Day 66 – Intro to Romeo and Juliet Noun-adverb clauses

 Introduce Romeo and Juliet.
 Understand and Identify adverb clauses and noun
Construct a sonnet about a story of your choice
Clauses quiz Thursday
 Haley Kies – 13
 Harrison Manuel – 11
 Zack Riordan – 10
 Recovery is under way. I have the sheet up front.
 Chaitu Nukala – 13
 Recovery is under way. I have the sheet up front.
 Essy Diaz – 18
 Shayla Jacobs – 9
 Recovery is under way. I have the sheet up front.
 Warm Up
 Adverb and Noun clauses
 Intro to Romeo and Juliet
 Romeo and Juliet
 Closure
 Take out your homework. Get into your 4 person groups
and share your versions of the prologue. You will have 5
minutes to vote on the best one.
 Share the groups selection with the class.
Adverb Clauses – modify a verb, adjective, or other adverb.
-All start with a subordinating conjunction.
Adverb Clauses – tells when, where, why, how, to what
extent, or how much about the word it modifies.
Bob is taller than any other boy I know.
The adverbial clause modifies the adjective taller. It tells to
what extent.
Adverb Clauses
Example: As we approached the intersection, we saw the Nelson’s car.
As = Subordinating conjunction
We = Subject of sub. clause
Approached = verb of sub. Clause
The adverbial clause modifies the verb “saw.”
 Used as a noun in the sentence.
 May be used as a subject, direct object, predicate noun,
object of a preposition, or as an appositive.
 Example: I know what the answer is.
 Independent clause: I know
 Dependent clause: what the answer is.
Dependent clause is used as the DO of know.
 Get into your pairs and take a worksheet. Complete the
worksheet and discuss your answers with your partner.
 Do not talk with other pairs.
 If you can’t find the answer, raise your hand and I will come
Humble Beginnings: born in Stratford
 Known as “the Bard”
 Attended Stratford Grammar School
until he was 14
 Then he married Anne Hathaway and
entered the “lost years”.
 Wrote about 37 plays and 154 sonnets
 Shakespeare’s sonnets all featured a
male speaker and focused on the theme
of love. Other common themes: time,
death, and poetry itself.
 Left his family to arrive in London and
joined the theater company, Lord
Chamberlain’s Men.
 Earned his money by doing the following:
 1.) Part owner of the Globe Theater
 2.) An Actor
 3.) A Playwright
 Generally wrote 3 types of plays:
 1.) Tragedy- Ex. Romeo & Juliet
 2.) Comedy- Ex. The Taming of the Shrew
 3.) Historical- Ex. Henry VIII
• Elizabethan Era
• The Renaissance
• Actors were men only
o Men even played female
• Plays were one of the
main source of
 Roofless= Open Air
 No Artificial Lighting
 Plays were performed in the afternoon to take advantage
of the sunlight.
 Plays were written/produced for the general audience
 Courtyard surrounded by 3 levels of galleries
 Spectators:
 Wealthy- got benches
 “Groundlings”- poorer people stood and watched from
the ground (the pit)
 All except for the wealthy were uneducated/ poor
 Burned down during a production of Henry VIII in 1613.
Rebuilt the following year.
 Differences to today’s theater productions:
 No Scenery
 Settings were all referenced through dialogue
 Elaborate Costumes
 Plenty of props
 Fast-paced productions
 Only MALE actors
would perform
Act III: Crisis/Turning Point
A series of complications
Act II: Rising Action
A series of
Act I: Exposition
Establishes setting,
characters, conflict,
and background
Act IV: Falling Action
Results of the turning point;
characters locked into
deeper disaster
Act V:
Death of the main characters and then the
loose parts of the plot are tied up
Comedy and Tragedy
Romeo and Juliet begins as a comedy but ends as a tragedy
Elements of a comedy
•A struggle of young
lovers to overcome
difficulty that is often
presented by elders
•Separation and
•Heightened tensions,
often within a family
Elements of a tragedy
•Must have a tragic
•Ends in the death of many
of the main characters
The shift from comedy to tragedy is
what sets Romeo and Juliet apart from
the rest of Shakespeare’s plays
 Qualities of a Tragic Hero:
 Possesses high importance or rank
 Exhibits extraordinary talents
 Displays a tragic flaw- an error in judgment or a defect in
character that leads to their downfall
 Faces downfall with courage and dignity
“My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen
unknown , and known too late!”
~ Juliet; Act I, Scene V
 1.) Puns- a humorous play on words
 Romeo – “Not I, believe me. You have dancing shoes /
With nimble soles; I have a soul of lead…” (Act I Sc. 4)
 2.) Allusions- a reference to a well-known work
of art, music, literature, or history
 “At lovers’ perjuries, they say Jove laughs.”
(Act II, Sc. 2
 Jove is another name for Jupiter, the
Roman King of the Gods.
 3.) Metaphor- A direct comparison between two
unalike things.
 Romeo- “But soft! What light through yonder window
breaks?/ It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.” (Act II
scene 2)
 4.) Oxymorons- Two juxtaposed words have
opposing/ very diverse meanings
 Juliet – “Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical!”
(Act III Sc.2)
 5.) Personification- Occurs when an inanimate
object or concept is given the qualities of a
person or animal.
 Juliet— “For thou wilt lie upon the wings
of night / Whiter than new snow on a
raven’s back. / Come, gentle night, come,
loving, black-brow’d night” (Act III Sc. 2)
 6.) Paradox- a statement that seems to contradict
itself with two elements that are incompatible
 Juliet – “O serpent heart, hid with a
flowering face!” (Act III Sc. 2)
 7.) Foreshadowing- a reference to something that
will happen later in the story.
 Juliet – “Give me my Romeo; and, when he
shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.” (Act
III Sc. 2)
 1.) Light and Dark
 Look for: References to “light” words ex. “the
sun” and references to “dark” words ex.
“night” and “gloom”
 2.) Time
 Look for: References to the passage of time
or if things seem to be rushed
 3.) Destiny
 Look for: Instances where events are blamed
on “destiny” or “the stars”
Lord Montague (his dad)
Lady Montague (his mom)
Mercutio (friend)
Benvolio (cousin)
Lord Capulet (her father)
Lady Capulet (her mother)
Tybalt (cousin)
The story is set in the late
1500’s mostly in the town
of Verona, Italy. However,
there are a few acts set in
Mantua, Italy a smaller
town just a few miles away.
The Italian city of Verona, where
Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about
1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every
Valentine's Day.
“Star-crossed lovers” refers to two
people who are in love but have
conflicting astrological signs.
Shakespeare’s times, people believed
the course of their lives was
determined by the exact second they
were born.
Verona Today
incredible amount of graffiti,
which is legal, provided that
you are writing about your love
for someone.
 Start reading act I scene I.
 Remember to annotate for:
 Theme
 Symbolism
 Imagery
 Figurative Language
 Plot
 Write three things you learned about Shakespeare or
Romeo and Juliet.
 Write two examples of adverb and noun clauses. Label the
clause used.
 Write one question you still have concerning clauses.