of domestic investment
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report development and poverty reduction – both nationally and
Technology transfer and technological self-reliance
No mitigation action is required. internationally
Target 8.F: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies.
Contribution and enhancing the sustainable development:
-Training-related opportunities for locally employed technical staff.
-Equipment expenditures.
The project activity will promote the local and national sustainable development in the following aspects:
Reducing the GHG emission to mitigate the global warming trend by providing clean electric power. By replacing in the consumption of these fuels, it contributes to conservation of water, soil, flora and faunas and transfers these natural resources and also the additional supply of these primary energy sources to the future generations.
Help to accelerate the growth of the wind power industry and stimulate the designation and production of renewable energy technologies in Turkey to displace the higher cost generators that dominates the Grid.
Local employment will be enhanced by all project activities during construction and operation of wind farm. As a result, local poverty and unemployment will be partially eliminated by increased job opportunities and project trade activities. Construction materials for the foundations, cables and other auxiliary equipment will preferentially be sourced locally. It is projected that during the project’s construction period 15 people and throughout the operation period 8 people will be employed.
Implementation of the proposed project will contribute to wider deployment of wind power technology in local and national level. It will demonstrate the viability of larger grid connected wind farms which will support improved energy security, alternative sustainable energy, and also renewable energy industry development. This will positively affect the
Turkish electricity supply based on ecologically sound technology.
Mitigation measure
Relevance to achieving MDG
Chosen parameter and explanation
Preliminary score
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Gold Standard indicators of sustainable development
If relevant, copy mitigation measure from
‘Do No Harm’ assessment, and include mitigation measure used to neutralise a score of ‘-’
Check and
Describe how your indicator is related to local MDG goals
Defined by project developer
Air quality
Mitigation measure is not required.
7a: "Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources"
7.2 CO2 emissions, total, per capita and per
$1 GDP (PPP)
7.3 Consumption of ozone-depleting substances
The renewable energy generated by the project will decrease the share of fossil fuels in the national energy generation mix and thus the combined margin emission factor will also decrease.
Water quality and quantity
There is no direct affect on water quality.
The quantity of the water is conserved by government approved
“Water Usage
Target 7.8 and 7.9:
Proportion of population using and improved drinking water source and sanitation facility.
-Biological and biochemical oxygen demand and sustainability of the surrounding natural habitat.
Negative impact: score ‘-’ in case negative impact is not fully mitigated, score ‘0’ in case impact is planned to be fully mitigated
No change in impact: score
Positive impact: score ‘+’
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Soil condition
Other pollutants
Quality of employment
Livelihood of the poor
Access to affordable and clean energy services
Human and institutional
Agreement” 25
No mitigation action is required.
The noise pollution will not be as disturbing as the locals concerned of.*
No mitigation action is required.
Eradicate extreme poverty: Target 1.B:
Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.
-Changes of the baseline concerning pollution of soils, organic matter content and erosion level.
-Level, frequency and time occurrence of noise and light.
-Noise from the turbines inside the powerhouse.
-Number of affected and/or threatened Plants
-Number of affected and /or threatened mammals, birds, reptiles, fishes, and other species and habitats
Government supervision according to national legislation and approved certificates
No mitigation action is required.
- -
No mitigation action is required.
No mitigation action is
Electricity consumption per capita (kilowatthours)
-Change in income and asset
25 Water Usage Right agreement is available upon request.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report capacity required. distributions by region, ethnicity, religion, and socio-economic groups.
Quantitative employment and income generation
Balance of payments and investment
No mitigation action is required.
No mitigation action is required.
Target 1.4: Growth rate of GDP per person employed.
Target 1.5:
Employment-topopulation ratio.
Target 8.A: Develop further an open, rulebased, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system
Includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction – both nationally and
Household income generated from the project
Amount of domestic investment
0 internationally
Technology transfer and technological self-reliance
No mitigation action is required.
Target 8.F: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies.
-Training-related opportunities for locally employed technical staff.
-Equipment expenditures.
The stakeholders were encouraging the proposed project regarding to its contribution to reduce the electricity and related resource imports and international dependency. Their major concern was regarding the employment opportunities and access to cheap electricity. It was observed that the apprehensions were addressed clearly as they have the project developer and representatives of the project owner were there to hear them out. This way, all the issues that they were concerned and uninformed about were explained and they had found the answers quite satisfactory. The detailed explanations about the project, technology, climate change and Turkish electricity generation, demand and supply profile were convincing and mobilizing them to be positive about the proposed project’s investment in their region.
An analysis of difference between own sustainable development matrix and the one resulting from the blind exercise with stakeholders has been performed below:
Score comparison TABLE 3:
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Sustainable Indicator
Air Quality
Water Quality and Quantity
Soil Condition
Other Pollutants
Quality of Employment
Livelihood of the Poor
Access to Clean and
Affordable Energy Services
Human and Institutional
Quantitative Employment and
Income Generation
Project Developers’ Scoring
Stakeholders Scoring
Balance of Payments and
Technology Transfer and
Technological Self-reliance.
Explanation of the indicators:
Air Quality:
Stakeholders scored this indicator 0 because the project generates energy without causing air pollution and do not have an impact on the air quality. The few positive scorings are regarding the stakeholders’ impression that the project will not pollute the air.
Water Quality and Quantity:
It has been clearly expressed that the proposed project has no negative impact on the water quality since no liquid or inert waste will flow into the water resources in the project area as a result of the project’s operation.
Soil Condition:
Since the project does not have any negative impact in the soil condition and a landscaping plan will be implemented after the construction, the stakeholders scored this indicator 0. Regarding the few negative scorings, their comments were addressed in detail during the meeting. Some of the participants discussed that during the road constructions and turbine mast mounting, the plant cover and the soil condition can be damaged. However it has been expressed that the project site is arid land that is not used for agriculture. Moreover there no plant species that are rare and under protection. The project has actually positive effect on the soil condition of the region since there is widespread mining activity in the area which causes underground cracks and land subsidence due to the blasts. The implementation of the proposed project will refrain the mining activities within its borders since the government prioritizes the energy generation licenses in a case of conflicting with mining licenses that cross within the same area.
Other Pollutants:
This indicator is scored 0 by the stakeholders. The few negative scoring was due to the noise
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report pollution that may be caused by the operating turbines. It has been stated that the maximum operating noise of the aerodynamic rotor blades will be at 60 deci bels and the nearest residential area to a turbine is 1 km away, to address the concerns.
In the meeting the locals raised attention to the wild life and how it will be affected from the project. Mentioning the aspects of detailed observation and planning phase of the project activity it was assured that the project had adapted serious measures to sustain the natural habitat of the project are. The main concern was about the migratory birds and the Karakuyu Wetland which is located on the down skirts of the project area, covering an area of 1,200 hectares. Karakuyu
Wetland is grade 1 natural site area. The main bird habitat of the wetland consists of songbirds
(Passeriformes). These birds are petite and capable of high manoeuvrability. The wind profile and the nutrition conditions on the high elevation limit the existence of these birds in the project site due to the natural reasons. Another concern that was addressed was about the birds of prey that nests and hunts on the highly elevated reefs within the project site. As these birds primarily hunt the insects, reptiles and rodents, they fly maximum from 10 meters high from the ground.
Considering the hub heights of the turbines between 78-108 meters, these birds’ flight level will not be affected by the project activity.
Quality of Employment:
The staff of plant operation will be trained by the manufacturer company allowing them to get familiar with the latest technological developments and gain expertise. The hired workers will benefit from the pensions and insurance systems that are regulated by the government in private sector. In the constructional phase, it has been ensured that all the related regulations for workers safety and health will be adapted. In the operational phase, the working regulations on the high voltage facilities will be imposed. Since the project activity will perform local employment at these ideal standards, the stakeholders had scored this indicator positive.
Livelihood of the Poor:
Some of the stakeholders scored this indicator positive as the project will create new job opportunities in the area, but still it has majorly been scored 0, as these new employments will not make a significant change in the well being of the people in macro scale.
Access to Clean and Affordable Energy Services:
It has been clearly explained to the stakeholders that due to the governmental structure of the electricity generation and distribution in national scope, nobody holds any privileges to access cheap electricity, even the project owner himself. All the electricity consumers are subject to tariff rates that are determined by TEIAS Therefore this indicator has been scored 0.
Human and Institutional Capacity:
Because of the fact that the project owner will support the socio-economic life of the local people, they are optimistic and motivated about the project activity. However since the project will not have a particular impact on the human and institutional capacity of the district, this indicator has been scored 0.
Quantitative Employment and Income Generation:
It is for sure that the project will create periodic and full time job opportunities during its construction and operation phases. Given that local people will be employed in construction and operation phases, this indicator has been scored positive. The number of jobs and the payrolls as
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report well as annual minimum wage rate statistics will be indicants to monitor this indicator.
Balance of Payments and Investment:
Even if the project is encouraged as a private enterprise which will affiliate another renewable resource to the electricity generation profile of the country, encouraging the similar investments and contributes to the reduction of poverty by the employment opportunities and charity works in micro scale, this indicator has been scored as 0 due to its modest effect on the general sector profile in the country and international financing structure.
Technology Transfer and Technological Self-reliance:
The staff which will be responsible from the plant operation will be trained by the manufacturer company and this will increase the technological knowledge of the local technicians. Moreover, the investment, since there is no other operating wind power plant in the region, will pioneer the similar investments and spread the high-tech methods that can be adopted by other planned projects. The project owner imports the latest technological devices even in the planning phase of the proposed project from wind measurement masts to the 3D land surveying and stereo map compilation.
Mitigation measure
Relevance to achieving MDG
Chosen parameter and explanation
Preliminary score
Gold Standard indicators of sustainable development
If relevant, copy mitigation measure from
‘Do No Harm’ assessment, and include mitigation measure used to neutralise a score of ‘-’
Check and
Describe how your indicator is related to local MDG goals
Defined by project developer
Negative impact: score ‘-’ in case negative impact is not fully mitigated, score ‘0’ in case impact is planned to be fully mitigated
No change in impact: score
Positive impact: score ‘+’
Air quality
Mitigation measure is not required.
7a: "Integrate the principles of
The renewable energy generated
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Water quality and quantity
Soil condition
Other pollutants sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources"
7.2 CO2 emissions, total, per capita and per
$1 GDP (PPP)
There is no direct affect on water quality.
The quantity of the water is conserved by government approved
“Water Usage
Agreement” 26
No mitigation action is required.
7.3 Consumption of ozone-depleting substances
Target 7.8 and 7.9:
Proportion of population using and improved drinking water source and sanitation facility. by the project will decrease the share of fossil fuels in the national energy generation mix and thus the combined margin emission factor will also decrase.
-Biological and biochemical oxygen demand and sustainability of the surrounding natural habitat.
According to the calculations in the Project
Document that has been presented and the project
-Changes of the baseline concerning pollution of soils, organic matter content and erosion level.
-Level, frequency and time occurrence of noise and light.
-Noise from the turbines inside the powerhouse.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Quality of employment
Livelihood of the poor
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report activity has been granted by EIA
Letter, the activities result the noise in project site will stay below the regulatory threshold within 150 meters. The calculations comprise the utmost noise limits from the project activity assuming all the noise resources
(including the heavy construction vehicles) come to exist at the same time
No mitigation action is required.
No mitigation action is required.
No mitigation action is required.
Eradicate extreme poverty: Target 1.B:
Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.
-Number of affected and/or threatened Plants
-Number of affected and /or threatened mammals, birds, reptiles, fishes, and other species and habitats
Government supervision according to national legislation and approved certificates
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Access to affordable and clean energy services
Human and institutional capacity
No mitigation action is required.
No mitigation action is required.
Electricity consumption per capita (kilowatthours)
-Change in income and asset distributions by region, ethnicity, religion, and socio-economic groups.
Quantitative employment and income generation
No mitigation action is required.
Target 1.4: Growth rate of GDP per person employed.
Target 1.5:
Employment-topopulation ratio.
Household income generated from the project
-Employment contracts, payrolls and minimum annual wage rate.
Amount of domestic investment
Balance of payments and investment
Technology transfer and technological self-reliance
No mitigation action is required.
No mitigation action is required.
Target 8.A: Develop further an open, rulebased, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system
Includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction – both nationally and internationally
Target 8.F: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies.
Total number of trainee that trained each year.
-Payment of imported assistance for trainings and external technical support.
-Equipment expenditures.
Justification choices, data source and provision of references
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Air quality
Water quality and quantity
Soil condition
Electricity generation with renewable energy resources eliminates unwanted atmospheric
GHG emissions. Turkish energy generation mix is dominated by natural gas by 48.6% 27 .
Therefore the project does not pollute the air in order to perform operation but it doesn’t have a positive effect on the air quality either.During the land preperations, excavations, fill operations and construction phase there will be dust emission which is calculated to be 0.17 kg/hour. This emission coefficient stays under the limit of 1.0 kg/hour which has been officially defined by Industrial Air Pollution
Control Regulation No: 26236, Annex 2 28 and will not cause any damage due to the dust pollution on Alacaatli Village which is 1 km away and the closest residential spot to the project activity. As precaution, the circulations roads will be irrigated and no explosive material will be used during the constructions.
There is no effect on water resources by the project activity. During the construction activities, the wastewater only will be formed from the use of the staff. The waste water will be collected in non-leaking cesspools and will be discharged into the municipal sewer system by the vacuum trucks. The water that is necessary for use and drinking will be supplied by tankers. There will be no use of surface or underground water resources.
No negative or positive impact of the project can be identified. The windmill nature of the project does not produce any soil pollutants or interfere with the natural components of the soil condition. The project site is arid land that is not used for agriculture. There no plant species that are rare and under protection. The project has actually positive effect on the soil condition of the region since there is widespread mining activity in the area which causes underground
28 ri%20Tesislerinden%20Kaynaklanan%20Hava%20Kirlili%C4%9Finin%20Kontrol%C3%BC%20Y%C3%
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Other pollutants
29 Please refer to Project Introductory File, Section 1.b.1. cracks and land subsidence due to the blasts.
The implementation of the proposed project will refrain the mining activities within its borders since the government prioritizes the energy generation licenses in a case of conflicting with mining licenses that cross within the same area.
It is estimated that the project ste will rest on an area of 1.2 hectare (ha). Approximately 46,080 m 3 of earth will be excavated for turbine masting, the top ground will be carved for 4 meters.
29 During the construction phase, the operations will be held in accordance with Soil
Pollution Control Regulations No: 25831. The vegetable soil that will be stripped due to the preparations will be covered and contained at the project site. The excavation materials will be used for land filling and leveling therefore no waste will be produced. Following the end of construction, the stripped soil will be laid on the surface again. For energy transmission line, it is projected that 1,188 m 3 due to 50 cm x 50 cm digs. The excavated soil will be used for covering the inlayed cables as well. In operation and maintenance of the technical equipments and machinery, the waste oils will be contained and prevented to blend in the soil.
The excavated soil will be kept in the project site to be used for the filling of the turbine basis and land grading. Domestic solid waste is projected as 1.34 kg per person 30 . The food for the employed staff will be provided by contracting food companies and the organic wastes will be delivered out of the project site by these companies. The other non-food domestic wastes, packages, waste batteries, tire wastes, household hazardous waste and medical waste will be treated according to the responsive national regulations.
31 deci belDuring the construction phase, there will be noise pollution regarding the use of mechanical equipments and engineering vehicles. For construction sites, the utmost limits are determined by the Directive on the
30 atik _toplama.pdf
31 Please refer to Project Introductory File, Section 1.c.1 – 1.c.9
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Noise Emission in the Environment by
Equipment for Use Outdoors and the Directive on the Environmental Noise Assessment and
Management. It has been stated that, in sensitive areas hosting hospital, school and dwellings, the noise level must be under 70 dbA. It is projected that the construction activities will cause noise emission of 53.7 dbA for the most sensitive receptor to the project site, Alacaatli Village which is 1 km distant. It has been considered that all of the equipments will operate simultaneously and the atmospheric attenuation is not considered. Therefore it is expected that the noise level will be even under
53.7 dbA 32 . Sound, as it propagates in the atmosphere, its pressure level decreases. As an example, assuming the spherical propagation, sound level reduces 6 db per doubling the distance. Hence the noise from the source reduces as distance increases.
33 Effect of turbine noise emission from 25 turbine masts to the nearest village, Alacaatli, is calculated considering the turbine mast height, turbine coordinates, village coordinates 34 and village elevation 35 has taken into account. According to the Project Introductory File, the project site elevates between 1540m and 1700 m.
Following the conservative approach, the lowest value for elevation (1540 meters) is adopted. In calculations, spherical weight propagation is considered and the atmospheric absorption hasn’t taken into account. an Enercon E-82
2000 kW wind turbine, the sound level pressure is determined as 103.5 dB(A) are 95% rated power valid for all hub-heights.
36 According to the calculations 37 the noise caused by the proposed project at Alaacatli Village from 25 turbines operating simultaneously is 27.89
32 Please refer to Project Introductory File, Part 1.e.1.5
34 Google Earth
35 Google Earth
36 The official sound power level obtained from the manufacturer is available upon request.
37 Excel workbook for sound pressure level is available upon request.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Biodiversity dB(A). In residential areas the sound level at sleep time is around 30 db 38 where for sensitive areas such as containing hospitals, the ideal outdoor noise level is between 30-40 dB(A) 39 .
Therefore 27.89 dB(A) noise level which is heard outside at the nearest residential spot to the project site has no negative impact for the residents.
The only known shadow flicker regulation to date was enacted in Germany, where a court ruled that the maximum allowable flicker would be 30 hours per year 40 . Since there are no known national or local regulations that govern shadow flicker in Turkey, the international standards were adopted to determine the potential impacts of shadow flickering. It is clear that there is no standard methodology that all developers adopt when carrying out shadow flicker assessments, and different developers and local authorities have different ways of approaching the assessment. Current guidance to assess shadow flicker in the Companion
Guide to PPS22 (2004) 41 states that only dwellings within 130 degrees either side of north relative to a turbine can be affected and the shadow can be experienced only within 10 rotor diameters of the wind farm. The rotor diameter of Enercon E-82 wind turbines is specified as 82 m.
42 As the nearest residential spot, Alacaatli Village to be 1 km distant to the project site, no shadow flickering effect is expected. The village roads that will be used for access to the project site will be rehabilitated.
By the end of the construction, any damage caused will be repaired.
The project site is located on agricultural and forest land. The necessary permits will be obtained regarding the use of these lands as
38 Handbook of Noise Measurement, A. P. G. Peterson & E. E. Gross, Jr., 1974. Pg 39, Table 3.5
39 Acoustic Noise Measurements, Jens Trampe Broch, 1971, page 37.
42 Please refer to turbine characteristics under Annex H of Feasibility Study Report.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report regulated by Forest Law and Soil Protection and
Land Use Law. The tree cutting activities will be under the supervision of Provincial
Directorate of Environment and Forestry and will be compensated by the project owner. For the inventory of the local flora and fauna please refer to Annex D of the Project Introductory
File. There is no endangered or under protection plant species in the project area. The vegetable soil that will be stripped due to the preparations will be covered and contained at the project site.
Following the end of construction, it will be laid on the surface again. Therefore the vegetation ravages will be at minimum level. The ravage by the project activity on vegetation will be compensated by its own natural course in long term. If it has been perceived as necessary, the project owner will conduct landscaping activities by the endemic plants. There is no endangered or under protection animal species in the project area. Following the start of construction works, the terrestrial fauna elements will migrate to regions with similar habitats and it is expected them to be back as the works terminate and the vegetation soil is laid. The project is not on the route of bird migration 43 . The migratory birds roost by the surroundings of Egirdir Lake (55 km east of the project area) and Burdur Lake (35 km south of the project area). However the project will still adopt certain cautions to avoid the possible bird accidents. The turbines will be positioned as close up as possible. The visibility of the blades will be enhanced and the pitches will be painted in black and yellow stripes. The lightening system will be conducted by applying the least luminous intensity. The ornithologist report has been submitted to Ministry Forest and Water
Works for final licensing and permits of the project activity.
44 The main concern was about the migratory birds and the Karakuyu Wetland which is located on the down skirts of the project area, covering an area of 1,200 hectares.
The main bird habitat of the wetland consists of
43 Please refer to Project Introductory File, Part 1.e.2.5
44 Ornithologist Report, Date: 18/07/2011. Available upon request.
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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Quality of employment songbirds (Passeriformes). These birds are petite and capable of high manoeuvrability. The wind profile and the nutrition conditions on the high elevation limit the existence of these birds in the project site due to the natural reasons 45 .
The project has obtained the approval letter from the Ministry of Forest and Water Works regarding Karakuyu Wetlands. In order to examine the project adaptation of the wildlife, especially on ornithological aspects, at least for two years the project will be monitored and a report will be submitted to the Ministry once in every 6 months. In addition, regarding the operation of the turbines that will be positioned on the buffer zone of the protected area will be subject to approval from the Ministry on migration seasons 46 .
Another concern that was addressed was about the birds of prey that nests and hunts on the highly elevated reefs within the project site. As these birds primarily hunt the insects, reptiles and rodents, they fly maximum from 10 meters high from the ground. Considering the hub heights of the turbines between 78-108 meters, these birds’ flight level will not be affected by the project activity.
Project activities will create many direct and indirect job opportunities especially on local basis. Staff will be trained and certificated for use of the technical equipments health and safety protocols and working at high voltage environment and all necessary safety equipments will be provided by the project owner 47 . During construction around 15 persons will be employed and during the operating stage
7 persons will be employed 48 . The positions at the wind farm require skilled workers, which will be achieved by adequate training. The trainings will be conducted by the turbine and
45 Please refer to Ornithologist Report page 29 for the nutrition conditions of the local bird habitat and limitations for flight levels
46 Letter of circumstances and approval regarding Karakuyu Wetlands is available upon request.
47 Regulation for working at high voltage facilities, Article 60. Official gazette number: 24246, date:30/11/2000
48 Please refer to Project Introductory File, Part 1.a.5
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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Livelihood of the poor other electromechanical devices’ manufacturers on site 49 . Employment is part of the monitoring of the project and will thus be documented and reported for the periodic verification.
Project will create direct opportunities during implementation and operation stages.
Household income of the employed local people in the facility will increase and will also have impact on their overall spending improving the local economy on micro-basis.
Access to affordable and clean energy services The project will reduce dependency on fuel and energy import through use of local and renewable resources and help meet national energy demand and enable diversification in the energy supply. According to projections,
Human and institutional capacity
Quantitative employment and income generation
Balance of payments and investment
Technology transfer and technological selfreliance electricity demand of Turkish grid will increase significantly in the coming years. However the project activity will not allow the locals to access cheaper electricity.
Since the rural areas nationwide are less developed and lacking of city-life standards and conditions, noteworthy private sector investments in the region have a significant impact on regional economy and local’s collective psychology. Especially considering this investment being a pioneer of its kind in the region, it has a significant role to mobilize other investments in energy generation sector.
Project owner is willing to encourage local employment as much as possible for the all phases of the project activity during construction, implementation and operation.
The project will contribute to national electricity generation and diminish fossil fuel import reliance ensuing net foreign currency saving 50 .
The investment, since there is no other operating wind power plant in the region, will pioneer the similar investments and spread the high-tech methods that can be adopted by other planned projects. The project owner imports the latest technological devices even in the
50 19
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report planning phase of the proposed project from wind measurement masts to the 3D land surveying and stereo map compilation.
The project will introduce the latest technology on wind electric power generation equipments.
For their operation and maintenance the plant staff will be trained and will be self reliant.
Imported professional assistance for trainings and external technical support will be the parameters of monitoring this indicator as well as the number of total trainees.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
The local stakeholders did not raise any concerns on the monitoring of the sustainable development indicators since the verification mechanism of Gold Standard have been clearly explained by the project developers. They are certain that the constant surveillance and accountability of DOE will provide the necessary monitoring that will be performed by the project owner and the project developers. The indicators scoring positive on the sustainable development matrix will be monitored. Also, a log book will be stationed in the worksite of the project activity for the locals to write in comments if they want to and it will be under the supervision of the chief of staff whom will share the comments with the project developers and the project owner. The pictures taken on the project site at different phases of construction works will be provided to the project developers to compare and contrast the impacts of access road opening, excavations, top soil stripping and landscaping.
Mitigation measure
Quality of Employment
Government obligatory insurance and pension systems as well as safety standards will be executed.
Chosen parameter
Current situation of parameter None
Estimation of baseline situation of parameter None
Future target for parameter
Government supervision according to national legislation and approved certificates
All required staff should be trained on health and safety standards for operation and maintenance of the equipment.
Way of Monitoring
By who
Examination of certificates and official papers of the staff.
Project developer
Mitigation measure
Chosen parameter 1.1
Current situation of parameter 1.1
Estimation of baseline situation of parameter
Future target for parameter 1.1
Quantitative employment and income generation
No mitigation measure is required.
Household income and annual minimum wage rate
Net monthly minimum wage in Turkey is
629.26 Liras.
To be determined during the implementation
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Chosen parameter 1.2
Current situation of parameter 1.2
Estimation of baseline situation of parameter
Future target for parameter 1.2 and operation phase.
Employment contracts .
Way of monitoring
By who
In construction phase 15 people and in operational phase 7 people is planned to be employed.
Review of payrolls and annual expenditures.
Project developer
Mitigation measure
Chosen parameter 1.1
Current situation of parameter 1.1
Estimation of baseline situation of parameter
Future target for parameter 1.1
Technology transfer and technological selfreliance
No mitigation measure is required.
Total number of trainees
Chosen parameter 1.2
Current situation of parameter 1.2
Estimation of baseline situation of parameter
Future target for parameter 1.2
To be determined during the implementation and operation phase.
Equipment expenditures and external technical support.
Way of monitoring
By who
A budget of 53,155,000 EURO is provisioned for the total amount of technical equipment purchases for the project activity 52 which is the largest portion of the CAPEX (86.85%).
Review of equipment purchase and maintenance contracts and related training documents provided by the project owner.
Project developer
The project does not involve and is not complicit in significant conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats.
No mitigation measure is required. Mitigation measure
52 FSR, Financial Analysis, Table 2.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009
Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Chosen parameter 1.1
Current situation of parameter 1.1
Estimation of baseline situation of parameter
Future target for parameter 1.1
Adaptation of the wild habitat to the project.
Chosen parameter 1.2
Current situation of parameter 1.2
Estimation of baseline situation of parameter
Future target for parameter 1.2
The wild life elements that is expected to migrate to return after the construction works end.
Migratory birds
Way of monitoring
By who
The migration routes of the migratory birds will not be affected by the project activity.
The monitoring for the parameters will be performed by the appointed professionals by the Ministry and the submitted reports will also be delivered to Borga Carbon Ltd.
Once in every 6 months for at least 2 years after project starts commissioning
Project developer
In order to initiate the stakeholder feedback round, the consultation report will be translated to local language, Turkish and will be mailed to the participant village headmen in order to be delivered to the villagers. The hard copies will be also mailed to the other relevant stakeholders whom did not participated in the meeting and NGOs and ask for their comments. In addition, an electronic copy will be posted on Borga Carbon webpage as well. It will be laid stress on to receive feedback from female residents of the local community.
Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009