Data Management for Censuses and Surveys at National Institute of

The Workshop on International Collaboration for Standard-Based Modernization
from 5-7 May 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
Data Management for Censuses and Surveys
at National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of
By: Mr.Meng Kimhor
Current Situation
• The National Institute of Statistics (NIS), within
the Ministry of Planning, is the focal point on
statistical matters in Cambodia
• Cambodia has a decentralized statistical structure
• According to the Statistics Law, NIS conducts
three types of censuses and various surveys
• Funding support from RGC and donors
• Data from censuses and surveys has been safely
stored in different places and devices
• The main objective of this presentation is to
explore the Data Management situation for
censuses and surveys managed by the
National Institute of Statistics (NIS), Ministry
of Planning (MoP)
• Development of NIS
• Role and responsibilities
• Data Management
– Data storage
– Data processing
– Data dissemination
Development of NIS
• NIS further strengthened its authority upon the
enactment of the Statistics Law in 2005
• A 2007 sub-decree defines the organization and
functions of the National Statistical System (NSS),
including the establishment of a Statistics Advisory
Council (SAC) and Statistics Coordination Committee
• The September 2007 Statistical Master Plan provides
multi-annual programs and prioritizes statistical
activities within the whole NSS
Roles and Responsibilities (1)
• NIS is the official national statistical institution and is the
Directorate General within MOP (Art. 17 of Statistics Law)
• NIS is responsible for (Art. 11 of Statistics Law):
– Conducting censuses (Population, Agriculture, Economic)
– Conducting surveys to collect basic statistics (Cambodia
Socio-economic survey (CSES), demographic and health
survey (DHS), demographic surveys, labor force surveys,
– Utilizing administrative data sources
– Compiling national accounts and price indices, as well as
collecting economic, environmental and sociodemographic indicators
Roles and Responsibilities (2)
• Under Article 14 of the Statistics Law, the NIS has to establish:
- Coordination in activities of statistical development, including
training with line ministries and institutions
- Making official statistical policies in establishing an integrated
- Cooperative arrangements in statistical activities with
international organizations and other national statistical
- National statistical standards (classifications, concepts,
definitions and statistical units), so as to avoid confusion on the
part of data users and any duplication of official statistical data
on the part of data producers
Organization chart
Data Storage
System flow for data processing
NIS Cambodia Generic Statistical Business
Process Model and GSBPM 5.0
Data Dissemination
• Hard copy reports
• Seminars and workshops
• Electronic products
• Difficult to keep staff because many move to work
outside the institution due to low salary and the fact
that incentives provided by donors have been cut
• Data management control by different staff based on
project activities
• Different software used for processing data based on
the project
• The capacity of staff who have IT skills is limited and
some staff are working in IT with no IT skills.
• Take time for releasing final report such as population
census due to data processing stage take so long.
• Three types of censuses and various surveys have
been conducted based on the statistics law such
as a Population Census, Economic Census and
Agriculture Census; surveys include the CIPS,
CDHS, Socio-Economic Survey, etc.
• However, NIS still faces some problems such as
the low skills of staff in IT, low salary for keeping
staff to work longer, and donors reducing support
for projects (which is required because the
government provides limited funding support)
Thank you!