Step down procedures

Step down from children’s social care/interface with children in need (CIN) teams to
Team Around the Family (TAF)
A ‘step down’ case is a case where there has been social work intervention and it has been
agreed by the social worker’s manager in supervision that the case is suitable for step down
to TAF. These cases will not usually be subject to a 360 profile by the Early Support Access
Team (ESAT) as there will be a full single assessment in place already. There may be cases
open to a single assessment that haven’t progressed to a CIN plan that are technically not a
‘step down’ but need transferring to a TAF where level 4 needs aren’t identified but the
family are still in need of multi-agency support. Social workers should use the process below
for both instances.
Level 3 families considered to have complex and multiple needs
All ‘step down’ cases that are considered to be level 3 complex and multiple must be
stepped down to ESAT whether or not a TAF lead has been identified, as these families will
need intensive support offered by Integrated Early Support (IES) services. The social worker
should start the ‘transfer to TAF’ function on Liquid Logic LCS and complete the form.
Finalising this form will automatically send the case to ESAT to triage.
The social worker needs to ensure the outstanding actions to be addressed as part of the
TAF and the date/time/venue of the proposed final CIN meeting (where applicable) are clear
on the form. The TAF advisor and ESAT manager will oversee these cases and following
triage by the ESAT team, the case will pass through to the case management team for
discussion and possible allocation of a lead worker/agency involvement at their weekly
allocations meeting. The social worker will be emailed once the case has been passed
through to case management teams.
Low level support, child aged 0-5
If the case is stepping down for only lower level support (universal/universal plus) and the
issues are related to a child aged 0-5, the social worker may believe that support is needed
via the children’s centre universal core offer as part of a TAF or as a single agency. The
social worker needs to contact the appropriate IES manager directly for case consultation
and if in agreement, use the ‘Transfer to TAF’ function and complete the form. Again once
finalised the case will be received by ESAT. It will be triaged and sent through to the
appropriate IES manager for allocation where a worker will be allocated to start a TAF,
contribute to a TAF or work with the family as a single agency.
Please note that if a worker has been identified from universal services to lead a TAF, this
information should be made clear on the ‘transfer to TAF’ form along with reasons for the
TAF and proposed CIN meeting where applicable. It is also important the record states
which IES manager is in agreement to the ‘step down’.
Once allocated, the family case worker will contact the social worker directly to arrange a
handover meeting. Ideally, this meeting will take place before the final CIN meeting where
the family will sign the TAF consent form.
** For the above processes to work, the social worker need to alert any ‘step down’ in a
timely fashion to ensure that a lead worker can be identified in time to attend a handover and
the final CIN meeting, where they aren’t already part of the child’s plan. The social worker
must ensure that the named lead to take on the case is invited to the final CIN meeting and
that they are available to attend to complete the handover as the final CIN meeting is also
the first TAF meeting. The TAF consent form must be signed by the family at the final CIN
meeting if a handover meeting hasn’t been possible**
Level 2/ level 3 ‘step down’ cases
Step down cases that would benefit from a multi-agency TAF (either level 2 universal plus
but not necessary for children’s centre to lead or level 3 but not considered to be multiple
and complex needs) should be handed over through universal services e.g. school/health
partners directly and not through ESAT. Ideally, this will be via someone who is already part
of the existing CIN plan and is known to the family. However, the social worker should still
use the ‘transfer to TAF’ function once the lead worker has been identified to alert the TAF
advisor who will track the case and ensure a TAF is initiated. The TAF advisor will also log
the TAF centrally for the new lead worker so they will only need to log future reviews (lead
workers often don’t complete an open log due to the practitioner not having to do a TAF
No TAF lead can be identified
If despite the above guidance an appropriate TAF lead cannot be found please contact the
TAF advisor for advice and guidance before sending the summary through via the ‘transfer
to TAF’ function. The number is 01606 275658.
Tracking TAF’s from step down
The cases that are ‘stepped down’ to TAF either via ESAT or universal services will be
tracked and monitored by IES following completion of the ‘transfer to TAF’ function. Tracking
will look at whether the TAF was initiated, how often the review meetings take place,
progress and outcomes at closure.
Flowchart 3 - Process flow for stepping down from social care/interface with CIN
A social worker identifies during
their involvement that the family
do not meet the threshold for
level 4 interventions and family
is considered complex level 3 on
Continuum of Need in need of
intensive support. The social
worker discusses with team
manager and family
Social worker to then press
‘transfer to TAF’ option on LCS.
This will then progress it through
to the eTAF System and it will
land in the ‘level 4 step down’
tray. This will be managed by the
TAF advisor and Early Support
Access Team (ESAT) manager
who will process
ESAT will deem whether the
information gathered during the
single assessment/plan offers
appropriate information for early
support to offer the right services
A social worker identifies
during their involvement that
the family with children aged
0-4 do not meet the threshold
for level 4 intervention and
family is at level 2 /3 of
Continuum of Need but
require some additional
support. The social worker
discusses with team manager
and family
Social worker to discuss case
with Integrated Early Support
manager at appropriate
children’s centre and press
‘transfer to TAF’ option on
LCS to process to ‘level 4 step
down’ tray once agreed
Contact started by ESAT,
triaged and sent to
appropriate IES manager. IES
manager to allocate family
case worker who will need to
make contact with the social
worker for a handover. IES
business support to load onto
case worker spreadsheet and
complete ‘episode record’ to
assign to allocated case
A social worker identifies
during their involvement that
the family with children aged
5-19 do not meet the
threshold for level 4
intervention and family is at
level 2/3 of Continuum of
Need and require some
additional support. The social
worker discusses with team
manager and family.
Social worker to discuss
step down with relevant
service(s) to take the
lead e.g. education,
health. Case is stepped
down in final CIN meeting
and TAF started
Social worker to then press
‘transfer to TAF’ option on
LCS. TAF tracking will
Contact will be sent directly to the relevant
locality case management team for allocation
360 profile completed and
summary and recommendations
sent through to either case
management team for allocation
or other identified service to take
over lead
If a TAF is needed:Follow Team Around the Family
step down flow chart
Discrete pieces of work on level 4 cases
Discrete pieces of work with children under the age of five years will be considered for IES
family case workers on an individual basis. In order for this to happen the social worker
should discuss with the IES manager and agreement about the appropriateness of such
work will need to be reached. Unlike step down cases this type of work does not go through
ESAT or into the ‘level 4 step down’ tray using the ‘transfer to TAF’ function as the case is
staying open to level 4. Once agreed and allocated, the family case worker will need to add
themselves as a key agency on the child’s record on Liquid Logic LCS and then record all
subsequent contact by adding case notes. The supervision of the case will also be recorded
on the child’s record via a case note. This will ensure that the social worker and their
manager, plus the family case worker and their manager will receive notifications about the
case to ensure they all have an up-to-date understanding of involvement and risk.
Level 4 engagement with children’s centres
All children open to and receiving a service from level 4 children’s social care aged 0-5 need
to be registered with their local children’s centre. There is an expectation that the social
worker will complete the children’s centre registration form with the family ensuring they gain
a signature before scanning and returning to They will then be sent to the appropriate
children’s centre.
For universal engagement, families should be given a copy of the centre timetable and
support should be offered to the family in accessing appropriate groups until they feel able to
access independently. Where possible, priority places will be given to families where
children are open to level 4 services and their engagement will be monitored by the staff at
the centre so it is important that social workers encourage attendance wherever possible.
Engagement reports can be requested for child plan review meetings as required (see
flowchart 5). See flowchart 4 for exceptions.
Please note: If a case is stepped up or down and the decision is reversed within a 6 month
period the IES senior manager must review the decision before the case is stepped
Flowchart 4: Process flow for unregistered families
Data received by children’s
centre business support for
co-ordination and filtering
Children’s centre business
support send data through to IES
manager for review
Children not registered or
reached within last 2 months
Children registered and reached
within the last 2 months / family
do not consent
No further action necessary
Children allocated to early years
worker (EYW)/family case worker
(FCW) as part of weekly allocation
EYW/FCW contacts social worker and
arranges joint information visit. Add as
key agency to child’s record on liquid
Complete visit, complete
registration form and pass on
information on centre activities
If no further concerns about
child’s development or they
agree to access universal
activities – no further action
EYW/FCW to record on liquid
logic, add end date to
professional on child’s record,
inform business support
If concerns about development
discuss options for targeted
groups and/or home learning follow process map 5
Flowchart 5: Process flow for discrete pieces of work on level 4 cases
A social worker identifies a case where there is a child aged 0-5 where a discrete piece of work
could be undertaken by a family case worker/early years worker based within the children’s
centre. Agreement sought from social work team manager
Social worker to contact the appropriate IES manager directly to discuss and agree the
appropriateness of the work identified
If agreement is reached, social worker to complete IES enquiry form and send to IES manager
via email, ensuring parent/carer has signed.
IES manager to allocate and discuss with family case worker/early years worker.
Family case worker/early years worker to add themselves as a key agency on the child’s record
on liquid logic LCS (one page guide available on help section)
Family case worker/early years worker to record all subsequent involvement as case notes on
the child’s record. Supervision between the family case worker/early years worker and the IES
manager will be recorded on liquid logic LCS (one page guide available). Ongoing
communication between the family case worker/early years worker and social worker as
appropriate, particularly around any new risks identified
Once involvement has ended by family case worker/early years worker, an end date should be
added to the child’s record under key agencies so further notifications will not be received (one
page guide available)
Good practice checklist for stepping down a case from level 4 to TAF
1. Has your line manager agreed in supervision with your rationale to step the case
2. Have you identified the outstanding actions the TAF needs to pick up?
3. Have you considered who it needs to step down to based on the continuum of need
(ESAT if complex level 3, universal agency if multi-agency TAF but not intensive,
children’s centre if issues relate to a child aged under 5)?
4. Ensure you give enough time to find a new lead worker before the final CIN meeting
so there is chance to introduce them to the family before the meeting.
5. Ensure that a lead professional for a step down is agreed outside of any formal
meetings. This avoids any professional disputes being played out in a meeting where
the family is present. It is important to also discuss with the family who they would
like to take the lead.
6. If you are still unsure following speaking to your team manager about where the case
sits on the continuum of need or who is best placed to lead the TAF, consider ringing
the ESAT manager for a consultation, the IES manger in the local children’s centre,
or speak to the TAF adviser as appropriate.
7. Ensure you give copies of your assessments and plans to the lead worker. There
won’t be a TAF assessment following a step down, only review plans based on your
assessment to avoid duplication.
8. Have you discussed with the family what a TAF is, the importance of some additional
support and shared the TAF leaflet (available on the website)? TAF is consent based
and ensuring they understand the importance of their engagement in it is crucial to
the step down success. Failure to engage may mean the case escalates to Level 4