Bone Health
Amsterdam , The Netherlands
Saturday April 2
in Park Boswijk in Doorn
Dr. Wolf-Dieter Kessler
Two scientist are behind the field therapy
Harold Saxton Burr, PhD, Professor of Anatomy,
and Teacher of Neuroanatomy and
Bioelectrodynamics at
Yale University School of Medicine
Harold Saxton Burr found:
for any life on earth is the electrodynamic field.
In other words:
The field builds up the tissue,
The field controls all enzymatic and neuronic
William Ross Adey, M.D
The Adey Window
Bassett CA, Pawluk RJ, Pilla AA.
Augmentation of Bone Repair by
Inductively Coupled Electromagnetic
Fields. Science 1974;184:575-7.
Osteoporosis causes
Decreased Stability
Osteoporosis causes
Feeling insecure
Osteoporosis causes
Osteoporosis causes
Cannot get out of a car easily
Osteoporosis causes
Cannot carry items up the stairs
Osteoporosis causes
Inability to walk
Osteoporosis causes
Osteoporosis causes
24 hour pain
Arm Fracture
24 % hip fractures die within a year
10 million Americans have osteoporosis
34 million have low bone mass
Number of reduced life quality is unknown
Osteoporosis Symptoms
Decreased Stability
Inability to walk
Cannot carry items up the stairs
Cannot get out of a car easily
24 hour pain
Weak immune system
Reduced life quality
Gluten sensitivity
Dairy sensitivity
Conventional Therapies
Vitamin D
Non steroids analgetics
Wheel chair
Conventional Therapies
The key to its prevention revolve around calcium.
Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.
Dr. Robert Thompson, M.D., wrote an entire book on this
subject called, The Calcium Lie, which explains that bone is
comprised of at least a dozen minerals and the exclusive focus
on calcium supplementation is likely to worsen bone density
and increase your risk of developing osteoporosis!
Himalayan salt is an excellent source of trace minerals to
function optimally.
Why Sally Field Could be Setting Herself Up for
Osteoporosis with Boniva ???
If you’ve been prescribed an osteoporosis drug
such as Fosamax, Actonel or Boniva, it is very
important that you understand how these drugs
work before putting them into your body.
biphosphonate drugs :
“…antiresorptive medicines, which means they slow
or stop the natural process that dissolves bone tissue,
resulting in maintained or increased bone density and
you’re only getting half the story here. Using these
types of pharmaceutical drugs is the worst way to
attempt to treat or on your prescription drug label.
Even though they will increase your bone density, these drugs are
They work by killing off certain cells in your bones called osteoclasts.
Osteoclasts destroy the bone as part of the natural bone
regeneration process. Killing off these cells means you are left with
only osteoblasts, which will increase bone density but not bone
As a result, your bones lose their natural ability to build new bone
and readjust to the constantly changing forces applied.
Now you have thicker bones with less strength, which actually
increases your risk of bone fractures. Additionally, these drugs have
been linked to some terrible side effects, including increased risk of
ulcers and:
* Eye problems such as blurry vision, pain and swelling
* Thigh bone fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw
* Liver damage and renal (kidney) failure
* Atrial fibrillation
* Esophageal cancer
* Hypocalcemia (blood calcium levels are too low)
Fosomax is in the same chemical class (phosphonate) as
the soap scum cleaner you use in your bathroom!
Gluten Intolerance and Bone Loss
Is your stomach often upset?
Chronic gas, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and brain fog
could all be signs of an undiagnosed gluten intolerance.
Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley.
According to statistics from the University of Chicago Celiac Disease
Center, an average of one out of every 133 otherwise healthy people
in the United States suffer from celiac disease (CD) but previous
studies have found this number could be as high as 1 in 33 in at-risk
Those with undiagnosed gluten intolerance often have
malabsorption of nutrients due to chronic intestinal damage. This
means that your body is unable to optimally take nutrients from
food and distribute them throughout your body.
This malabsorption of nutrients can lead to osteoporosis.
According to a study done at Washington University School of
Medicine in St. Louis, there is a strong link between osteoporosis
and the use of steroids:
“High-dose cortisone is the second most common cause of
osteoporosis, and we currently have no real treatment for this
serious side effect,” says senior author Steven L. Teitelbaum, M.D.,
Professor of Pathology and Immunology.
“Given how frequently these drugs are used to treat many different
conditions, that’s a major clinical problem.”
The conclusion of the study revealed that although the steroid
cortisone appears to inhibit the ability of osteoclasts to dismantle
old bones in genetically normal mice, the inability of the skeletal
structure to renew itself may cause bones to weaken dramatically
from aging and stress.
GfK Study
Report about osteoporosis among 531 osteoporosis
patients in the Netherlands. It seems that GfK has
also done the same in other countries. Most
astonishing conclusions :
1. 91% of the Osteoporosis PATIENTS do NOT
see any advantage in using meds.
2. Pain is the most dominant problem(60%)
3. 70% live in fear for fractures
The GfK Group is one of the largest market
research companies in the world. The Group has
a staff complement of 10,000+ employees
working in 150 operating companies covering
more than 100 countries of the world who
deliver the knowledge on markets and sectors
which our clients need for their decisions. The
GfK Group is headquartered in Nuremberg,
fourth largest
market research organisation
in the world
Gfk fourth largest world group
Nielsen Company
Kantar Group
IMS Health.
The GfK Group
The GfK Group, established in 1934 as Gesellschaft
für Konsumforschung (Society for Consumer
Research) is Germany’s largest market research
institute, and the fourth largest market research
organisation in the world, after Nielsen Company,
Kantar Group, and IMS Health. It was founded by an
association of university teachers, among them
Ludwig Erhard, later Minister for Economics and
Chancellor of Germany.
They focus on innovation and progress
ensuring that the advanced technology and
consistent quality of the methods, tools and
practice areas used.
Pulsating Electromagnetic Frequencies
for Osteoporosis
With this safe and guaranteed method I never lost a
patient (Kessler et al.)
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Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi: "Pulsed electromagnetic field
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