probable question

1. Today , building trust in government is a world wide concern.
2. Develop your own set of core values. Would these provide you
with guidance or be a straightjacket on decisions you have to make ?
Why ?
3. What is the difference between responsibility and obligation ?
Give example where you have experienced the tension between the
two ?
4. What is difference between obedience and loyalty ? Are both
always virtues ?
5. The “many hands" problem in public offices often makes it difficult
to pin point responsibility.
6. Draw on your experience or otherwise of how organizational
culture shapes individual behavior.
7. People often argue that it is wrong to use immoral means to serve
moral ends. Describe a situation that you experienced or imagine in
which immoral means are used to achieve a moral purpose.
8. Free rider issues often confront public managers. Discuss two
examples of free rider problems.
9. Why does corruption captures the headlines when it is often the
same old story with different actors?
10. Why is leadership so important to developing and maintaining an
ethical organizational culture ?
11. "History of mankind is actually history of values." Critically
examine with suitable illustrations.
Mitra's IAS : 52, IIIrd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar Mkt., New Delhi
8826469839, 9560928172, 011-45505509
12. Define by giving suitable examples
I. Ethical competency
II. Ethical illiteracy
III. Work is worship
IV. Inculcation of values
V. Dignity
VI. Intellectual Integrity
13.Knowledge without character is a deadly sin.
14. Is it ethical for a public employee to market the job knowledge
and skills he has acquired while on a public payroll?
15. It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one
bad one to lose it .
16. When employees own the culture of their workplace - when they
feel responsible for “how things work around here" - they won't
permit wrongdoing.
17. As we practice resolving ethical dilemmas we find ethics to be
less than a goal than a pathway , less a destination than a trip , less an
inoculation than a process.
18. How emotional competency and attitude helps in taking ethical
19. Narrate one incident in your life when you had displayed
leadership quality but you were sufferer and at the same time severely
condemned . Also enumerate lessons learnt.
20. Suggest certain measures to encourage ethical behavior at your
workplace. What could be challenges and how you would tackle
21. Is there any difference between practical solution and ethical
solution ? Substantiate with suitable examples .
Mitra's IAS : 52, IIIrd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar Mkt., New Delhi
8826469839, 9560928172, 011-45505509
Mitra's IAS : 52, IIIrd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar Mkt., New Delhi
8826469839, 9560928172, 011-45505509
Mitra's IAS : 52, IIIrd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar Mkt., New Delhi
8826469839, 9560928172, 011-45505509