FAST LANE Summer Camp Registration Form Child’s Name:_______________________________ Age:______ D.O.B.__/__/__ Home Phone:______________________________ Grade:Fall________________ 2014 Address:__________________________ City:________________ Zip:__________ ……………………………………………......... Guardian #1’s Name:__________________________ Employer:______________ Address:__________________________ City:________________ Zip:_________ Cell Phone:_____________ Work Phone:__________ Email:_________________ ……………………………………………......... Guardian #2’s Name:__________________________ Employer:______________ Address:__________________________ City:________________ Zip:__________ Cell Phone:_____________ Work Phone:__________ Email:_________________ Primary Contact: (circle one) Guardian #1 Guardian #2 Best form of Contact :(circle one)Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone Text Email ……………………………………………......... Emergency Contact:(not including parent or guardian.)___________________________________ Relationship:__________________________ Home Phone:__________________ Address:_________________________ City___________________ Zip_________ Cell Phone:______________________ Work Phone:________________________ ……………………………………………......... Medical Contact/Information Physician:______________________________Phone:_______________________ Address:_________________________ City:_________________ Zip__________ Hospital Preference:_________________________ Phone:___________________ Address:___________________________ City:______________ Zip:___________ Insurance Co:______________________ Policy #:____________ID#:__________ FAST LANE Summer Camp Child’s Name:_______________________________ Age:______ D.O.B.__/__/__ Home Phone:______________________________ Grade:Fall________________ 2014 ……………………………………………......... FAST LANE will be offering 2 registration options, Full Time and Part Time. Full Time: Sign up for each week that your child will attend all week. You can sign up for 1 or 13 weeks. Weekly payment s are $100.00 a week (5/27 and 6/30 only $80.00). Part Time: Sign up for as many days as you child will attend. You can sign up for 1 or 52 days. Daily payments are $25.00 a day paid weekly. Please check all weeks Camper will attend FAST LANE Summer Camp. Week 5/19-5/23 5/27-5/30 No Monday 6/2-6/6 6/9-6/13 6/16-6/27 6/30-7/3 No Friday 7/7-7/11 7/14-7/18 7/21-7/25 7/28-8/1 8/4-8/8 8/11-8/15 Weekly Fees $100.00 $80.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $80.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 Full Time All Week (check each week) Part Time (circle needed days) MTWTF TWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWT MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF Payment due by Monday 5/19 Tuesday 5/27 Monday 6/2 Monday 6/9 Monday 6/16 Monday 6/30 Monday 7/7 Monday 7/14 Monday 7/21 Monday 7/28 Monday 8/4 Monday 8/11 Total Due Health History Circle all that apply. ADD/ADHD Asthma Bleeding/Clotting Disorder Chicken Pox Diabetes Ear Infection Seizures Hearing Issues Heart Defect/Disease Migraines Vision Issues Psychological Conditions Other:______________________________________________________________ List any current or past medical treatment that would affect your child’s day at camp:______________________________________________________________ Chronic or recurring illnesses:__________________________________________ ……………………………………………......... Allergies: Circle all that apply. Pollen Penicillin Poison Oak Bee Sting Foods Hay Fever Other Insect Stings Other Drugs List any other current allergies:_________________________________________ List any dietary restrictions:____________________________________________ ……………………………………………......... List any current routine medications (prescriptions or over the counter) 1:____________________________ Time:_________ For:____________________ 2:___________________________ Time:_________ For:____________________ 3:___________________________ Time:_________ For:____________________ 4:___________________________ Time:_________ For:____________________ Medications to be administered at camp must be in original container accompanied by written and signed instructions from the parents or doctor. Campers may not carry medication at any time. Information related to your child’s health or behavior that might be helpful to staff:_______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ……………………………………………......... Any reason your child can not participate in strenuous activity such as swimming, walking, strenuous games? Yes or No If yes please explain._________________________________________ Does your child require any special accommodations? Yes or No If yes please explain.__________________________________________________ ……………………………………………......... I authorize the following over-the counter medications to be administered as needed: (circle all that apply) Ibuprofen Neosporin Cough Drops Tylenol Sun Screen Bug Spray Other:________________________________ ……………………………………………......... In the event my child requires medical treatment and I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize FAST LANE staff to make arrangements to transport my child to the physician or hospital that I have designated or the nearest hospital/emergency medical facility. I give my consent for any and all necessary medical care treatment for my child during this time. _____________________________________________ _____________________ Parent/guardian Signature Date ……………………………………………......... Swimming/Sunscreen Information FAST LANE Summer Camp will go swimming multiple times a week. Each child will be required to pass a swimming test before being permitted to go into deep water (deeper than their chest). Please circle all that apply. can swim without any help is taking swimming lessons My child……. can swim with support needs to stay in swallow water cannot swim My child has permission to take the swimming test. Yes or No I agree to allow FAST LANE Camp Staff to put sunscreen on my child’s exposed skin (not covered by clothing/swimming suit): _____________________________________________ _____________________ Parent/guardian Signature Date ……………………………………………......... Authorized Child Pick-Up List Contacts listed below will be allowed to pick-up your child. Photo ID is required. All contacts under the age of 18 will need to be discussed with the FAST LANE Director. Any one not listed will not be allowed to pick-up child. Written consent given from guardian will be permitted for one time pick-ups. Name:____________________ Relationship:______________ Phone:__________ Name:____________________ Relationship:______________ Phone:__________ Name:____________________ Relationship:______________ Phone:__________ Name:____________________ Relationship:______________ Phone:__________ Name:____________________ Relationship:______________ Phone:__________ ……………………………………………......... Agreement and Disclaimer 1. I give permission for my child to be transported by FAST LANE transportation. 2. Parents must sign in and out their child every day, 3. Drop off times begins at 7:00 a.m. no child will be permitted before 7:00. 4. Pick up times end at 6:00 p.m. 5. A late fee of $5.00 for every 15 minutes will be assessed to any child picked up after the pick-up time, beginning at 6:01. Fees will need to be paid before the child can return to Camp. After 30 minutes of the closing, with no communication from guardian, Law Enforcement will be contacted. 6. Payments are due Monday morning for the current week of Camp. Late payments will result in suspension from Camp until all fees are paid. 7. I will provide a lunch and drink, in a lunch box or cooler with cold pack, each day for my child. A fee of $5.00 per day will be assessed if my child does not have a lunch. 8. FAST LANE or its staff is not responsible for child’s personal property. (i.e. toys, games, game systems, cell phone, or money) __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Date ……………………………………………......... Code of Conduct Please make sure that you and your child are completely familiar with these policies. Failure to comply with these polices may result in suspension or termination of a child’s participation in FAST LANE Summer Camp. 1. Leaving FAST LANE Summer Camp premises or Field Trip premises. 2. Using foul language, rude, or disrespectful to staff or other participants. 3. Defacing FAST LANE or another child’s property, vehicles, or field trip facilities. 4. Engaging in fighting. 5. Bringing or using illegal substances 6. Stealing FAST LANE or another child’s property. 7. Intentionally injuring staff or another child. 8. Refusing to remain with the group during outings. 9. Refusing to follow check in and out procedures. 10. Refusing to stay seated in FAST LANE vehicles. 11. Throwing any objects or placing any body parts out of vehicle windows. 12. No weapons of any kind allowed. 13.No cell phones allowed. I have read, understand, and agree to comply with these policies: ________________________________________ ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date ________________________________________ ___________________________ Child’s Signature Date ……………………………………………......... PG Movie Permission During movie times only age apporiate movies will be shown. Some of the Family/Disney movies we choose are PG. Please sign below allowing your child to watch PG movies. ________________________________________ ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date