to our 5th & 6th Grade Meet the Teacher Night We’re so glad you’re here! Language Arts Teachers Ms. Doglio English/RtI Reading Spelling, Grammar Mrs. Behrent Reading/Vocabulary/RtI ISAT Rdg. Response 4 More 5th & 6th Grade Teachers Mrs. Sitze Social Studies Mrs. Speiser Science & P.E. Check-in/Check-out Mrs. Nelson Math/RtI Mrs. Weller P.E. Test are worth a 100 points/100%. Test corrections are due back the next day and count as a homework assignment. 5th Grade TEST 45% Homework 55% Grade Total 100% TEST 30% Homework 45% Maps 25% Grade Total 100% 6th Grade TESTS – 5 correct on Extra Credit will earn the ability to do corrections. Helpful Hint: Do all the Extra Credit. Test corrections earn ½ point for each correct answer. Reminder: A student MUST pass Math for the year in order to proceed to the next grade. READING Homework =35% of Grade Reading Workbook Comprehension & Word Study Sheets Reading Projects Wordskills Vocabulary Workbook Tests =45% of Grade Selection Tests & Unit Tests Teacher-made Tests Accelerated Reader=20% of Grade Read Books within Reading Range Goal is Assigned Each Quarter Comprehension Goal is Always 85% At-home Reading Log Signed Weekly or Late Assignment Incurrs. REMINDER: Reading students must pass for the year in order to be promoted to the next grade. • Vocabulary is figured into the grade. • Students in 5th and 6th grade use the same vocabulary book. Units are completed in ; units are covered in . • Practice flashcards & activities can be found on the school website: Pawnee CUSD 11 - 5th Grade Vocabulary Pawnee CUSD 11 - 6th Grade Vocabulary At Least 3 Days Advance Notice Be ready for an occasional pop quiz. Sign Tests & Daily Work when you see a: line. *Generally, daily papers will not require a parent signature, unless it is a skill I want you to go over/review with your child. You can begin practicing for the test now at The test you print will be exactly like the one you can access online, however, terms will be in a random order. Figured into the English Grade Tests: Taken in Computer Class Value: 100 pts. Your child’s Computer Day is also his/her Spelling Test Day. Worksheet: Due Day After it is Received Value-10 pts. Must be in Cursive 2 Yearly Lists Provided: 1 for Expandable Folder, 1 for Home You will find our Spelling Lists and links to Spelling City on the 5th/6th grade Home Page of the School Website. Instructions on how to link directly to Spelling City: 1) Click Find a List tab at the top of the page. 2) Type doglio in the Search box, click Search, then click on Diana Doglio 3) 5th grade lists are displayed 4) 6th grade, scroll to bottom of page, & click Ms. Doglio 6th Grade to access lists. There is also a link on the 5th/6th Grade Home Page of the School Website. P.E Information Gym Shoes No Gym Shoes=No Participation= ZERO for the day 5 No Shoe Days per Quarter=Grade Drops 1 LETTER Shoes must also be tied properly before entering the gym. Sit-Outs for Injuries or Illness Students may be excused from P.E. participation up to 3 days on a parent’s note. After the 3rd day, a DOCTOR’S note will be required. If a student does not participate due to a note, they CANNOT participate at RECESS. Check the Assignment Book Daily Check SDS for Grades each Friday Clean Expandable Folders Weekly: Get Rid of Old Papers Midterm Dates September 14 November 21 February 8 April 19 End of Quarter 1st Q. October 19 2nd Q. December 21 3rd Q. March 15 4th Q. May 24 *Midterm grades are online. A slip to verify that you either check grades online or need a paper copy, needs to be signed & returned the 1 st quarter. *Report cards will be sent home quarterly with your child. Sign & Return slip included to verify you have seen the report. ATTENDANCE 1. Call the school between 7:30-10:00 and leave a message. 625-2231 2. If no phone call is received, your child must bring a written excuse. Include: date, student name, grade, parent signature, and reason for absence. 3. If no call is made & no note is received, the absence is Unexcused. Doctor, Dentist & Ortho. Appts. Best Time Frame to schedule: Leave at or after: 10:50 Back by 1:00 March 4-15, 2013 I S A T TEST No Vacations Excused on These Dates Dr. appointments & family trips will be unexcused. However, please do not send your child to school sick. After 10 excused absences, a doctor’s note will be needed to verify that your child was ill. The note must be from the doctor, counselor, dentist, or orthodontist. It must be on office letterhead and include the date/time of appointment. *If the student is not at school by noon, s/he will NOT be able to be a spectator or participant at any extra-curricular school activities. . . . you need to call to request assignments. Upon return from illness, students are allowed one day for each day they are absent from school to complete work. If a student collects homework assignments prior to a planned vacation or absence, the work is due the day the student returns to school. 5th It is our philosophy that to be successful, students must be responsible for completing homework and be prepared for quizzes/tests. A Study Hall is scheduled daily, but students are expected to finish assignments and study for tests at home. We reserve the right to keep students in at recess and/or specials (except P.E.) for extra assistance. DETENTIONS Late assignments are documented daily on index cards. After each quarter, new cards are made; each student begins with a clean slate. Parents are contacted if late assignments becoming an issue. Late assignments are also listed on SDS. 5 Late assignments per homeroom/per quarter = 30 min. detention 10 late assignments = 1 hr. detention 15 late assignments = 1 ½ hr. detention 20 late assignments = 2 hr. detention Beyond 20 late assignments = Saturday Detention Detentions are served on Tuesdays after school with a 5th or 6th grade teacher. Travel arrangements should be made by parents. Saturday detentions are assigned by Mrs. Cline. Detentions will start after Labor Day. All detentions must be signed. Detentions may also be given for behavior issues also. Time limits/consequences will vary, depending on the severity of the action. Encouraging Rewards Each Friday, a recess will be given to those who have not had any late assignments all week. Check out our Late Assignment Article. No Late Assignments for Quarter! Little Italy’s Pizza & dessert is ordered for lunch at school. Students need to bring their own money: Cost is around $3.00 + Drink. A certificate is sent home explaining the details. Stay Informed: Use the School Website Find the 5th & 6th Grade Homepage: Teacher Websites Tab, 5th/6th Gr. Information Sign up for News Updates Go to • Locate the News Update link in the top left corner next to the scrolling header, click • Be sure to click the box beside District, enter your email, and submit. Links: Check out • Schedules • Daily Assignments • Current News • Dates to Remember • School Calendar • District Forms • AR Book Finder • Menus & Much More Links: Class Notes • • • • • • • • • • • • • English 5th English 6th Writing Spelling Spelling City 5th Spelling City 6th Vocabulary 5th Vocabulary 6th Reading Math Notes First in Math Science Social Studies Links: Check Out End of the Month Awards Classroom Management Grading Scale Character Traits Discovery Education Xtra Math Reading Activities Staff Directory PTO Pawnee School is a Bully Free Zone Informational Article GS Handbook Pawnee School Management Plan Expectations Enforcement 9 Things Teachers Hope Parents Know 1. Don’t be a stranger! Talk to your child’s teacher early and often. All teachers have a phone and and extension for messages. (the best way) 2. Learning doesn’t stop at 3:15. Encourage your child to show you something that they are working on at school. Every time your child gets the chance to show off what he knows, he builds confidence. 3. Stay involved – even when you don’t know the material. Just knowing a parent is paying attention can be very motivating for a student. 4. Keep your child organized. Have your child empty their backpack everyday. Keep plenty of supplies on hand. Kids run out of paper and pencils frequently. 5. Let your child make mistakes. Teachers don’t want perfect students, they want students who try hard. Sometimes parents get caught up in thinking that every assignment has to be done exactly right, and they put too much pressure on their child. It’s OK for kids to get some problems wrong. It’s important for us to see what students don’t know so that we can go over the material again. 6. Raise a good reader. Even if your child is not a natural bookworm, encourage him to love literature. Reading aloud can expand his vocabulary. 7. Teaching isn’t easy. We have good days and bad days just like every human. We can make mistakes too. Volunteering is a way of showing your support, even if you have time to help out once a year. It show your child – and his teacher- that you really care about his education. 8. The teacher is on your side – give her the benefit of the doubt. If there is an issue between your child and a teacher, don’t automatically run to the principal behind the teacher’s back. Certain situations that involve a child’s safety do merit a meeting with the head of school, but otherwise going over the teacher’s head signals a lack of respect. When you can’t agree on a solution, set up a meeting with the teacher and the principal, who can help work things out. Always go to the teacher first. 9. There is a secret to better grades. • Converse daily with your child to show interest in their school work. • Inform the teachers of any issues that the child has confided in, for example, bullying, struggling with the schedule, health issues, etc. • Constantly check the schoolwebsite to keep ahead on assignments, grades and upcoming projects. • If your child is having a tough time in a particular class, don’t swoop in and try to make things right. • Encourage your child to meet with his teacher to resolve the problem on his own. Thanks for viewing our presentation. Feel free to contact us with any additional questions you might have. We’re looking forward to working with you and your child this year. The End