BE/ESL Fall Cluster Workshops 2013

BE/ESL Fall Cluster Workshops 2013
Register at
Denton PDC
1212 Bolivar
Denton, TX 76210
14,17 & 24,
Mulberry Room
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX 75081
Ellis Room
Collin Room
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX 75081
Sept 25
and 26,
Sept. 21
and 28,
Hunt Room
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX
October 15,
Grayson Room
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX 75081
Collin Room
October 16,
Thinking Maps for the ELL: Path to Proficiency
If English Learners make gains that are equal to native
English speakers, they will never catch up; they must make
one and a half to two years gain each academic year to
close the achievement gap. This will only happen if they
receive the best instruction possible. One highly effective
and proven strategy for working with these students is the
use of Thinking Maps. The purpose of this course is to
provide adaptations and extensions in the use of Thinking
Maps to assist teachers in building bridges to academic
excellence and success for English language learners. This
course is offered for teachers already trained in the basic
Thinking Maps.
Elements of Effective Instruction, The SIOP Model
If you have ESL students in your class or you are an ESL
teacher and can take only one training this year, this is the
workshop for you! The purpose of this training is to acquaint
you with research-based instruction that enables educators
to implement the SIOP Model to improve the academic
performance for English language learners, while improving
instruction for all students. The interactive two day session
will include the basic components of the SIOP model
including: lesson preparation, building background
knowledge, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction,
practice/application, lesson delivery, and review/assessment.
ESL TExES #154 Preparation Course
This course is designed to prepare teachers to take the ESL
TExES 154 for ESL Certification and develop a core set of
competencies needed to teach ESL students. The following
topics will be covered: Language Concepts and Language
Acquisitions, ESL Instruction and Assessments, Cultural
awareness and family and community involvement as well as
practice for TExES questions. Twelve hours ESL staff
development credit.
Thinking Maps: A Language for Learning
Are you ready to transform the way you think and pass it
along to your students? Thinking Map Training is the answer
to helping students process new learning in a visual way,
much in the same way the brain works to naturally categorize
new knowledge. With the higher order thinking skills required
for the STAAR, Thinking Maps can provide your students
with problem solving abilities as they learn new content. Do
not miss this opportunity to train with Region 10 in this
research based, tried and true, method of learning. A fee of
$125.00 will be charged for materials only. A step by step
manual will be provided for all participants. Coop Members
Spanish Literacy
This in-depth training session will prepare teachers to use the
ELPS Linguistic Instructional Alignment Guide as a
framework for ELL success. Each participant will receive a
8:30AM-3:30 PM
8:30AM-3:30 PM
8:30AM-3:30 PM
8:30AM-3:30 PM
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX 75081
Oct. 25 and
Oct. 28,
ESL TExES #154 Preparation Course
This course is designed to prepare teachers to take the ESL
TExES 154 for ESL Certification and develop a core set of
competencies needed to teach ESL students. The following
topics will be covered: Language Concepts and Language
Acquisitions, ESL Instruction and Assessments, Cultural
awareness and family and community involvement as well as
practice for TExES questions. Twelve hours ESL staff
development credits.
8:30AM-3:30 PM
Jan. 14 and
Jan. 15,
ESL TExES #154 Preparation Course
This course is designed to prepare teachers to take the ESL
TExES 154 for ESL Certification and develop a core set of
competencies needed to teach ESL students. The following
topics will be covered: Language Concepts and Language
Acquisitions, ESL Instruction and Assessments, Cultural
awareness and family and community involvement as well as
practice for TExES questions. Twelve hours ESL staff
development credits.
8:30AM-3:30 PM
Houston Room
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX 75081
Collin Room
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX 75081
Nov. 9 and
Nov. 16,
Hunt Room
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX 75081
13, 2013
Hunt Room
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX 75081
Ellis Room
ESL TExES #154 Preparation Course
This course is designed to prepare teachers to take the ESL
TExES 154 for ESL Certification and develop a core set of
competencies needed to teach ESL students. The following
topics will be covered: Language Concepts and Language
Acquisitions, ESL Instruction and Assessments, Cultural
awareness and family and community involvement as well as
practice for TExES questions. Twelve hours ESL staff
development credit.
Lost in Translation: Teacher Experiences in Second
Language Learning
What is it like for a newcomer to be suddenly immersed into
the world of English? Participants will be immersed in the
world of second language learning as they experience the
complexity of academic demands through instructional
activities that involve listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. Various sections of this workshop will be conducted
in Spanish as a means for English-dominant teachers to
develop a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by
minority language speakers. In this process, teachers will
make connections to best practices that increase
opportunities for comprehensible input.
Science in Spanish
Academic Spanish for Science teachers includes hands on
8:30AM-3:30 PM
8:30AM-3:30 PM
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX
R-10 Spring Valley
Please call to add
your site.
Vickie Sullivan 972348-1164
Please call to add
your site.
Vickie Sullivan 972348-1164
Region 10 ESC
904 Abrams Rd.
Richardson, TX
Region 10 ESC
904 Abrams Rd.
Richardson, TX
Bluebonnet /
R-10 Spring Valley
Please call to add
your site.
Vickie Sullivan 972348-1164
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX
2013 PBMAS Updates For All Programs
Region 10 personnel will provide information related to the
2013-2014 Performance-Based Monitoring Analysis System
and Interventions for School Improvement. This training will
address key issues districts need to be aware of to prepare for
a TEA desk audit or on-site visit.
BE/ESL 2013-14 PBMAS Overview
This meeting is for BE/ESL Directors/Coordinators and Federal
Program Directors. Participants will be provided information
related to the 2013-14 Performance-Based Monitoring Analysis
System as it relates specifically to the BE/ESL indicators,
description of performance levels and stages of intervention.
Bilingual/ESL/Title III/Migrant Updates TETN
This meeting is intended for BE/ESL Directors and
Coordinators. Please join us for updates and the latest
information as it relates to Title III and BE/ESL program details.
BE/ESL Directors/Coordinators Quarterly Meeting
Informational meetings for coordinators and other district-level
decision makers will be offered quarterly throughout the school
year. All districts that receive Title III funds or participate in the
Region 10 BE/ESL or Title III cooperative are invited to attend.
Federal and state requirements and guidelines will be
BE/ESL Directors/Coordinators Quarterly Meeting
Informational meetings for coordinators and other district-level
decision makers will be offered quarterly throughout the school
year. All districts that receive Title III funds or participate in the
Region 10 BE/ESL or Title III cooperative are invited to attend.
Federal and state requirements and guidelines will be
BE/ESL Directors/Coordinators Quarterly Meeting
Informational meetings for coordinators and other district-level
decision makers will be offered quarterly throughout the school
year. All districts that receive Title III funds or participate in the
Region 10 BE/ESL or Title III cooperative are invited to attend.
Federal and state requirements and guidelines will be
BE/ESL Directors/Coordinators Quarterly Meeting
Informational meetings for coordinators and other district-level
decision makers will be offered quarterly throughout the school
year. All districts that receive Title III funds or participate in the
Region 10 BE/ESL or Title III cooperative are invited to attend.
Federal and state requirements and guidelines will be
Charter Chat
Bring your lunch and join us for a brown bag lunch and
networking! This is an opportunity for charter school
Bilingual/ESL Directors and Coordinators to work together,
share ideas, problem-solve and establish a network of contacts.
Topics include designing systems of communication for LPAC,
working with testing coordinators, campus administrators and
teachers to establish efficient monitoring of ELLs, and using
data to plan for effective professional development for teachers
and administrators. Each session will include time for question
and answers regarding compliance and instruction. It is
imperative that charter school BE ESL Directors/Coordinators
9:00 – 11:00
9:00 – 11:00
9:00 – 12:00
9:00 – 12:00
9:00 – 12:00
9:00 – 12:00
Time for all:
12:00 – 3:00
Locations for all:
Burnett Room
(2nd floor)
Houston Room
Grayson Room
Collin Room
Ellis Room
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX
Please call to add
your site.
Vickie Sullivan 972348-1164
understand both the requirements for federal and state
compliance and the role of the Language Proficiency
Assessment Committee (LPAC) in overseeing the instructional
program for the English language learner. The LPAC
administrator monitors instruction on the charter campus and
determines the need for staff development that would support
teachers providing linguistic interventions. These meetings
provide an opportunity for charter school administrators to
share critical concerns, which are often specific to the charter
school environment.
LPAC Decision Making for State Assessment
This training is for LPAC members and other interested parties
and addresses the assessment decisions made by the LPAC
for upcoming fall STARR EOC retakes and spring STAAR and
TELPAS assessments. Participants will review the LPAC
decision-making process in order to understand the procedures
that must be followed when making decisions for language of
testing, assignment of linguistic accommodations, participation
in TELPAS testing, and required documentation by the LPAC.
Also reviewed will be provisions for asylees/refugees, and
Special Provisions for English I EOC.
New BE/ESL Directors Networking for Success
R10-Abrams Bldg
R10-Abrams Bldg
New to navigating the world of BE/ESL state and federal
requirements? You are invited to stay after the BE/ESL
Quarterly meeting for an afternoon session. These sessions will
be geared toward the needs of new BE/ESL directors and
coordinators. Topics will include LPAC beginning and end of
year compliance, understanding state and federal
accountability systems, discussion of program models and
implementation, and understanding ELL assessment
Times for all:
1:30 – 3:30
BE/ESL Exceptions and Waivers Application Training
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX
Please call to add
your site.
Vickie Sullivan 972348-1164
A district or charter school that does not have the appropriately
certified teachers to serve LEP students in accordance with
Texas Education Code §29.054 must apply to the Texas
Education Agency (TEA) for a bilingual exception and/or ESL
waiver. This application must be made each year there is a
need for an exception and/or a waiver. The application is due to
TEA on November 1.
This session will provide instructions as to requesting,
completing and submitting the BE/ESL Exceptions and Waivers
1:30 – 3:30
Region 10 ESC
400 E Spring Valley
Richardson, TX
Collin Room
Woodcock Munoz TOT (WMLS-R)
This workshop provides participants the training necessary to
train on the (1) administration procedures, (2) implications of
test scores, and (3) interpretation of test patterns and
generated teaching strategies of the Woodcock-Muñoz
Language Survey—Revised, Normative Update (WMLS-R,
NU). The WMLS-R, NU is a TEA approved, standardized and
normed OLPT used by school districts to test English and
Spanish listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is also used
in determining oral language dominance. Participants will
become familiar on the use of the Instructional Intervention
Program software of the WMLS-R, NU that generates
individualized instructional recommendations and strategies.
Participants are encouraged to bring their test kits in English
and/or Spanish. The workshop will utilize modeling,
demonstrations, sample cases, and lecture.
9:00 – 3:30
It is the policy of Region 10 Education Service Center not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, or handicap in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Region 10 Education Service Center will take steps to ensure that lack of English language skills will not be a
barrier to admission and participation in all educational programs and services.