(TS)In the short story

Short Story
A Refresher on Literary
Day 1: Intro to Unit/”MDG”
Vocab Packet: Work on sentences, pictures,
Unit Focus:
Exposure to new literature and authors
Refresher on literary terms
Theme and Character analysis
Overview on how to take notes from the text
book using format in packet
Time to work in class on taking notes for plot
and setting
“MDG” Quiz: 8 points
Where are the men headed? (1 point)
Why is the island called Ship-Trap Island? (1 point)
What happened to Rainsford on the boat? (This
changes everything for him). (1 point)
What does Zaroff hunt? (1 point)
Why does he hunt this animal? (1 point)
What’s one way Rainsford holds off Zaroff? (1
How does Rainsford escape the torture? (1 point)
His mode of travel that saves him!
Who sleeps in the bed at the close of the story? (1
Day 2: “MDG”
 Plot
activity in packet on “MDG”; you
cannot use your packet for the first part.
Test your knowledge!
 Large group share/Discuss
 Setting Notes due tomorrow
“MDG” Setting
Spelling Quiz/DOL Quiz
Find a partner and work through the setting –
finding text evidence to prove your setting.
Large Group Discussion on “MDG”
What happens to Rainsford next?
Reactions to what Rainsford did. . .
If you were Rainsford, what would you have
Why do you think Zaroff chose to hunt humans?
Was he crazy?
 Next
short story “Thank You Ma’am” to
read for Tuesday w/notes
 Time to take character notes on page 5 in
 Time to read short story for Tuesday
Tuesday Agenda: “Thank You”
 Work
on Vocab Packet: sentences, pictures,
synonyms. When finished, create flashcards.
 Questions on “Thank You”
 Quiz on “Thank You”
 Character Notes – p. 12 in packet (p. 5 should
be done) – 15 mins
 Character Activity
“Thank You” Quiz (8 points)
What does Roger try to steal from Mrs. Jones?
What happens? (2 points)
Where does Mrs. Jones take Roger? (1 pt.)
What does Mrs. Jones do with Roger once they
arrive? (2 things) (2 points)
Why did he try to steal her pocketbook? (1 pt)
What does she give him before he leaves?
What does Roger say when he leaves? (1 pt)
“Thank you Ma’am” Discussion
Wednesday: Intro to Tribute
 Read
“Mother to Son” and analyze
 Intro to Tribute Speech – Intro due Thurs
 Focus on
Establishing a thesis that answers why
Come up with three reasons why
 Read
“Full Circle” for Friday & ½ POV
Introductions: Should Contain
 Attention
Getter: Grab the audiences attention
and get us to WANT to listen
Interesting story tied to your speech
Paint a picture for us
Avoid the “question” unless it’s really good, and
you’re going to talk about it with the audience.
 Transition:
Explain the attention getter and how
it ties to your topic: person you admire the most
 Thesis: We already wrote this
 Preview: List the three stories you will tell
Thursday Speech Work Day
 Intro’s:
Check off in class
 Tomorrow
“Full Circle” due & ½ of POV Notes
 Set up Body Paragraphs: Each point you have
listed will become a body paragraph/note
card – Body Paragraphs due TUESDAY
Topic Sentence – remind us of your thesis and
state your example
Tell us example/story that proves your point
Explain how it proves your point
Restate your topic sentence.
Friday “Full Circle”
 Vocab/DOL
 Quiz on “Full Circle”
 POV Note Time: 15 minutes/Work on
Speech note cards
 Discuss Story
 POV Activity
Storyboard out the story from another
person’s point of view. Identify the
exposition, rising action, etc (all plot terms).
“Full Circle” Quiz (7 points)
What kind of vehicle kills Caroline? (1 pt)
In addition to being hit, what happened to
Caroline? (1pt)
What’s wrong with the name of the witness at
the scene? (1pt)
What does Kinsey pin up above her desk?
Why? (2 points)
What is wrong with the license plates they
have? (1 pt)
Where did Terry Layton die? (1 pt)
Tuesday: Conclusions &
Review Conclusions: Speeches Start
Thurs – check in body paragraphs
Notes on page _______
Read “Interlopers” for tomorrow
Check in speech body paragraphs
 Conclusion
Should Contain
Restate Thesis: restate your thesis in new wording
Restate Preview: restate your preview in new
Leave us thinking: Use what we learned from
your person and turn that into a lesson for us on
how to live life!
You must have a COPY of your speech turned in on
Thursday. Please see the order.
Wednesday: Speech
Reminders & “Interlopers”
Review speech requirements
Review Note Card Set-up
Speech Order
“Interlopers” Quiz
Activity/Discuss “Interlopers”
Vocab: Work on packet
Note Card Sample
Dad = Support system with troubles at
8th grade @ locker
Started talking to me
Remembered dad’s advice
I ended up being nice
CM: B/c of dad’s support, learned to be
nice; dad’s advice got me through
Dad – support system with school
Speech Day Reminders
 Graded
on Volume and EYE contact
 Have good, easy to read note cards
 Find a spot to talk to – Bucky, wall,
people’s foreheads!
Speech Order
Hannah L.
Michael S.
Kreutzer, Maggie
Kaitlyn M.
Hedinger, Emily
Esposito, Tyler
Schulz, Alexa
Oduro, Kofi A.
Patel, Kuntal D.
10. Heer, Elizabeth
1. Ebsen, Mason J.
2. Gramoll, Dayne
3. Newman, Noelle
4. Mahler, Juliana
5. Mao, William
6. Lydon, Shyanne
7. Thiel, Zachary
8. Bialzik, Alyssa D.
9. Grambow,
Brandon M.
10. Zembruski,
Nadia M.
11. Castaneda,
Manuel JR
12. Ulickey, Austin
13. Brodell, Jason
14. de Gail, Joseph
1. Young,
DaShaun M.
2. Acker, Joshua
3. Batchelor,
Madeline R.
“Interlopers” Quiz (8 pts)
What type of narrator is used in this story? (BE
SPECIFIC!) (1pt)
Why are the two families fighting? (1pt)
What happens that prevents the men from killing
each other immediately? (1pt)
Who do Georg and Ulrich think will save each of
them? (1pt)
What happens to the men’s relationship as they
are stuck in the forest? (1pt)
What “hears” the men yelling and comes? (1pt)
What happens to the men in the end? (1pt)
What is this type of ending called? (1pt)
“Interlopers” Discussion &
Quiz on story
Plan out a new ending to the short story
Large Group discussion
How did narrator affect this story?
What is ironic about this story?
What tone does Sake create throughout this story?
What is the theme of this story?
What does this story say about humans?
Is it true?
How does it hurt us as a society?
How do we change?
Thursday Schedule
Friday Schedule
 Vocab
& DOL Quiz
 Speeches
 Read “The Necklace” for Tuesday
Tuesday: “The Necklace”
 Vocab
Work Time
 “Necklace” quiz
 “Necklace” activity
 Discussion
 Character Analysis Paragraph
“The Necklace” Quiz
Why is this story called the necklace? (1 point)
What happens to the necklace? (1 point)
What type of narrator does this story use? (1
This conflict of this story is woman v. society.
Explain why. (1 point)
What does Mme. Loisel have to do? Her
husband have to do? How does it affect
them? (3 points)
What does Mme. Loisel find out when she runs
into Mme. Forestier on the street? (1 point)
Character Analysis
 Pick
a character from all of the stories we’ve
read that you like the most
 Fill out the sheet about them
 Bottom of the page, write down what the
character has taught us about life. What was
their purpose in the story?
 Now, create a thesis. Argue why this character
was part of the story. (Using the lesson you just
 Text Evidence: Write down a spot in the story
where you can prove your thesis or point.
 Vocab
– 2 week test Friday
 Paragraph Work
 Read “Cask of Amontillado” (p.210) for
tomorrow – Notes are REQUIRED
 Work time on reading/paragraphs
 Montresor
– Italian nobleman who’s
narrating story.
 He mad at Fortunato b/c he has insulted
 Montresor has vowed to get revenge
 Montresor meets Fortunato at the
caranaval – fakes being nice, offers him
to come over for some amontillado.
Character Analysis Paragraph
Well developed paragraph: DUE Tomorrow!
 Lead into book example: Establish physical setting and what’s
 Book Example to prove point
 Explain
 Restate TS
(TS)In the short story, “Thank You Ma’am” by Langston Hughes, the
author creates a female protagonist named Mrs. Jones. Through
Mrs. Jones strong-minded personality, she teaches readers that
while there will be consequences for every action they will teach
people something for the future. (LI)At one point in the story, Roger,
a young boy, has just tried to rob Mrs. Jone’s purse. Mrs. Jones
instead turns and grabs him and says, (Exmp) “Who do you think
you are? You are coming with me. You’re not going to rob me.
Get up and let’s go.” (Langston 124) (Explain)Mrs. Jones is very
strong willed in this situation and refuses to back down despite
being threatened. She choses to stand up and fight. Through her
fight she shows how every action a person takes will have
consequences. People have to be ready to face the result of their
actions. (RT)Clearly Mrs. Jones strong personality teaches readers
that there will be consequences for their actions.
“Cask Of Amontillado”
 Vocab
 Cask (pg. 17) in packet
Take notes on Literary Terms
 Read
the selection assigned to you &
synthesize your reading
 Meet group
Share reading
Plot “Cask”
Discuss reactions to ending
Thesis & Preview
Step 1: Write a thesis – argue what you think the
author is teaching us through your character – what
is the message readers learn about life through your
character? What characteristic does she have that
teaches us that?
Mrs. Jones teaches readers to always stand up for
Strong willed personality
Step 2: Find two places in the story where you can
prove that point
When she grabs Roger on the street
When she brings Roger home and lectures him
Introduction & Topic Sentences
Thesis & Preview
Topic Sentence #1: Restate the thesis & topic 1
Through Mrs. Jones strong-willed personality, she teaches
readers to always stand up for what is right. She does this
when she grabs Roger on the street and when she lectures
him at her house.
One way Mrs. Jones determined personality teaches
readers to stand up for what is right is when she grabs Roger
on the street.
Topic Sentence #2: Restate thesis and Topic 2
Another way Mrs. Jones forceful personality teachers
readers to stand up for what is right is when she lectures
him at her house.
Paper: Body Paragraphs:
Due Wednesday
This will be just like your speech.
 Point/Topic Sentence (1 sentence): State your point
with a topic sentence: Mention your thesis and the first
place in the story that proves your point
 Lead In (1-2 sentences): Describe the setting in the
story before your specific lines
 Quote: Come up with concrete detail or specific lines
from the story – you must quote the story to prove your
 Explain (2-4 sentences): Use thesis words and explain
how that example proves your point
 Restate Topic Sentence (1 sentence): In NEW words,
write your topic sentence.
(TS) Through Mrs. Jones strong-minded personality, she
teaches readers to stand up for themselves when she grabs
him on the street. (LI)At one point in the story, Roger, a young
boy, has just tried to rob Mrs. Jones purse. Mrs. Jones instead
turns and grabs him and says, (Exmp) “Who do you think you
are? You are coming with me. You’re not going to rob me.
Get up and let’s go.” (Langston 124) (Explain)Mrs. Jones is
very strong willed in this situation and refuses to back down
despite being threatened. She choses to stand up and fight.
She refuses to be a victim in this situation and rather
demonstrates that it is impetrative it is to be strong in the face
of danger. Through her strength here, she is able to ward off
an attack which sends a strong message to readers to always
do the same. (RT) Clearly Mrs. Jones strong personality
teaches readers to always stand up for themselves.
Text Evidence (MLA Format)
You must lead into your quotes. You must have 1-2
sentences that explain the setting at the time in the
You must put your lines INTO a sentence; do NOT start a
sentence with “.
If it’s dialogue or more than 4 lines in your paper, double
indent (like example 2).
At one point in the story, Roger tries to steal and gets
caught. He “sheepishly put his head down and followed
Mrs. Jones.” (Hughes 34).
At one point in the story, Roger tries to steal and gets
caught. Mrs. Jones says to him
“’You will never do that again. You don’t
know people.’” (Hughes 34)
Day 2 Typing:
How to Format MLA
 Times
New Roman
 Size 12
 Evenly double spaced
 Header in upper right: Lastname pg#,
Times New Roman, Size 12
 Works Cited page
Introductions & Conclusions
 Introduction:
Attention Getter: NO QUESTIONS, a fact, talk about
your subject, a famous quote, etc.
Explain your attention getter and how it ties to your
Thesis: Your argument for your paper
Preview: Your list of ways (from the story) that prove
your thesis
 Conclusion:
Transition out of your paper – a word or sentence
Restate thesis and preview
Leave the reader with advice about life; something
you’ve learned about life from writing your paper.
Day 3 Typing: Works Cited
works cited lets readers know where the
information you used comes from.
 Formatted in MLA as well
Double spaced
Times New Roman, size 12
Part of your paper (has your header!). Should be
the last page of your paper
 Alphabetized
 Reverse
Works Cited
Hughes, Langston. “Thank You Ma’m.” Elements of
Literature. Third Course. Ed. Jon Hall. Chicago: Holt
Publishing, 2003. 35- 38. Print.
Lastname, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection. Ed.
Editor's Name(s). City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Page range of entry. Medium of Publication.