Social Studies Courses - Schaumburg High School

Social Studies
Junior Presentation
Social Studies=Success in Life!
World Affairs
Mrs. Moll
Semester Course
 Sophomores - Seniors
 Economics, Government, Environment,
Terrorism, Health Issues, Human Rights and
 Simulations, Discussions, Debates, Group
Final Project
Social Studies=Success in Life!
World Geography
Full Year Course—Mr. Wahlen
 Regions Studied:
 Western
Hemisphere, Africa, Asia, Middle
East, Oceania
 Major
Land Forms, Cultures, Languages,
Groups, Politics, Economics, Diversity
Social Studies=Success in Life!
World History
Full year course—
 Mr.
Phillips, Mr. Koller, Mr. Mehreioskouei,
A survey of western and non-western
Students will trace the development of nations
and learn the economic, intellectual and social
advances of humanity.
Simulations, lectures, videos, projects
Social Studies=Success in Life!
AP European History—10th-12th
Full Year Course—Mr. Phillips
Requires recommendation or successful
experience in AP US
Studies European History from the Renaissance
to Present
 Discussion,
presentations, role playing, lecture, other
engaged learning activities
High Success Rate of former participants when
in college!
Social Studies=Success in Life!
AP Human Geo. 9th-12th Grade
Full Year Course—Mr. Wahlen
Requires recommendation or successful
experience in AP level course
Intense Study of
 Regions Studied:
Western Hemisphere, Africa, Asia, Middle East,
 Topics:
Major Land Forms, Cultures, Languages, Groups,
Politics, Economics, Diversity
High Success Rate of former participants when
in college!
AP World History: 10-12th Grade
Full Year Course- Mr. M
 Requires recommendation or successful
experience in AP US
 Topics:
 Intense
analytical examination and discussion
of world civilizations.
 Discussion,
presentations, document analysis,
lecture, other engaged learning activities
High Success Rate of former participants
when in college!
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Multicultural Perspectives—10th12th
Semester Course—Mr. Koller
Portfolio Course—No Tests
 Prejudice,
One’s own heritage, African American,
Hispanic, and Asian cultures
 Share ethnic heritage…
 Music, food, family tree, cultural traditions
 Creation of Self-Culture Power Point
 Conflict
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Law and the Individual—11th and
Semester Course—Mr. Baxter
 Studies:
 Rights
and Liberties
 Analyzes the criminal justice system
 Discusses current legal issues
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Leadership for Life—10th,11th 12th
Semester Elective Course—Mrs. Wienke
Prerequisite for Leadership II
 Encourages
self-identity, self-development, selfimprovement and leadership skills.
 Course is activity and project based, allowing
individuals to learn their leadership style, their
strengths and weaknesses, with an emphasis on
teambuilding and leadership strategies.
 No Final Exam
 Field Trip to Outdoor Teams Rope Course
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Leadership II
Semester Elective Course: Mrs. Wienke
Must take Leadership I to take Leadership II
Content: Teamwork, Leadership, Communication, &
Leadership in Action: Activity and Project based
Guest speakers
Apprentice Team Challenge: teams put leadership skills to test in
a competitive team environment
Challenges: Design an item of clothing for school store
Plan a Pep and Promote Assembly
Create a mentoring program for Incoming Freshman
Redesign the Cafeteria (food and structure)
*The goal is for the winning team to implement their programs
Planning School Wide Semester Presentation
Past topics: AIDS Awareness, Election 2004, Prejudice and
Stereotypes, Teen Dating Violence, The Unseen, High School
Choices, The Environment
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Women’s Studies—10th, 11th, 12th
Taking the “His” out of History
Semester Course—Mrs. Wienke
 Open to both Males and Females
 Topics:
The Role of Women Throughout U.S. history
Women and the Work force
Women, Education, and Sports
Women, Politics and Law
The Media and Body Image
Activism of Women’s causes throughout the century
The Effects of Violence Against Women
 Field
Trip to Outdoor Teams Rope Course
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Women’s Studies
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Psychology I—11th and 12th
Semester Course—
 Mrs.
Dvorak, Mrs. Wedoff, Mr. Cosentino
 History
of Psych, Research, The Brain, Sensation and
Perception, Sleep and Dreams, Behaviorism,
Development, Personality, Memory
 Projects,
Demonstrations, Videos, Lectures, Role
Playing, Group Activities, Experiments
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Psychology II—11th and 12th
Semester Course—
Must have a C in Psych I to take
Mrs. Dvorak, Mrs , Mr. Cosentino
Conformity, Attraction, Motivation and Emotion, Aggression and
Violence, Drugs, Stress, Psych Disorders
Projects, Demonstrations, Videos, Lecture, Discussions,
Experiments, Group Activities, Experiments
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Psych Pics…
Social Studies=Success in Life!
AP Psychology--11th and 12th
Year Long Course—Mrs. Dvorak
 Alternative
to Psych 1 and 2
 Recommendation or past success in AP
Preparation for the AP Exam and College Credit
Comprehensive overview of psychology
 Experiments,
Demonstrations, Activities,
Collaborative Student Projects, Lecture and
Discussions, Simulations
Social Studies=Success in Life!
AP Psych….Activities
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Senior Required Course Options
Survey 441
Survey 442
AP Macroeconomics
AP Government
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Social Science Survey 441/442
Year Long Course
 Mr.
Baxter, Mr. Cassidy, Ms. Howard, Mrs.
Moll, Mr. Koller, Mr. Lazzara, Mr. Yanule
1st Semester
 Government
and Economics
2nd Semester
 Anthropology
and Sociology
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Economics and
Year Long Course—Ms. Westlund
 An
alternative social science survey course
 Economics – create a business project, international
economics funding crisis simulation, supply and
demand graphs and stock market and Fed watch
 Field Trip to the Federal Reserve Bank & Chicago
Board of Trade
 Government and Politics
 Update the constitution, mock Congress, Presidential
Election, & Supreme Court trial simulation
Social Studies=Success in Life!
AP Macroeconomics/AP
Full Year Course—Ms. Howard
 1st
 2nd
Teacher Recommendation or successful AP course completion
Graphing, How to determine the health of the economy and
theories on how to fix it.
Students are very successful on AP Test
Field Trip to the Fed and Chicago Board of Trade
Foundations of Government, philosophy, institutions, branches,
Connected to current political events and their relevance.
AP Test Preparation/Possible College Credit and
advantage in college course of this nature.
Social Studies=Success in Life!
Social Studies=Success in Life!