The 68HC11 Microcontroller Chapter 3: Data Structures and Subroutine Calls The 68HC11 Microcontroller Han-Way Huang Minnesota State University, Mankato H. Huang Transparency No.3-1 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Examples of Data Structures 1. Strings. A sequence of characters. 2. Arrays. An ordered set of elements of the same type. 3. Stacks. A data structure with a top and bottom. Elements can be added or removed only at the top of the stack. 4. Queues. A data structure to which elements can be added at only one end (called head) and removed only from the other end (called tail). 5. Dequeues. A data structure in which elements can be added and removed at both ends. 6. Trees. A data structure in which one element is called the root and the remaining elements are partitioned into m disjoint subtrees, each of which is itself a tree. 7. Graphs. A data structure that consists of a set of nodes and a set of arcs (or edges). Each arc in a graph is specified by a pair of nodes. 8. Linked lists. A data structure that consists of linked nodes. Each node consists of two fields, an information field and a next address field. The information field holds the actual element on the list, and the next address field contains the address of the next node in the list. Operations performed on data structures - adding and deleting elements traversing and searching a data structure etc. H. Huang Transparency No.3-2 The 68HC11 Microcontroller The 68HC11 Stack low address SP top element . . . high address - bottom A 16-bit stack pointer (SP) points to the location above the top byte of the stack. The 68HC11 CPU registers can be pushed into the stack. The top element (s) of the stack can be pulled into a CPU register. The stack grows from high addresses toward lower addresses. Push and Pull Instructions - PSHA: PSHB: PSHX: PSHY: PULA: PULB: PULX: PULY: Push A onto the stack Push B onto the stack Push X onto the stack (low order byte is pushed first) Push Y onto the stack (low order byte is pushed first) Pull A from the stack Pull B from the stack Pull X from the stack (high order byte is pulled first) Pull Y from the stack (high order byte is pulled first) H. Huang Transparency No.3-3 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Example 3.1 Suppose that [A] = $33, [B] = $20, [SP] = $00FF. What will be the contents of the top byte of the stack before and after the execution of PSHA? What will be the contents of the top two bytes of the stack if PSHB is executed? Solution: The contents of the stack before and after the execution of PSHA and PSHB are: XX XX original stack [SP] = $00FF XX $33 after PSHA [SP] = $00FE $20 $33 [SP] = $00FD after PSHB H. Huang Transparency No.3-4 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Instructions Related to the Stack Pointer (SP) [<label>] DES [<comment>] decrements the contents of the stack pointer by 1 [<label>] INS [<comment>] increments the contents of the stack pointer by 1 [<label>] LDS <opr> [<comment>] loads the contents of a memory location or an immediate value into SP [<label>] STS <opr> [<comment>] stores the contents of the stack pointer in a memory location [<label>] TSX [<comment>] places the contents of SP plus one into X [<label>] TSY [<comment>] places the contents of SP plus one into Y [<label>] TXS [<comment>] places the contents of X minus one into SP [<label>] TYS [<comment>] places the contents of Y minus one into SP Example 3.2 Write down an instruction sequence to load the top element of the stack into A and the 9th element from the top of the stack into B. Solution: TSX ; points the index register X to the top element of the stack LDAA 0,X ; places the top element of the stack in A LDAB 9,X ; places the 9th element from the top of the stack in B H. Huang Transparency No.3-5 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Indexable Data Structures - Vectors and matrices are indexable data structures A vector is one dimensional and a matrix is two dimensional The first element of a vector is associated with index 0 Vectors and matrices can be defined by one or multiple FCB or FDB directives Example 3.3 Write a program to search an array with N 16-bit elements that are stored starting at $10 using the key stored at $00-$01 and save the address of the first matched element at $02-$03. Save the value $FFFF (-1) if no element matches the key. Solution: start i0 result $FFFF i i + 1 array[i] = key? yes result address of array[i] no i = N - 1? yes Stop H. Huang Transparency No.3-6 The 68HC11 Microcontroller N notfound equ equ key result org $00 FDB xxxx RMB 2 array org $D000 FDB $20,$40,$202,$1,$200,$10,$22,$21,$300,$101 loop found stop org ldd std ldd ldx ldy cpd beq inx inx iny cpy bne jmp stx end 10 -1 $C000 #notfound result key #array #0 0,X found #N-1 loop stop result ; array count ; the key to be used for searching ; memory locations to store the address ; store a -1 to result and result+1 ; “ ; get the key ; get the starting address of the array ; initialize the loop count ; compare with the key ; found it? ; increment the pointer by 2 ; “ ; increment the loop count ; check the loop count ; stop the search H. Huang Transparency No.3-7 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Matrices - can be stored in row major order or column major order a matrix element can be accessed by specifying its row and column numbers The following matrix mat = 1 6 11 16 21 2 7 12 17 22 3 8 13 18 23 4 9 14 19 24 5 10 15 20 25 can be stored in row major order in column major order mat1 FCB FCB FCB FCB FCB mat2 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 FCB FCB FCB FCB FCB 01, 06, 11, 16, 21 02, 07, 12, 17, 22 03, 08, 13, 18, 23 04, 09, 14, 19, 24 05, 10, 15, 20, 25 H. Huang Transparency No.3-8 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Address Calculation for a N × M Matrix Elements - row major order address of mat1(i, j) = (i × M) + j + address of mat1(0,0) * Suppose memory locations i and j hold the row and column indices * The following instruction sequence computes the address of mat1(i, j) ldaa ldab mul addb adca addd xgdx i #M j #0 #mat1 ; place row index in A ; place matrix dimension M in B ; compute i × M ; compute i × M + j ; “ ; compute i × M+ j + mat1(0,0) ; place the address in X H. Huang Transparency No.3-9 The 68HC11 Microcontroller - column major order address of mat2(i, j) = (j × N) + i + address of mat2(0, 0) * Suppose memory locations i and j hold the row and column indices * The following instruction sequence computes the address of mat2(i, j) ldaa ldab mul addb adca addd xgdx j #N ; place row index in A ; place matrix dimension N in B ; compute j × N i ; compute j × N + i #0 ; “ #mat2 ; compute j × N + i + mat2(0,0) ; place the address in X H. Huang Transparency No.3-10 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Example 3.4 Write a program to compute the sum of two 8 × 8 matrices. The starting addresses of these two matrices are MA and MB and that the result matrix is MC. These matrices are stored in memory in row major order. Each element is one byte. Solution: N MA MB MC i j buf disp equ org fcb .... fcb .... rmb rmb rmb rmb rmb org ldaa staa out_lp dec ldab stab $8 $00 .... ; dimension of the matrix .... ; matrix MB is here 64 1 1 1 2 ; matrix MC is here ; row index ; column index ; buffer to hold element ; memory to hold the value of i × N + j $C000 #N i i #N j ; matrix MA is here ; start from the last row ; initialize the index i ; start from the last column toward the 0th column H. Huang Transparency No.3-11 The 68HC11 Microcontroller * The following 10 instructions fetch MA(i, j) and place it at buf in_lp dec j ldaa i ; place row index in A ldab #N ; place N in B mul ; compute N × i addb j ; compute N × i + j adca #0 ; “ std disp ; save the value of N × i + j addd #MA ; compute MA(0,0) + N × i + j xgdx ldaa 0,X staa buf * The following 4 instructions fetch MB(i, j) into A ldd disp addd #MB xgdx ldaa 0,X adda staa buf buf ; compute MA(i, j) + MB(i, j) ; save the sum in buf H. Huang Transparency No.3-12 The 68HC11 Microcontroller * The following 3 instructions compute the address of MC(i, j) and leave it in X ldd disp addd #MC xgdx ldaa buf ; get the sum staa 0,X ; save the sum in MC(i,j) dec j ; decrement the column number beq in_lp ; not reach the end of a column yet? dec i ; decrement the row number beq out_lp ; is this the end of all computation end Matrix Transpose The transpose MT of a matrix M is defined as a matrix obtained by writing the rows of M as the columns of MT. MT can be obtained by swapping the (i, j)th element with the (j, i)th element for each i and j from 0 to N-1. Example 3.4 Write a program to transpose an N × N matrix. H. Huang Transparency No.3-13 The 68HC11 Microcontroller A breakdown of matrix a0,0 a0,1 a1,0 a1,1 lower left an-1,0 a0,n-1 upper right an-2,n-1 an-1,n-2 an-1,n-1 - swap each element in the upper right with an element in the lower left - row index i runs from 0 to n-2 for the upper right elements - for row i column index j runs from i+1 to n-1 - diagonal elements need not be swapped H. Huang Transparency No.3-14 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Start i=0 j=i+1 X = address of MAT(i, j) Y = address of MAT(j,i) A = MAT(i, j) B = MAT(j, i) j=j+1 Store A in the memory location pointed to by Y Store B in the memory location pointed to by X yes j < N - 1? no i = i + 1 yes i < N - 2? no Stop Figure 3.6 Flowchart for matrix transposition H. Huang Transparency No.3-15 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Matrix Transpose Program N ilimit jlimit i j equ equ equ 8 N-2 N-1 org $00 1 1 $D000 ..... .... rmb ; matrix dimension ; upper limit of index i ; upper limit of index j ; row index ; column index ; starting address of the matrix ; matrix to be transposed ; “ ; “ ; “ rmb ORG mat FCB FCB . . ORG $C000 clr i ; initialize i to 0 row_loop ldaa i inca staa j ; initialize j to i + 1 * The following 7 instructions compute the address of mat(i,j) col_loop ldaa i ldab #N mul addb j adca #0 H. Huang Transparency No.3-16 The 68HC11 Microcontroller addd #mat xgdx * The following 7 instructions compute the address of mat(j,i) and leave address in Y ldaa j ldab #N mul addb i adca #0 addd #mat xgdy * The following 4 instructions swap mat(i,j) with mat(j,i) ldaa 0,X ldab 0,Y staa 0,Y stab 0,X ldab j inc j ; update index j cmpb #jlimit ; j = N - 1? bne col_loop ldaa i inc i ; update index i cmpa #ilimit ; i = N - 2? bne row_loop END H. Huang Transparency No.3-17 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Strings Example 3.6 Write a program to append a string to the end of another string. Solution: There are two steps in this program: Step 1 Find the end of the first string. Step 2 Copy string 1. ORG $C000 LDX #string2 again LDAA 0,X BEQ copy INX BRA again copy LDY #string1 copy_loop LDAA 0,Y STAA 0,X BEQ done INX INY BRA copy_loop done NOP SWI H. Huang Transparency No.3-18 The 68HC11 Microcontroller string1 string2 … ORG FCC FCB FCC FCB END $D000 “….” 0 “….” 0 Example 3.7 Write a program to count the number of characters and words contained in a string. Solution: The first non-white-space character to the right of one or more spaces is the beginning of a new word. Parameters used in the program: - char_cnt: wd_cnt: str_ptr: curr_char: character count word count string pointer current character H. Huang Transparency No.3-19 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Start Figure 3.7 Flowchart for skip white spaces char_cnt 0 word_cnt 0 str_ptr addr. of string_X character and word count program curr_char [str_ptr] str_ptr str_ptr + 1 curr_char = NULL? yes Stop no char_cntchar_cnt + 1 yes curr_char = space, tab, LF, or CR? no word_cnt word_cnt + 1 reach a new word curr_char [str_ptr] skip the remaining characters of the word str_ptr str_ptr + 1 curr_char = NULL? yes Stop no char_cntchar_cnt + 1 yes curr_char = space, tab, LF, or CR? no Figure 3.7 Flowchart for character count and word count program H. Huang Transparency No.3-20 The 68HC11 Microcontroller tab sp CR LF equ $09 ; ASCII code for horizontal tab character equ $20 ; ASCII code for SPACE equ $0D ; ASCII code for carriage return equ $0A ; ASCII code for line feed org $00 char_cnt rmb 1 wd_cnt rmb 1 ORG $D000 string_X fcc “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” ; the string to be processed fcb 0 ; the NULL character to terminate the previous string org $C000 ldx #string_X clr char_cnt ; initialize the character count to 0 clr wd_cnt ; initialize the word count to 0 string_lp ldab 0,X ; fetch the current character beq exit ; is this a NULL character? inx ; move to the next character inc char_cnt * The following 8 instructions skip the spaces between words cmpb #sp beq string_lp ; skip the space character cmpb #tab beq string_lp ; skip the tab character H. Huang Transparency No.3-21 The 68HC11 Microcontroller cmpb #CR beq string_lp ; skip the carriage return character cmpb #LF beq string_lp ; skip the line feed character * A non-space character is the beginning of a new word inc wd_cnt wd_loop ldab 0,X beq exit ; null character is not included in character count inc char_cnt inx ; move the character pointer * The following 8 instructions check the end of a word cmpb #sp beq string_lp cmpb #tab beq string_lp cmpb #LF beq string_lp cmpb #CR beq string_lp * A non-space character is part of a word bra wd_loop exit swi end H. Huang Transparency No.3-22 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Example 3.8 Write a program to search a certain word from a given string. Solution: The flowchart of the word search program is in Figure 3.8. Start Skip the white spaces to look for the next word in the string Is the current word in the string equal to the word to be searched? yes no no Is this the end of the string? yes Stop Figure 3.8 Flowchart of the word search program H. Huang Transparency No.3-23 The 68HC11 Microcontroller tab sp CR LF NULL equ $09 ; ASCII code for horizontal tab equ $20 ; ASCII code for SPACE equ $0D ; ASCII code for carriage return equ $0A ; ASCII code for line feed equ $00 ; ASCII code for NULL org $00 search rmb 1 ; flag to indicate if the given word is in the string string_X fcc “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” ; a string terminated by NULL fcb 0 word_X fcc “yyyyyyy” ; a word terminated by NULL fcb 0 org $C000 clr search ; initialize the search flag to 0 ldx #string_X ; place the string address in X loop ldab 0,X inx * The following 10 instructions skip the white spaces to search for the next word * in the string tstb beq done ; is this the end of the string? cmpb #sp ; is the current character a space? beq loop ; skip the space cmpb #tab ; is the current character a tab? H. Huang Transparency No.3-24 The 68HC11 Microcontroller beq loop ; skip the tab character cmpb #CR ; is this a carriage return? beq loop ; skip it cmpb #LF ; is this a line feed? beq loop ; skip it * The occurrence of the first non-white character indicates the beginning of a word, * and the comparison should be started ldy #word_X ; place the word address in Y ldaa 0,Y ; place the current character of word_X in A iny ; move the word pointer next_ch cba ; compare the character in A and B bne end_of_wd ; check the next word cmpa #NULL ; is this the end of a word? beq matched ; if yes, the word is found in the string ldaa 0,Y ; get the next character in word_X ldab 0,X ; get the next character in string_X inx iny bra next_ch ; check the next pair of characters * The following 10 instructions check to see if the end of the given word is reached end_of_wd cmpa #NULL bne next_wd ; if the not the end of the given word, then not matched cmpb #CR H. Huang Transparency No.3-25 The 68HC11 Microcontroller beq matched cmpb #LF beq matched cmpb #tab beq matched cmpb #sp beq matched * The following twelve instructions skip the unmatched word in the string next_wd ldab 0,X ; get the next character in the string beq done ; stop if this is the end of the string inx cmpb #CR beq jmp_loop ; the label loop is too far away to use a conditional branch cmpb #LF beq jmp_loop cmpb #tab beq jmp_loop cmpb #sp beq jmp_loop bra next_wd jmp_loop jmp loop matched ldab #1 ; set the search flag to 1 stab search ; “ done swi ; return to monitor (buffalo) H. Huang Transparency No.3-26 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Subroutines - A sequence of instructions that can be called from various places in the program Allows the same operation to be performed with different parameters Simplifies the design of a complex program by using the divide-and-conquer approach Instructions related subroutine calls [<label>] [<label>] [<label>] BSR <rel> JSR <opr> RTS [<comment>] [<comment>] [<comment>] ; branch to subroutine ; jump to subroutine ; return from subroutine where <rel> is the offset to the subroutine <opr> is the address of the subroutine and is specified in the DIR, EXT, or INDexed addressing mode. H. Huang Transparency No.3-27 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Program Structure Subroutine Processing Main program Main program <call> sub_x . . . Subroutine 1 Subroutine 2 Subroutine 3 sub_x: Subroutine 1.1 Subroutine 2.1 Subroutine 3.1 Subroutine . . . <return> Figure 3.10 Subroutine processing Subroutine 2.1.1 Subroutine 2.1.2 Figure 3.9 A structured program H. Huang Transparency No.3-28 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Issues in Subroutine Calls 1. Parameter passing - use registers - use the stack - use global memory 2. Returning results - use registers - use the stack (caller created a hole in which the result will be placed) - use global memory 3. Local variables allocation - allocated by the callee - use as many DES instructions when no more than 5 bytes are needed - use the following instruction sequence to allocate more than 5 bytes. TSX XGDX SUBD #N ; allocate N bytes XGDX TXS ; move the stack pointer up by N bytes H. Huang Transparency No.3-29 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Issues in Subroutine Calls (continued) 4. Local variables deallocation - use as many INS instructions as needed when no more than 5 bytes are to be deallocated use the following instruction sequence when more than 5 bytes are deallocated TSX XGDX ADDD XGDX TXS #N ; deallocate N bytes ; move down the stack pointer by N bytes Stack Frame The region in the stack that holds incoming parameters, the subroutine return address, local variables, and saved registers is referred to as stack frame. H. Huang Transparency No.3-30 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Low address SP Local variables Saved registers Previous frame pointer Frame pointer Return address Incoming parameters High address Figure 3.12 A stack frame SP Y (or X) Local variables Saved registers Return address Incoming parameters Figure 3.13 Example of 68HC11 stack frame H. Huang Transparency No.3-31 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Example 3.9 Draw the stack frame for the following program segment when the 9th instruction of the subroutine subx is executed. ldaa psha ldx pshx bsr ... Subx: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) pshb psha pshx pshy tsx xgdx subd xgdx txs ... #N Solution: #mat SP subx 6 bytes for local variables Y_H upper byte of Y Y_L lower byte of Y X_H upper byte of X X_L lower byte of X A B #6 ret_addr_H upper byte of return address ret_addr_L lower byte of return address MAT_H upper byte of MAT MAT_L lower byte of MAT N Figure 3.14 Stack frame for Example 3.9 H. Huang Transparency No.3-32 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Using Registers to Pass Parameters Example 3.10 Write a subroutine to compute the average of an array with N 8-bit elements and an instruction sequence to call the subroutine. The array starts at ARRAY. Use registers to pass parameters and return the average in B. Solution: The instruction sequence to call this subroutine is: SP LDX #ARRAY LDAA #N BSR average .... The subroutine saves array count A in the stack and also push a 0 into the stack so that 0 and N can be loaded into X when computing the average. Y 0 N ret_addr_H ret_addr_L Figure 3.15 Stack frame of example 3.10 H. Huang Transparency No.3-33 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Start yes N = 0? no yes N = 1? no average = array[0] i=0 sum = 0 sum = sum + array[i] i=i+1 no i = N - 1? yes average = sum / N Stop Figure 3.16 Logic flow for computing array average H. Huang Transparency No.3-34 The 68HC11 Microcontroller * The following subroutine computes the average of an array and returns it in B average psha ; save the array count clra psha ; clear the top byte of the stack to 0 tsy ; Y points to the top byte of the stack ldab 1,Y ; place the array count in B cmpb #1 ; check the array count blo exit ; is the array empty? bhi do ; does the array have more than one element? ldab 0,X ; get the single element and return bra exit ; “ do xgdy ; place N in Y and use Y as the loop count clra ; use D as the sum and initialize it to 0 clrb ; “ again addb 0,X ; add an element to the sum adca #0 ; add the carry to the upper 8 bits inx ; move the array pointer dey ; decrement the loop bne again ; is the end of the loop? tsy ; point Y to the top of the stack ldx 0,Y ; place N in X H. Huang Transparency No.3-35 The 68HC11 Microcontroller idiv xgdx * exit pula pula rts ; compute the average of the array ; exchange X and D so that D contains the quotient ; in which A contains 0 and B contains the quotient ; restore registers ; “ H. Huang Transparency No.3-36 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Using the Stack to Pass Parameters Example 3.11 Write a subroutine to find the largest element of an array and an instruction sequence to call this subroutine. The following parameters are passed to this subroutine in the stack: - array: the starting address of the given array - arcnt: the array count - amax: address of the memory location to hold the maximum element of the array Solution: The instruction sequence that calls this subroutine is: ldx pshx ldaa psha ldx pshx bsr tsx ldab abx txs #array #arcnt #armax max #5 ; call the subroutine ; clean up the stack ; “ ; “ ; “ H. Huang Transparency No.3-37 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Start arcnt < 1? yes Return no arcnt = 1? yes Return array[0] no armax arr[0] i 1 armax >= arr[i]? yes i i+1 no no armax arr[i] i = arcnt - 1? yes Return armax Figure 3.17 Logic flow of the array max subroutine H. Huang Transparency No.3-38 The 68HC11 Microcontroller SP Y A B Y_H Y_L X_H X_L ret_add_H ret_add_L Y+8 armax_H armax_L Y+10 arcnt Y+11 array_H array_L Each slot of the stack is one byte. The suffix _H specifies the upper byte of a parameter. The suffix _L specifies the lower byte of a parameter. Figure 3.18 Stack frame for the array max subroutine H. Huang Transparency No.3-39 The 68HC11 Microcontroller array arcnt armax equ equ equ pshx pshy pshb psha tsy ldx ldab ldaa cmpb blo bhi bra start inx decb again cmpa bge ldaa noswap inx 11 10 8 max array,Y arcnt,Y 0,X #1 exit start done 0,X noswap 0,X ; array base address offset from the top of the stack ; array count offset from the top of the stack ; array max address offset from the top of the stack ; save al registers ; “ ; “ ; “ ; point Y to the top of the stack ; load the base address into X ; load the array count into B ; assign the first element as the temporary array max ; check array count ; return if the array is empty ; look for the array max if the array count is larger than 1 ; the array has only one element ; set X to point to the second element of the array ; loop limit is arcnt - 1 ; compare the next element with the array max ; should array max be updated? ; update the array max ; move to the next element H. Huang Transparency No.3-40 The 68HC11 Microcontroller done exit decb bne again ldx armax,Y staa 0,X pula pulb puly pulx rts ; decrement the loop count ; is it done? ; get the address for the array max ; save the array max ; restore registers ; “ ; “ ; “ H. Huang Transparency No.3-41 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Example 3.12 Write a program to compute the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two 16-bit integers. The caller pushes these two integers onto the stack and this subroutine returns the gcd in double accumulator D. Solution: Let these two integers be n1 and n2. Assume n1 n2. If not, swap them. Algorithm: Step 1 If n1 > n2 then swap n1 and n2. Step 2 i = 2, gcd = 1. Step 3 If (n1 = 1) or (n2 = 1) return. Step 4 If both n1 and n2 can be divided by i then gcd i. Step 5 If i = n1 then stop. Otherwise, i i + 1. Go to step 4. H. Huang Transparency No.3-42 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Stack frame of gcd subroutine SP Y Y+2 gcd i Y ret_addr Y+8 n1 Y+10 n2 Figure 3.19 Stack frame for gcd program Instruction sequence to call find_gcd … LDX <operand n1> PSHX LDX <operand n2> PSHX JSR find_gcd INS INS INS INS … H. Huang Transparency No.3-43 The 68HC11 Microcontroller n1_dis n2_dis gcd_dis i_dis EQU EQU EQU EQU Find_gcd PSHY TSY DES DES DES DES LDX STX LDD CPD BEQ LDD CPD BEQ CPD BLS LDX 8 10 0 2 #1 gcd_dis,Y n2_dis,Y #1 done n1_dis,Y #1 done n2_dis,Y start n2_dis,Y ; offset of n1 from the top of the stack ; offset of n2 from the top of the stack ; offset of gcd from the top of the stack ; offset of i from the top of the stack ; if n2 = 1 then gcd = 1 ; “ ; “ ; if n1 = 1 then gcd = 1 ; “ ; “ ; if n1 is smaller then start to compute gcd ; n1 is larger than n2, so swap them H. Huang Transparency No.3-44 The 68HC11 Microcontroller start again next_i STD STX LDX STX LDD IDIV CPD BNE LDD LDX IDIV CPD BNE LDD STD LDX CPX BEQ INX STX JMP n2_dis,Y n1_dis,Y #2 ; initialize i to 2 i_dis,Y ; “ n1_dis,Y done INS INS INS INS RTS #0 ; can i divide n1? next_i ; “ n2_dis,Y i_dis,Y ; can i divide n2? ; “ #0 ; “ next_i i_dis,Y ; use current i as gcd_dis,Y ; the temporary gcd i_dis,Y ; have we done with n1_dis,Y ; all the test yet? done i_dis,Y again H. Huang Transparency No.3-45 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Example 3.13 Write a subroutine that can divide a 32-bit number into another 32-bit number. Solution: Use repeated subtraction method to implement the division. Assume we have the hardware shown in Figure 3.0. msb R 32-bit write R Q 32-bit shift left set lsb C lsb ALU Controller P 32-bit Figure 3.20 Hardware for 32-bit by 32-bit division H. Huang Transparency No.3-46 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Algorithm of Division Using Repeated Subtraction Step 1 Shift the register pair (R, Q) one bit to the left. Step 2 Subtract register P from register R, put the result back to R if the difference is nonnegative. Step 3 If the result in step 2 is negative, set the least significant bit of Q to 0. Otherwise, set it to 1. Step 4 Repeat Step 1 to 4 for 31 times. The caller allocates 8 bytes in the stack to hold the remainder and quotient. Both the dividend and the divisor are pushed into the stack. The subroutine allocates 13 bytes for local variables. The calling instruction sequence is TSX XGDX SUBD #8 XGDX TXS LDX divsor ; push divisor PSHX ; “ LDX didend ; push dividend PSHX ; “ JSR div32 H. Huang Transparency No.3-47 The 68HC11 Microcontroller buf R Q divisor dividend i local EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0 5 9 21 25 4 13 ; space used as a buffer ; offset of register R from the top of the stack ; offset of register Q from the top of the stack ; offset of divisor from the top of the stack ; offset of dividend from the top of the stack ; offset of variable i from the top of the stack ; number of bytes of local variables div32 PSHA PSHB PSHX PSHY TSX XGDX SUBD XGDX TXS TSY LDD STD STD LDD STD LDD ; allocate local variables ; “ #local ; “ ; “ ; “ ; Y points the top byte of the stack #0 ; initialize R to 0 R,Y ; “ R+2,Y ; “ dividend,Y ; transfer dividend to Q Q,Y ; “ dividend+2,Y ; “ H. Huang Transparency No.3-48 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Stack frame for the div32 subroutine SP Y Y+4 buf i Y+5 R Y+9 Q Y X B A ret_addr Y+21 Y+25 divisor dividend Y+29 quo Y+33 rem Figure 3.21 Stack frame of 32-bit by 32-bit division subroutine H. Huang Transparency No.3-49 The 68HC11 Microcontroller loop STD LDAA STAA LSL ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL LDD SUBD STD LDAA SBCA STAA LDAA SBCA BCS STAA LDD STD Q+2,Y #32 i,Y Q+3,Y Q+2,Y Q+1,Y Q,Y R+3,Y R+2,Y R+1,Y R,Y R+2,Y divisor+2,Y buf+2,Y R+1,Y divisor+1,Y buf+1,Y R,Y divisor,Y smaller R,Y buf+2,Y R+2,Y ; transfer dividend to Q ; initialize loop count to 32 ; “ ; shift register pair (R, Q) to the left one place ; “ ; “ ; “ ; “ ; “ ; “ ; “ ; subtract the divisor P from R ; “ ; “ ; “ ; “ ; “ ; “ ; “ ; is [R] – divisor < 0? ; store the difference back to R when the difference is positive ; “ ; “ H. Huang Transparency No.3-50 The 68HC11 Microcontroller LDAA STAA LDAA ORAA STAA BRA smaller LDAA ANDA STAA looptest DEC BNE LDD STD LDD STD LDD STD LDD STD TSX XGDX ADDD buf+1,Y R+1,Y Q+3,Y #01 Q+3,Y looptest Q+3,Y #$FE Q+3,Y i,Y loop R,Y rem,Y R+2,Y rem+2,Y Q,Y quo,Y Q+2,Y quo+2,Y #local ; set the lsb of Q to 1 ;“ ; set the lsb of Q to 0 ;“ ;“ ; return the remainder in the hole in the stack ; “ ; “ ; “ ; return the quotient in the hole in the stack ; “ ; “ ; “ ; deallocate local variables H. Huang Transparency No.3-51 The 68HC11 Microcontroller XGDX TXS PULY PULX PULB PULA RTS H. Huang Transparency No.3-52 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Example 3.14 Write a subroutine to sort an array of 8-bit numbers using the bubble sort method, and also write an instruction sequence to call the subroutine. The starting address of the array and is arr_base, and the array count is N. Use the stack to pass parameters to this routine. Solution: Up to N – 1 (labeled as 0th to (N – 2)th) iterations of comparisons and swaps are performed: 1. N - i – 1 comparisons are performed in iteration i. 2. Set an in-order flag to 1 at the beginning of each iteration. 3. Start from array element with index 0 to index N – i –2, compare each element with its adjacent element and swap them if they are not in the right order (ascending or descending). 4. Clear the in-order flag whenever a swap is made. 5. Check the in-order flag at the end of each iteration. If the flag is 1, then stop. Otherwise, continue. Four local variables are used: 1. 2. 3. 4. iteration: keeps track of the numbers of rounds remained to be performed inner: keeps track of the number of comparisons remained to be performed in a round in_order: indicates if the given array is already in sorted order buf: buffer for swapping elements H. Huang Transparency No.3-53 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Start iteration N-1 in_order 1 iteration inner i 0 SP no array[i] > array[i+1]? yes swap array[i] & array[i+1] in_order 0 Y iteration Y+1 inner Y+2 in_order Y+3 buf X Y inner i inner - 1 i+1 A B no ret_addr inner = 0? Y+12 yes in_order = 1? Y+13 yes no iteration no N arr_base Figure 3.23 Stack frame for bubble sort iteration - 1 iteration = 0? yes Stop Figure 3.22 Logic flow of bubble sort H. Huang Transparency No.3-54 The 68HC11 Microcontroller arr arcnt buf in_order inner iteration true false EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 13 12 3 2 1 0 1 0 bubble PSHB PSHA PSHY PSHX DES DES DES DES TSY LDAA arcnt,Y DECA STAA iteration,Y ; offset of array base from the top of the stack ; offset of array count from the top of the stack ; offset of buf from the top of the stack ; allocate space for local variables ; “ ; “ ; “ ; set Y to point to the top byte of the stack ; compute the number of iterations that need to be performed ; “ H. Huang Transparency No.3-55 The 68HC11 Microcontroller ploop LDAA #true ; set in-order flag to true STAA in_order,Y ; “ LDX arr,Y ; place the array base address in X LDAA iteration,Y STAA inner,Y ; initialize inner loop count cloop LDAA 0,X ; get one element CMPA 1,X ; compare it with the next element BLE looptest * the following 5 instructions swap the two adjacent elements STAA buf,Y LDAA 1,X STAA 0,X LDAA buf,Y STAA 1,X LDAA #false ; reset the in_order flag STAA in_order,Y ; “ looptest INX ; move the array pointer DEC inner,Y BNE cloop TST in_order,Y BNE done DEC iteration,Y BNE ploop H. Huang Transparency No.3-56 The 68HC11 Microcontroller * the following four instructions deallocate space allocated to local variables done INS INS INS INS PULX PULY PULA PULB RTS H. Huang Transparency No.3-57 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Buffalo Input and Output Routines - The Buffalo monitor in EVB and CMD11A8 provides a set of I/O routines. These I/O routines are located in the Buffalo ROM. A jump table is implemented so that the user program can call these routines by jumping to the desired entry. Buffalo I/O Routines UPCASE WCHK DECHK INIT INPUT OUTPUT OUTLHLF OUTRHLF OUTA OUT1BYT converts the character in accumulator A to uppercase tests the character in A and returns with Z bit set if character is white space (space, comma, tab) tests the character in A and return with Z bit set if character is delimiter (carriage return or whitespace) initializes I/O device reads I/O device writes I/O device converts left nibble of A to ASCII and outputs to terminal port converts right nibble of A to ASCII and outputs to terminal port outputs the ASCII character in A converts the binary byte at the address in index register X to two ASCII characters and outputs them; returns address in index register X pointing to next byte H. Huang Transparency No.3-58 The 68HC11 Microcontroller OUT1BSP converts the binary byte at the address in index register X to two ASCII characters and outputs them followed by a space; returns address in index register X pointing to next byte OUT2BSP converts two consecutive bytes starting at address in index register X to four ASCII characters and outputs the characters followed by a space; returns address in index register X pointing to next byte OUTCRLF outputs ASCII carriage return followed by a line feed OUTSTRG outputs a string of ASCII bytes pointed to by the address in index register X until character is an end-of-transmission ($04) OUTSTRG0 same as OUTSTRG, except that leading carriage returns and line feeds are skipped INCHAR inputs ASCII character to A and echoes back; this routine loops until character is actually received H. Huang Transparency No.3-59 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Table 3.4 The EVB/EVBU I/O routine jump table Address Instruction $FFA0 $FFA3 $FFA6 $FFA9 $FFAC $FFAF $FFB2 $FFB5 $FFB8 $FFBB $FFBE $FFC1 $FFC4 $FFC7 $FFCA $FFCD JMP UPCASE JMP WCHEK JMP DCHEK JMP INIT JMP INPUT JMP OUTPUT JMP OUTLHLF JMP OUTRHLF JMP OUTA JMP OUT1BYT JMP OUT1BSP JMP OUT2BSP JMP OUTCRLF JMP OUTSTRG JMP OUTSTRG0 JMP INCHAR H. Huang Transparency No.3-60 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Calling the EVB I/O Routines Execute a JSR instruction to call an EVB I/O routine: To output the character in accumulator A JSR $FFB8 To output a string pointed by index register X JSR $FFC7 A better approach is to use assembler directives to make the I/O routine call more readable: outa outstrg equ equ $FFB8 $FFC7 JSR . . . JSR outa outstrg H. Huang Transparency No.3-61 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Example 3.16 Write a subroutine to input a string from the keyboard and save the string in a buffer pointed by X. The input string is terminated by the carriage-return character. Solution: getchar CR EOT EQU EQU EQU get_string JSR CMPA BEQ STAA INX BRA done LDAA STAA RTS $FFCD $0D $04 ; use mnemonic to represent hex address getchar #CR done 0,X get_string #EOT 0,X H. Huang Transparency No.3-62