APPLIED BUSINESS STATISTICS Competency Mapping Document (STAT 272) C1. Introduction to Statistics: Apply foundations of basic statistical analysis in the field of business. /STAT.C1 Objective 1: Examine the basic foundation of statistical analysis in the field of business and use the knowledge as a building block to meet future business needs. /STAT.C1.O1 Lesson 1: Examine the basic statistical definitions and terminology as it relates to business applications and develop basic statistical literacy. /STAT.C1.O1.L1 (STAT 272 1.0) Topic 1: Statistics, Definitions, and Data – Identify and explore the key elements of data and its correlation to business statistics, including data sources, variable types, identifiers, crosssectional data, data analysis and its ethical issues. /STAT.C1.O1.L1.T1 Topic 2: Descriptive Statistics - Tabular and Graphical – Examine and use descriptive statistics and graphical methods in order to accurately manipulate and summarize data which includes displaying qualitative and quantitative data, histograms, plots, charts, and distribution frequency. /STAT.C1.O1.L1.T2 Topic 3: Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures - Examine how to summarize your data and calculating descriptive statistics manually which includes exploring how to calculate mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation. /STAT.C1.O1.L1.T3 Topic 4: Using Excel to Perform Statistical Analysis – Explore basic statistical functions using Microsoft Excel and apply various ways to display data and perform calculations required in statistics. /STAT.C1.O1.L1.T4 Topic 5: Technology and Statistics – Examine and explore several powerful programs used to perform some of the most sophisticated statistical analysis in the industry. /STAT.C1.O1.L1.T5 Topic Mastery: Mastery Complete exercises from textbooks (i.e., pp. 44 and pp.47) and the series of topic-related Exercises from MyStatLab for students to apply mastery for each of the five topics. /STAT.C1.O1.L1.TM Page 1 of 5 Materials: 1) Chapters 1, 2 and 3 Business Statistics ISBN-13: 978-0-13-214539-8 Author(s): Robert A Donelly 2) Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Business Statistics, Second Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-321-89718-3 Author(s): Norean R. Sharpe; Richard D. De Veaux; Paul F. Velleman Lesson 2: Examine the role that probability information plays in risk-taking and decision-making process and be able to quantify business uncertainties. /STAT.C1.O1.L2 (STAT 272 0.5) Topic 1: Introduction to Probability – explore the numerical measure and rules governing probability and understand how to use the laws that are available for computing the likelihood of occurrence and the probabilities of events. /STAT.C1.O1.L2.T1 Topic 2: Discrete Probability Distributions – examine and calculate the expected value, variance and standard deviation for a discrete random variable, including binomial probability distributions, Poisson probability distribution and Hypergeometric distribution, and utilizing Excel to accomplish complex calculations. /STAT.C1.O1.L2.T2 Topic 3: Continuous Probability Distributions – examine and calculate the expected value, variance and standard deviation for a continuous random variable, exponential probability distribution, and standard normal distribution. /STAT.C1.O1.L2.T3 Topic Mastery: Mastery Demonstrate knowledge of modeling and probability as it relates to the business case by preparing 6 – 8 slide presentation combining acquired knowledge from the different topics presented in this lesson./STAT.C1.O1.L2.TM Materials: 1) Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Business Statistics ISBN-13: 978-0-13-214539-8 Author(s): Robert A Donelly 2) Chapters 7 and 8 Business Statistics, Second Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-321-89718-3 Page 2 of 5 Author(s): Norean R. Sharpe; Richard D. De Veaux; Paul F. Velleman C2. Inference for Decision Making: Apply statistical analysis on information and be able to compute the margin of error thereby help make informed business decisions. /STAT.C2 Objective 1: Describe inference and confidence intervals. /STAT.C2.O1 Lesson 1: Examine examples of statistical inference and confidence intervals on data sampling. /STAT.C2.O1.L1 (STAT 272 1.0) Topic 1: Surveys and Sampling – examine the process of selecting a sample of elements from a target population to conduct a survey that will assist in most business-related estimation and decision-making. /STAT.C2.O1.L1.T1 Topic 2: Interval Estimation - explore the theory of statistical inference using techniques, definitions, and terminology that builds upon the previous statistical concepts including confidence interval, determining sample size, and finite sampling. /STAT.C2.O1.L1.T2 Topic 3: Hypothesis Testing – explore basics if conducting, interpreting, and applying simple hypothesis testing and be able to use critical values to draw testing conclusions. /STAT.C2.O1.L1.T3 Topic 4: Comparisons Involving Means – explore how to conduct a hypotheses test to compare the difference between two Means including analysis on variance procedures and confidence intervals for Means. /STAT.C2.O1.L1.T4 Topic 5: Comparisons Involving Proportions – examine and calculate confidence intervals for proportions including margin of error, considering assumptions and conditions, and sample size. /STAT.C2.O1.L1.T5 Topic Mastery: Mastery Demonstrate knowledge of statistical inference and intervals as it relates to a business case field by preparing 6 - 8 slide presentation combining acquired knowledge from the different topics presented in this lesson. /STAT.C2.O1.L1.TM Materials: 1) Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 Business Statistics ISBN-13: 978-0-13-214539-8 Author(s): Robert A Donelly 2) Chapters 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Business Statistics, Second Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-321-89718-3 Page 3 of 5 Author(s): Norean R. Sharpe; Richard D. De Veaux; Paul F. Velleman Lesson 2: Examine statistical models and its applications to support mission critical decisionmaking such as quality control and forecasting. /STAT.C2.O1.L2 (STAT 272 0.5) Topic 1: Correlation analysis and Simple Linear Regression – describe and examine how regression analysis can be used to develop an equation that estimates mathematically how two variables are related; topic also includes analyzing scatterplots, correlation coefficient, regression model, and regression equations. /STAT.C2.O1.L2.T1 Topic 2: Multiple Regressions – describe and examine how multiple regression analysis can be used to develop relationships involving one dependent variable and several independent variables. /STAT.C2.O1.L2.T2 Topic 3: Statistics for Quality Control – examine the importance of quality control and how statistical methods could assist in the quality control process; topic includes history and philosophies of quality control, acceptance sampling procedures, understanding the differences between consumer’s and producer’s risks, and how quality control charts are used statistical process control. /STAT.C2.O1.L2.T3 Topic 4: Forecasting – examine and understand the need for foresight to plan ahead for future needs and assist in decision-making by applying accurate forecasts to predict future demand and projected outcomes. /STAT.C2.O1.L2.T4 Topic Mastery: Mastery Demonstrate knowledge of regressions, quality control and forecasting in business case studies by preparing 6 - 8 slide presentation. /STAT.C2.O1.L2.TM Materials: 1) Chapters 14, 15, and 16 Business Statistics ISBN-13: 978-0-13-214539-8 Author(s): Robert A Donelly 2) Chapter 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 Business Statistics, Second Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-321-89718-3 Author(s): Norean R. Sharpe; Richard D. De Veaux; Paul F. Velleman ========================================================================= Page 4 of 5 NOTE to ID: Pearson Resources – Test, Exercises, Student Activities, Lectures: available from Part II—NAU Courses Mapped to Competencies STAT 272 (3 units) Competency Part III-COMPETENCY GRID C1 C2 STAT 272 1.5 1.5 Competency UNITS 3 Page 5 of 5