History – Final Exam Review

History – Parts 1 and 2
Study Guide
Alfonso XIII
• King during World War I. Allowed Primo de
Rivera to establish a dictatorship.
Al-Hakeem II
• A great lover of books; had a library of
over 400,000 books in Cordoba.
Carlos I
• Grandson of Fernando and Isabel; ruled
Spain and Germany; problems with
Carlos II
• Nicknamed “el hechizado” (the
bewitched) for deformities; last ruler of
the Hapsburgs in Spain
Carlos III
• One of the best and most intelligent of
the Borbon Kings; had already ruled
Naples for 44 years.
Carlos V
• The title that this Carlos received after
being elected leader of the Holy Roman
• Author of one of the greatest novels of
all time – Don Quijote de la Mancha.
• His Edict of Milan in 313 banned all
persecution against the Christians.
Cristóbal Colón
• Italian explorer whose voyages were
sponsored by Spain; discovered America.
Don Pelayo
• His victory at the Battle of Covadonga
was the beginning of the Reconquista in
northern Spain.
Felipe II
• Excommunicated by the Pope but was
reinstated; invaded Portugal; controlled
the Armada.
Felipe V
• Grandson of French Louis XIV; his right
to the throne caused the War of
Felipe Gonzalez
• First Prime Minister of Spain under the new
constitution and led through Spain’s transition to
democracy. Served 4 terms.
Felipe VI
• Juan Carlos’ son and current king of Spain
Fernando II
• Famous king who shared ruling power
with his queen; ruler of Aragon.
Fernando VII
• Nicknamed the “Desired One.” Was imprisoned in
France for 7 years. Establish the Borbon Doctrine.
Francisco Franco
• Won the Spanish Civil War and established an
oppressive dictatorship from 1939 to 1976.
• Carthaginian general who attacked the
residents of Sagunto; headed to Italy with
Isabel I
• Most famous queen in Spanish history;
ruler of Castilla; initiated the inquisition.
Isabel II
• Her father canceled the Salic Law so that she could
become Queen.
Jaime I
• The “conqueror” who first gained control
of the Islas Baleares and then Valencia.
• The biblical missionary or saint that
fostered the beginning of Christianity in
Jose I
• King of Spain during the war of independence.
Napoleon’s brother.
Jose Maria Aznar
• People’s Party leader and Prime Minister from
1996-2004. Supported George Bush and the USA
during the War on Terror.
Juana la Loca
• Daughter of Fernando and Isabel; was
locked in a windowless cell for most of
her life.
Juan Carlos I
• Grandson of Alfonso XIII who Franco named as
his successor, re-establishing the monarchy in
• Visigoth king who conquered and ruled
the entire peninsula, making Toledo the
Manuel Godoy
• Was given power by Carlos IV as “Prime Minister.”
Was a “favorite” of the Queen and was tricked by
Mariano Rajoy
• Current Prime Minister of Spain. Brought the
People’s Party back into power.
Miguel Primo de Rivera
• Established the dictatorship with the consent of
the king that lasted from 1923 to 1930. Was voted
out during Spain’s Second Republic.
• French General and then Emperor who invaded
Spain and installed his brother as King.
Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar
• The classic “El Cid” was based on his life;
a warrior who captured Valencia from the
Sir Francis Drake
• Englishman who was able to defeat the
Spanish Armada
Tomás de Torquemada
• First Inquisitor-General of the Spanish
• Old shepherd who led Lusitinians in 8
years of attacks against the Romans
General Wellington
• Famous English general who defeated
Napoleon’s Troops in Spain