Learning Plan Compare and Contrast2 Learning Plan Learning Plan Prepare for Learning Prepare for Learning Warm-up: 5 in 10 and check homework for completion Homework review: Teacher reads all answers to homework and reviews all questions. Teach for Learning/Application for Learning Scan the text: ( part of 1-6 textbook note handout); students will read the textbook and write two facts they learned Direct Instruction: Teacher will present three different types of correlations by using the following graphs Guided Practice: students will practice recognizing different types of scatterplots based on the trend of the data. Students will complete practice sheet 1-6. Review Guided Practice-Teacher will review guided practice worksheet through whole group discussion Independent Practice: students complete skill practice sheet 1-6 Concluding the Lesson Students will discuss/write what they know and still need help on regarding scatterplots Homework textbook, pg 42 1-13 Hook: Bus Stop. (smart pal) each student will use the features of the pictures to find the corresponding place on the scatterplot. (discussion after wards of independent and dependent variables) (10) Teach for Learning/Application for Learning Country card sort./Scatterplot analysis. With a shoulder partner, have the students group the country cards according to development level. Provide the students with a general world map for reference. Allow the students to come up with their own method of grouping the countries. They might sort them into two groups, several groups or arrange them into one line. Ask the students to justify their arrangement. Does their way of sorting the countries reflect what they think the incomes of the countries are? Health? Development, in a more vague sense? Distribute the Gapminder World Map graph to each group. In a whole class discussion, have volunteers explain the elements of the graph, i.e. that each bubble is a country, the size of the bubble is the population, the colors represent the continent, the y-axis is the life expectancy (i.e. health) and the x-axis is income per person. Ask them to find and mark the countries on the graph. Have the students rearrange their cards according to the data presented. Were there any surprising results? Discuss whether the graph could be used to divide the countries of the world into different categories. Have students reflect on how data can be an effective tool for observing trends, making decisions and predictions. (20) Video: Have students view the video http://www.gapminder.org/videos/200-yearsthat-changed-the-world-bbc/ and whole class discussion: ensure discussion includes mean as a balance point. (10) Anticipation Guide on scatterplots (5) Scatterplot article-students will read the article and highlight important info. They will return to their anticipation guide and adjust their answers, citing the paragraph where they found their answer. Think-Pair-Share. (15) Correlation sort- students are handed strips of paper that show different relationships. (birth month and eye color, etc…) students are asked to come to the board and place them under the correct correlation. students are asked to justify their response and describe the independent and dependent variable. Differentiated: students receive different strips based on their cognitive readiness demonstrated on a prior pre-assessment on indep/dep variables. (20) Concluding the Lesson Exit ticket: 6 relationships. Students are to give the independent and dependent variable, state the correlation and construct a scatterplot (10) Homework Gapminder.org webquest. Journal: Explain how the information you analyzed today is relevant to you. Why did you choose a particular scatter plot and indicator? How does this impact or change your point of view? Also, share the video with your parents. (link is on weebly page)