Module 7 – ISM4212 Case Study #3 Nathan Freeman Professor Steve Mannion Database & Physical Design February 24, 2014 E-R Diagram Instructors Rooms teach_id (PK) name phone office (FK) email roomnumber (PK) description ClassSections StudentClasses Students sect_id (PK) teach_id (FK) course_id (FK) sem_id (FK) room (FK) sect_id (FK) stud_id (FK) grade stud_id (PK) name address phone email Courses Semesters course_id (PK) coursename credithours sem_id (PK) semesteryear semestercode SQL Code CREATE DATABASE ISM4212_College; GO USE ISM4212_College; CREATE TABLE Rooms (roomnumber VARCHAR(6) description VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL NULL); PRIMARY KEY, CREATE TABLE (stud_id name address phone email Students INT VARCHAR(30) VARCHAR(30) VARCHAR(20) VARCHAR(30) NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NULL NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); PRIMARY KEY, CREATE TABLE (teach_id name phone office email Instructors INT VARCHAR(30) VARCHAR(20) VARCHAR(6) VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL NOT NULL, NOT NULL, NULL NOT NULL); PRIMARY KEY, CREATE TABLE Courses (course_id VARCHAR(8) coursename VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL NOT NULL); PRIMARY KEY, CREATE TABLE (sem_id semesteryear semestercode Semesters INT INT VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL NOT NULL, NOT NULL); PRIMARY KEY, CREATE TABLE (sect_id teach_id course_id sem_id room credithours ClassSections INT INT VARCHAR(8) INT VARCHAR(6) INT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT PRIMARY KEY, REFERENCES Instructors (teach_id), REFERENCES Courses (course_id), REFERENCES Semesters (sem_id), REFERENCES Rooms (roomnumber), CREATE TABLE StudentClasses (sect_id INT stud_id INT grade INT PRIMARY KEY (sect_id, stud_id)); NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL); NOT NULL NOT NULL NULL, REFERENCES Rooms (roomnumber), REFERENCES ClassSections (sect_id), REFERENCES Students (stud_id), SQL Data Example INSERT INTO Rooms (roomnumber, description) VALUES ('A201', 'Chemistry Lab'), ('A202', 'Biology Lab'), ('B104', 'Computer Lab'), ('B105', 'Programming Lab'), ('B122', 'Political Science Auditorium'), ('B204', 'Dr. Einstein Office'), ('B205', 'Dr. Fizzle Office'), ('B206', 'Janitor Closet B2'); INSERT INTO Students (stud_id, name, address, phone, email) VALUES (10000001, 'Amanda Ammonia', '1000 Oak Street', '(904) 745-1234', ''), (10000002, 'Claude Crumble', '2000 Pine Street', '(904) 745-2345', ''), (10000003, 'Fred Fumble', '3000 Magnolia Street', '(904) 745-3456', ''), (10000004, 'Vinny Vinegar', '4000 Elm Street', '(904) 745-4567', ''); INSERT INTO Instructors (teach_id, name, phone, office, email) VALUES (10000001, 'Alberto Einstein', '(904) 724-1234', 'B204', ''), (10000002, 'Phil Fizzle', '(904) 724-2345', 'B205', ''), (10000003, 'Barack W. Bush', '(904) 724-3456', 'B206', ''); INSERT INTO Courses (course_id, coursename) VALUES ('POS2473', 'Government by Walruses: For and Against'), ('POS2477', 'History of the Free-Soil Party'), ('CTS2437', 'Introduction to SQL Server'), ('ISM3013', 'Introduction to IT Management'), ('ISM4212', 'Database Design'), ('BSC2088', 'Florida Biology: Cockroach Anatomy'), ('CHM2590', 'Beryllium 101'); INSERT INTO Semesters (sem_id, semesteryear, semestercode) VALUES (1, 2013, 'A'), (2, 2013, 'B'), (3, 2013, 'C'), (4, 2014, 'A'), (5, 2014, 'B'), (6, 2014, 'C'); INSERT INTO ClassSections VALUES (100001, 10000003, (100002, 10000003, (100003, 10000002, (100004, 10000001, (100005, 10000001, (100006, 10000001, (100007, 10000001, (100008, 10000001, (100009, 10000001, (100010, 10000001, (100011, 10000001, (100012, 10000001, (sect_id, teach_id, course_id, sem_id, room, credithours) 'POS2473', 'POS2473', 'POS2477', 'CTS2437', 'CTS2437', 'CTS2437', 'ISM3013', 'ISM4212', 'BSC2088', 'BSC2088', 'BSC2088', 'CHM2590', 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 'B122', 'B122', 'B122', 'B105', 'B105', 'B105', 'B104', 'B104', 'A202', 'A202', 'A202', 'A201', 3), 3), 3), 3), 3), 3), 3), 3), 4), 4), 4), 4); INSERT INTO StudentClasses (sect_id, stud_id, grade) VALUES (100001, 10000001, 3), (100011, 10000001, 4), (100012, 10000001, 4), (100001, 10000002, 2), (100003, 10000002, 2), (100006, 10000002, 2), (100007, 10000003, 3), (100008, 10000003, 4), (100009, 10000003, 3), (100005, 10000004, 2), (100010, 10000004, 1), (100012, 10000004, 2); A sample transcript of a student’s grades: SELECT AS 'Student Name', coursename AS 'Course Name', (CONVERT(varchar(10), semesteryear, 1) + semestercode) AS 'Term', grade AS 'Grade', credithours AS 'Credit Hours' FROM StudentClasses sc JOIN Students s ON sc.stud_id = s.stud_id JOIN ClassSections cs ON sc.sect_id = cs.sect_id JOIN Courses c ON cs.course_id = c.course_id JOIN Semesters t ON cs.sem_id = t.sem_id WHERE sc.stud_id = 10000001; A query to find out which students are enrolled in a particular class: SELECT AS 'Student Name' FROM StudentClasses sc JOIN Students s ON sc.stud_id = s.stud_id WHERE sc.sect_id = 100001;