Teaching with Immersive Gaming

Teaching with Immersive
Gaming: CPD 2
Using the NEnet Twigging Slide
Aims of the Session
Learning to:
• Use NEnet’s TWIG slide
Why do we need technology?
• Twigging doesn’t have to be high-tech – a
wheel of fortune can be a very effective
prop for introducing reward uncertainty in
the classroom.
• However, administration of points to
winners and keeping a tally of scores is
much easier using NEnet’s interactive
powerpoint slide.
Quick start: Load exemplar slides and
enable “macros”
• To get started, download one of the
exemplar sets of twigging slides on the
NEnet web-site.
• You must have macros enabled for the
slides to function. Check to see if the
macros are working by starting the slide
show, and move in the normal way to a
gaming round slide.
• Press the
twice to clear the game and
then press . Does it flash?
If not…change security settings:
• Powerpoint 2007: click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click
Powerpoint Options. Click Trust Center, click Trust Center
Settings, and then click Macro Settings. Choose “Disable all
macros with notification “, because this allows you to choose
whether to enable macros everytime you open a presentation. This
is the default setting.
• In Powerpoint 2003: On the Tools menu, click Options. Click the
Security tab. Under Macro Security, click Macro Security. Click the
Security Level tab, and then select the default security level
• When you have changed security settings, close down powerpoint
and open the exemplar presentation again, choosing to enable
macros when asked. Start the slide show.
Let’s start a new game…..
• The first slide presents learning content. You with begin
by discussing this with the class
• Move on (in the normal way, e.g. use the toolbar in the
bottom left hand corner in Powerpoint 2003) to the first
gaming round slide, where twigging tools are revealed.
• To start a new game, you must always click
(unlike a double click, the interval between clicks doesn’t
matter). This “kills off” an old game and sets up slides for
a new one. Only button requiring two clicks to use – so
you have a second chance to avoid it.
Here’s how many points you
can score for a correct answer!
• The large number with green background
on the top right of the tools indicates the
number of points available for the round.
This number can be changed. When you
click here, the number increments by 1 up
until 9, after which it returns to 1.
Select your answer now……
• Red, green, blue and yellow boxes normally code four
alternative answers to a multiple choice question.
• When the teacher collects responses from the class,
each team/individual indicates one of these colours to as
their response. (e.g. take each alternative answer at a
time and teams hold up team number if selecting it).
• Enter responses on the slide for those choosing the red
alternative. For example: Click on the red box and then
click on each team who have chosen the red alternative.
Then ask for all those who are selecting the green
alternative to hold up their team numbers, click on the
green box and then click on these teams, etc.
• Teams can use paper plates with team number on one
side and “UP” arrow on the other (or 6/9 confusions!
Are you gaming?
• Then you can ask teams to hold up their team numbers if
they intend to game their winnings for this round. For
those holding up a team number, click on the box in the
second column. This box should turn purple to indicate
they will be gaming. Clicking on this box a second time
will clear it, returning it to the “no gaming” condition.
And the answer is…..
• When the time comes to reveal the correct
answer, simply click the marking button
and then click the correct answer.
• (Note that the correct answer is often
revealed last – see next chapter on twig
teaching). This automatically generates an
appropriate amount of points for the turn
score in the second column for those who
selected correctly.
So will those gaming points get
• To generate a decision on whether
gamers with the correct answer will double
or lose the points, press the gaming
• Based on 50:50 odds, this button will flash
then settle on purple (double) or clear
(lose), and turn scores will be
automatically updated.
So the new scores are…
• At the end of the round, remember to
press the collect button
updates total scores with points won in the
round. Don’t press it twice, or they will be
added twice!
Going backwards and forwards
To go forwards and backwards with gaming round slides, use
To go forwards and backwards with learning content, use one of the 3
usual ways to do this: use the pop-up tool bar that can appear in the
bottom left hand corner, or right-click and choosing “previous” or
“next”, or left click on the background of the slide to go forward BUT
it can be a good idea to turn off the show’s ability to advance this
way - because if miss when clicking a twig button, this will
accidentally take you onto the next slide – very disconcerting!
To disable advancing on a left mouse click in Powerpoint 2003, select
slide show, then slide transition, under advance slide uncheck
on mouse click and click on all slides
You can start anywhere in a slide show containing twigging slides, but
you must press
twice to begin the game.
Other buttons
• You can provide a “bonus round” by
asking teams to pick a lucky colour. Enter
responses as before, then
– randomly select the winning colour using the
– all but 1 colour disappears
– Click the
button and click the winning
colour for winning teams to receive points
– Collect
and move forward
Other buttons
• Select a team randomly for an individual
round using
• Just fill in their response only for this team
to win some points
• Or ask them to nominate another team to
receive their points if they answer correctly
(and place the randomly selected team’s
answer in the nominated team’s box)
• Or ask them to nominate another team to
answer the question….etc….etc
Some recent changes:
1) You can switch the marking button off
now by pressing it again (so enabling you
to continue to enter team responses)
2) If you make a mistake, you can now
reduce turn scores by setting the points
available to 0. This will reduce anyone's
turn score by 1 everytime you score their
answer as correct.