Using clickers

SOC& 101 – Introduction to Sociology
How this class is designed to help you
The syllabus
◦ Detailed class information
Class website
◦ Lecture videos, diagrams & support material.
My Soc Lab
◦ Videos & readings
◦ Student response system
Print out and read the entire syllabus.
How to find
the class
The syllabus
Start Here
“Do you remember?
Chapter material:
Power Points
Study guide
Discussion questions
Class presentation
videos to view before
coming to class that
Chapter diagrams to print out
and bring to class.
How to Register for My Soc Lab
Videos, readings, & quizzes
How to Register for My Soc Lab
Videos, readings, & quizzes
How to Register for My Soc Lab
Videos, readings, & quizzes
course ID
How to Register for My Soc Lab
Videos, readings, & quizzes
How to Register for My Soc Lab
Videos, readings, & quizzes
My Soc Lab - Login
Videos, readings, & quizzes
MySocLab activities to
complete before
coming to class that
Why do we use clickers?
Much educational research shows
clickers produce:
Better learning
 More active, engaged learning
 More spirited class discussion
 Allows anonymous input
 More focus on topics you feel you need
help with
 Students like them
How will clickers help you?
Credit for participating in class
 More fun with interactive learning
 Better understanding of the material
 More in-depth discussions
• More student-Instructor & studentstudent interaction
 Better grades
More this
Not this
How do clickers fit into grades?
200 pts. = 4 Exams 50pts. @
 50 pts. = My Soc Lab
 50 pts. = Clickers
Registering your i>Clicker remote
Go to:
Go to:
You have registered your
What class time is …and is not
The “Guide by the side”
Not “The sage on the stage”
What class time is …
Critical thinking questions
◦ (How the topic applies to your life)
What class time is …
Using clickers to find what you need help with
◦ After you have listened to the online video
“What do you need help with?”
A. Ideal culture & real culture
B. Subculture & counter culture
C. Culture lag
D. Culture change
E. I understand
Discussing what you need help with
Clicker points
What class time is …
Participation questions
◦ Multiple choice clicker questions
◦ Clicker points for participating
 (even without the correct answer)
What class time is …
Applying the
concepts with
focused interactive
group discussions:
Bring PP’s, diagram
& text each day
Why do we use group discussions?
To help you score higher on the exams.
◦ If you know the material, you remember it
better if you explain it to someone else.
◦ If you do not know the material, you will
understand it better when other students
explain it in different ways.
Instructor is available for individualized
Preparation for each class
Listen to the video for today’s chapter
before attending class.
◦ If you don’t you will not know what you need
help with.
◦ Make a list of the 1 or 2 topics you do not
understand (or circle them on the diagram)
Do the MySocLab activities & take the
quizzes for that day.
What this class time is not…
Listening to lectures
◦ This is done before the class
What this class time is not…
My Soc Lab activities (Videos and readings)
◦ This is done before the class
Bring your clickers to class each day
We need them to:
◦ See what you need help with
◦ Participation points
No working clicker = no points
◦ The Syllabus quiz = 10 extra credit points
 Makes up for missed clickers, unable to attend etc.
This class is for you if …
You want active learning in class
 You want a say in what is covered in class
 You want a class based on
Student-student discussion
Student-instructor discussion
Critical thinking questions
Credit for participating using the clickers
This course is not for you if …
You just want to come to class
Be passive
Be lectured to - “Sit and get”
Not bother with clicker participation
Not bother discussing
By tomorrow you need to have:
1. Printed out and read the entire syllabus
 2. Listened to all the “Start Here” videos
 3. Obtained and registered an i>clicker
 4. Listened to Ch. 1 – The Sociological
◦ Printed out: (for use with video & in class)
Chapter diagrams
Power points
Do you remember questions
Study guide questions
Welcome to the class!!
We will have fun!!