Pythagorean Theorem Practice Problems

Pythagorean Theorem Practice
More Challenging!
Problem 1
Solve for the missing side
of the triangle.
The missing side has length
Using the Pythagorean
Theorem, a2+b2=c2. The
missing side, since it’s the
hypotenuse, has length c.
Plugging in known values:
20 + 17 = c2.
c2 = 37
Take the square root of both
sides of the equation.
c ≈ 6.08
Problem 2
Bob has a 15 foot long
ladder. The instructions
for the ladder tell him
that he should put the
base at least 8 feet
away from the base of
whatever he’s using the
ladder to climb. How
tall is the tallest building
that Bob can scale using
his ladder?
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Bob will be able to reach the
maximum possible height
when the ladder is as
close to the building as
possible. Thus, the height
will be one leg of a right
triangle with hypotenuse
15 and base 8. Using the
Pythagorean Theorem:
H2 + 82=152
H2 = 161
H ≈ 12.69
Problem 3
What is the length of the
hypotenuse of this
triangle with legs of
length 3x – 2 and 2x + 2
and with hypotenuse of
length 3x + 3?
The hypotenuse has a length of roughly 19.62.
Begin by forming a relationship between the
three sides using the pythagorean
(3x-2)2 + (2x+2)2 = (3x+3)2
Simplify by expanding and combining like
4x2 – 22x – 1 = 0
Solve for x using the Quadratic Formula.
Disregarding the negative result, we see that x
is equal to about 5.54, so we can solve for
the lengths of the sides by plugging them
into the original equations.
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