Charlie Chaplin’s character makes a reference to Luke’s gospel: “When asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he said in reply, ‘The coming of the kingdom of God cannot be observed, and no one will announce, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘There it is.’ For behold, the kingdom of God is among you.’” – Luke 17:20-21 What does Jesus mean when he says, “…the kingdom of God is among you”? “The power is within man” How does Luke 17:20-21 apply to the images? Which image or images stood out most to you and why? Why is it fitting that the last image shown is of a baby? What is life? What is humanity? Why are we called to protect both? “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” How can small acts of kindness lead to the respect and dignity of human life? Free write: How does the love of a family teach us to reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ? How is being rootless tragic? How are we a continuation of salvation history, of the story of God’s love for his people? Why is life worth living? What does it mean to be a human? What does it mean to be a Catholic human? Respect Life 2016 Respect life concerns: Bullying & sexual abuse Embryonic stem cell research Abortion Death penalty Suicide & physician assisted suicide Euthanasia Respect life advocates: Positive decision making (avoiding destructive behaviors that affect the mind and body) Marriage and family life Maternity residences, care, assistance and adoption Essay: typed, maximum of 400 words Poetry: typed, maximum of 21 lines Music: original melody and lyrics (unless melody is in the public domain), submitted on a CD Photography: 8x10 color or black and white original photo, disclaimer on back Art: bookmark Video clip: maximum of 2:30 minutes, submitted on DVD Pin-it/Photomontage board: Pin-it board of personal design on 8.5x11 paper, minimum of ten images, written description of 50 words or less Criteria 4 3 Demonstrates Demonstrates creativity & excellent depth originality of thinking and originality of expression Demonstrates good depth of thinking and originality of expression Demonstrates basic thinking and originality of expression Demonstrates limited thinking and originality of expression Demonstrates little or no thinking and originality of expression Portrays assigned theme Uses relevant examples/issues to support theme in conformity with Catholic teaching Uses examples/issues with a basic attempt to support theme in conformity with Catholic teaching Uses incomplete or vaguely developed examples/issues to only partially support theme in conformity with Catholic school teaching Uses little or no evidence to support theme in conformity with Catholic teaching 5 Uses specific and convincing examples/issues to support theme in conformity with Catholic teaching 2 1