CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF INFORMATION Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased cigarettes, pipes and cigars. A smoking habit is a physical addiction to tobacco products. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that there are 1.25 billion smokers worldwide. Low and middle income countries, account for 82% of the world's smokers. It is predicted that by the 2020s there will be about 10 million tobacco related deaths annually worldwide, and most of the increase in deaths will occur in the developing Asian countries, where the rate of tobacco consumption is increasing. Although much of this excess mortality from smoking can be prevented if smokers stopped smoking. Most smokers did not believe that smoking cause illness and most of them thought that only those who smoke heavily are likely to get serious illnesses caused by smoking, (Hill and Gray, 1989). In fact about one third of all premature deaths caused by smoking occur in smokers who smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day (Royal College of Physicians, 1983). 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT The problems of smoking also happen among University Malaysia Pahang students. Nowadays, smoking has become a trend among them and it has been increasing and it is uncommon to see the students smoke in campus. If the problem is continuously happening without any worries, the problem will affect not only their quality of life but also will affect people around them. As university students, they should have a good quality of health because some day they will run the country. Country as well as their families has a big hope on them. Thus, this study seeks to unravel the smoking habits among UMP students 1 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE To find out the prevalence of smoking and to describe the habits, attitudes and practices related to smoking habits among students of Universiti Malaysia Pahang. 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTION 1) What is the opinion of the smokers among UMP students towards smoking? 2) What is the smoking habit among UMP students? 3) Do smokers among UMP students know the effect of smoking on health? 1.5 DEFINITION OF TERMS Smoking habit is a practice of inhalation of harmful gaseous that contains in a cigarette whether it is often or not. 1.6 REVIEW OF METHODOLOGY In methodology, all the steps that will be taken to investigate the question under consideration such as data collection and data analysis are included. There were 60 respondents who are smokers have answered the questionnaire. For data analysis we use computer software like Microsoft office excel to analysis statistic of questionnaires. 2 1.7 SUMMARY OF CHAPTERS In this report, there were five chapters to conduct. First is the introduction which we evaluate the background of study, problem statement, and review of literature, research objective, research question, and definition of terms, review of methodology and summary of chapters. Second, review of literature is divided into four sections. There are introduction, the opinion of smoking, the smoking habits and practices, and also the effects of smoking towards health. Lastly is about the methodology that included the introduction to chapter, sampling methods, data collection instruments data analysis procedure and the summary. We also include references to revise the article web and questionnaire. 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION This review of literature consists of 3 sections according to each member’s research area such as tremendous effect of cigarette smoking to surrounding, reasons why students have smoking habits and the effect of smoking to them. 2.2 TREMENDOUS EFFECT OF CIGARETTE SMOKING TO SURROUNDINGS There are tremendous effects of cigarette smoking such as to the environment, pregnant women, secondary smokers as well as smoker’s financial problem. Jessica Taylor-Cassan (2007), state approximately 30% of North Americans are smokers, and the percentage goes much higher in most developing countries, which means there is a massive amount of pollution being released into the air every day. Cigarette smoke can bring harm to pregnant women. It might puts a baby at risk of a number of health problems such as increasing the chances of having a baby with low birth weight, increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm birth and placental abruption. The American Lung Association (2001) found out that women who smoke while pregnant have a greater risk of having a miscarriage than women who quit. Moreover, Floyd et. al, (1993) agree and comes out state the negative effects of smoking in pregnancy are well documented, being associated with low birth weight, an increased risk of spontaneous abortion and respiratory problems after birth. Furthermore, smoking behavior also affects secondary smokers who defined as someone who is not smoking but surround or close by cigarette smoker and inhaled the smoke from the smoker. Secondhand smoke is a toxic cocktail consisting of poisons and carcinogens. There are 4 over 4000 chemicals compounds in secondhand smoke which are known to be poisonous, and upwards of 60 have been identified as carcinogens. 2.3 SMOKING HABITS AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS SMOKING AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN JORDAN The reasons of student smoking are alleviation of peer pressure, social acceptance issues and stress. Since when a student in university want to be more experience, they want to try anything. But if a person trying a cigar, it’s become addicted and they want to continue it. Kegler et. al. (1999) illustrate that for young smokers, once started smoke they desire more mature, self-confident, independent and have high personality profile. Faseru (2006) also state that the main reason for smoking is curiosity, when they see their friends smoke and he or she become want to try it. Also they smoked because of boredom and loneliness. Parents at home have to show their child good behavior and stop modeling as smoker at home. When student stay around with friends, they will become unconscious and at the end just follow what’s others say and do. Maziak (2004) indicates that smoking among students showed that economic status, assessed using the same measure, and was positively related to smoking status of girls but not boys. Great majority of smokers starts the habit before 20 years of age (Young et al., 1989). At this age range, the only reason they smoke because alleviation of stress. In the other hands, Maziak (2004) suggests that factors related to smoking are different from those that motivate quitting. Realization of the negative influence of peers in this regard can foster a challenging attitude toward smoking and increase interest in quitting. Faseru (2006) illustrate that reasons for smokers are for the fun of it, just feel like it, to feel and belong among friends, to relax, for leisure, and to reduce anger. 5 2.4 THE EFFECTS OF SMOKING CIGARETTES ON GENERAL HEALTH There are so many negative impacts that will affect someone health if they are exposed to smoking whether they are first hand smokers or second hand smokers. According to A. Evans et. al(2003), smoking will lead to coronary heart diseases and heart attack. It will increase the blood pressure and thus will increase the heart rate. Smoking also increases the risk of emphysema and cancer. The strain of smoking effects on the body often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure. As a matter of facts, J. Koerselman (2007) also did said that cancer is one of the most dangerous disease that smokers will might get such in mouth, larynx, esophagus and bladder. Martin T. (2008) found out that Cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) in tobacco smoke damage important genes that control the growth of cells, causing them to grow abnormally or to reproduce too rapidly. Besides, smoking also can cause Perodontitis. Periodontitis is a serious gum disease that can result in the loss of teeth and bone loss. T. Martin (2008) also said that “smoking is causally related to periodontitis. This may be because smoking affects the body's ability to fight infection and repair tissue”. When serious gum diseases affect smokers health, it will cause the smokers having pain when brushing their teeth and lead the gum to bleed continuously and thus having a difficulties to consume food. In addition, smoking also can cause peptic ulcers, which are located in the digestive tracts (stomach and duodenum). It is usually occurs in people with an infection caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Smoking has been seen to increase the incidence of infection by 6 this bacterium. Research has shown that smokers have a greater incidence of ulcers. Not only this, their ulcers do not heal easily and can be fatal more than in non smokers. 7 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter is comprises of three parts that mentioned about the participants, instruments used for the data collection as well as data analysis procedure. This study is basically used two types of data collecting instruments that are questionnaire and interview. 3.2 SAMPLING METHODS This research is conducted among UMP students. There are all together 60 respondents who are smoker, from any faculty and year. These respondents are asked to answer the questionnaire given and about five respondents were interviewed. Table 3.1 below shows the summary of participants who involved with this study. Table 3.1 GENDER FACULTY FKKSA FKASA FKM FKEE FIST OSH FSKKP MALE Year 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 Year 2 5 0 0 0 5 0 2 Year 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 Year 4 0 0 0 10 0 12 0 FEMALE Year 1 Year 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Year 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 Year 4 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 3.3 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT In completing this research, we use two data collection instruments which are survey questionnaire and interview. 8 3.3.1 Survey Questionnaire Our survey questionnaires are divided into three sections which are section A, B and C. The questions in each section play different role in order to get the data needed. First three questions required the respondents to fill in their relevant information. In addition, section A is to obtain people opinions about smoking, section B is to find out the smoking habits among UMP students and last but not least section C is to investigate the effects of smoking on health. This data collection instruments, acts as our primary source of data as it holds majority of our respondent points of view. It helps to obtain a lot of different opinions among our respondents regarding the issue. 3.3.2 Interview Interview instrument are more focus to personal or individual opinion. The objective of the interview is to obtain deep information as well as people clearer point of view regarding the smoking habit. Five respondents were randomly selected in this interview session and they were to answer ten questions that we have prepared earlier. It was a face to face interview session with our selected respondents. All information or data obtained whether verbal or non-verbal communication from this interview was recorded for our data analysis purpose. 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Both qualitative and quantitative data were used in this study. All the data obtained from the survey questionnaire as well as from the interview session were analyzed. The data then was tabulated in form of chart as well as statistic analysis. 9 3.4.1 Analyzing data from Questionnaire All the feedback from the respondents was analysed. The data is analysed according to the responses toward each section in survey questionnaire. The data is then presented in form chart and statistic analysis by the following steps: Step 1: The data obtained from survey questionnaire is analysed. Step 2: The data obtained from the dichotomous and multiple questions are counted for the frequency and percentage from the data collected. Step 3: The data obtained from ranking question is recorded using bar chart. Step 4: All the data is then summarized. 3.4.2 Interview For the interview, first, we have to prepare the list of questions needed. The interview session objective is to gain deep understanding and information of our respondents regarding this smoking issue. The respondents were asked only those questions and were interview by our group members. Feedbacks from our respondents were recorded and it acts as our secondary form of data. 3.5 SUMMARY As a conclusion, this chapter comprises of all methods used in completing our research about the ‘Smoking Habits among UMP Students’. These methods are very useful since we can gain a lot of information and data needed for the final report. 10 CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 INTRODUCTION OF THE SMOKING HABITS AMONG UMP STUDENTS This chapter will explain further about the data analysis get from the research done. The data that related to the research questions are used in order to achieve the objective of this study. All the data obtained is illustrates in form of pie and bar chart. 4.2 WHAT IS THE OPINION OF THE SMOKERS AMONG UMP STUDENTS TOWARDS SMOKING? The aim of the research question is to investigate the opinion and point of view of the smokers among UMP students towards smoking. The data gain from the survey questionnaires related to this research question is then used and tabulated in form of pie chart as shown in the figure 4.1 below. Opinion about smoking 28% 47% 1 25% 2 3 1- affect the environment 2-makes people around you feel unconfortable 3-makes you appear mature, self confident and Figure 4.1 : Opinion of The Smokers Towards Smoking. 11 The graph above indicates the opinion of the smokers among UMP students regarding smoking. The graph illustrates that the opinion on smoking will makes you appear mature, self-confident and independence has the highest percentage whereas smoking will makes people around you feel uncomfortable has the least percentage. There are about 47% percent smokers are definitely agree that smoking makes them appear mature, selfconfidence and independence follow by 28%percent smokers share the same opinion that smoking will affects the environment. The remaining of 25% percent smokers agrees that smoking makes people around them feel uncomfortable. Therefore, it can be concludes that probably people smoke because they feel that smoking has become a new trend in the society. Apart from that they also want to be a part of the certain group of people and believe that smoking is a most essential ingredient in order to boost their self-esteem. 4.3 WHAT IS THE SMOKING HABITS AMONG UMP STUDENTS? 4.3.1 How many cigarette smoke do UMP students needs per day. Number of respondents Cigarettes smoke per day 25 22 20 20 14 15 10 4 5 0 below 5 5-10 10-15 more than 15 Number of cigarette per day Figure 4.2 Graph bar of cigarette smoke per day 12 The graph (See Figure 4.3) illustrates the number of respondents on how many cigarettes smoke do they take per day. As shown in the bar chart, many of the respondents take below than 5 cigarette smoke which is about 20 respondents. Meanwhile the respondents who take more than 15 are 4 respondents. 22 respondents smoking about 5 to 10 and the left, 14 respondents smoke about 10 to 15. The graph shows that respondents mostly not too much smoking per day. It can be concluded that respondents knows the health problems that related to smoking habits. 4.3.2 How much money do UMP students spend on cigarettes per week Money spend on cigarettes per week 35 Respondents 30 29 26 25 20 15 10 5 5 0 0 less than RM30 RM30-RM60 RM60-RM90 above RM90 Money spend on cigarettes Figure 4.3 : The graph bar of number of respondents on how much they spend The graph (See Figure 4.3) indicates the number of respondents on how many much do they spend on cigarette per week. Illustrated by the chart, mostly of the respondents spend about RM30 to RM60 on cigarette smoke per week which is about 29 respondents. Meanwhile the respondents at least spend around RM60 to RM90 is 5 respondents. No respondents spend above RM90 and the remaining spends less than RM30. The graph shows that respondents mostly 13 spend more for cigarettes. It can be concluded that probably respondents not really well- known the long-term effect if they continue this habits and maybe because they does not matter as long as they satisfied they smoking. 4.4 DO SMOKERS AMONG UMP STUDENTS KNOW THE EFFECTS OF SMOKING? The aim of this research question is to investigate whether the smokers among UMP students knows the effects of smoking towards their health and also people around them. The data gain from the survey questionnaires related to this research question is then used and tabulated in form of pie chart as shown in the figure 4.4 below. Number of person Health effects related to smoking 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes Type of diseases Figure 4.4 : The health effects related to smoking The graph (See Figure 4.4) illustrates the health effects related to smoking based on the opinion of smokers among UMP students. According to the graph, Influenza has the highest voted while cancer has the least voted by the smokers among UMP students. There are more than half people which is 47 person has voted Influenza followed by Peptic ulcers 14 which is 40 vote while Periodontitis collected 38 vote. 33 people has voted heart attack, 32 people has voted for Bronchitis and 23 people has voted for coronary heart diseases. Emphysema collected 20 votes, followed by Asthma which is 17 votes and the least one is Cancer which collects only 15 votes. The graph shows that. It can be concluded that the smokers among UMP students still have the lower level of awareness of the effect of smoking towards their own health. Based on a research, the major effects of smoking are smokers have a high risk on getting coronary heart disease, emphysema and cancer, Perodontitis, gum diseases and also peptic ulcer. Influenza has nothing to do when someone smoke. From interview section, we found that they were well-known the effect of smoking. But they still wants to continue smoke, one of them say that it not to easy to quit. So it proves that the smokers among UMP have a low level of awareness. 4.5 CONCLUSION It can be concluded that respondents knows the health problems that related to smoking habits but probably respondents not really well-known the long-term effect if they continue this habits and maybe because they does not matter as long as they satisfied they can smoke. Besides, the smokers among the students of UMP have a low level of awareness of the effects of smoking habits. Therefore, it can be concludes that probably people smoke because they feel that smoking has become a new trend in the society. Apart from that they also want to be a part of the certain group of people and believe that smoking is a most essential ingredient in order to boost their self-esteem. 15 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 INTRODUCTION This section provides the overall conclusion from every research question. It summaries the information and data gained from the survey questionnaires. Besides that, this section also gives suggestions and recommendations to the problems faced by smokers among UMP students relating to their smoking habits. It is hoped that the recommendations that are suggested will completely decrease the number of smokers among UMP students. 5.2 CONCLUSION 5.2.1 WHAT ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE SMOKERS AMONG UMP STUDENTS TOWARDS SMOKING? From the first research question, it shows that almost half of the smokers share the same opinion, that smoking makes them appear mature, self confident and independence. Perhaps this is due to smoking has become a new trend in the society. Instead of want to be a part of the certain group of people they also believe that smoking is a most essential ingredient in order to boost their self-esteem. Probably, a life as a student in such a busy and hectic schedule, give them pressure and cigarette smoke being the best thing ever in releasing it anyway. 16 5.2.2 WHAT IS THE SMOKING HABITS AMONG UMP STUDENTS? The second research question reveals that almost half of respondents were not too much smoke per day. Maybe this is due to their knowledge on the effects when they are smoking and their incomes are not enough for them to buy more. It can be concluded that respondents knows the health problems that related to smoking habits and probably almost half of respondents not really well-known the long-term effect if they continue this habits. 5.2.3 DO SMOKERS AMONG UMP STUDENTS KNOW THE EFFECTS OF SMOKING? A majority of smokers among the UMP students still have a lower level of awareness on the effects of smoking towards their health and also people around them. This could be because of the lack of information about the effects of smoking. They might not care about the effects of smoking and does not want to know the effects of smoking. This also could be due to the less reading materials whether books, articles, journals or reports about the effects of smoking towards their health and also the people around them. 5.3 RECOMMENDATION Based on the researched done, there are several recommendations that can be applied to reduce the smoking habits among UMP students. First of all, educate the students by held a campaign such as talk, motivation and distribute the pamphlets about smoking. The targeted audiences that had been suggested are youngsters and teenagers because they are easy to get influent. Moreover, media should take part in this effort to expose more about 17 the disadvantages and consequences that smokers will face in the future. Next, university authorities should form one organization that can help smokers to quit smoking as for some smokers already have the intention to do so. Last but not least, for smokers to stop smoking it should come with their own. Smokers should think wisely whether smoking behavior bring good or harm to their own health. 5.4CONCLUSION In conclusion, the objectives of the research are achieved. Majority of the respondents share the same opinion that smoking make them appear matured, self-confident and independent. This shows that level of thinking of smokers among UMP students are still low since they do not really care about their health but focused more on their appearance. Next, most of respondents smoke less than five cigarettes per day. Probably as they are students they have to manage their money well. Lastly, it can be conclude that level of awareness of smokers among UMP students are still low because they do not really know about the health effects related to smoking habit. 18 REFERENCES Evan.A (2003). Effects of smoking cigarettes on general health. Retrieved July 20, 2010, kingCigarrete.html Jesicca Taylor-Caysan (2007). How Smoking Affects our Environment. How smoking affects our environment. Retrieved July 20, 2010, from Julie Ackendorf (2008). Dangers of Smoking During Pregnancy. Potential harm through baby when pregnant woman smokes. Retrieve July 20, 2010, from http://www.dangersofsmokingduringpregnancy.htm K. Shamsuddin, M. Abdul Haris (2000). Family influence on current smoking habits among secondary school children in Kota Bharu, Kelantan.Volume 41(4): 167-17, Retrieved July 20, 2010, from T.Martin (2004). Health effects of smoking. Guide, September 2004. Retrieved July 20, 2010, from Vanessa Higgins (1998). Young Teenagers and Smoking (1998). Retrieved July 20, 2010, from 19 APPENDICES SURVEY ON SMOKING HABITS AMONG UMP STUDENTS SURVEY QUESTION Dear respondent, this survey is conducted to find out the prevalence of smoking and to describe the habits, attitudes related to smoking among UMP students. We hope you can give cooperation in answering this question. Thank you. Faculty : ________________ Gender : Male Year : 1 Female 2 3 4 Section A : This section is to find out opinion about smoking. ( Please choose ONE answer ) 1. As a student, do you think smoking is essential to your life? Yes No 2. When did you start smoking? Below 15 15 – 17 17 – 20 3. Smoking : i. Affect the environment ii. Makes people around feel uncomfortable iii. Makes you appear mature, self-confident and independent Section B This section is to find out the smoking habits among UMP students. 4. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? Below 5 10 – 15 5 – 10 more than 15 20 5. 6. 7. How much you spend on cigarettes per week ? Less than RM30 RM60 – RM90 RM30 – RM60 Above RM90 Why do you smoke? Reduce stress Curiosity Peer Pressure Make you cool Who introduced the first cigarette to you? Friends Parents Siblings 8. Does smoking will help you to get good grades in examination? Yes 9. No Smoking will lead you to : (Please RANK FROM 1 TO 5 according to your opinion. 1 is the MOST and 5 is the LEAST) 1 2 3 4 5 Drug abuse Less focus on class Having difficulties in breathing. Having difficulties in sleeping Stinks mouth Section C : This section is to find out the effect of smoking on health. 10. Are you aware the effect of smoking ? (Please tick YES or NO ) Yes No 21 11. What are the health effects that related to smoking? (You may tick MORE THAN ONE answer ) Coronary heart diseases Heart attack Emphysema (illness that slowly rots your lung) Asthma Bronchitis Cancer Influenza Periodontitis (serious gum diseases) Peptic Ulcers 12. What are the effects of smoking towards passive smoker (people who are always around people who smoke) ? ( You may tick MORE THAN ONE answer) Coronary heart diseases Heart attack Emphysema (illness that slowly rots your lung) Asthma Bronchitis Cancer Influenza Periodontitis (serious gum diseases) Peptic Ulcers 13. Do you have any intention to quit smoking ? (Please tick either YES or NO) Yes No -THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION- 22 INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Remember First time you smoked? yes or no If yes, where did you first smoke? 2. how old were you? 3. How long were you smoking regularly? 4. Why did you first start smoking? 5. How many cigarettes do you smoke each day? 6. Time day you smoke most? 7. What brand you smoke? 8. How many packs you smoke a day? 9. How much money you spend on cigarettes you spend in one week? 10. Are you aware of health hazards as result of smoking? 11. Any negative effects? if so, please explain 12. Tried quit smoking? yes or no if so, how many times? 23 SURVEY ON SMOKING HABITS AMONG UMP STUDENTS This survey is conducted to find out the prevalence of smoking and to describe the habits as well as the attitudes related to smoking among UMP students. We hope you can give your cooperation in answering this question. Thank you. V1 Faculty : ________________ 1-FKKSA 2-FKASA 3-FKM 4-FKEE 5-FIST 6-FSKKP 7-OSH V2 Gender : V3 Year 1- Male : 2- Female 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 Section A : Please (√) ONE answer. V4 1. As a student, do you think smoking is essential to your life? 1 Yes 2 No V5 2. When did you start smoking ? 1 Below 15 2 15 – 17 3 17 – 20 V6 3. Smoking : iv. affects the environment 1 1 v. makes people around you feel unconfortable 2 2 vi. makes you appear mature, self-confident and independent 3 3 24 Section B Please (√) ONE answer. V7 4. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? 1- Below 5 3- 10 – 15 2- 5 – 10 4- more than 15 V8 5. How much you spend on cigarettes per week ? 1- Less than RM30 3- RM60 – RM90 2- RM30 – RM60 4- Above RM90 V9 6. Why do you smoke? 1- Reduce stress 3- Curiosity 2- Peer Pressure 4- Makes you look cool V10 7. Who introduced the first cigarette to you? 1- Friends 2- Parents 3- Siblings 4- Others, please specify______________________ V11 8. Does smoking help you to get good grades in examination? 1- Yes 2- No Please RANK FROM 1 TO 5 according to your opinion. 1 is for the MOST and 5 is for the LEAST POSSIBILITY 9. Smoking will lead you to : Drug abuse Less focus in class Having difficulties in breathing. Having difficulties in sleeping Stinks your mouth Leads to health problems Face financial problems Face discipline problems V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 Section C : Please (√) ONE answer. V20 10. Are you aware the effect of smoking ? 1- Yes 2- No You may (√) MORE THAN ONE answer 1 - (√) 0- X 11. What are the health effects related to smoking? V21 Coronary heart diseases V22 Heart attack V23 Emphysema (illness that slowly rots your lung) V24 Asthma V25 Bronchitis V26 Cancer V27 Influenza V28 Periodontitis (serious gum diseases) V29 Peptic Ulcers You may (√) MORE THAN ONE answer 1 - (√) 0- X 12. What are the effects of smoking towards passive smokers (people who are always around people who smoke) ? V30 Coronary heart diseases V31 Heart attack V32 Emphysema (illness that slowly rots your lung) V33 Asthma V34 Bronchitis V35 Cancer V36 Influenza V37 Periodontitis (serious gum diseases) V38 Peptic Ulcers 26 Please (√) ONE answer. V39 13. Do you have any intention to quit smoking ? 1- Yes 2- No -THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION- 27 Variable 1 : Faculty FKKSA FKASA FKM FKEE FIST FSKKP FKPPT 13 6 9 11 7 8 6 Faculty FKKSA 10% 13% 22% FKASA 10% 12% FKEE 15% 18% FKM FIST FSKKP Variable 2 : Gender Male Female 43 17 Gender 17 Male 43 Female Variable 3 : Year 1 2 3 4 7 22 21 10 Year 40% 10% 20% 1 2 30% 3 4 28 Variable 4 : As a student, do you think smoking is essential to your life? Yes No 36 24 As student, smoking is essential to your life 40% Yes 60% No Variable 5: When did you start smoking ? Below 15 15-17 17-20 14 22 24 Age when start smoking 40% 23% 37% Below 15 15-17 17-20 29 Variable 6: Smoking : 1 - affect the environment 2 - makes people around you feel unconfortable 3 - makes you appear mature, self-confident and independence 17 15 28 Opinion about smoking 28% 47% 1 2 25% 3 1- affect the environment 2-makes people around you feel unconfortable 3-makes you appear mature, self confident and indepedence Variable 7 : How many cigrettes do you smoke per day? Below 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 more than 15 22 20 14 4 Cigarettes smoke per day 14 4 20 1 2 22 3 4 30 Variable 8 : How much you spend on Cigarettes per week? Less than RM30 RM30 - RM60 RM60 - RM 90 Above RM90 26 29 5 0 Money spend on cigarettes per week 0 5 26 29 Variable 9 : Why do you smoke? Reduce stress Peer Pressure Curiosity Makes you looks good 27 12 8 13 Reasons on why people smoking 12 1 27 8 13 2 3 4 Variable 10 : Who introduced the first cigarette to you? Friends Parents Siblings Others 44 8 7 1 Persons who inroduced cigarette to smokers 7 1 Friends 8 Parents 44 Siblings Others 31 Variable 11 : Does smoking help you to get good grades in examination? 1) Yes 2) No 29 31 Opinion related to smoking 29 31 1) Yes 2) No Variables 12 to 19 : Smoking will lead you to : Variable 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Effects Drug abuse Less focus in class Having difficulties in breathing Having difficulties in sleeping Stinks your mouth Leads to health problems Face financial problems Face discipline problems 1 24 8 9 10 6 20 5 7 2 10 18 19 11 16 10 19 9 3 15 18 21 26 16 13 19 17 4 8 9 7 9 16 12 9 10 5 3 7 4 4 6 5 8 17 Effects of smoking to the smokers 30 25 Series1 20 Series2 15 Series3 10 Series4 Series5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 32 Variables 20 : Are you aware of the effects smoking? 1) Yes 2) No 56 4 Awareness about smoking 4 1) Yes 56 2) No Variables 21 to 29 : What are the health effects related to smoking? Variable 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Health problems Coronary heart diseases Heart attact Emphysema Asthma Bronchitis Cancer Influenza Periodontitis (serious gum diseases) Peptic ulser 1 23 33 20 17 32 15 47 38 40 0 37 27 40 43 28 45 13 22 20 Health effects of smoking 50 40 30 20 10 0 Series4 Series5 33 Variables 30 to 38 : What are the efects of smoking towards passive smokers? Variable 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Health problems Coronary heart diseases Heart attact Emphysema Asthma Bronchitis Cancer Influenza Periodontitis (serious gum diseases) Peptic ulser 1 43 44 24 14 28 24 45 51 50 0 17 16 26 46 32 36 15 9 10 Effects of smoking towards passive smokers 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5 Variable 39 : Do you have any intention to quit smoking? 1) Yes 2) No 44 16 Intention to quit smoking 16 1) Yes 44 2) No 34