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Mrs. DeWitt, Pre-AP Freshman English
Weekly Agenda
Unit: Fate
Topic: Romeo & Juliet
Key Vocabulary: Poetry, Poetic Devices, Rhyme, Rhythm, Meter, Rhyme Scheme, Alliteration,
Simile, Metaphor, Imagery, Allusion, Personification, Theme, Tone, Line, Stanza, Drama,
Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution, Prologue, Aside, Dramatic
Monologue, Dialogue, Pun, Soliloquy, Foil, Foreshadow
Monday, January 27, 2014 (Progress Reports Sent Home)
Today you will determine the meaning of words in textual context.
Bell Work:
Vocabulary Workshop – Unit #8
- Copy words and definitions
Romeo & Juliet
- Read Act 1, Scene 1 (txt. p. 788-795) (assigned roles)
o Pause periodically to discuss and clarify Shakespearean language
Progress Reports Signed and Returned by Friday, Jan. 31
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Today you will analyze character motivation by comparing and contrasting
various characters in a text.
Bell Work:
Vocabulary Workshop – Unit #8
- Completing the Sentence
Romeo & Juliet
- Read Act 1, Scene 2 (txt. p. 796-799) (assigned roles)
- Create a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting motivations of Adults/Youth
- On the back, write a paragraph describing the motivations of one of the main
characters that we have met so far. Be sure to use evidence from the text to
support your ideas.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Today you analyze how complex characters develop through dialogue.
Bell Work:
Vocabulary Workshop – Unit #8
- Synonyms & Antonyms
Romeo & Juliet
Read Act 1, Scene 3 (txt. p. 800-804) (assigned roles)
Using the dialogue between the Nurse and Lady Capulet. Write a one
paragraph description of the Nurse.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Today you will analyze imagery in a reading selection.
Bell Work:
Vocabulary Workshop – Unit #8
- Choosing the Right Word
Romeo & Juliet
- Read Act 1, Scene 4 (txt p. 804-809) (assigned roles)
- Using Mercutio’s description of on txt. p. 807, draw a detailed picture of Queen
Friday, January 31, 2014 (Signed Progress Reports Due)
Today you will demonstrate reading comprehension by answering critical
thinking questions.
Bell Work:
Vocabulary Workshop – Unit #8
- Vocabulary in Context
Romeo & Juliet
- Read Act 1, Scene 5 (txt. p. 809-814) (assigned roles)
- Answer questions #1-6, 9-10 on txt. p. 816 (Due Monday)
Have a great weekend!