Romeo and Juliet: Act 1

Romeo and Juliet: Act 1
Royce Tee
Patrick Wee
Michael Lopez
Alison Alcaraz
Peter Onglao
Alfred Ti
Antonio Go II
Alfonso Panis
• Father of Juliet
Lady Capulet
• Mother of Juliet
• Dramatic
• In Love
• Obedient
• Intelligent
• Comic
• Faithful to Juliet
• Romantic
• Fickle
• Sensitive
• Witty
• Free Spirited
• Constantly tries to
cheer-up Romeo after
heart break
• Truly tries to diffuse
family brawls
• Concerned for both
houses and public peace
• Truly hates Montague
• Violent
Vocabulary ACT 1 SC. 1, 3
• Choler - Anger, irritability.
"You seem to have much choler due to
your bad bathroom break."
"Don't mess with the one who holds
great choler."
Vocabulary ACT 1 SC. 1, 80
• Flourish - To thrive / to wield
"Flourish your weapon before me!"
"May your knowledge flourish through
this presentation."
Vocabulary ACT 1 SC. 1, 48
• Importune - To ask for urgently or
repeatedly / to annoy
"I am importuning you to give me that
bar of chocolate!"
"Stop importuning me with your silly
Vocabulary ACT 1 SC. 2, 106
• Fortnight - Two weeks
"A fortnight and this month ends."
"You've been working on that for a
fortnight already!"
Vocabulary ACT 1 SC. 3, 17
• Scant - Scarce / barely sufficient
"This offering is but scant to me."
"Both our food and clothing are
(Scanty is a variation.)
Scene by Scene
Act 1, Scene 1
Benvolio and Tybalt, along with some Montague and
Capulet servants, start fighting with each other. The Prince
of Verona arrives and demands that they stop, threatening
them with death.
Lady Montague asks if Benvolio had seen Romeo, and
Montague talks about how down Romeo had been
lately. Benvolio sees Romeo and tells Montague and Lady
Montague that he will get to the bottom of this. Benvolio
asks Romeo what the matter was, and the boy says he is in
love, but the girl does not love him back. Benvolio suggests
that Romeo forget about the girl, but Romeo refuses.
Scene by Scene
Act 1, Scene 2
Capulet talks with Paris about his marriage arrangements
with Juliet, and invites him to the feast later that night.
Capulet then tells Peter, a servant, to invite the guests on
the paper he gives him. Peter, not knowing how to read,
coincidentally meets with Romeo and Benvolio, and asks for
help. Romeo reads out the list, and as thanks, Peter invites
them to the feast, not knowing that they're Montagues.
Benvolio urges Romeo to go so that he will forget about
Rosaline, telling him that there will be other girls there
more beautiful than her.
Scene by Scene
Act 1, Scene 3
Lady Capulet asks to speak with Juliet. She comes, the
Nurse all the while reminiscing about the earthquake eleven
years ago.
They talk about Paris' proposal, and the Nurse and Lady
Capulet start convincing Juliet about how perfect he'd be
as a husband. Juliet says she'll try to see if she likes the
man. Peter then enters and tells them that the guests are
waiting, inviting them to follow him down.
Scene by Scene
Act 1, Scene 4
Benvolio, Mercutio, and Romeo start talking about the
party. They try convincing Romeo to dance later, but he
says he'll just bring the torch, since his heart is feeling
heavy. Romeo says that he had a dream last night, and
Mercutio suddenly starts raving about Queen Mab. Benvolio
says that this is taking them off course, and that they will
be late for the party. Romeo says he feels this is going to
end in his death, but goes anyway.
Scene by Scene
Act 1, Scene 5
Capulet welcomes his guests, then talks with his
cousin. Romeo sees Juliet, though he does not know her
name yet, and falls in love with her. Meanwhile, Tybalt
recognizes Romeo and tries to assault him, but Capulet
stops him, saying that he doesn't want this at his feast.
Romeo then approaches Juliet, and they kiss twice. Romeo
asks the Nurse who Juliet's mother is; realizing she is a
Capulet, he sees the trouble this could cause. The
Montagues leave, and Juliet asks about Romeo, and finds
out his true identity. She is saddened that her true love is
the son of her worst enemy.
Dramatic Moments
1) Monologue of Prince Escalus of Verona
• The prince talks about his passion for keeping the law
and punishing those who disobey it.
• Escalus becomes enraged at the fact that the Montagues
and the Capulets do not even try to stop their
meaningless feud.
Act 1. Scene 1. Lines 83-105.
Dramatic Moments
2) Dialogue between Romeo and Benvolio
• Benvolio tries to find out the cause of Romeo's
• Romeo shows his heartbreak over a girl who does not love
him back.
• We see how important love is to Romeo and that he is
truly a passionate lover.
Act 1. Scene 1. Lines 163-247.
Dramatic Moments
3) Dialogue between Romeo and Juliet
• Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time and fall deeply
in love.
• They flirt a bit until Romeo finally kisses Juliet.
• This leads to the irony later on when the two discover
that, though they love each other, they are actually
mortal enemies.
• This part of the play have similar structure and rhyme as
a sonnet.
Act 1. Scene 5. Lines 104-122.
The Capulets and the Montagues Fight
The Prince breaks them up and threatens them with death
Capulet invites Paris to his feast
Romeo admits to Benvolio that he is in love
Romeo gets invited to the Capulets' feast
Lady Capulet, the Nurse, and Juliet
about Paris
The three Montagues go to the feast
Tybalt recognizes Romeo, but Capulet intervenes
Romeo and Juliet fall in love with each other and kiss
The two find out about each others' identities and are saddened
Shakespearean Quotes
Star-crossed Lovers (Act 1 Prologue, 6)
A pair of
star-cross'd lovers
Definition: Lovers not favored by the stars; unlucky.
take their life;
Shakespearean Quotes
Ladybird (Act 1 SC. 3, 3)
Now, by my maidenhead at twelve year old, I bade
her come. What, lamb! what
! God forbid!
Where's this girl? What, Juliet!
Shakespearean Definition: A term of endearment, or a woman of loose morals.
Modern Definition: “any of various small brightly coloured beetles of the family Coccinellidae”
Shakespearean Quotes
Bump (Act 1 SC. 3, 57)
Definition: Lump.
as big as a young cock'rel's stone;
Overall theme: Love
• The love of Romeo and Juliet is what set
the events in the play in motion.
• Romeo and Juliet are willing to sacrifice
everything for the sake of their love,
even their life.
Theme of Act 1: Youth
• Though Romeo says he loves Rosaline, a few
hours later he quickly switches to Juliet (love at
first sight).
• Juliet is still new to the idea of marriage while
Lady Capulet and Paris talk about her getting
Text To Self
• Falling in love
Text To World
• Forced/Arranged Marriage
Text to Media
• West Side Story
Text To Self
Falling in love is what happened to Romeo and Juliet. They
saw each other, and thought that they would be perfect for
each other. They would not think of anyone else to be with
than their love. Also, Romeo and Juliet would think of each
other a lot of times.
We all eventually get to fall in love. And, when we do, we
usually won't stop thinking about that person. Usually, we'd
just feel warm and fuzzy when we are in love.
Text To World
Paris asked the parents of Juliet, the Capulets, if he could
marry Juliet, and the Capulets agree.
Juliet is not that thrilled to hear that news. In fact she
does not like the idea of being married to County Paris
Juliet is sort of forced into marriage with.
Today, India, Pakistan, and some parts of the Middle East
still practice arranged marriage.
Text to Media
West Side Story is about two "star-crossed lovers" very
much like Romeo and Juliet. Tony and Maria are the
counterparts of Romeo and Juliet in this play. They meet
like Romeo and Juliet did, during a dance. This musical is
just a more modern version and a more musical version of
"Romeo and Juliet"
Key Lines
• A pair of star-crossed lovers (Prologue, Line 6)
• Sad hours seem long (Act 1, Scene 1, Line 166)
• Alas, that love, so gentle in his view, should be so rough
and tyrannous in proof! (Act 1, Scene 1, Line 174 - 175)
• I will make thee think thy swan a crow! (Act 1, Scene 2,
Line 94)
• Queen Mab... she is the fairies' midwife (Act 1, Scene 4,
Line 59 - 59)
• O, doth she teaches the torches to burn bright! It
seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel
in an Ethiop's ear - Beauty too rich for use, for Earth
too dear (Act 1, Scene 5, Line 51 - 54)
Key Lines
• O, doth she teaches the torches to burn bright! It
seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel
in an Ethiop's ear - Beauty too rich for use, for Earth
too dear (Act 1, Scene 5, Line 51 - 54)
• You kiss by th' book (Act 1, Scene 5, Line 122)
• My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen
unknown, and known too late! (Act 1, Scene 5, Line 152 153)