Daily Math Problem

Week 13
Monday, 10/21
Daily Math Problem
List all of the prime number
that are between the number
0 and 30
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29
Word of the Week:
To add details to writing, speaking, etc.;
expand; develop to perfection; marked by
intricate and often excessive detail.
The potential boss asked me to elaborate
about my experience
This Week’s Vocabulary:
Tuesday, 10/22
Daily Math Problem:
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and can’t tell where to find them. So
she invited Little Miss Muffet over to have tea and talk about the
problem. Half way through their curds and whey, the doorbell rang. A
message was tacked to the front door that said: IF YOU EVER WANT TO
FRIDAY). On what day and at what time will Little Bo Peep have to go
2p.m. Saturday
to Old Mother Hubbard’s?
Reading Comprehension:
• The Return of the Wolf
Wednesday, 10/23
Daily Math Problem:
Two students are building blocks. Reece's blocks are 4 cm high, and Maddy's
blocks are 9 cm high. How tall will their stacks be when they are the same
height for the first time?
13 cm
36 cm
24 cm
118 cm
Journal Prompt:
Turn a feeling (love, joy, beauty, anger, fatigue, etc.) into a character. Write a
detailed description and dialog with this character.
Thursday, 10/24
Daily Math Problem:
What number on the number line
is represented by the point P? Give
answer in fraction form.
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• What you liked or disliked and why
• What you wish had happened
• What you wish the author had
• Your opinion of the characters
Grammar Practice:
• Your opinion of the illustrations,
Rewrite each sentence fragment,
table and figures
adding a subject or a predicate or
• What you felt as you read
both to form a complete sentence.
• What you noticed when you read
• Questions
a have after reading
Showed me aAnswers:
book about pioneers
in showed
book about pioneers in Montana.
Friday, 10/25
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“A hero is someone who knows the responsibility that comes
with his freedom”
- Bob Dylan
Reading Comprehension:
• The World in a Pond
Week 14
Monday, 10/28
Daily Math Problem
Which expression is equal to 5 x 54
50 + (5 x 4)
5 x 50 + 4
5 + (50 x 4)
(5 x 50) + (5 x 4)
Word of the Week:
To regard, treat, or represent as
equivalent; reduce to an average.
We cannot equate quantity and quality.
This Week’s Vocabulary:
Tuesday, 10/29
Daily Math Problem:
Alicia has $17.24 in her piggy bank. She takes $4.85 out to buy
lunch. How much money is left in Alicia’s piggy bank?
Reading Comprehension:
• Florida’s Python Problem
Wednesday, 10/30
Daily Math Problem:
Tiffany, Lynn, and Rebecca opened a lemonade stand to earn
extra money. They earned $25.82. How much money will
each girl receive if they split their earnings evenly?
Journal Prompt:
Allow your pencil to give voice to your body besides your mind.
Have this part write a letter to you. Include a response.
Thursday, 10/31
Daily Math Problem:
Janice has 42 marbles in her bag.
Melissa has 1/6 as many marbles in
her bag. What is the total number of
marbles the two girls will have if they
combine their bags?
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
Grammar Practice:
Select the correct comparative or
superlative form of the adjective.
Who has the (easy) job? you or I?
a. easier
b. easiest
c. most easy
d. most easiest
I wonder what this means…
I really don't understand this part…
I really like/dislike this idea because…
This character reminds me of
somebody I know because…
This character reminds me of me
This character is like (name of the
character) in (title of book) because…
I think this setting is important
This scene reminds me of a similar
scene in (title of book) because…
I like/dislike this writing because…
Friday, 11/1
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who
mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”
- Dr. Seuss
Reading Comprehension:
• Top Five Languages Spoken Worldwide
Week 15
Monday, 11/4
Daily Math Problem
This Weeks Vocabulary:
How can you represent the following
figure using the distributive
Word of the Week:
To ship commodities (or ideas) to other
countries or places for sale, exchange, etc.
The United States exports pork products to
Tuesday, 11/5
Daily Math Problem:
A farmer needs to buy fencing to go around his garden. The
garden is a 20’ by 15’ rectangle.
How much fencing will he need?
Reading Comprehension:
• The Way We See
70 feet of fencing
Wednesday, 11/6
Daily Math Problem:
Solve for the variable, then check your work by inputting your answer back
into the equation.
F = 33
K = 3.5
M = 40
Journal Prompt:
Invent a new myth for the beginning of the universe
Thursday, 11/7
Daily Math Problem:
Jacob is 5 more than half his
sister’s age. How old is Jacob if
his sister is 18?
14 years old
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• This part is very realistic/unrealistic
• I think the relationship between
______ and ______ is interesting
Grammar Practice:
• I like/dislike (name of character)
Combine these two sentences with the
• This situation reminds me of one in
use of appositives.
my own life. It happened when…
• The first man on the moon was born • The character I most admire is
first man on the moon, Neil
______ because…
in Wapakoneta, Ohio.
• If I were (name of character) at this
Armstrong, was born in
point, I would …
• He was Neil Armstrong.
Wapakoneta, Ohio.
Friday, 11/8
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“The worst prison would be a closed heart”
Reading Comprehension:
• The Whale Watch
Week 16
Thursday, 12/5
Daily Math Problem:
Tim has 13.26 feet of yarn. He cuts a
first piece that measures 1.6 feet and
second piece that measures 6.35 feet.
How many feet does he have
Grammar Practice:
Select the correct word or phrase
from the choices.
Sit between Tasha and _________.
a. I
b. me
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• When I started reading this book, I
• I was surprised when…..
• This book reminds me of….
• I predict that…
• My favorite part so far is….
Friday, 12/6
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“We always admire the other person more after we’ve tried
their job”
- William Feather
Reading Comprehension:
• Rain in Space?
Monday, 12/9
Daily Math Problem
Evaluate the following expression:
[(32 - 1) • 5] – 23
Word of the Week:
One of the elements contributing to a
particular result or situation;
In Math, one of two or more
numbers, algebraic expressions, or
the like, that when multiplied
together produce a given product.
This Weeks Vocabulary:
Tuesday, 12/10
Daily Math Problem:
A class is taking a field trip to the zoo, which is 182 miles from
school. If the bus travels 52 miles per hour, how long will it take
the class to get to the zoo?
3 ½ hours
Reading Comprehension:
• A Plane in the Hudson River
Wednesday, 12/11
Daily Math Problem:
At the garden center, Mr. Visconte bought 6 packages of seeds at
$1.19 per package, 2 bags of fertilizer at $4.39 per bag, a rose
bush for $9.99, a 50-foot hose for $15.89, and a dozen tomato
plants at $0.75 each. How much did he spend in all?
Journal Prompt:
Write down everything that comes to mind about money
Thursday, 12/12
Daily Math Problem:
A pick-up truck leaves a parking lot and
travels 3 blocks west, 1 block north, 5
blocks south, and 3 blocks east. How
far and in which direction must the
pick-up truck go to get back to the
parking lot?
4 blocks north
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• Today, what happened was….
• I like the way the writer…
• My favorite character is… because…
• This book would be better if…
• I felt sad when…
Grammar Practice:
Select the sentence with correctly used commas. If the sentence is correct as is,
select correct.
Although the sun was shining the air was cold.
Although the sun was shining, the air was cold.
Although, the sun was shining the air was cold.
Although, the sun was shining, the air was cold.
Friday, 12/13
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are”
- E.E. Cummings
Reading Comprehension:
• The End of the World?
Week 17
Monday, 12/16
Daily Math Problem
If you buy two movie tickets at
$8.75 each, what will your
change be from $20?
Word of the Week:
The purpose for which something is
designed; in Math, a relation between
two sets that associates a unique
element (the value) of the second
(the range) with each element of the
The function of the hammer is to hit
nails into wood.
This Weeks Vocabulary:
Tuesday, 12/17
Daily Math Problem:
Six teams are involved in a round robin tournament. In such a
tournament, each team plays every other team once and only
once. It does not matter who wins the games. Therefore, how
many games in all are played? You may want to call your teams
A,B,C OR 1,2,3.
15 games
Reading Comprehension:
• Explosion in the Night
Wednesday, 12/18
Daily Math Problem:
Johnny made a 4 by 9 rectangle using 36 square tiles. Including
the 4 by 9 rectangle, how many different rectangles can be made
using the 36 tiles?
5 rectangles
Journal Prompt:
Why should or shouldn’t a man stay home to care for the house
and children while his wife goes to work?
Thursday, 12/19
Daily Math Problem:
An object weighing 5 pounds on
Earth will weigh 2 pounds on
Mercury. The Statue of Liberty
weighs 225 tons. What would it
weigh on Mercury?
90 tons
Grammar Practice:
Making Compound Subjects and Verbs Agree
Select the correct word from the choices
Ted and his father _______ motorcycles.
a. repairs
b. repair
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• What you liked or disliked and why
• What you wish had happened
• What you wish the author had
• Your opinion of the characters
• Your opinion of the illustrations,
table and figures
• What you felt as you read
• What you noticed when you read
• Questions you have after reading
Friday, 12-20
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“What a child doesn’t receive he can seldom later give”
- P.D. James
Reading Comprehension:
• Ray Wallace’s Bigfoot Hoax
Week 18
Thursday, 1/2
Daily Math Problem:
Jessica runs 4.8 miles every
day before school. How many
miles does she run Monday
through Friday?
24 miles
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• I wonder what this means…
• I really don't understand this part…
• This character reminds me of
somebody I know because…
• This character reminds me of me
• I think this setting is important
• I like/dislike this writing because…
Grammar Practice:
Identify each of the following groups of words as a sentence or a 1.
1. Bears are classified as carnivores, or meat eaters.
2. fragment
2. Also enjoy feeding on plants and honey.
3. fragment
3. Because they are myopic, or nearsighted.
4. Bears have difficulty seeing objects that are far a way. 4. sentence
5. fragment
5. Their keen sense of hearing, which makes up for their limited
Friday, 1/3
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength”
- Eric Hoffer
Reading Comprehension:
• Soldier in Disguise
Week 19
Monday, 1/6
Daily Math Problem
Juanita is making a pyramid
out of triangles. Each triangle
has a base of 5 meters and a
height of 10 meters. What is
the area of each triangle?
25 square meters
Word of the Week:
To make an inference from particular
facts, statistics, or the like; to make a
conclusion that applies to the group
based on facts common to most.
She made a generalization about the
condition of her desks when she saw the
first two.
This Weeks Vocabulary:
Tuesday, 1/7
Daily Math Problem:
Which is the best estimate of 13.9624 x 0.501
Reading Comprehension:
• Dirty Job? Oh Yeah
Wednesday, 1/8
Daily Math Problem:
Citizens of Honduras use lempira for their money. In July 2002, the
conversion rate for U.S. money to Hinduran money was about 6 cents to 1
lempira. What dollar amount was equivalent to 300 lempiras?
1800 cents = $18.00
Journal Prompt:
Why do you think prejudice exist in the world?
Thursday, 1/9
Daily Math Problem:
A fitness club requires a onetime
$100 initiation fee and dues of $25
each month. What is the cost for 1
Grammar Practice: In each of the
following sentences, underline the
complete subject and circle the simple
1. This famous cycling event lasts about
three weeks.
2. The leader in the race wears a yellow
3. Some cyclists have won the race more
than once.
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• This part is very realistic/unrealistic
• I think the relationship between
______ and ______ is interesting
• I like/dislike (name of character)
• This situation reminds me of one in
my own life. It happened when…
• The character I most admire is
______ because…
• If I were (name of character) at this
point, I would …
Friday, 1/10
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“You’re not the only one who’s made mistakes, but they’re the
only things you can truly call your own”
- Billy Joel
Reading Comprehension:
• Digging into Custer’s Last Stand
Week 20
Monday, 1/13
Daily Math Problem
Write in scientific notation
5.67 x 107
3.4 x 104
4.5 x 10-5
3.952 x 10-3
Word of the Week:
The striking of one thing against another;
Influence or effect.
The impact of the collision broke the
windshield. Einstein’s work impacted
modern science.
This Weeks Vocabulary:
Tuesday, 1/14
Daily Math Problem:
Eggs come in packages of 12 and English muffins come in
packages of 10. What is the least number of packages of
each that can be bought to be able to make egg sandwiches
with no muffins or eggs left over?
60 of each item =
5 packages of eggs
6 packages of muffins
Reading Comprehension:
• Crusaders of Civil Rights
Wednesday, 1/15
Daily Math Problem:
Solve for the variable, then check your work by inputting your answer back
into the equation.
W = 12.96
U = 125
W = 7/10
Journal Prompt:
Do you think there is too much violence on TV, why or why not?
Thursday, 1/16
Daily Math Problem:
Sentence Starters:
18.06 ÷ 2.1
Grammar Practice:
Rewrite and punctuate this run-on
Mrs. Dawson inherited a large sum
of money from her brother so she
can buy a new car now.
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• When I started reading this book, I
I was surprised when…..
This book reminds me of….
I predict that…
My favorite part so far is….
Mrs. Dawson inherited large sum of money from
her brother. She will use it to buy a new car.
Friday, 1/17
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud”
- Sophocles
Reading Comprehension:
• Wild Fires in Washington
Week 21
Tuesday, 1/21
Daily Math Problem:
The Leckworth family wants to put tile on their bathroom floor. Each tile is
1 foot square. Their bathroom is 4 feet by 6 feet. How many tiles will be
24 tiles
Reading Comprehension:
• Skeleton on the Ice
Wednesday, 1/22
Daily Math Problem:
A pencil costs $0.45, an eraser $0.30, and a pencil sharpener
$0.30. What is the cost of all three? You give $5 for the
Cost = $1.05
purchase. What is your change?
Change = $3.95
Journal Prompt:
Families are important because……
Thursday, 1/23
Daily Math Problem:
A certain wall is 13’ by 9’. A can of
No, she needs to cover
paint will cover 50 square feet. Will
feet of wall.
be enough?
Grammar Practice:
Underline the action verbs and circle the
direct objects in the following sentences.
1. Jose buys roses.
2. His grandfather showed him the
beautiful rose bushes.
3. One of his brothers got a new rose
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• I began to think…
• I love the way…
• I can't believe…
• I wonder why…
• I noticed…
• I think…
• I observed…
• I wonder…
• If I were…
• I'm not sure…
• I felt sad when…
• I like the way the author…
• I wish that…
• This made me think of…
Friday, 1/24
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“I’ve always been in the right place at the right time. Of course, I steered
myself there”
- Bob Hope
Reading Comprehension:
• Marching to the Sea
Week 22
Monday, 1/27
Daily Math Problem
What is the area of a square
with a side length of 4y?
Word of the Week:
To show, point out, or make known.
The thermometer indicated the air
This Week’s Vocabulary:
Tuesday, 1/28
Daily Math Problem:
After buying some apples for $89.31, Jack has $5.05 left. How
much money did Jack have to begin with?
Reading Comprehension:
• The Elephant and the Hummingbird
Wednesday, 1/29
Daily Math Problem:
Maria puts 15 gallons of gasoline in her car for a road trip. She used 6 gallons
when she stops for dinner. Maria wants to know if she has enough gasoline left
to complete her road trip.
Write an inequality to represent the scenario above. Use g to represents the
gallons of gasoline needed to drive the rest of the trip.
Journal Prompt:
Should an animal be used for medical research?
Thursday, 1/30
Daily Math Problem:
9c ÷ 3d
What is the value of the expression if
c=4 and d=6?
Grammar Practice:
Find the two words in the sentence that
can make a contraction and rewrite the
She will go to the dance with you.
She’ll go to the dance with you.
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• What you liked or disliked and why
• What you wish had happened
• What you wish the author had
• Your opinion of the characters
• Your opinion of the illustrations, table
and figures
• What you felt as you read
• What you noticed when you read
• Questions you have after reading
Friday, 1/31
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a
- Tom Brokaw
Reading Comprehension:
• Index to the Planets and Beyond
Week 23
Monday, 2/3
Daily Math Problem
Which numbers can replace n to make this
inequality true?
36 <9n
0, 1, 2, 3, 4
0, 1, 2, 3
Any number greater than 4
Any number greater than or equal to 4
Word of the Week:
To give or provide the meaning of; explain; to
bring out an understanding.
He tried to interpret the meaning of her harsh
This Week’s Vocabulary:
Tuesday, 2/4
Daily Math Problem:
The 6th grade science teacher gives a test every 12 days. The 6th grade math
teacher gives a test every 9 days. Today, both teachers are giving a test.
In how many days will the science and math teacher both give test on the
same day again?
In 36 days.
Reading Comprehension:
• Ancient Chinese Characters
Wednesday, 2/5
Daily Math Problem:
In square units, what is the area of a triangle with a hypotenuse
of 10 cm, a base of 8 cm, and a height of 6 cm?
24 square centimeters
Journal Prompt:
Invent a dream you wish you had. Write about it in detail, paying
close attention to concrete sensory images.
Thursday, 2/6
Daily Math Problem:
A population of rabbits triples every
month. Assume we start out with
100 rabbits.
a. 8100
How many
rabbits are there
after 4 months
by month 6
b. How long until there are
70,000 rabbits?
Grammar Practice:
Use two meanings for the word tear
in two different sentences. Then,
determine whether the two uses are
homonyms (same name) or
Multiple answers
(same writing).
Sentence Starters:
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
I wonder what this means…
I really don't understand this part…
I really like/dislike this idea because…
This character reminds me of
somebody I know because…
This character reminds me of me
This character is like (name of the
character) in (title of book) because…
I think this setting is important
This scene reminds me of a similar
scene in (title of book) because…
I like/dislike this writing because…
Friday, 2/7
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“In order to cover up a hole, you need to dig a new one”
Reading Comprehension:
• How Identical Is Identical?
Week 24
Monday, 2/10
Daily Math Problem
During basketball season Wanda
made 2 out of every 3 free throws
she attempted. In the last basketball
game, Wanda attempted 12 free
throws. How many free throws
would she have been expected to
8 baskets
Word of the Week:
Verb: The act of sending out or putting
Noun: An important subject requiring a
This Week’s Vocabulary:
Tuesday, 2/11
Daily Math Problem:
Two bus services A and B arrive at a station. Service A arrives at the
station every 15 minutes; service B arrives at the station every 20
minutes. Both busses are together each morning at 8:00 a.m.. When
will both buses arrive together at the station again?
9 a.m.
Reading Comprehension:
• Deadly in the Water
Wednesday, 2/12
Daily Math Problem:
Rectangle A has 5 times the area of rectangle B
Write a statement describing the relationship between the areas
of these two rectangles.
Journal Prompt:
Should schools have a dress code, why or why not?
Thursday, 2/13
Daily Math Problem:
Sentence Starters:
Stamps cost 37 cents each. Helen has
$2.00 in cash. What is the greatest
number of stamps she can buy?
5 stamps
Grammar Practice:
Circle the predicates and underline the
While taking his briefcase out of his
car, Mr. Morton heard a strange laugh
coming from the park.
Choose 1 sentence starter to tell me
about the book you are reading
• This part is very realistic/unrealistic
• I think the relationship between
______ and ______ is interesting
• I like/dislike (name of character)
• This situation reminds me of one in
my own life. It happened when…
• The character I most admire is
______ because…
• If I were (name of character) at this
point, I would …
Friday, 2/14
Quote of the Week: What does this quote me to you?
“It is far more impressive when others discover your good
qualities without your help”
Reading Comprehension:
• Dinosaur Buddies