The Digestive System 1 The Digestive System Consists of the alimentary canal القناة الهضميةand several accessory organs عدد من األعضاء المساعدة. الفمmouth Pharynx البلعوم Esophagus المرئ Parts of the Alimentary Canal Stomach المعدة small intestine االمعاء الدقيقة large intestine االمعاء الغليظة anal canal القناة الشرجية 2 The Alimentary Canal The Alimentary Canal •A tube أنبوبةthat extends تمتدfrom the mouth to the anus •Consists of four layers طبقات4: -outer layer (protects) الطبقة الخارجية للحماية -second layer (muscular ;العضليةcontracts تنقبضand expands in wavelike motions called peristalsis )حركة تموجيه لدفع الغذاء -third layer (vessels اوعية, nerves and glands that nourish تغذيand carry away waste )تطرد الفضالت. -innermost layer ( الطبقة الداخليةmucous membrane غشاء مخاطيthat secretes mucus المخاطand digestive enzymes) االنزيمات الهاضمة 3 Tongue Mouth Tooth Parotid salivary gland Pharynx Organs of the Digestive System Organs of the Digestive System Sublingual salivary gland Submandibular salivary gland Liver الكبد Gall bladder Duodenum Esophagus Stomach Pancreas Large intestine Small intestine Anal canal Rectum المستقيم 4 food mouth Tracing Toast pharynx epiglottis esophagus stomach anus feces rectum Tracing food through the alimentary canal sigmoid colon duodenum jejunum ileum descending colon transverse colon ascending colon cecum 5 Mouth lips Mouth The lips الشفاهprotect the mouth from receiving food that is too hot or too rough on the surface. •The mouth is also called the oral cavity •Food is taken into the mouth and chewed يمضغ with the assistance of the cheek muscles عضالت الوجه 6 The Tongue •Process of chewing is called mastication المضغ •The tongue moves the food around to prepare it for deglutition (swallowing) البلع .. . .. . Tongue اللسان •Small raised areas called papillae are located on the tongue and they contain taste buds براعم التذوق •The frenulum connects the tongue to the floor 7 of the mouth. Mouth • Functions – mechanical digestion • teeth – break up food – chemical digestion (saliva )اللعاب • amylase enzyme – digests starch • mucus – protects soft lining of digestive system – lubricates food for easier swallowing • buffers – neutralizes acid to prevent tooth decay • anti-bacterial chemicals – kill bacteria that enter mouth with food 8 Salivary Glands Salivary Glands الغدد اللعابية •parotid Tongue Tooth •submandibular •sublingual Parotid gland Submandibular gland Sublingual gland The function of the salivary glands is to make saliva and help the bolus (soft mass of chewed food) go down the esophagus easily. Saliva contains enzymes which help break down food to a form which the body can use. 9 Pharynx Pharynx •Muscular tube about 5 inches long in adults •Also known as the throat •Transmits food into the esophagus •The epiglottis (a flap of tissue) covers the trachea القصبة الهوائيةto prevent food from entering the larynx الحنجرةduring swallowing which causes choking االختناق. 10 Esophagus Esophagus •Muscular tube about 9 to10 inches long in the adult that contracts rhythmically (peristalsis) to propel تدفعfood toward the stomach •Contains a group of muscles called the lower esophageal sphincter that closes off the entrance to the stomach to prevent reflux عودة of food, emesis or regurgitation (vomiting). 11