Summary of content

LIW 2000
(Sample Syllabus Document)
Nominal duration
Module code or number :
38 hours
Module purpose
The aim of this module is to further develop student control system and programming
skills and knowledge, and enable them to apply their skills in an integrated
“Mechatronics” fashion to a range of industrial applications.
Relationship to competency standards
This module will be modified in line with the requirements of the national metals an
Engineering standard when they become available.
The module contains the knowledge and skills identified and agreed by the National
Assessment Body. It has been developed on the assumption that these will be
reflected in future standards.
Prerequisites and/or co – requisites
Basic Industrial control system and programming Principles
Summary of content
This module contain:
1. Basic Control System Models
 Open loop control
 Close loop control (i.e feedback)
 Continuous control plans
e.g proportional, integral, Derivative, and PID
2. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CIM) and Flexible Manufacturing Systems
3. Introduction to number System
Binary Coded Decimal ( BCD )
Octal / Hexadecimal – ASCII
4. Introduction to Logic System
Logic Gates
Logic gate circuits
Truth tables
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5. Programmable Controller Applications
 Sequential Control/Timers/Counters revision
 Master Control Relays and Jump Commands ( program branching )
 Data Registers and data handing
6. Direct Computer Control
 Signal Conditioning
 Programming and control applications
For consolidation, the material in this module should be linked with, and
complemented by, relevant on job skill practice or other equivalent experience.
A suggested program for learning strategies is given below:
 Learning outcome 1
4 hours
 Learning outcome 2
4 hours
 Learning outcome 3
4 hours
 Learning outcome 4
4 hours
 Learning outcome 5
16 hours
 Learning outcome 6
6 hours
Since this module has a large “hands on” component, when student spend most of
the class time actually programming a testing the PLCs and PCs( at their own
speed ) the predominant teaching/learning strategy should be self paced.
An industry visit is recommended to show PLC control applications and
installation“ at work “
To ensure that the successful operation of student ‘PLC’ and PC programs is
essential their own work, it is recommended that “ group work “ be discourage at
this point. Also, it is important that PLC simulator units are available for each of the
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will be able to:
Learning Outcome 1
Briefly describe the basic control system models and given typical examples.
Compare the continuous control plans of proportional, integral and derivative in
terms of system response to an external disturbance.
Assessment Criteria
Differentiate between open and closed loop control
Compare Feed – forward and Feed – back control systems and give
Define and relate the terms: error signal, measured, value, and set point, by
giving examples of their application in industrial control system with
proportional, integral, derivative, and PID control.
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Assessment method
Written short answer test or assignment
Learning outcome 2
Recognise that Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is a high level
application of the control System models given above that is concerned with
the flow and integration of information or data.
Describe basic Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) and explain how this
relates to CIM and Mechatronic
Assessment criteria
Describe what the terms CIM and FMS mean
Sketch two different CIM and FMS system block diagrams. Fully label the
List the six component technologies of CIM. Brief describe the function of
each component. List four ( 4 ) benefits of three ( 3 ) obstacles and give
reasons for these.
Assessment method
Short written report/test including diagrams
Learning outcomes 3 & 4
Recognise the need for the number System used in computers for modem
Convert numbers from decimal to binary, octal, hexadecimal, and binary
coded decimal (BDC). Also be able to convert in the reverse direction.
Use the ASCII code to convert characters to binary numbers.
Solve simple Logic Crate circuits by using Truth Tables.
Assessment criteria
Convert a range of number between the following forms : Binary, BDC,
Octal, Hexadecimal, and Decimal.
Write a simple and short alphanumeric message in binary form by using
the ASCII code. Repeat the message in Hexadecimal.
Solve simple logic gate circuit exercises by using truth tables for the
following gates :
- And, or, Nand, Nor, Exclusive, Or, Inverter.
Assessment method
Program a programmable controller then document and test the program
for a range of basic industrial application covering sequential operations
including timers and counters, program branching and data handling.
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Program a programmable controller to control a simple pneumatic circuit
and then test and de-bug the program.
Assessment Criteria
By designing Ladder Logic Diagrams and converting to list form, program
a PLC Simulator Unit for a range a basic industrial control problems
including :
Sequential operations using timers and counters;
Program branching using timers and counters;
Program branching using Master Control Relay and Jump Instruction.
And programs involving data registers and data handling.
This the programs using the simulator and, when debugged, show the
teacher / instructor the result.
For at least two (2) of the above control problems use PC “ On Screen “
PLC programming software to generate the ladder diagrams. Produce a
report on each problem consisting of the ladder diagram and the list
Label all the contacts and coils used and include explanatory (software
generated) comments between ladder rungs to explain how the program
Program a PLC to control the operation of a simple pneumatic circuit (or
De–bug the program and show the teacher/instructor the resulting
Assessment method
Programming assignment
Practical exercise
Learning outcome 6
Explain the need and the method used, for signal conditioning when using a
personal computer for machine control application.
Program a personal computer using a proprietary programming language (eg
BASIC, TURBO PASCAL) to control a simple pneumatic circuit and the test and
debug the program.
Assessment criteria
Program a personal computer to control the operation of a simple
pneumatic circuit ( or equivalent). De – bug the program arid show the
teacher/instructor the resulting operation.
For the practical exercise above, describe the need for, and function of,
the latching I/O caned, the Opto-isolated input card and the relay output
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Assessment method
Programming and practical exercise
Suggested learning resources
Physical resources
The following equipment list is suggested for a class of twelve ( 12 )
Twelve (12) programmable controllers (PLCs) complete with
simulators for testing purposes.
Market entry “shoebox” type with 20 I/O, built in 24V DC input power
supply, sink input (ie PNP open collector transistor type) and reply
outputs. A typical example here is Mitsubishi’s F1-20MRES .
The simulator unit (hardware to the PLC), should have momentary
push buttons for the first two outputs, and SPST toggle switches for
the remaining input. The switches should be labelled to avoid
The output LEDs on the PLC output module should be sufficient to
show tested program operation.
Six (6) pocket programmers to suit above PLCs.
Six (6) personal computer (PC) software programming “ Kits”
consisting of software and manuals, plus PLC to PC interface units
and cables. Mitsubishi’s “ Medoc” software is a typical example.
Six (6) 80386SX, 1Mb RAM, 40Nfb HD, VGA Personal Computers
(PC). These are for PLC programming monitoring and
documentation, plus the direct computer control exercises.
Six (6) copies of programming software and manuals such as BASIC
or TURBO PASCAL – required for direct computer control.
Six (6) latching I/O cards for insertion in the PC motherboard. An
example is Boston Technology’s PC-36 card based on Intel’s 8255
microprocessor chip.
Six (6) optical-isolator input cards. These would be mounted
externally to the PC and can also be supplied by (amongst others)
Boston Technology.
Six (6) relay output cards. Also connected externally and supplied by
Boston Technology.
A basic range of small pneumatic cylinders (eg 20NB x 100 stroke
complete with reed switches at each stroke end), solenoid control
valves (single and doubles, with 12V or 24V solenoids), flow control
valves, quick-connect couplers, air-service units, distributors and
lengths of plastic air lines. SMC or FESTO can supply suitable
programming/connection exercises using the PLCs and later the
Finally, all the “normal” classroom facilities are required, such as a
whiteboard, overhead projector and screen, plus video replay facilities.
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Note: Ideally, all of the above would be supplied by the teaching
Ensure that all PLC input sensor devices are compatible with the PLCs
While not essential, the following PLC peripherals could also be used:
 Digital to Analogue converters
 High speed counters
 Position control units
 Input/Output (I/O) extension units.
There is no specified textbook for this module, although the following
references are recommended:
Programmable Controllers – Operation and Application, lan G
Warnock, Prentice Hall, 1988.
A System Approach to Programmable Controllers, Fred Swainston,
Thomas Nelson Australia, 1991.
Programmable Logic Controllers and
Applications, A Crispin, McGraw Hill, 1990.
Programming and operations manuals for the Programmable Controller
and Personal Computer peripheral add-on card(s) used.
PC programming language manuals/guides such a BASIC, TURBO,
VHS videos available from associated universities presenting such units
as Mechatronics, Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS), Computer
Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) and Robotics.
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