English 10 – Larsen The Book Thief Essay The Book Thief Essay

English 10 – Larsen
The Book Thief Essay
The Book Thief Essay
Task: Answer the following prompt in a two to three page essay. Your essay needs to clearly
demonstrate your understanding of The Book Thief and its plot, themes, and characters. Your essay
also needs to show thought and effort—no basic or obvious thesis statements or arguments
without appropriate concrete details from the text for support. (100 pts)
Prompt: A theme in a literary work is a controlling idea or message. Choose ONE of the following
themes and explain what message about it the author develops in the novel:
o individual identity vs. conformity to social expectations
o coming to terms with abandonment or loss or guilt
o concern with self vs. concern for others
o the human need for self-expression
o the randomness of death
o the power of words
Requirements for Essay:
 Length Requirement: 4+ paragraphs AND two full pages minimum
 An introductory paragraph that includes
o an attention grabbing opening
o a clear thesis statement/ claim that fully answers the prompt question. It should be
arguable, specific, thoughtful (rather than obvious) and based on evidence from the
text of the novel.
 At least two body paragraphs containing
o clear topic sentences
o at least two concrete details per paragraph (with commentary and page numbers)
o concluding sentences
 A concluding paragraph that gives your essay a finished feeling and connects your thesis
statement to the rest of the main ideas presented in your essay.
 Typed—12 point standard font, 1 inch margins all sides
 Include a title that reveals something about your work. (Not just “The Book Thief Essay”)
 Submitted to turnitin.com on time
Tues 12/4 (A)/ Wed 12/5 (B):
Gather information, choose theme, start outlining essay
Thurs 12/6 (A)/ Fri 12/7 (B):
Outline due in class. Outline revisions.
Mon 12/10 (A)/ Tues 12/11 (B):
In Portable 3 to work on rough draft. Thesis + first body paragraph due by end of period for
comments by Larsen
Wed 12/12 (A)/ Thurs 12/13 (B):
Bring at least Thesis+2 body paragraphs to class for partner revisions and editing.
Fri 12/14 (A)/ Mon 12/17 (B):
In Library (A) or Portable 3 (B) to finish final drafts and submit to turnitin.com. Final draft
due by 3:00.
English 10 – Larsen
The Book Thief Essay
____/ 15 pts Outline submitted on time
___ 25% will be deducted if turned in late
___ A clear thesis statement/ claim that fully answers the prompt question. It should be arguable,
specific, thoughtful (rather than obvious) and based on evidence from the text.
___ Two body paragraphs with topic sentences that clearly relate to the thesis
___ Two concrete details with page numbers for each body paragraph
____/ 15 pts Thesis + First Body Paragraph turned in on time
___ 25% will be deducted if turned in late
___ points will be deducted for distracting grammar/ spelling/ mechanics errors
___ A clear thesis statement/ claim that fully answers the prompt question. It should be arguable,
specific, thoughtful (rather than obvious) and based on evidence from the text.
___ Topic sentence that clearly relates to the thesis
___ Two concrete details with page numbers
___ Commentary sentences explain the concrete details
___ Concluding sentence ties all of the ideas in the paragraph together
____/ 15 pts at least Thesis + Two Body Paragraphs brought to class and edited on time
___ 25% will be deducted if turned in late
___ points will be deducted for distracting grammar/ spelling/ mechanics errors
___ All editing activities are completed as directed
____/ 55pts Final draft submitted to turnitin.com on time
___ 25% will be deducted if turned in late
___ points will be deducted for distracting grammar/ spelling/ mechanics errors
____/ 10 pts Introductory paragraph
___ Attention grabbing opening
___ Clear thesis statement/ claim that fully answers the prompt question. It should be arguable,
specific, thoughtful (rather than obvious) and based on evidence from the text.
____/ 15 pts Body paragraph 1
___ Clear topic sentence which directly relates to the thesis/claim of the paper
___ Two concrete details with page numbers
___ Commentary sentences explaining the supporting details
___ Concluding sentence
____/ 15 pts Body paragraph 2
___ Clear topic sentence which directly relates to the thesis/claim of the paper
___ Two concrete details with page numbers
___ Commentary sentences explaining the supporting details
___ Concluding sentence
____/ 5 pts Concluding paragraph
____ gives your essay a finished feeling
____relates back to your thesis statement.
____/ 5 pts Length requirement met: 4+ paragraphs = at least two pages
____/ 5 pts Title that reveals something about your work. (Not just “The Book Thief Essay”)
____/ 100 points total