course details - Webster University Vienna

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ECON 2030/ add section
Principles of Macroeconomics (Semester, WI)
WRIT 2000, ECON 2020
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List particularly every title requiring a bookstore order. For help choosing a
textbook, including receiving gratis academic inspection copies, contact the
librarian Benjamin Fasching-Gray at .
If there is a standard textbook for your course (info in your contract), please
enter that title. If you would like to change this textbook, you must get the
approval from your department head.
Covers economic activity and growth, determination of income, employment, output, inflation,
aggregate demand and supply, money and banking, monetary and fiscal policies, and international
economic issues.
The student can describe introductory
economics terms and concepts.
The student is can utilize a Production
Possibilities Frontier to represent the
fundamental concepts of scarcity, opportunity
cost, and comparative advantage.
Students can describe scarcity, marginal
analysis, opportunity cost, the difference
between macroeconomics and
microeconomics, and the ceteris paribus
The student can visually represent the tradeoff
between ‘goods’ using the production
possibilities frontier, evaluate different
combinations on the frontier, and justify its
Palais Wenkheim, Praterstrasse 23, 1020 Vienna, Austria -
The student can utilize the Demand and Supply
model to represent the behavior of markets.
Students are familiar with basic national
income accounting measures.
Students are familiar with inflation.
Students are familiar with unemployment.
Students can derive and utilize the Aggregate
Demand and Aggregate Supply model.
Students are familiar with Fiscal Policy.
Students are familiar with Monetary Policy.
concave shape. The student can also describe
events that might shift the frontier.
Students can describe the difference between
supply and demand, factors that influence
both supply and demand, and how the two
work together to determine market prices and
quantities observed.
Given a market event, the student can model
the change and determine the qualitative
impact on price and sales.
Students can define national income
accounting measures – particularly GDP,
RGDP, and Per Capita RGDP. They can also
discuss the calculation and drawbacks of these
Students understand the derivation of
measures of the price level (e.g. CPI), their use
in calculating inflation and in correcting other
times series numbers for inflation.
Students also understand the basic causes and
consequences of inflation.
Students understand the calculation of the
unemployment rate including the definition of
the civilian labor force.
Students also can describe the different types
of unemployment (i.e. structural, cyclical,
seasonal, and frictional), problems with the
unemployment rate, and the concept of ‘full
Students can justify the shapes of the AD and
AS curves (including assumptions regarding
the AS curve made by differing schools of
The student can also utilize the model to
evaluate the qualitative impact of economic
shocks on the price level and RGDP.
Students can discuss the use of Fiscal Policy as
both a counter-cyclical tool as well as a
method of promoting growth in long-run
Students can describe the relationship
between Fiscal Policy and the federal budget
and the implications of the federal debt on the
Students can explain the use of Monetary
Policy as a counter-cyclical tool. This includes
the role of the Central Bank and the banking
sector in the conduct of monetary policy.
Palais Wenkheim, Praterstrasse 23, 1020 Vienna, Austria -
Students are familiar with basic international
Students can discuss the role of expectations
in the ineffectiveness of monetary policy in
producing long-term economic growth. This
should include a basic understanding of
Adaptive and Rational Expectations.
Students can to justify the flow of trade based
on the concept of Comparative Advantage.
They can describe forms of trade protection
and the impact of trade protection on national
Students can define the Balance of Payments
accounts. And discuss the role of international
flows of goods, services, and investments in
the determination of exchange rates.
Palais Wenkheim, Praterstrasse 23, 1020 Vienna, Austria -
(Note: instructors can determine the components of evaluations, below is just an example).
A: 93-100, A-: 90-92, B+: 87-89, B: 83-86, B-: 80-82, C+: 77-79,
C: 73-76, C-: 70-72, D+: 67-69, D: 63-66, F: <63
Enter percentage of grade
Enter percentage of grade
Enter percentage of grade
Enter percentage of grade
Enter percentage of grade
List policies that are specific to your course, such as your policy on acceptance of and/or penalties for late
work, an explanation of how you enforce the attendance policy (for example, whether lateness counts as a
partial absence, or points taken off for each absence or partial absence, etc.), elucidation of what
constitutes cheating, etc. or, use this section for any additional information that pertains to your course.
Week 1 (enter date/s)
Week 2 (enter date/s)
Week 3 (enter date/s)
Week 4 (enter date/s)
Week 5 (enter date/s)
Week 6 (enter date/s)
Week 7 (enter date/s)
Week 8 (enter date/s)
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Enter weekly topic and assignments
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For semester courses only:
Week 0 (break week)
Week 9 (enter date/s)
Week 10 (enter date/s)
Week 11 (enter date/s)
Week 12 (enter date/s)
Week 13 (enter date/s)
Week 14 (enter date/s)
Week 15 (enter date/s)
No classes are held during this week
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Enter weekly topic and assignments
Enter weekly topic and assignments
Enter weekly topic and assignments
Enter weekly topic and assignments
Enter weekly topic and assignments
Enter weekly topic and assignments
Palais Wenkheim, Praterstrasse 23, 1020 Vienna, Austria -
Students are required to inform themselves of WUV academic policies. A full list of these policies is available on the WUV website:
Academic Honesty & Cheating:
The University is committed to high standards of academic honesty. Students will be held responsible for violations of these standards.
A special Honor Code that the Vienna Student Council has developed applies to students and faculty. Any student found cheating on
any part of the course work (homework assignment, term paper, quiz, exam, etc.) will automatically be given an “F” for the course.
Any student found to be helping another student to cheat will likewise be given an “F” for the course. In each case, the student will
also be put on disciplinary probation for the remainder of her or his stay at Webster. If the student is found to have engaged in
cheating a second time, s/he will be automatically expelled from the University. Faculty members are held responsible for upholding
and enforcing the Honor Code.
Academic Work:
Students are required to save digital or hard-copy files of any and all materials they use for any assignment in any WUV course. Upon
the instructor's request they have to provide complete text documentation for any sources they have used. In every case, should the
assignment or project be shared outside the academic department, the student's name and all identifying information about that
student will be redacted from the assignment or project.
Contact Hours:
Graduate courses are only offered in an 8- week term format and meet 1-time per week for 4 hours. Graduate Mid-term and final
exams sessions are scheduled in 2-hour block sessions in addition to weekly class meeting times (36 total contact hours). Please see
the Graduate Course Schedule/Timetable on the website for specific exam dates/times:
Undergraduate courses are offered either in term format, which meets for two 2-hour sessions per week for 8 consecutive weeks (32
contact hours), or a 15-week semester format, which meets for two 1.5 – hour sessions for 8 consecutive weeks followed by a break
week (no classes are held) and then for another 7 consecutive weeks. The total number of contact hours for undergraduate semester
courses is thus 45.
Students are expected to attend all class sessions of this course. In the case of unavoidable absence, the student must contact the instructor
and provide written documentation. The student is subject to appropriate academic penalty for incomplete or unacceptable makeup work,
or for excessive or unexcused absences.
Excused absences—based on submitted documentation—must not exceed:
 Four class sessions when the course meets twice a week;
 Two class sessions when the course meets only once a week.
Should the number of excused absences be higher, it is the student's responsibility to withdraw from the course.
In the case of unexcused absences, amounting to:
 Four class sessions when the course meets twice a week;
 Two class sessions when the course meets only once a week;
the instructor must lower the student's grade by one letter grade and inform the student of the action.
Should the number of unexcused absences be higher, the instructor must assign the grade of F and inform the student of the action.
Note: In the case of a mixture of excused and unexcused absences, the instructor’s response must be based on the dominant category.
Student Conduct:
Since every student is entitled to full participation in class or exams without interruption, disruption of class by inconsiderate behavior
is not acceptable. Students are expected to treat the instructor and other students with dignity and respect, especially in cases where
a diversity of opinion arises. Students who engage in disruptive behavior are subject to disciplinary action, including removal from the
course. All and any use of a cell phone is strictly prohibited during class. Students using a cell phone may be sent out of the classroom,
which may result in an unexcused absence. If a calculator is needed in any class, the student must bring a calculator—and not a cell
phone. It is up to the individual instructor to rule on the use of laptops or I-pads. Instructors have the right to prohibit students’ use of
such electronic devices.
Palais Wenkheim, Praterstrasse 23, 1020 Vienna, Austria -