Student Feedback United States of America - Passport - What did you like about the Asia Trip Planner activity? Nationality Passport Card No. Surname Given Name Gender Date of Birth Place of Birth What did you dislike about the Asia Trip Planner activity? Date Passport Issued On Passport Photo Signature of Passport Holder Passport Stamps – Create a passport stamp for each country you visit! What suggestions/improvements would you make to this activity? Additional ideas, comments, and questions you might have? ASIA MAP Use the map of Asia to help you select which countries you will travel to. Next use the map to show your trip plans. Take 5 minutes ONLY to complete this map. Please do not for get to DOGSTAIL. Asia Trip Planner DIRECTIONS: You will be planning a trip to ASIA! You will be traveling through the MONTH of JULY 2015. You have to travel for a minimum of 20 days. (I suggest 10 in each country)! You have to stay on budget below the $8,000. *** KEEP TRACK OF ALL THE $ YOU SPEND ON YOUR BUDGET TRACKER!*** CHOOSING YOUR DESTINATIONS! NEXT: Choose one of the following: Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Singapore, Nepal. ASIA COUNTRY CHOICE ___________________________________ (Country #1) Go to CULTUREGRAMS and find 3 large cities in your country of choice. List these cities. These are great cities to go sightseeing. Capital City: Population_ City: Population City: Population NEXT: Choose one of the following: China, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Mongolia, Hong Kong ASIA COUNTRY CHOICE ________________________________ (Country #2) Go to CULTUREGRAMS and find 3 large cities in your country of choice. List these cities. These are great cities to go sightseeing. Capital City: Population_ City: Population City: Population Which country(s) are part of this region of Asia but are not in the possible choice list? What is the reason why? Flight READ all the directions first before you search. Try using “onetravel” or “cheap flights” to complete this section. The fact that you are flying to multiple countries means that you will need to select MULTI-CITY as a search. If your engine does not offer this you may want to try a different search engine. When you click this you will have several areas for you to enter flights. TYPE ONLY THE COUNTRY NAME IN THE BLANKS. When you search you will get to choose different cities in an options list. TRY TO PICK THE LARGE CITIES YOU LISTED but LET THE SEARCH DO THE WORK FOR YOU! Possible web pages: or Remember: You are leaving from LAS VEGAS, Nevada, USA and have to return home to LAS VEGAS, Nevada, USA. You will have to pick cities in these countries to land in. I would suggest the bigger the city the better since there is more to do and see. You have to fly from one country to the next so remember where you landed. WRITE THE FLIGHT DOWN IN DETAIL OR YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHEN AND WHERE YOU NEED TO GET A ROOM TO STAY IN THAT CITY! My Flight Information- TOTAL COST OF MY FLIGHT WRITE YOUR FLIGHT INFORMATION HERE! FLIGHT #1 From: LAS VEGAS/USA TO (City/Country) _____________________ Departure Departing City Date- Time Connecting Flights Connecting City Date- Time Arrival Arrival City Date- Time $__________________ FLIGHT #2 From: (City/Country)________________________ To: (City/Country)___________________________ Departure Departing City Date- Time Connecting Flights Connecting City Date- Time Arrival Arrival City Date- Time FLIGHT #3 From: (City/Country)_______________________ To LAS VEGAS/USA Departure Departing City Date- Time Connecting Flights Connecting City Date- Time Arrival Arrival City Date- Time TOTAL COST OF THE FLIGHT__USD$ _______________________________ Do a double check on your dates (min 20 days in the month of JULY), locations (Country #1 and Country #2), and that you are leaving Las Vegas and coming home to Las Vegas. NOW PUT THE TOTAL PRICE OF YOUR FLIGHT IN TO YOUR BUDGET TRACKER. REMEMBER YOU HAVE ONLY $8,000 FOR EVERYTHING! Travel Log Accommodations /Hotel/Hostel- Country #1 COUNTRY #1 _________________________ City you land in ________________________ Look at your flight and make sure you are going here first! Open up the culturegrams web site at Open up World addition and select Asia from map, then you country choice. What is the currency in this country? __________________________ HOSTELS: START by looking for Hostels in your country. Try the links listed below the questions! What is a HOSTEL? ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Give 3 ways a Hostel is different than a Hotel? What is the exchange rate of this currency $1 USD= ______ ________ (hint: currency convert is on the right side of culturegrams!) Look at your flight information. When you booked your flight for the first country what was the day you land? ___________________ When do your depart?____________ How many days are you in this city?__________ What city did you fly in to? City Name ________________________ I will need _____ number of days of accommodations. (Hint: count the number of nights you will need a bed to sleep in not the number of days you are there.) Does the number of days and nights match? _____ Why is this tip REALLY IMPORTANT? Select accommodations/hotel for this city. Find out how much it is going to cost you per day. You may have to google search it by name OR convert currency but try my links first! START HERE FOR ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS HOSTELS: Search these links Now search and see your prices in the city you are in. (Ms. Marek is a member of the VIP Backpackers!) HOTELS: Now search hotels using these links (has real travelers feedback on the site) (This has multiple search engines for you to find your accommodations) Take 15 to 20 minutes to search and NOW CHOOSE… WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO STAY! Do Not Waste Time! You Have Lots To Plan! Name of Accommodations/Hotel/Hostel You Selected: REAL WORLD MATH! Now calculate the cost for how long you are staying. SHOW ME THE MATH! SET UP THE EQUATION and PUT IN THE CORRECT COSTS Justify your choice by telling me your thoughts. Did you choose to stay in a Hotel or a Hostel? Why did you make this choice? How much did you spend? What percent of your $8,000 budget are you spending on accommodations? __________________TOTAL COST FOR ACCOMMODATIONS/HOTEL Put on Budget Tracking Page! Remember if you go over budget you must redo sections of this assignment! Are you really going to be using the room enough to make it cost effective? Look at pictures and descriptions of your choice. Write IN YOUR OWN WORDS a 3 sentence summary describing this hotel/hostel. How will this choice affect other choices you will need to make as you travel? Sight Seeing and Activities YOU MUST DO 3 DIFFERENT THINGS! COUNTRY #1______________________ CITY ___________________ Your plane has landed and you have checked in to your accommodations. Go out and see the country! Time for you to explore on your own! I trust you to go out in to the virtual world and look for sights to see and cultural activities to do in your country. I want to see your unique culture, geography, and style of the country you are visiting (NOT AMERICAN CULTURE!). I also trust you to be on school appropriate sites as you go out in to cyber world, please do not let me down. As you research these sites they may be in a foreign language. You may need to look for the English button. LOOK FOR IT...I don’t know where it is! The button is usually written IN ENGLISH. Try these words as you search: Country Name, Sights, Activities, and Things to Do…Stuck? Go back to any of the travel site and search activities! Day 2: Date____________ Cost: Entrance/Guide Other Fees: _________________ Sight/Activity Name: URL where information came from: Personal Journal: Give a good paragraph description this sight/activity in your own words. Make sure that you include real details to show you researched this activity. Day 1: Date____________ Cost: Entrance/Guide Other Fees: _________________ Sight/Activity Name: URL where information came from: Personal Journal: Give a good paragraph description this sight/activity in your own words. Make sure that you include real details to show you researched this activity. Day 3: Date____________ Cost: Entrance/Guide Other Fees: _________________ Sight/Activity Name: URL where information came from: Personal Journal: Give a good paragraph description this sight/activity in your own words. Make sure that you include real details to show you researched this activity. Transportation Cost TRY TO FIND THE DISTANCE TO ONE OF THE SIGHTS/ACTIVITES. 2min ONLY! Hint: You need to try to find the distance to your activity from your hotel if possible. Goolge it by typing in your city name and the term map (example: Tokyo Map) Use the following as general prices. 1 mile/kilometer = walk- FREE; 2 -10 miles/kilometers = public transit, taxi, subway, bus- $10 to $20 USD ; 10+ miles = you will need to rent a car- $100 -$200 USD) How far are these activities from your hotel? _____________ How did you get to this activity? (Walk, Taxi, Bus, Rent a Car?) ________________ NEXT: Calculate the cost for transportation for sightseeing/activities in country #1. Make sure you show your math. Show transportation cost and make sure that you have enough to cover for 3 days of travel to your sights. You may need to convert using the currency conversion. You already have this on another page. Travel Log Accommodations /Hotel/Hostel- Country #2 Name of COUNTRY #2 City you land in ____________ Open up the culturegrams web site at Open up World addition and select Asia from map, then you country choice. What is the currency in this country? ___________________________ What is the exchange rate of this currency $1 USD= ______ ________ Look at your flight information. When you booked your flight for the first country what was the day you land? ____________ What day do you depart? __________ How many days are you in this city? ____________ You will need _______ number of days of accommodations. Count the nights Take a look at the amount of money you have in your budget. Think about the future before all your money is gone and you have nowhere to stay! Brainstorm! You already have budget the cost of your Flight, Accommodations, and Sightseeing/Activities. What other expenses will you need to pay for as you travel? Create a list below OTHER EXPENSES/COST$ TOTAL COST FOR SIGHT SEEING. Total up all 3 days! Make sure to convert to United States Dollars! Sight/ Activity Day 1 $______________ Sight/ Activity Day 2 $______________ Sight/ Activity Day 3 $________________ Transportation cost for 3 days $_______________________ How many days are you in this country? Based on the number of days you will be traveling in this country estimate the TOTAL cost of transportation? Make sure to add all cost to your Budget Tracking Page! What are 3 advantages of staying in a HOSTEL over a HOTEL? What are 3 advantages of staying in a HOTEL over a HOSTEL? What is the major factor for you to decide where you will stay? Remember HOSTELS ARE CHEAPER THAN HOTELS! START by looking for Hostels in your country. Take 15 minutes to search NOW CHOOSE… WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO STAY! Do Not Waste Time! You Have Lots To Finish! Name of Accommodations/Hotel/Hostel You Selected: REAL WORLD MATH! Now calculate the cost for how long you are staying. SHOW ME YOUR MATH! SET UP THE EQUATION and PUT IN THE CORRECT COSTS Sight Seeing and Activities YOU MUST DO 3 DIFFERENT THINGS! COUNTRY #1______________________ CITY ___________________ Your plane has landed and you have checked in to your accommodations. Go out and see the country! Time for you to explore on your own! I trust you to go out in to the virtual world and look for sights to see and cultural activities to do in your country. I want to see your unique culture, geography, and style of the country you are visiting (NOT AMERICAN CULTURE!). I also trust you to be on school appropriate sites as you go out in to cyber world, please do not let me down. As you research these sites they may be in a foreign language. You may need to look for the English button. LOOK FOR IT...I don’t know where it is! The button is usually written IN ENGLISH. Try these words as you search: Country Name, Sights, Activities, and Things to Do…Stuck? Go back to any of the travel site and search activities! Day 1: Date____________ Cost: Entrance/Guide Other Fees: _________________ Sight/Activity Name: URL where information came from: Personal Journal: Give a good paragraph description this sight/activity in your own words. Make sure that you include real details to show you researched this activity. __________________TOTAL COST FOR ACCOMMODATIONS/HOTEL Put on Budget Tracking Page! Look at pictures and descriptions of your choice. Write IN YOUR OWN WORDS a 3 sentence summary describing this hotel. Did you choose to stay in a Hotel or a Hostel? Is this a different choice than what you did in country #1? Why did you make this choice? Day 2: Date____________ Cost: Entrance/Guide Other Fees: _________________ Sight/Activity Name: URL where information came from: Personal Journal: Give a good paragraph description this sight/activity in your own words. Make sure that you include real details to show you researched this activity. Transportation Cost TRY TO FIND THE DISTANCE TO ONE OF THE SIGHTS/ACTIVITES. 2min ONLY! Hint: You need to try to find the distance to your activity from your hotel if possible. Goolge it by typing in your city name and the term map (example: Tokyo Map) Use the following as general prices. 1 mile/kilometer = walk- FREE; 2 -10 miles/kilometers = public transit, taxi, subway, bus- $10 to $20 USD ; 10+ miles = you will need to rent a car- $100 -$200 USD) How far are these activities from your hotel? _____________ How did you get to this activity? (Walk, Taxi, Bus, Rent a Car?) ________________ NEXT: Calculate the cost for transportation for sightseeing/activities in country #1. Make sure you show your math. Show transportation cost and make sure that you have enough to cover for 3 days of travel to your sights. You may need to convert using the currency conversion. You already have this on another page. Day 3: Date____________ Cost: Entrance/Guide Other Fees: _________________ Sight/Activity Name: URL where information came from: Personal Journal: Give a good paragraph description this sight/activity in your own words. Make sure that you include real details to show you researched this activity. TOTAL COST FOR SIGHT SEEING. Total up all 3 days! Make sure to convert to United States Dollars! Sight/ Activity Day 1 $______________ Sight/ Activity Day 2 $______________ Sight/ Activity Day 3 $________________ Transportation cost for 3 days $_______________________ How many days are you in this country? Based on the number of days you will be traveling in this country estimate the TOTAL cost of transportation? Make sure to add all cost to your Budget Tracking Page! LET’S EAT! List at least 5Traditional foods from your countries FOOD! Eating and Restaurants First you will need to look back on your flight plan and figure out how many days total you will be traveling. Country #1__________________________________ 1. You will be traveling for ________________ total days. 2. You will be in Country #1 ________________ for _________days. 3. 4. 5. Country #2__________________________________ 1. You will be in Country #2 _______________ for __________days. You may not always sit and eat like this at home but TRUST ME YOU WILL EAT when you are on the go all day! On days when you skip a meal, usually you will want to try a local food, drink, or desert that catches your eye this will usually cost about that of a meal. Next calculate how many meals you will need to account for on your trip. YOU need to use the basic of 3 meals a day! Set up the steps in words then use the numbers. Show the MATH 2. 3. 4. 5. Sites to check out! I would try the following sites I would also Google country name, Traditional food. You might also try to find menus for restaurants that have traditional food of your country. Just for Fun!- 5 minutes ONLY! Try to find any fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Pizza Hut, or Kentucky Fried Chicken in your country. Give me a brief description of what you find.___________________________________ Total number of meals you will eat while on your trip! ___________ Be careful did you calculate for one or both countries? Do countries have different food prices? ________ How is cost affected by the exchange rate of the US dollar? _ Which of your two countries do you think will be the CHEAPEST to eat in? Why will it be CHEAPER to eat in this country? Use REAL evidence based on what you have already learned by planning your trip. Explain with detail! Calculating REAL WORLD COST! See the screen shot below to help you figure costs! You are going to use the cost of living web site below Make sure you read the directions before you go to the link! HELPFUL SUGGESTION! Round all prices so that you are left with either whole dollars or half dollars (50 cents). This will help you with your math. First Check that you are in USD Second This is the cost of your cheap meals in a restaurant. Third This is the cost of a mid-range meal NOTE: this is the cost for 2 PEOPLE so make sure to do the math and find the cost for you alone! Fourth The really expensive meals, I would use the full price of mid-range meals without dividing the cost in half. Then I would add the cost of an inexpensive meal to it. For example Our sample here for the USA is about $40.00 for 2 at a midrange restaurant like Chilies or Applebees. So you take $40 and add the $12 inexpensive meal (burger or pizza) giving you a total of= $52.00 You can eat at most restaurants on the strip that are “High End” for about $50.00 a person. This doesn’t always include drinks, appetizers, or deserts! Ms. Marek went out to Little Buddha in the Palms Casino for her birthday. For 2 people the bill was $396.00. DON’T BELIEVE ME… CHECK OUT THEIR MENU! (No I Didn’t Pay.. it was my birthday!) HINT: If you could not find transportation cost on your sightseeing worksheet #3 or #5 … THIS MIGHT BE USED! Now go to the following site to see what the averages are for your countries of choice by accessing the NUMBRO PAGE AT REMEMBER: THE TOTALS WILL BE DIFFERENT because the COST OF THE COUNTRIES IS DIFFERENT even if the DAYS are the same! Time of a rough calculation of cost for eating You will need to plan that 1/3 of your meals will be on the run as you go from one activity to the next. You will need to plan that 1/3 of your meals will be something very nice where you will get dressed up and sit down for the entire evening with your new friends. Whatever is left will be simply regular meals when you can find time. NOW CALCULATE –COST OF MEALS! Total Number of Meals in Country #1 Number of cheap/inexpensive Meals on the run _________ X $_________Average meal cost = ____________Total Cost Number of Normal cost/Mid-Range meals _____________ X $_________Average meal cost = ____________Total Cost Number of Fancy sit down EXPENSIVE meals ___________ X $_________Average meal cost = ____________Total Cost Country #1=TOTAL MEAL COST_$___________ Now recalculate for country #2 if your number of meals is different. Total Number of Meals in Country #2 Number of cheap/inexpensive Meals on the run _________ X $_________Average meal cost = ____________Total Cost Number of Normal cost/Mid Range meals _____________ X $_________Average meal cost = ____________Total Cost Number of Fancy sit down EXPENSIVE meals ___________ X $_________Average meal cost = ____________Total Cost Country #2=TOTAL MEAL COST_$___________ Make sure to add all cost to your Budget Tracking Page! Trip Memorabilia –Scrapbook Page Create a memorabilia page of your trip. Include pictures and captions explaining the items you included on your scrapbook page. Be creative and make sure to show the true culture and history of the countries that you visited! Budget Tracker You have a budget of $8,000. You will be in Asia for 20 days. You may travel any days in the month of July 2015. You will need to make sure to visit 2 countries total. You goal is to stay on budget. REMEMBER IF YOU GO OVER YOUR BUDGET YOU MUST GO BACK AND MAKE CHANGES! STARTING AMOUNT IN BUDGET is $8,000 USD STEP #1: Calculate your total flight cost for your 2 required countries STARTING AMOUNT IN BUDGET ($USD)_________________ REMEMBER IF YOU GO OVER YOUR BUDGET YOU MUST GO BACK AND MAKE CHANGES TO YOUR CHOICES! STEP #3 Total cost in country #2 Country #2 NAME: _________________________ Money Left in Budget +___________________ Cost for Accommodations (subtract) - __________________ Cost of Sights/Activities (subtract) - __________________ Cost for transportation (subtract) - __________________ Cost of Food (subtract) - __________________ Cost of Gifts (extra credit) (subtract) - __________________ Do the Math (subtract cost) - _______________ Amount of Money Left in Budget Money Left in Budget +_______________ How much money (total) did you spend in Country#2? _________________ Flight Cost +_____________ STEP#4 The BOTTOM LINE! STEP #2 Total cost in country #1 How much do you have left in your budget?_________________________ Country #1NAME: _________________________ What was the total cost of your trip? Money Left in Budget +___________________ Which category cost you the most on your trip? Transportation, Accommodations, Cost for Accommodations (subtract) - __________________ Sights/Activities, Food, OR Gifts? ____________________ Cost of Sights/Activities (subtract) - __________________ Now that you have planned a trip out what 2 changes would you make if you were Cost for transportation (subtract) - __________________ going to plan another one? Cost of Food (subtract) - __________________ Cost of Gifts (extra credit) (subtract) - __________________ Do the Math Amount of Money Left in Budget +_____________ How much money (total) did you spend in Country#1? _________________ Give one suggestion or tip to next year’s class before they plan their trips._______ How will you stay on budget with your spending? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Gifts/Souvenirs : EVERYONE LOVES PRESENTS!-Extra Credit Country #1 Country #2 Make a list of 5 people in your life that you would purchase a small gift or souvenir for. Fill in the chart of what you purchased for them. I expect good quality descriptions and how it shows your country’s unique characteristics (Religion, fashion, products produced, food grown, culture, language, etc.). SEARCH HINTS: This is best done by individual country. Go to Google Search and type in your country name followed by souvenirs. You need to remember you are going to get something that represents the country! Do not go totally cheesy on all of the souvenirs that you bring back. I expect to see several that are traditional like, jade, religious items, silk, art, clothing Asian style.etc… Persons Name 1. YOU 4. Item Description Cost In $ USD Country How is it of unique to Purchase the country 5. Cost of Gifts/souvenirs in Country #1___$_____________USD__ Cost of Gifts/ Souvenirs in Country #2__$____________USD___ TOTAL AMOUNT COST OF GIFTS $ ________________________USD Make sure to add GIFTS to your budget tracker! BONUS- Sky is the Limit- SHOP TILL YOU DROP If you did not have a budget what would you like to purchase? Country #1: 2. 2. MS. Marek Dream Purchase: Cost: How does it represent this country? 3. Country #2: Dream Purchase: Cost: How does it represent this country?