The Final Project -


IED Activity 9.3 Virtual Design Challenge

Speaker Mount System

Project Lead The Way, Summer 2014

James Bean, Carson City, NV, Folsom Lake College Training

Team Members

• Bill Kromer, (Colorado)

• Chris Smith (Indiana)

• James Bean (Folsom), Carson City, NV

Speaker Design System Design Brief

Client: Worldwide Stereo


Problem Statement:

The teacher does not have sufficient space in the classroom to utilize a set of quality speakers. One speaker sits on the floor and one sits on top of a bookshelf, thus occupying space that is needed for classroom activities and storage. Also, the sound quality is poor due to the current arrangement.

Design Statement:

Design a speaker support system that will allow the two speakers to be securely mounted to the classroom’s concrete block wall(s).









The design must be ready for manufacturing in 4 weeks.

Each speaker is 12”H x 9”W x 9”D.

Each speaker weighs 10 lbs.

The system must be able to fit in an 11”x 8.5”x 5.5” USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate

Box for shipping purposes (not including the speakers).

The system must weigh less than 20 lbs (not including the weight of the speakers).

The support system must be mechanically fastened to a concrete block wall

(mechanical fasteners provided by the clients).

The system must allow speakers to be adjusted by tilting forward/backward and panning left/right.

Concept Sketches (Bill #1)

Concept Sketches (Bill #2)

Concept Sketches (Chris)

Concept Sketches (Jim)



Torque = Force x Distance

= (44.5 N)(0.2m) = 8.9 N .

m From Wall

= (44.5 N)(.1m) = 4.45 N .

m from rotation point



Decision Matrix

Decision Making Matrix

Bill #1 is the top choice

Annotated Sketches

Gantt Chart

All Team members complete all aspects

Our Team Norms

• Norms … Principles of right action, binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide, control, or regulate proper and acceptable behavior.

– Work Hard

– Complete all assigned tasks

– Respect and encourage others

– Discuss and provide “constructive” criticism

Autodesk Inventor Drawings


Speaker Support - Front/Back

Speaker Support – Back


Speaker Support – Vertical



Speaker Hinge 1

Speaker Wall Mount





Speaker Wall Mount


Speaker Hinge

Assembly View

Assembly View with Speaker

Shipping Box Packaging


Explode View Drawing




Text Messaging

Hey, This is Jim Bean from Carson City, NV We can make contact tomorrow regarding our "task" We have not been given the assignment yet ... Do you know what it is? We can divide the assignment? Speaker mount brackets? Trying to find the assignment now Does anyone have the actual Word Document for assignment? 9.3.a.A.ii Opening document now ... Bill ... What's your email? Is the 219-608-2459 # Chris's Do U want to build it out of wood? 3/4" stock?

Found it a YouTube links for this ... We should spend 1-hour researching online to come up with ideas/pictures/links I'm even having issues with texting, this is amazing Email them and see which ones are good ... We all have to come up with 3-ideas each I'm now standing out by a wn. I haven't seen that we all need 3 ideas each. I thought that the 3 of us came up with one idea! Ok ... For this project, suggest giving 1-2 ideas with pictures and internet links R U 2 working on sketches for this I'm trying to Skype U By Internet links do U mean email? WEK I never got ur email Internet down at our site I sent U both an email w pics Great! Lets do the simplest to get this down, I don't want to have a second heart attack over it The wooden one I sent wouldn't be too hard Our internet connection is suddenly slow ... Trying to send you mine pics Off to lunch I could start to draw these in inventor?? Chris ... Start decision matrix

Bill start Inventor after we decide? Do we like the wooden model? Sent some emails Each of us is supposed to work on 1/3 of the model Sent you guys an email ... Attachments have almost everything we need ... Research, drawings, dimensions ... Looking

Lunch was amazing I'm at lunch ... I sent you guys an awesome PowerPoint link shows what has to be turned in Just kidding I loved it I am making up sketches

Bill, can your sketch move left-right? Yes, should not be a problem with that. I'm inclined to go with the wood blocks? It's been nuts here, sorry for any delay. Lightening storms over the mountains I just got back to the rm. headed to Applebee's for dinner. Text U when I'm back Ok As the man says: lets get R done!! Lol Sent out "decision matrix" template

I got the front and back wall plates done Finishing up the wall PC now Back bracket Can you upload Dropbox Send as email Wed K Still in study group I K Oops Just starting class now Will look at drawings Got your decision matrix Great, heading to lunch I just sent another drawing set Looking for it now They are the .ipt files Need .idw files I sent both, I think. At least I intended to Got all 5 .ipt and all 5 .idw drawings Awesome Now they just need to be assembled! That's should be easy, just mate the hold for the most part




