PART 2 Cost Benefit Research and Embedded Citation Nov

Due Thurs Nov 21, 2013
Assignment #2 - Cost/Benefit Analysis - Research and Embedded Citation
To be collected by teacher today:
1. Your best embedded citation – your sentence must make sense on its own. This sentence will be used as part of
one of your entries in your final cost benefit table.
2. The APA reference for the citation.
You have already written out the question you wish to pose for your cost benefit analysis. E.g.; Euthanasia
should be legalized.
What search terms will you use to find a citation from an article for a cost?
 What search terms will you use to find a citation from an article for a benefit?
Now you are ready to research online.
Using EBSCO...
1. Log in to EBSCO using the password provided here.
Online Resource Password for EBSCO
User ID: aphs
Password: eagles
2. Limit your search
to get the best results. When
you go into EBSCO make sure the “Canadian Reference Centre”, “Science Reference Centre” and
“Health Source” are checked off.
3. Make sure you limit your results by checking off “full text”. Also, click off “peer edited”.
4. Now enter your search terms and look for the most appropriate title that comes up.
5. Always record the information needed to make an APA reference.
Print off only the page that contains the “quotation” you will use
highlighting section used for “quotation” - red be used to highlight risks and blue be used to highlight benefits)
Acknowledge sources, using the APA form of documentation
Identify your sources here using APA format. For help on how to use APA style referencing, go to the following site: Alternatively, you can seek help with your teacher, or the librarian
on your lunch, or before/after school.
Referencing Magazine Articles Database - Example
Author, A.A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages, from EBSCOhost
database (Canadian Reference Centre).
Citation 1
Evaluation Checklist: Embedded Citations
 you cannot make it seem like the author was saying something he was not
 Proper APA citation using the ideas discussed in class
 Appropriate article used for source
 proper sentence structure
Reference Information
Evaluation Checklist: Referencing
 include a peer edited article from EBSCO
 indented second line
 double spaced
Proof of reading article e.g. highlighting section used for “quotation” - red be used to highlight risks and blue be used to
highlight benefits)
Reference centred in page
Reference list posted to back of REPORT
12 font times new roman
Proper order
Author, A.A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages, from EBSCOhost
database (Canadian Reference Centre).
Now that you are done, continue collecting quotes with references for your final project. You
will be using this information to create your cost/benefit tables for the final project. You
should have references for each of the ideas you intend to use.
Direct quotation – One Author
Some argue that “a dream is the fulfillment of a wish” (Freud, 1997, p.154).
Paraphrase of Author’s Idea – One Author
The historian, Crane Brinton, believes that the French and Russian revolutions had similar causes (Brinton, 1997, p.155).
Two Authors
“The main cause of the fall of the Roman Empire was over expansion of its boundaries” (Alcock & Thornhill, 1993, p.12).
More Than Six Authors
Numerous studies have shown that television violence has negative effects on the behaviour of children (Smith et al., 1996, p.14).
General Rules:
 Arrange sources in alphabetical order by the last name of the author.
 Give the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work. Use “&” instead of “and” when listing multiple authors of
a single work. When there are more than six authors, list the first author and then use “et al.” for the other authors.
 Use italics for the title.
 Indent second lines of the entry five spaces.
 Double-space between entries.
 Capitalize only the first word of the title.
BOOKS: follow the general format shown below
Author (s). (Date of Publication). Title of book. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Name of Magazine, Volume Number (if available), page numbers.
Author. (Date of print publication: year, month day). Article title. Title of original source of article, Volume number
(if available), page numbers. Retrieval date (month day, year), Subscription Provider.
Author (s). (Date of original posting or revision, if available-use ‘n.d.’ if there is no posting date). Name of page. Retrieval date from
Internet address, Internet address
Lederman, L. (n.d.). Topics in modern physics-Lederman. Retrieved December 1, 2001, from
Need More Help!
American Psychological Association. APA Style. <>.
Library Resource “Student Research Guide”
Quotation Example 1:
He stated, “the list of potential effects begins with acne, hirsutism, changes in body shape and voice, and
increased sebaceous gland activity.” (Hoffmann, 2008, p. 4), but he did not clarify which behaviors were
Quotation Example 2:
Hoffmann (2008) stated that “the list of potential effects begins with acne, hirutism, changes in body shape and
voice, and increased sebaceous gland activity” (p. 4).
Quotation Example 3:
Hoffmann (2008) stated the following:
The list of potential effects begins with acne, hirsutism, changes in body shape and voice, and
increased sebaceous gland activity. The list goes on to include permanent muscle fiber damage, breast
enlargement in men, breast diminution in women, effects on sexual organs, and liver damage. (p. 4)
Quotation Example 4: combining quotes using your own words [ ]
Senge (1990) describes learning organizations as possible “…because, deep down, we are all learners [and
because] …not only is it our nature to learn but we love to learn” (p. 4).
Quotation Example 5: If you are referencing another author cited within the work (secondary source) and you
didn't read the work of that author, you would use the same principles as the other citations on this page, but add
"as cited in" to the reference:
Brown's work on the APA style (Brown, as cited in Smith, 2005) shows us that ...
Quotation Example 6: Include only the page number (p. 3) to reference the second quote in the same paragraph
from the same source.