Critical Design Issues Involved in Mouse Studies of the Intestinal Microbiota Ajay S. Gulati, MD Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Pathology Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Functions of the Intestinal Microbiota Modulating host innate and adaptive immune function Regulating energy utilization and metabolism Enhancing epithelial responses to injury and repair Regulating brain development and behavior “The Microbial Cloud” - Jonathan Eisen Sekirov et al. (2010) Physiol Rev 90:859-904 Functions of the Intestinal Microbiota Modulating host innate and adaptive immune function Regulating energy utilization and metabolism Enhancing epithelial responses to injury and repair Regulating brain development and behavior “The Microbial Cloud” - Jonathan Eisen Demonstrated using mouse models Sekirov et al. (2010) Physiol Rev 90:859-904 … a healthy dose of scepticism? “Microbiome science needs a healthy dose of scepticism” Questions Mouse Studies Do microbiome studies show causation or just correlation? Subject mice to defined exposures and measure direct effects on microbial communities What is the mechanism proposed? Study mechanisms by which exposures regulate bacterial communities Could anything else explain the results? Control confounders such as breeding strategy and environmental conditions Hanage WP (2014) Nature 512:247-8 … a healthy dose of scepticism? “Microbiome science needs a healthy dose of scepticism” Questions Mouse Studies Do microbiome studies show causation or just correlation? Subject mice to defined exposures and measure direct effects on microbial communities What is the mechanism proposed? Study mechanisms by which exposures regulate the gut microbiota Could anything else explain the results? Control confounders such as breeding strategy and environmental conditions Hanage WP (2014) Nature 512:247-8 … a healthy dose of scepticism? “Microbiome science needs a healthy dose of scepticism” Questions Do microbiome studies show causation or just correlation? What is the mechanism proposed? Could anything else explain the results? Mouse Studies Subject mice to defined exposures and measure direct effects on microbial communities Hanage WP (2014) Nature 512:247-8 … a healthy dose of scepticism? “Microbiome science needs a healthy dose of scepticism” Questions Mouse Studies Do microbiome studies show causation or just correlation? Subject mice to defined exposures and measure direct effects on microbial communities What is the mechanism proposed? Study mechanisms by which exposures regulate the gut microbiota Could anything else explain the results? Hanage WP (2014) Nature 512:247-8 … a healthy dose of scepticism? “Microbiome science needs a healthy dose of scepticism” Questions Mouse Studies Do microbiome studies show causation or just correlation? Subject mice to defined exposures and measure direct effects on microbial communities What is the mechanism proposed? Study mechanisms by which exposures regulate the gut microbiota Could anything else explain the results? Control confounders such as breeding strategy and environmental conditions Hanage WP (2014) Nature 512:247-8 … a healthy dose of scepticism? “Microbiome science needs a healthy dose of scepticism” Questions Mouse Studies Do microbiome studies show causation or just correlation? Subject mice to defined exposures and measure direct effects on microbial communities What is the mechanism proposed? Study mechanisms by which exposures regulate the gut microbiota Could anything else explain the results? Control confounders such as breeding strategy and environmental conditions Hanage WP (2014) Nature 512:247-8 Talk Outline Intrinsic − Mouse genetic background Legacy effect ‾ Heritability of the intestinal microbiota Extrinsic ‾ Cage effects ‾ Housing conditions RALPH STEADMAN Impact of Mouse Genetic Background on the Gut Microbiota Profiled the cecal microbiota of 10 distinct mouse strains All mice were purchased from same vendor Analyzed using 454 sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene Campbell JH et al (2012) ISME J 6:2033-2044 Impact of Mouse Genetic Background on the Gut Microbiota Campbell JH et al (2012) ISME J 6:2033-2044 Impact of Mouse Genetic Background on the Gut Microbiota Effect of strain was found to be significant (P = 0.0001) Accounted for 41.1% of all variation Campbell JH et al (2012) ISME J 6:2033-2044 Impact of Mouse Genetic Background on the Gut Microbiota Effect of strain was found to be significant (P = 0.0001) Accounted for 41.1% of all variation Effect of gender was also significant (P = 0.01) Accounted for only 0.7% of variation in the data Campbell JH et al (2012) ISME J 6:2033-2044 Reciprocal Colonization of Germ-Free Mice Gulati et al (2012) PLoS One 7:e32403 Reciprocal Colonization of Germ-Free Mice Stool was collected at 2, 4, and 12 weeks after colonization Mice were sacrificed at 12 weeks for tissue procurement Microbiota profiled using 454 sequencing of 16S rRNA gene Gulati et al (2012) PLoS One 7:e32403 Reciprocal Colonization of Germ-Free Mice 1. Ensured that mice from different backgrounds are exposed to the same initial bacteria at colonization 2. Allowed us to characterize the establishment of bacterial communities over time Gulati et al (2012) PLoS One 7:e32403 Mouse Background Drives Composition of the Intestinal Microbiota Stool From SPF C57BL/6 Mice ILEAL MICROBIOTA (12 weeks post-colonization) Stool From SPF 129/SvEv Mice 0.3 GF C57BL/6 Mice GF 129/SvEv Mice GF C57BL/6 Mice GF 129/SvEv Mice (B6→B6) (B6→129) (129→B6) (129→129) 0.2 If donor stool is driving microbial composition, the solid squares will cluster independently from the open squares If recipient background strain is driving microbial composition, the red squares will cluster independently from the blue squares PC2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 PC1 Gulati et al (2012) PLoS One 7:e32403 Mouse Background Drives Composition of the Intestinal Microbiota Stool From SPF C57BL/6 Mice ILEAL MICROBIOTA (12 weeks post-colonization) Stool From SPF 129/SvEv Mice 0.3 GF C57BL/6 Mice GF 129/SvEv Mice GF C57BL/6 Mice GF 129/SvEv Mice (B6→B6) (B6→129) (129→B6) (129→129) 129 Recipients 0.2 If donor stool is driving microbial composition, the solid squares will cluster independently from the open squares If recipient background strain is driving microbial composition, the red squares will cluster independently from the blue squares PC2 0.1 P = 0.01 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 B6 Recipients -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 PC1 Gulati et al (2012) PLoS One 7:e32403 Mouse Background Directs Ecological Succession of Gut Microbiota After Colonization Fecal Microbiota (2 weeks) 0.2 129 Recipients PC2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 0.0 0.2 PC1 0.4 Donor B6 129 B6 129 Recip 129 129 B6 B6 Mouse Background Directs Ecological Succession of Gut Microbiota After Colonization Fecal Microbiota (2 weeks) 0.2 129 Recipients 0.1 PC2 B6 stool 0.0 B6 Recipients -0.1 -0.2 129 stool -0.2 0.0 0.2 PC1 0.4 Donor B6 129 B6 129 Recip 129 129 B6 B6 Mouse Background Directs Ecological Succession of Gut Microbiota After Colonization Fecal Microbiota (2 weeks) Fecal Microbiota (4 weeks) 0.3 0.2 129 Recipients 0.1 0.1 0.0 B6 Recipients -0.1 PC2 PC2 B6 stool -0.1 B6 -0.2 B6 129 stool -0.2 0.0 0.2 PC1 0.4 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 PC1 0.3 0.5 Donor B6 129 B6 129 Recip 129 129 B6 B6 Mouse Background Directs Ecological Succession of Gut Microbiota After Colonization Fecal Microbiota (2 weeks) Fecal Microbiota (12 weeks) Fecal Microbiota (4 weeks) 0.3 0.3 0.2 129 Recipients 129 Recipients 0.1 PC2 B6 Recipients PC2 PC2 0.0 -0.1 0.1 0.1 B6 stool -0.1 B6 -0.2 B6 Recipients -0.1 B6 129 stool -0.2 0.0 0.2 PC1 0.4 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 PC1 0.3 0.5 -0.3 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 PC1 Donor B6 129 B6 129 Recip 129 129 B6 B6 Mouse Background Directs Ecological Succession of Gut Microbiota After Colonization Fecal Microbiota (2 weeks) Fecal Microbiota (12 weeks) Fecal Microbiota (4 weeks) 0.3 0.3 0.2 129 Recipients 129 Recipients 0.1 PC2 B6 Recipients PC2 PC2 0.0 -0.1 0.1 0.1 B6 stool -0.1 B6 -0.2 B6 129 stool -0.2 B6 Recipients -0.1 0.0 0.2 PC1 0.4 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 PC1 0.3 0.5 -0.3 Mouse background dictates the rate at which microbial homeostasis is achieved after colonization -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 PC1 Donor B6 129 B6 129 Recip 129 129 B6 B6 Mouse Background Directs Ecological Succession of Gut Microbiota After Colonization Fecal Microbiota (2 weeks) Fecal Microbiota (12 weeks) Fecal Microbiota (4 weeks) 0.3 0.3 0.2 129 Recipients 129 Recipients 0.1 PC2 B6 Recipients PC2 PC2 0.0 -0.1 0.1 0.1 B6 stool -0.1 B6 -0.2 B6 Recipients -0.1 B6 129 stool -0.2 0.0 0.2 PC1 0.4 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 PC1 0.3 0.5 -0.3 Mouse background dictates the rate at which microbial homeostasis is achieved after colonization Mouse background influences the individual variability within a given strain -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 PC1 Donor B6 129 B6 129 Recip 129 129 B6 B6 Maternal Effects on the Gut Microbiota BDF1 Female Agouti Embryos C57BL/6 Embryos Friswell MK et al (2010) PLoS One 5:e8584 Maternal Effects on the Gut Microbiota BDF1 Female C57BL/6 Embryos Agouti Embryos Fecal bacterial communities of offspring were indistinguishable from one another Friswell MK et al (2010) PLoS One 5:e8584 Legacy Effect Homozygous Breeding KO × KO WT × WT WT WT WT WT WT WT KO KO KO KO KO KO Legacy Effect Homozygous Breeding KO × KO WT × WT Differences between WT and KO mice may be due to the gene of interest OR WT WT WT WT WT WT KO KO KO KO KO KO Random differences between the founders that are transmitted to their progeny by the legacy effect Legacy Effect Homozygous Breeding KO × KO WT × WT Differences between WT and KO mice may be due to the gene of interest OR WT WT WT WT WT WT KO KO KO KO KO KO Random differences between the founders that are transmitted to their progeny by the legacy effect Legacy Effect Heterozygous Breeding Het × Het Het Het Het Het WT WT KO KO Ensures that littermates are exposed to the same microbiota Differences between WT and KO mice are likely due to the gene of interest The Role of Nod2 in Regulating the Intestinal Microbiota Homozygous Breeding KO × KO WT × WT WT WT WT WT KO WT KO KO Nod2 KO Wild-type KO WT KO KO Nod2 genotype had a profound influence on fecal microbial composition Rehman et al (2011) Gut 60:1354-62 The Role of Nod2 in Regulating the Intestinal Microbiota PCo1 versus PCo2 0.2 Heterozygous Breeding Nod2 KO Het × Het Het WT WT KO PCo2 Het Wild-type 0.1 0.0 KO Het Het -0.1 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 PCo1 Nod2 genotype had no effect on fecal microbial composition Shanahan et al (2014) Gut 63:903-10 The Role of Nod2 in Regulating the Intestinal Microbiota PCo1 versus PCo2 0.2 Heterozygous Breeding Nod2 KO Het × Het Het WT WT KO PCo2 Het Wild-type 0.1 0.0 KO Het Het Similar findings have been shown for other bacterial ligand receptors including TLR- 2,4,5,9 (Ubeda et al, JEM, 2012) -0.1 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 PCo1 Nod2 genotype had no effect on fecal microbial composition Shanahan et al (2014) Gut 63:903-10 Cage Effects Have a Stronger Impact on the Intestinal Microbiota than Nod2 Genotype PCo1 versus PCo2 0.2 Heterozygous Breeding Nod2 KO Het × Het Het WT WT KO PCo2 Het Wild-type 0.1 0.0 KO Het Het -0.1 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 PCo1 Mice colored by the cage they were housed in Shanahan et al (2014) Gut 63:903-10 Cage Effects Have a Stronger Impact on the Intestinal Microbiota than Nod2 Genotype PCo1 versus PCo2 One-Way ANOVA 0.2 P Value 1 0.22 2* 2.35x10-5 3* 1.87x10-4 4* 2.41x10-4 5 0.29 Nod2 KO Wild-type 0.1 PCo2 Principal Coordinate 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 * Cage was a significant driver for 3 of the first 5 principal coordinates -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 PCo1 Shanahan et al (2014) Gut 63:903-10 Cage Effects on Gut Microbial Composition Germ-Free Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) Gavaged with the fecal microbiota pooled from 4 SPF mice Gavaged (n = 12) Acquired (n = 12 ) At least 4 cages were used for Cage effects developed in both each group groups by 4 weeks postcolonization Stool samples were collected at 1, 2, 4,after 8 weeks after transfer Even being gavaged with the same microbiota, cage Processed 16S rRNA effects stillfor develop over time sequencing Allowed to naturally acquire a microbiota over time McCafferty et al (2013) ISME J 7:2116-25 Impact of Housing Conditions on the Intestinal Microbiota In addition to the micro-environment of an individual cage, the macro-environment that mice are housed in can also profoundly impact the intestinal microbiota Hemoccult Index Conventional Housing Irgm1 KO Wild-type * DSS Duration (days) Liu et al (2013) Am J Physiol GI Liv 305:G573-G584 Impact of Housing Conditions on the Intestinal Microbiota In addition to the micro-environment of an individual cage, the macro-environment that mice are housed in can also profoundly impact the intestinal microbiota Irgm1 KO Wild-type DSS Duration (days) Specific Pathogen Free Housing * Hemoccult Index Hemoccult Index Conventional Housing Irgm1 KO Wild-type DSS Duration (days) Liu et al (2013) Am J Physiol GI Liv 305:G573-G584 Impact of Housing Conditions on the Intestinal Microbiota Irgm1 KO vs. WT Fecal Microbiota No differences in fecal microbiota between wild-type (WT) and Irgm1 knock-out (KO) mice Impact of Housing Conditions on the Intestinal Microbiota Irgm1 KO vs. WT Fecal Microbiota No differences in fecal microbiota between wild-type (WT) and Irgm1 knock-out (KO) mice Clear separation between mice raised in conventional (CV) versus specific pathogen free (SPF) conditions Impact of Housing Conditions on the Intestinal Microbiota Irgm1 KO vs. WT Fecal Microbiota Helicobacter genus * p = 2.61x10-9 Impact of Housing Conditions on the Intestinal Microbiota Irgm1 KO vs. WT Fecal Microbiota Helicobacter genus * p = 2.61x10-9 H. hepaticus Now in the process of inoculating WT and KO SPF mice with H. hepaticus to determine if this induces DSS-susceptibility Summary of Key Issues That Can Impact Mouse Studies of the Intestinal Microbiota 1. Mouse genetic background profoundly influences the gut microbiota Bacterial composition Establishment of bacterial communities over time Individual microbial variability between mice Summary of Key Issues That Can Impact Mouse Studies of the Intestinal Microbiota 1. Mouse genetic background profoundly influences the gut microbiota 2. The intestinal microbiota is heritable Homozygous versus heterozygous breeding strategies can influence how the microbiota develops within a given mouse colony Summary of Key Issues That Can Impact Mouse Studies of the Intestinal Microbiota 1. Mouse genetic background profoundly influences the gut microbiota 2. The intestinal microbiota is heritable 3. The local cage environment strongly impacts the gut microbiota Relevant even in experiments which expose mice to the same initial microbial colonization Summary of Key Issues That Can Impact Mouse Studies of the Intestinal Microbiota 1. Mouse genetic background profoundly influences the gut microbiota 2. The intestinal microbiota is heritable 3. The local cage environment strongly impacts the gut microbiota 4. Housing conditions can significantly affect mouse phenotype and intestinal microbial composition Offers the ability to identify specific organisms relevant to disease pathogenesis Considerations for Experimental Design 1. Control what is feasible to control Includes genetic background, housing conditions, age, sex, diet Many of these are difficult to control in human studies, but can be regulated in mouse experiments 2. Record metadata for factors that are difficult to control Cage, litter, mother – these can be adjusted for statistically in downstream analyses Initial power analyses should consider not only the numbers of mice per group, but also the number of cages and litters per group 3. Attempt to control initial microbial exposure Heterozygous breeding Colonization of germ-free mice Co-housing/co-fostering Considerations for Experimental Design 1. Control what is feasible to control Includes genetic background, housing conditions, age, sex, diet Many of these are difficult to control in human studies, but can be regulated in mouse experiments 2. Record metadata for factors that are difficult to control Cage, litter, mother – these can be adjusted for statistically in downstream analyses Initial power analyses should consider not only the numbers of mice per group, but also the number of cages and litters per group 3. Attempt to control initial microbial exposure Heterozygous breeding Colonization of germ-free mice Co-housing/co-fostering Considerations for Experimental Design 1. Control what is feasible to control Includes genetic background, housing conditions, age, sex, diet Many of these are difficult to control in human studies, but can be regulated in mouse experiments 2. Record metadata for factors that are difficult to control Cage, litter, mother – these can be adjusted for statistically in downstream analyses Initial power analyses should consider not only the numbers of mice per group, but also the number of cages and litters per group 3. Attempt to control initial microbial exposure Heterozygous breeding Colonization of germ-free mice Co-housing/co-fostering Conclusions Because we can address causation and study mechanism, mouse models are a powerful tool to study the intestinal microbiota However, we do have to consider careful experimental design and control confounders to draw appropriate conclusions from these studies Conclusions Because we can address causation and study mechanism, mouse models are a powerful tool to study the intestinal microbiota However, we do have to consider careful experimental design and control confounders to draw appropriate conclusions from these studies Numerous thorough reviews have been published on this topic: − Spor et al. (2011) Nat Rev Microbiol, 9: 279-90 − Kostic et al. (2013) Genes Dev, 369: 517-28 Acknowledgements Balfour Sartor Alexi Schoenborn Michael Shanahan Greg Taylor Raad Gharaibeh Anthony Fodor Ian Carroll Allison Rogala Bo Liu Richard von Furstenberg Susan Henning Christian Jobin Janelle Arthur Maureen Bower Lisa Holt Funding K08DK095917 (Gulati) KL2RR025746 (Gulati) CCFA/CDHNF Career Development Award (Gulati) Global Probiotics Council Young Investigator Grant for Probiotic Research (Gulati) P30 DK34987 (CGIBD) National Gnotobiotic Rodent Resource Center P40R018603 (Sartor) Cores UNC Gnotobiotic Core (CGIBD) Cell Service & Histology Core (CGIBD) Microbiome Core (CGIBD) The Role of Nod2 in Regulating the Intestinal Microbiota Homozygous Breeding WT WT WT WT Nod2 KO KO × KO WT × WT KO WT KO Wild-type KO KO WT KO KO Nod2 genotype had a profound influence on fecal microbial composition Rehman et al (2011) Gut 60:1354-62 The Role of Nod2 in Regulating the Intestinal Microbiota 107 ** B. vulgatus cfu B. vulgatus cfu 107 105 103 101 **** Nod2-/- 105 WT 103 N.D. WT Nod2-/- 0 20 30 10 Days post separation Ramanan et al (2014) Immunity 41:311-24 The Microbial Cloud The Microbial Cloud Impact of Mouse Genetic Background on the Gut Microbiota Variability of the microbiota from mouse-to-mouse also depends on background strain Circled strains have tight clustering of biological replicates (BL6J, C3HRI, DBAJR, PWK, WSB) Others have greater individual variation (129S1, AJ, CAST, NOD, NZO) Campbell JH et al (2012) ISME J 6:2033-2044 Reciprocal Colonization of Germ-Free Mice Stool From SPF C57BL/6 Mice Stool From SPF 129/SvEv Mice GF C57BL/6 Mice GF 129/SvEv Mice GF C57BL/6 Mice GF 129/SvEv Mice (B6→B6) (B6→129) (129→B6) (129→129) If donor stool is driving microbial composition, the solid squares will cluster independently from the open squares If recipient background strain is driving microbial composition, the red squares will cluster independently from the blue squares CECAL CONTENTS (12 weeks post-colonization) Samples segregate based on background strain of recipient mice (p < 0.05) Mouse Background Directs Ecological Succession of Gut Microbiota After Colonization 2 weeks Post-colonization 0.2 PC2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 0.0 0.2 PC1 Donor B6 129 B6 129 Recip 129 129 B6 B6 0.4 Mouse Background Drives Composition of the Intestinal Microbiota Stool From SPF C57BL/6 Mice FECAL MICROBIOTA (12 weeks post-colonization) Stool From SPF 129/SvEv Mice 0.3 GF 129/SvEv Mice GF C57BL/6 Mice GF 129/SvEv Mice (B6→B6) (B6→129) (129→B6) (129→129) 129 Recipients 0.1 PC2 GF C57BL/6 Mice If donor stool is driving microbial composition, the solid squares will cluster independently from the open squares If recipient background strain is driving microbial composition, the red squares will cluster independently from the blue squares B6 Recipients -0.1 -0.3 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 PC1 0.3 Samples segregate based on background strain of recipient mice (p < 0.0006) Gulati et al (2012) PLoS One 7:e32403 Legacy Effect Homozygous Breeding KO × KO WT × WT WT WT WT WT WT WT Heterozygous Breeding KO KO KO KO KO KO • Offspring can be re-bred to generate additional mice for downstream analysis Het × Het Het Het Het Het WT WT KO KO • Hets re-bred to generate additional littermates • WT and KO mice used for analysis Cage Effects on Gut Microbial Composition Germ-Free Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) Gavaged (n = 12) Cage effects developed in both groups by 4 weeks postcolonization Even after being gavaged with the same microbiota, cage effects still develop over time Acquired (n = 12 ) McCafferty et al (2013) ISME J 7:2116-25 Summary of Key Issues That Can Impact Mouse Studies of the Intestinal Microbiota 1. Mouse genetic background profoundly influences the gut microbiota Includes composition, but also the development of bacterial communities over time, and the individual microbial variability between mice 2. The intestinal microbiota is heritable Homozygous versus heterozygous breeding strategies can dictate how the microbiota develops within a given mouse colony 3. The local cage environment strongly impacts the gut microbiota Relevant even in experiments which expose mice to the same initial microbial colonization 4. Housing conditions can significantly affect phenotype and intestinal microbial composition Offers the ability the identify specific organisms relevant to disease pathogenesis Conclusions “When aware of the environmental and legacy effects in mouse models and their implications for microbiome experimental design, mice can still be a stalwart tool for unraveling mechanisms of hostmicrobiota interactions relevant to humans.” Impact of Mouse Genetic Background on the Gut Microbiota Analyzed the cecal microbiota of 10 distinct mouse strains using 454 sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene 8 of these strains are currently being used to develop the Collaborative Cross All are derived from these original 8 lines, which have their genomes sequenced Will allow investigators to link specific genetic loci to phenotypic traits, and patterns of microbial colonization Campbell JH et al (2012) ISME J 6:2033-2044