Part II: Epic Poetry-The Odyssey Directions: Choose the best answer

Part II: Epic Poetry-The Odyssey
Directions: Choose the best answer to each question.
36. “We saw a cavern yawning” is an example of
a. personification.
c. an idiom.
b. simile.
d. a motif.
The phrase “who cast your lives like dice” is an example of
. a metaphor. c. simile.
b. idiom. d. symbolism.
Which of the following does not belong?
An epic …
Is a long narrative poem
traces the adventures of a hero
embodies the goals and virtues of a nation
is passed down orally
begins with an invitation to a muse
39. What law did the Greeks most value?
a. the war law
b. the law of ethics
c. the guest friendship law
d. the archery law
40. Which of the following lines from The Odyssey is an example of personification?
e. “She tipped her golden wand upon the man”
f. “No man of woman born could work these wonders.”
g. “Dawn with its fingertips of rose lit up the world”
h. “At evening came the shepherd with his flock”
41. An example of dramatic irony from The Odyssey is when:
i. the reader knows the disguised beggar is Odysseus
j. Calypso forces Odysseus to stay with her
k. Polyphemus brutally kills Odysseus’ men
l. Hermes offers Odysseus help
42. The following passage contains a simile that describes what?
"Neither reply nor pity came from him, but in one stride he clutched at my
companions and caught two in his hands like squirming puppies"
A. The savagery of the Cyclops
C. The helplessness of the men
B. The fear of Odysseus and his men
D. The reply of the Cyclops
43. How does Odysseus prove his strength and shame the suitors?
A. by telling of his own deeds
B. by stringing a bow and shooting an arrow through twelve axe-helve sockets
C. by killing a mean suitor
D. by wrestling a champion
44. Which of the following of Odysseus’ actions is most characteristic of an epic hero?
A. He has his men plunder Cicones and enslave its women.
B. He tells Polyphemus that his name is “Nohbdy.”
C. He taunts Polyphemus after escaping from the Cyclops’ cave.
D. He allows Circe to persuade him to stay with her.
45. Odysseus exhibits the traits of an epic hero by
A. stringing the bow.
B. having the swineherd executed.
C. sparing Antinous’s life.
D. asking Penelope to prove her identity.
46. All of the following are motifs of The Odyssey except
A. loyalty to family and friends
B. the cost of ambition
C. overcoming obstacles
D. the relationship between humans and gods
47. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the epic hero cycle?
A. A Journey taken in search of something B. A physically impressive hero
C. Glorification of the hero at the end
D. The better person always wins
48. Even though he is outnumbered by the suitors, Odysseus puts his faith in
c. Athena.
d. Zeus.
49. “I am Laertes’ son, Odysseus. Men hold me formidable for guile in peace and war: this fame has gone abroad to the sky’s
rim. “
The above passage refers to:
A. Odysseus’ physical strength.
B. Odysseus’ emotional strength.
C. Odysseus’ hubris
D. Odysseus’ cunning.
50. “…but he seemed rather a shaggy mountain reared in solitude.”
The above passage is an example of what literary element?
A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. oxymoron
Part III: Fahrenheit 451
51. “Antisocial” in the society of Fahrenheit 451 means
doing what is expected by society.
acting without harm to society.
staying apart from other people because of constant amusement.
acting in pursuit of individuality and holding discussions with people.
52. Mildred and her friends help to point out the theme:
a. Where there is no questioning of “rules,” life becomes like a series of marionette movements.
b. They who draw the deepest meanings from life suffer most.
c. People are better off when they do not question.
d. All of the above.
53. How does Montag change over the course of the novel?
a. his curiosity changes to smugness
b. his friendliness changes to irritability
c. his ignorance changes to awareness
d. his pride changes to hubris
54. Faber said the three things missing from life were
a. sincerity, dedication, and hope.
b. quality of information, leisure, and the right to act.
c. true education, patriotism, and money.
d. concern for others, no firemen, and books.
55. Before the old woman committed suicide by lighting herself on fire, she made an allusion to the Bishops Ridley and
Latimer, quoting, “Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England as, I
trust, shall never be put out!" What message was the old woman trying to communicate by quoting Ridley and
a. Everyone must die, so why not now?
b. Worse injustices have been suffered by other people throughout history.
c. Some deaths are necessary to spark action for the sake of free thinking.
d. It is better to die with the things you treasure than to live without them.
56. Clarisse’s main purpose in the plot is
a. to cause Montag to question the values of society.
b. to cause Montag to stop loving Mildred.
c. to commit suicide for her beliefs
d. to represent the cycle of events societies follow.
57. Beatty’s main purpose in the novel is
a. to explain how firemen came about.
b. to harass Montag.
c. to represent an enemy of free thought.
d. to keep Montag from reading books.
58. Faber’s main purpose in the plot is
a. to suggest to Montag he kill Beatty.
b. to give Montag a new Seashell radio.
c. to reassure Montag that his ideas on the need for change are correct.
d. to show readers the importance of the Bible.
59. The promise at the end of the novel is
a. that the Phoenix will burn to ash.
b. man will rise again, look at himself, bury war, and heal nations.
c. Montag and the “hobos” will succeed at convincing survivors of their foolishness.
d. Montag will turn the use of fire from destruction to construction in a new fire department.
60. Which of the following is not a force that helps Montag recognize the problems in his society?
a. The old woman’s death
b. The Mechanical Hound
c. Clarisse’s questions
d. The contrast between Clarisse and Mildred
61. Which of the following is not one of Beatty’s opinions about books?
a. They can be read by government officials.
b. They can be offensive.
c. They conflict each other.
d. They have too many details.
62. What genre does Fahrenheit 451 fit into?
a. Nonfiction
b. Dystopian
c. Fantasy
d. Epic poetry
63. Which of the following is not true about Clarisse?
a. Montag notices that he can see his reflection in her eyes.
b. She likes to taste rain, which tastes like wine.
c. She enjoys conversations.
d. She sometimes picks on her schoolmates for driving too fast.
64. Why does the poem “Dover Beach” make Mrs. Phelps cry?
a. It discusses the harsh realities of war.
b. It reminds her of her childhood vacation house.
c. It explains why marriage is not the ultimate goal of life.
d. It portrays a beautiful world plagued by war and loss of faith.
65. The novel explores the following themes except
a. knowledge is more fulfilling than ignorance.
b. censorship leads to manipulation.
c. action is necessary.
d. the definition of “right” and “wrong” is different for each person.
66. Which of the following characters represents society?
a. Clarisse
b. Beatty
c. Mildred
d. Montag
67. Beatty wants to die because
a. he wanted to be a hero for society.
b. he knew people like Montag would eventually take over.
c. he knew war would kill him anyway.
d. he had grown tired of being a coward.
68. What was symbolic of Montag leaving his old life behind?
a. burning his own house down
b. Beatty’s death
c. Mildred leaving
d. the destruction of the city
69. When Montag wonders why he couldn’t remember his wife, Mildred, what reason did Granger give?
a. Montag doesn’t want to remember someone who betrayed him.
b. Mildred is forgettable because she didn’t give anything back to the world while she was alive.
c. Montag has watched too much TV, and it made him forgetful.
d. Mildred was not really Montag’s wife in the first place.
Part IV-Symbolism
Directions: Select the one answer which best shows what each symbol represents in the novel.
70. Books
a. Danger
b. Sadness
c. Lost freedoms
d. All of the above
71. Mechanical Hound
a. Robots
b. Man’s best friend
c. The danger of technology
d. All of the above
72. Parlor Walls
a. Mind-numbing technological entertainment
b. Replacement for family
c. Freedom of speech
d. Both A and B
73. Phoenix
a. A society that has not learned from the past and destroys itself
b. Hope in destruction
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
74. At the very end of the novel, Granger says they must build a mirror factory to take a long look at themselves; this remark
recalls Montag’s description of Clarisse as a mirror in “The Hearth and the Salamander.” Knowing this, what do mirrors
symbolize in the novel?
a. Danger
b. Sadness
c. Self-understanding
d. Love
75. Clarisse
a. Light of truth
b. Antisocial behavior
c. Fear
d. Loneliness
76. The title of Part II (“The Sieve and the Sand”) is symbolic in the novel because the sieve represents
______________________ and the sand represents ___________________________.
a. Technology; books
b. Montag’s mind; the knowledge that Montag seeks
c. The firemen; the salamander
d. Clarisse’s personality; Montag’s love for Clarisse
Part V- Literary Terms
Directions- Each term will be used only once.
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personification
D. Allusion
77. “The night I kicked the pill bottle in the dark like kicking a buried mine…”
78. “Out of the black wall before him, a whisper. A shape. In the shape, two eyes. The night looking at him. The forest,
seeing him.”
79. “...while the flapping pigeon-winged books died on the porch and the lawn of the house.”
80. "None of those books agree with each other. You've been locked up here for years with a regular Tower of Babel. Snap
out of it!"
Part VI: Grammar
81. Which sentence is correct?
A. Jamie and Tasha are not going to pick up they’re sister from soccer practice because there too busy.
B. Jamie and Tasha are not going to pick up there sister from soccer practice because their too busy.
C. Jamie and Tasha are not going to pick up there sister from soccer practice because they’re too busy.
D. Jamie and Tasha are not going to pick up their sister from soccer practice because they’re too busy.
82. Which sentence is correct?
A. My academic advisor told me not to take 18 credit hours for the fall semester I regret I didn't listen to her.
B. My academic advisor told me not to take 18 credit hours this semester, and now I regret not having listened to her.
C. When my academic advisor told me not to take 18 credit hours this semester, and I now regret not having listened to her.
D. My academic advisor told me not to take 18 credit hours this semester, now I regret that I did not listen to her.
83. Which sentence is correct?
A. My cat was upset all day he didn't get canned food for breakfast.
B. My cat was upset all day. Because he did not get canned food for breakfast.
C. My cat was upset all day because he did not get canned food for breakfast.
D. Because my cat was upset today and did not get canned food for breakfast.
84. Which sentence is correct?
A. The student fell asleep in class everyone thought this was rude behavior.
B. The student fell asleep in class, and everyone thought this was rude behavior.
C. The student was falling asleep in class, and although everyone thought this was rude behavior.
D. Even though the student fell asleep in class, and everyone thought this was rude behavior.
85. Which sentence is correct?
A. Ron was chopping the vegetables Ginny was boiling the rice.
B. Ron was chopping the vegetables, and Ginny was boiling the rice.
C. When Ron was chopping the vegetables and Ginny was boiling the rice.
D. Ron was chopping vegetables and while Ginny was boiling the rice.
86. Which sentence is correct?
A. When we wanted to drive to the park we followed the direction from our neighbors we ended up in Canada instead.
B. When we wanted to drive to the park, we followed the directions we received from our neighbors and ended up in Canada
C. We wanted to drive to the park as we followed the directions we received from our neighbors we ended up in Canada.
D. Because we wanted to drive to the park and got wrong directions and ended up in Canada.
87. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
A. If you want to ask for a raise; go ahead and ask.
B. If you want to ask for a raise, go ahead; and ask.
C. This isn’t a laughing matter; I’m completely serious.
D. This isn’t a laughing matter, I’m completely serious.
88. Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?
A. Many people in the cities of Los Angeles, Miami, and New York enjoys several kinds of popular music.
B. Plants and flowers is featured on the cover of this month’s magazine.
C. In the early 1800s, neither cars nor planes were invented.
D. Neither the large universities nor the local college were accepting late applications.
89. Mr. Harper or Mrs. Cruce _________to host book club.
a. likes
b. like
90. Hunter and Savannah _________ to go to the movies.
a. likes
b. like
91. There _________ many reasons you should read those books.
a. is
b. are
92. Few of us _________seen a giant jelly fish before.
a. has
b. have
93. Everyone in our class _________to be having a good time.
a. seems
b. seem
94. Something about the candidates’ answers _________been bothering me ever since the debate.
a. has
b. have
95. The solution to all of our problems _________to follow the directions.
a. is
b. are
96. _________ the students returned from their field trip yet?
a. Has
b. Have