Good Clinical Practice and Audit Preparedness IUPU Symposium - October 2010 Michael R. Hamrell, Ph.D. MORIAH Consultants What is Clinical Research? The essential piece to demonstrate that a new product is safe and effective The most costly part of development 60% of cost spent on clinical The most time-consuming part of product development 2 Quality Concepts in Clinical Trials Sponsor Responsibilities: Ensure proper monitoring of investigations (21 CFR 312.50) Monitor the progress of all clinical investigations being conducted under its IND (21 CFR 312.56(a)) Correct and/or report serious noncompliance to the FDA (812.46(a)) 3 Quality Concepts in Clinical Trials Clinical Investigator Responsibilities Conduct study according to the protocol (21 CFR 312.60 & 812.100) Maintain adequate and accurate case histories (21 CFR 312.62(b) & 812.140) 4 Role of the Coordinator Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) Works under the direction of the Principal Investigator Expected to perform many of the tasks in the clinical study need to be qualified (and trained) to perform the task PI still responsible for all patients 5 Role of the Coordinator Often is the key person for the successful conduct of a trial Typically has the most patient contact and direct role in many key tasks Usually the person who fills out the CRFs, lab slips, etc. Tasks will depend on professional qualifications and training 6 Safety Reports Investigator is required to report all adverse events to Sponsor timing depends on nature and severity has major impact on subject safety 21 CFR §312.64(b) & 812.150 7 Quality Concepts in Clinical Trials IRB Responsibilities Organization and Personnel through review of IRB membership list (21 CFR 56.107) Functions and Operations through evidence of written SOPs (21 CFR 56.108) Review of Research through sufficient details of IRB meeting minutes (21 CFR 56.109) 8 Product Accountability Focus on complete picture Shipping Receipt Use Returns Reconciliation 9 Product Accountability Sponsor Test Article Received 1 4 Test Articles Reconciled By Sponsor By Investigator 2 3 Test Articles Dispensed To Patient Test Articles Returned To Investigator Investigator Timepoint A Investigator Timepoint B Patient 10 Test Article – FDA Comment “Although the site’s personnel have been delegated the responsibility for test article accountability, it is the Principal Investigator who is ultimately responsible for the this task…. Even when a research pharmacist is involved in a study at a site, the clinical investigator retains responsibility for ensuring that the test article was appropriately prepared, dispensed and administered.” 11 FDA Viewpoint on Auditing FDA takes no official position on whether companies should conduct clinical audits FDA viewpoint on sponsor responsibilities: “Sponsors are responsible for selecting qualified investigators… ensuring that the investigation(s) is conducted in accordance with the general investigational plan and protocols contained in the IND…” 21 CFR 312.50 & 812.40 12 What’s the Chance of an Audit According to the Inspector General’s Report: on ‘The FDA Oversight of Clinical Trials’ (Sept 2007) FDA only inspects less than 1% of all clinical trial sites 75% of inspections overall were routine (surveillance) 13 How would you characterize your site? How would you characterize the staff What is the commitment/focus to research relative to medical practice How is their research performance perceived? 14 Some fun examples 15 Reality Check How many of you do multiple clinical trials each year? Investigator initiated vs. sponsor How many of your sites/groups have SOPs? How many of your sites use electronic medical records? How many of you have experience with eCRFs? How do you communicate with your IRB (paper or electronic)? 16 Should a Site have SOPs? Reiterates role of PI in all studies; including delegation of responsibilities to study staff and supervision Defines role of PI and staff in study oversight Suggests the need for site SOPs 17 From Guidance Document ‘The investigator should develop a plan for the supervision and oversight of the clinical trial at the site. Supervision and oversight should be provided even for individuals who are highly qualified and experienced. A plan might include the following elements, to the extent they apply to a particular trial:’ 18 ICH GCP Viewpoint “The auditing of clinical trials is conducted in accordance with the Sponsor’s written procedures of what to audit, how to audit, the frequency of audits and the form and content of audit reports.” Section 5.19.3 19 FDA Role in GCP Compliance Determine compliance with regulations Verify integrity of data 20 FDA GCP Inspections FDA will routinely inspect some or all of the data for pivotal studies in support of an application FDA choice of sites are based on a variety of factors number of sites Number of studies at site importance of data type of study Geographic location 21 Role of FDA Inspection Essential part of PMA/510K/NDA/BLA review process Know your rights Use sponsor/CRO/consultants help to prepare Build quality into your work 22 FDA Role in Clinical Investigations Bioresearch Monitoring Program An on-going audit program managed by the Division of BIMO in each Center To determine the adherence of sponsors, CROs, monitors, IRBs and clinical investigators to current regulations and official guidelines To assess through audit procedures whether data submitted to FDA are substantiated by records 23 FDA Inspection of Clinical Research FDA Conducts Two Types of Inspections Routine data audits (study oriented) Audit of key pivotal data from NDAs, BLAs, 510(k)s, PMAs, etc. to verify data and procedures 'For-cause' audits (investigator oriented) Targeted audit of data or investigators as a result of prior knowledge or suspicion or alleged violations of the regulations 24 The Facts About Source Documents FDA Requirements Related to source documents in clinical trials 312.62(b) An investigator is required to prepare and maintain adequate and accurate case histories that record all observations and other data pertinent to the investigations on each individual administered the investigational drug or employed as a control Similar requirement in 812.140 for devices 25 Preparing for the Inspection Before you start, make sure you are prepared (re)Familiarize with protocol, CRFs, other study documents Review Study archives Check FOI for other inspection results 26 Plan for FDA Inspection FDA Arrival Who is to be called Check FDA inspector credentials Accept Notice of Inspection (Form 482) Confirm purpose of FDA inspection 27 FDA Form 482 Site Policy Main Contact Identify who is to be notified at the time inspection commences and how Identify who is authorized to receive and accompany FDA inspector Plan how oral inquiries and requests for documents are processed 29 General Do’s and Don’ts DO ! Greet FDA and ask for identification and FDA Form 482 Provide work area that affords privacy Make available phone/internet/power Offer coffee, tea, water, bathroom Provide visitor pass or parking pass Keep conversation polite and professional Extend common courtesy 30 General Do’s and Don’ts Don’t even think about: ! Pay for meals Offer any monetary compensation Offer gifts (even at holiday time) Photograph, record or tape things Socialize with FDA after work hours Ask personal questions Look over the inspector’s shoulder Complain about government, taxes, FDA 31 Company/Site Policy Document Production 32 Company/Site Policy Document Marking and Duplication Do not permit marking of documents by FDA Inspector Make copies for FDA and retain a copy of each document provided to FDA Mark documents containing trade secret or confidential information before providing If confidential information is conveyed orally, establish these facts to FDA; use witness 33 Company/Site Policy Affidavits Establish policy on whether to review FDA prepared affidavits Circumstances under which an affidavit could be signed Do not sign affidavit or volunteer any information unless such disclosure is consistent with company policy 34 Plan for FDA Inspection During Inspection Company/site representative should accompany FDA Inspector at all times, to ensure access only to information and those parts of the premises under the FD&C Act 35 Plan for FDA Inspection Keep an accurate written record of: Areas of the site visited and to whom he/she spoke Accurate and complete record of all comments and suggestions made by inspector, unanswered questions and site commitments Any commitments made to FDA should have concurrence of top management 36 Plan for FDA Inspection A daily summation with FDA, and separately with site staff is helpful If additional inspection days are required, prepare an agenda for next day with FDA Prepare daily report to management 37 Company/Site Policy Corrections during Inspection If a change is made during the inspection, decide whether the change/correction will be conveyed to the FDA inspector and, if so, in what manner 38 Correction to 483 39 The Inspection Process 40 “What will the Inspectors ask me to produce for the audit” Source Documentation All of the source documents should cover the entire period of the study and be present at the time of the audit to allow the auditor(s) to properly conduct the audit A ‘standard’ GCP site inspection will include a tour of the facility and a thorough review of the documentation 41 “What will the Inspectors ask me to produce for the audit” Documents in the project notebook filed during the course of the trial List of the study subjects and their corresponding study numbers Should the FDA investigator ask for the identities and demographics of your study subjects because of some concern, you are required to comply with the request 42 Warning Letter 07-HFD-45-0601 “What will the Inspectors ask me to produce for the audit” Two-way correspondence with the IRB, sponsor/monitor Original signed consent forms for all the patients Case Report Forms (CRFs) for all the patients Source Documentation (Patient medical records, clinic and hospital charts) 44 “What will the Inspectors ask me to produce for the audit” Records of patients who were study drop outs Product storage facilities and accountability records Serious Adverse Event Reports and documentation Monitor visit log 45 Data Inspection Process Subject Records Did the Investigator maintain records that are supportive of each entry in CRFs for each subject Were all CRFs completed in a timely fashion Could you recreate CRF from source? 46 Data Inspection Process For eCRF situations Were all regulations and requirements followed relative to 21 CFR §11 Do source documents support any changes/corrections to the e-CRF 47 Data Inspection Process Reporting of Study Progress Did investigator terminate or discontinue the study before completion Incidence and reports of SAEs to Sponsor and IRB handled properly Did Investigator maintain copies of all reports submitted to sponsor and IRB 48 Data Inspection Process Records Retention Who maintains custody of required records Data storage media Record storage conditions Investigator aware of FDA record retention regulations 49 Data Inspection Process Data Audit Procedures Subject study data Number and type of subjects Existence and availability of subjects Documentation of prior conditions Subject inclusion/exclusion criteria Screen log/failures 50 Data Inspection Process Protocol Adherence Enrollment of subjects who did not meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria Changes in the protocol in dosage, frequency, time of dosing, or method of dosing of the ‘test article’ Failure to report serious adverse events promptly to the IRB and the sponsor 51 Data Inspection Process Protocol Adherence Failure to document illnesses, hospitalizations, and other significant problems concurrent with the study Failure to perform critical tests, examinations, or assessments at the protocol-specific time or visit 52 Data Inspection Process Protocol Adherence Administration of concomitant therapy that could compromise the study results Failure to report concomitant therapy Entering more subjects into the study than originally approved by the IRB or the sponsor 53 Data Inspection Process Product Accountability Did the sponsor maintain accounting procedures for the test article Were all unused supplies returned to sponsor or disposed of properly Limitations of test article access and distribution Route of administration and proper use 54 Data Inspection Process Medical/Clinical Laboratory Facilities Are the facilities adequate, and proper diagnostic equipment available, to fulfill protocol requirements? Is the equipment in good working order? Does the equipment require calibration and are there records documenting the required equipment calibration? Is the laboratory accreditation/license documentation current? Is there proper documentation and storage of trial samples? 55 Data Inspection Process Safety Information How does sponsor assure that the Investigator notifies promptly of SAEs Is monitor involved in reporting Is timeframe consistent with regulations Does source data support SAEs Any deaths or dropouts due to SAEs 56 Data Inspection Process IRB Communication Proper approval and documentation for protocol and informed consent Documentation of IRB qualifications Communication/correspondence between Investigator and IRB Continuing review performed 57 It’s Over – Now What?? 58 FDA Inspection Follow-up At the end of the inspection a discussion is scheduled with key personnel to discuss the findings (exit interview) May issue Form 483 May note observations (annotate) Will record any verbal responses and promised corrections 59 What is a 483 Observation? 60 Plan for FDA Inspection Exit Interview Report of FDA inspector findings with appropriate site management Opportunity for site to correct any misunderstandings; incorrect deficiencies If Form 483 is issued, each observation should be reviewed with the Inspector and understood Commitment to FDA Plans to correct deficiencies Timetable for future actions (answer will be recorded by FDA) 61 Plan for FDA Inspection After Inspection All items on FDA 483 should be responded to in a letter to appropriate FDA Office Follow-up report to appropriate company/site employees 62 Plan for FDA Inspection After Inspection Form 483 items should be reviewed by company/CRO regulatory, technical, or legal personnel work with Sponsor to address issues State how and when you expect to make corrections to FDA 63 Some items can appear in a letter that were not on the 483 Warning Letter g4841d 64 What Happens to Inspection Findings? 65 FDA Inspection Follow-up FDA Follow-up Investigator reviews notes, observations, documents collected, etc. All records collected during inspection are attached as exhibits 66 FDA Inspection Process Completion of Inspection Inspector returns to office and prepares written report of findings [an Establishment Inspection Report (EIR)] Audit classification is determined and submitted to FDA Headquarters for concurrence 67 FDA Inspection Follow-up FDA Follow-up A recommendations for classification is made Headquarters agrees with Field most of the time EIR and exhibits are forwarded to assigning office at HQ (BIMO) for final review and classification 68 FDA Inspection Process Completion of Inspection Based on Classification of Inspection follow-up letter usually sent Additional Courses of Action as needed or required 69 FDA Inspection Follow-up Follow-Up Letters Acknowledgement Letter – NAI No problems – thank you for cooperation Information Letter - VAI letter may point out deviations from the regulations and a written response may or may not be requested 70 FDA Inspection Follow-up Follow-Up Letters Warning Letter - OAI Significant deviations from the regulations and written response is required within 15 days Letter may also include an invitation to an informal conference if deviations are major may be signal of other regulatory action 71 FDA New Policy on WL More rigid internal timelines for issuing 483 and follow-up letters Send response to 483 within 15 days Speedier enforcement following an inspection, if needed A Warning Letter response can be followed with a Closeout Letter, after evaluating the corrective action taken, not based on just promised action 72 FDA Inspection Follow-up Other Follow-Up Letters NIDPOE Letter - Notice of Initiation of Disqualification Proceeding and Opportunity to Explain Most serious deviations from the regulations where additional administrative actions are being considered No further use in studies while under investigation 73 BIMO Inspections Completed FY 2009 Center CI IRB Spon/Mon GLP CBER 83 15 11 6 115 CDER* 458 102 73 36 669 CDRH 163 79 59 4 305 CFSAN 0 0 0 1 1 CVM 26 na 4 15 45 All Centers 730 196 147 53 1135 * + 137 BEQ inspections (CDER specific) = 1272 total 74 Total International Inspections - 2009 Center CBER CDER CDRH CVM Total total 3 (2 CI, 1 sponsor) 119 12 (10 CI, 2 sponsor) 0 134 75 FY’09 CI Inspection Classified – All Centers 6% 48% 46% n = 867 76 FY’09 Sponsor/Monitor Inspection Classified – All Centers 8% 28% 64% n = 116 77 CDRH BIMO Compliance Rates 70% NAI VAI OAI 60% 50% 40% 31% 30% 20% 20% 18% 16% 15% 11% 11% 14% 10% 0% 10 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 Years 10-Year CDER OAI rate = 3-5% 78 FY06 FY07 2/08 FY’09 IRB Inspections Classified – All Centers 7% 43% 50% n= 179 79 Top ten ways to tell your FDA inspection is going badly 10. FDA sets up temporary housing in your parking lot 9. The FDA inspector mutters “uh-oh” each time he enters a different department, or opens a different folder 8. A “60 Minutes” crew asks to film the inspection 7. The FDA inspector won’t even enter the room where the test article is stored 6. The Congressman you called for help won’t return your call, but returns your campaign contribution 80 Top ten ways to tell your FDA inspection is going badly 5. Instead of a Form 482, the FDA Inspector begins with, “You have the right to remain silent….” 4. The FDA inspector comes to audit a specific study, but its not one you completed 3. The FDA inspector knows all of your employees by their first names 2. The FDA inspector is a former employee; that you fired 1. The FDA Commissioner conducts the exit interview 81 FDA’s Purpose for Inspections Remember, the FDA is both a Public Health & Consumer Protection Agency and must assure the people that the products it approves meet the required standards For the government, that means they and you) need to AUDIT! 82 Any Questions ? Michael Hamrell, Ph.D. MORIAH Consultants 714-970-0790 83