IBUS 2341 - INTERCULTURAL MANAGEMENT Fall 2012 CRN Class name Class room Time Campus Location Instructor Office Mobile E-mail : : : : : : : : : 32698 IMG 802 Tue 9:10-10:40am – Thu 9:10-10:40am SaigonTech Tower, Quang Trung Mr. Trần Nam Giang Room 604 0942 93 91 92 giangtn@saigontech.edu.vn Course Overview Demonstrate the fundamental theories and frameworks of cross-cultural management and deepen understanding of how they can be applied to management. Discuss socio-cultural demographics, intellectual, economic, technological, politicallegal issues, negotiations, and processes of decision making. Emphasize cultural, ethnic, geographic distinctions, and antecedent that could affect organizational knowledge in multicultural environment. Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) 1. Identify global issues and trends. 2. Examine legal issues and proper documentation necessary for international trade. 3. Analyze various sources of international business research. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of global and world geography. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Learning Objectives (LOs) Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) 1. Utilize a broad array of cross-cultural knowledge necessary for appropriate product development. 2. Utilize a broad array of cross-cultural knowledge necessary for marketing strategies. 3. Utilize a broad array of cross-cultural knowledge necessary for supervision of multicultural personnel in the United States or abroad. 4. Interpret cross-cultural communications cues through role playing and other problem solving situations. Learning Objectives (LOs) 1. Utilize a broad array of cross-cultural knowledge necessary for appropriate product development. 2. Utilize a broad array of cross-cultural knowledge necessary for marketing strategies. 3. Utilize a broad array of cross-cultural knowledge necessary for supervision of multicultural personnel in the United States or abroad. 4. Interpret cross-cultural communications cues through role playing and other problem solving situations. Course Resources Required Course Text: International Management – Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Helen Deresky, Prentice Hall, 6th Edition Companion Website: http://wps.prenhall.com/bp_deresky_im_6/76/19572/5010484.cw/index.html Students are encouraged to go to the companion website regularly. Course Format The class will consist of weekly lectures, class discussions, assigned homework questions, mini tests, exams, and other in-class activities. Grading Scheme Participation In-class exercises Project Final Exam Exam Final Exam : 10% (5% for full attendance, 5% for activeness) : 10% : 40% : 40% No. of Questions Duration Online-Multiple Choice (on Computer) 30 40 minutes 30 Essay (on Paper – closed book) 2 75 minutes 70 Type Points Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 The instructor may give students some extra homework/assignments every week for students to earn extra credit points. The passing grade of this course is D A B C D F 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 0-59 Course Policies The use of laptops and tablets in class for presentation purpose and review session is allowed. Other purposes of electronic device use in class and in tests are not allowed as they may drive students to distraction from lectures. All cell phones, if not in urgent case, must be muted or in vibration mode to avoid academic process disruption. Emergency call can be made out of class. Make-up Exam Policy: Make-up exams will not be given unless the student has a verifiable, valid excuse that has been discussed with and agreed by the instructor in advance. At instructor’s sole discretion for very limited cases, provisions for missed exams may be made for extraordinary situations. Students who may miss an exam should make every effort to get written permission from instructor prior to the exam. Attendance: Regular class attendance is expected, and poor attendance may reduce a student’s participation grade. Those who are absent more than six (6) hours will be dropped from the course and will receive an F. Please read information about attendance and withdrawal policies on SaigonTech website: http://www.saigontech.edu.vn/saigontech/english/general_academic.jsp?subid=37#6 Academic Honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by SaigonTech officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Please visit this site for more details about Academic Dishonesty Policy: http://www.saigontech.edu.vn/saigontech/english/student_discipline.jsp?disID=3&subid =42 Course Schedule Week Date 1 18/09 Day Tue 20/09 25/09 Thu Tue 27/09 02/10 04/10 09/10 11/10 16/10 18/10 23/10 25/10 30/10 01/11 06/11 08/11 13/11 15/11 20/11 22/11 27/11 Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue 29/11 04/12 06/12 11/12 13/12 18/12 20/12 25/12 27/12 01/01 03/01 Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Activities Syllabus Introduction Chapter 1 - Assessing the Environment: Political, Economic, Legal, Technological In-class Activities Chapter 2 - Managing Interdependence: Social Responsibility and Ethics In-class Activities Chapter 3 - Understanding the Role of Culture In-class Activities Chapter 4 - Communicating Across Cultures In-class Activities Chapter 5 - Cross-Cultural Negotiation and Decision Making In-class Activities Wrap-up exercises Wrap-up exercises Chapter 6 - Formulating Strategy In-class Activities Chapter 7 - Global Alliances and Strategy Implementation In-class Activities Chapter 8 - Organizational Structure and Control Systems In-class Activities Wrap-up exercises Wrap-up exercises Chapter 9 - Staffing, Training, and Compensation for Global Operations In-class Activities Chapter 10 - Developing a Global Management Cadre In-class Activities (Project due) Chapter 11 - Motivating and Leading In-class Activities Wrap-up exercises Wrap-up exercises Final Exam (Multiple choice) Final Exam (Essay) New Year’s Day (make-up: TBA) In-class Activities