Research Projects Space Division 2015

Space Division
Astronomy Division
Space Applications Division
Space Technology Division
Astronomy Projects
(i). Study short period Delta Scuti type variable stars
(ii). Spectroscopic & Photometric Study of Supernova SN 2014J
(iii). Study Solar flares using CALLISTO
(iv). National Astronomical Observatory
Study short period Delta Scuti type variable stars
• Delta Scuti stars are pulsating variables of spectral types A to
early F with luminosity classes V to III.
• They pulsate in radial and nonradial p (and possibly also g) modes
with periods between about 30 minutes to 8 hours and
photometric amplitudes less than 1 magnitude.
• Objective: find the hidden periodicities of the system by least
squares fitting of a sinusoid to the observed data(LS Spectra).
A displacement field
with l=2 and m=0.
A displacement field
with l=5 and m=3.
• Studied past research work on Delta Scuti stars
• Prepared specifications for 14” portable telescope
• Procurement in progress
Spectroscopic & Photometric Study of Supernova SN 2014J
Supernovae (SN) is a cataclysmic explosion of a star. Two main
classes, Type I and Type II.
Type II supernova is an explosion of a massive supergiant star.
Type I supernova occur due a detonation of a carbon white dwarf.
SN 2014J is a Type I supernova.
Objective: study the time variability of Na I D (λλ 5896 °A)
absorption feature in SN 2014J spectra.
Mass accretion
from companion
Type I supernova after
exceeding 1.44 solar
• Preliminary literature studies have been done.
• Most of the required spectroscopic and photometric data have
already been obtained through other international
• Data analysis stated through IRAF to determine column
densities and interstellar extinctions.
• Working on setting up data reduction software called “VPFIT”
that required to determine the column density of the Na I D
The Compact Astronomical Low-cost Low-frequency
Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable
Observatory (CALLISTO)
Group of type III solar radio flare
observed at ACCIMT observatory; Sri Lanka
Large group of type III solar radio flare
observed at GLASGOW observatory: UK
• Solar radio bursts occurred between October 2013 and
December 2014 were considered for the study.
• The type II and type III bursts were only considered for the
analysis since they are the most common types and frequently
occurred in solar flare emissions.
• The data were taken from all the e-CALLISTO station in the
• The data is being analyzed using MATLAB.
• The frequency drift rates are to be determined from each flare
in order to calculate the shock speed of the solar flares.
National Astronomical Observatory(NAO)
The summit of the mountain range close to Dambulla
Longitude:8042’ 37”
Latitude: 746’ 26” and
Altitude: 862m (2830 feet)
Expected Project Outputs
• Researchers in our local universities as well as the
undergraduates can utilize this facility to carry out research
work in astrophysics and publish their work in international
astronomical journals.
• Contribute to Space Debris monitoring network such as ISON.
• Conduct public outreach activities: star gazing nights,
observation sessions on rare astronomical phenomenon such as
transit of planets, appearances of comets, eclipses etc and
• Identified the telescope site using Infrared satellite images
• Project proposal is completed and has been submitted to ERD
for foreign funding
• The access road to the mountain summit has to be finalized
Collaboration with International Scientific Optical Network
• Collaborates with 15 observatories around the world to perform
observations of space debris.
• For this purpose, 14 telescopes were equipped with charge-coupled
device (CCD) cameras, Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers.
• Literature survey on ISON activities is completed
• Locations are being searched for good astronomical sites with
minimum light pollution using world light pollution map.
Workshop on introduction to Astronomy
Basic & intermediate level course
Lectures and practical in observational astronomy are conducted
Space Applications Division Projects
(i). Drought Monitoring and Early Warning Project
(ii). National hub for receiving and distribution of earth observation data
(iii). National centre for conducting joint research on the application of
Drought Monitoring and Early Warning Project
• Sri Lanka has been selected by the United Nations Economic & Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) as the pilot country for
space technology based capacity building on drought monitoring and early
• The objective of this project to develop a comprehensive mechanism for
drought monitoring and early warning in Sri Lanka using space
• Conduct Capacity building and training programs
• Stakeholder Agencies:
Department of Irrigation
Department of Agrarian Development
Department of Agriculture
Mahaweli Development Authority Sri Lanka
Department of Meteorology
Census and Statistics department
The Expert Training Program on UN-ESCAP Regional cooperative Mechanism for
Drought Monitoring and Early Warning in Asia and the Pacific was jointly organized
by ACCIMT and ESCAP and was held from 24th to 27st February, 2015 at Berjaya
Mount Royal Beach Hotel Galkissa.
– 24th and 25th training on Indian software Drought Monitoring System assisted by NRSC
DMS-SL software – Satellite data inputs, NDVI/NDWIgeneration, Compositing, Anomaly
NDVI/NDWI, VCI,Statistics Generation& Map Composition
Bhuvan Data Viewer and Field Data Collection-Mobile application - A Demonstration
– 26th and 27th training on Chinese software Drought Watch System assisted by RADI
Introduction and demonstration of data acquisition and data preparation
Drought Watch System installation and test
Structure and feature introduction to Drought Watch
System operation introduction, Training how to operate the Drought Watch System
Data collection
– Collected MODIS data Tile 2h25 for 15 years (2000 to 2014)
– Collected MODIS data Tile 2h26 for 15 years (2000 to 2014)
– Downloaded MOD021KM and MOD03 MODIS data for three years (2014 to 2012)
National hub for receiving and distribution of earth
observation data
• Objective of the project: Make Earth Observation and Remote Sensing
data available to other organizations at affordable costs and thereby
promote effective use of remote-sensed data for the development of the
• 1st Phase: Procure and Setting up computer servers to make available the
existing satellite data.
• 2nd Phase: setting up a ground station
Procure & installation of computer servers - Tender has been called
Submitted Proposal for ArcGIS sever (Enterprise Advanced) with
relevant extensions and DBMS
TEC evaluation of ArcGIS server is completed
National centre for conducting joint research on the
application of RS/GIS
Conduct research projects in RS/GIS area
Space Applications Division, in collaboration with Department of
Agriculture, intends to embark on a research project to acquire and
develop a spectral signature library (bank) for our home-grown
crops, in particularly paddy, using a spectroradiometer to be
procured for the space division.
Literature was done on the use of Remote sensing spectroscopy
Prepared the specifications of the Spectroradiometer
Tender has been called
Introduction to Remote Sensing(RS) & Geographic
Information System(GIS)
CPD course
Conducted Annually
Lectures and practical are conducted
Space Technology Division
Remote Sensing Nanosatellite Mission
Objective: Design and build a Nanosatellite with remote sensing capabilities
Size: 6U Cubesat (300mm × 200mm × 100mm)
Attitude: 600km
Orbit: Circular Sun synchronous Polar Orbit
Payload: 6.5m GSD with 26km swath and five spectral bands (blue, green, red, red
edge and infrared)
Lifetime: 3 years
Budget: Rs. 600Mn
Project Duration: 5 years
Literature review has been carried out and gathered information on
orbital elements from the following.
1. RazakSat from Malaysia using near equatorial orbit.
2. Indonesia using near equatorial orbits for their remote sensing
Identified the required equations
Identified optimizing variables