Name Block ______ Seat ____ Your Assigned Developmental


Name ______________________________________ Block ___________ Seat ____

Your Assigned Developmental stage: ____ Late Adulthood __________ Due _________

Life Stages and Cultural Diversity Project

Objective : Each student will gain an understanding of the developmental stages of the human, from infancy thru late adulthood, and be able to share their culture with the rest of the class by displaying their doll in the classroom.

I. You will be assigned a developmental stage (infancy, early childhood, late childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, or late adulthood).

II. You are to make a paper doll to resemble yourself at the developmental stage you are assigned.

III. On the back of your doll you will answer questions about your own cultural background.

Answer the following questions:

1. Ethnicity (race or nationality)?

2. Country of Origin (where your grandparents were born)?

3. Student's birth place (where you were born)?

4. Your family structure – nuclear family (mom, dad, brothers, sisters) or extended family

(step-siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles)?

5. The authoritative figure in the home

– matriarchal (Mom) or patriarchal (dad)?

6. Spiritual background and special religious practices?

7. Are there any special health beliefs or practices in your family?

8. Are there any significant beliefs related to death and burial?

IV. The project needs to be in the shape of a paper doll, approximately 8½ x11 and dressed for appropriate age group.

V. Include any characteristics that represent your stage of life (glasses, pimples, wrinkles, gray hair, etc.)

VI. You can use pictures of yourself or a relative as examples in creating the paper doll.

VII. Use creativity and imagination to make your doll realistic.

VIII. These will be displayed in the hallway.

IX. Research and ask questions about your family.

Part II - Each group will also research, in the textbook, your age group assigned:

1. The intellectual-cognitive development

2. The psycho-emotional development

3. Social development

4. The aspects of care for your age group assigned

Your group will present this information to the class. Each member needs to present information.

Also each member will present their paper doll and information.

Development stages for Presentation:


Early Childhood



Young Adulthood

Middle Adulthood

Late Adulthood


Name ______________________________________ Block ___________ Seat ____

Your Assigned Developmental stage: __ Late Adulthood __________ Due _________



Life Stages and Cultural Diversity Project Rubric






Needs some







No effort

Doll resembles the student at the developmental stage assigned

Creativity and imagination used to complete project

The paper doll included all required information (8)

Group report on development stage included all required information



Use of in class time

Turned in on time

Total _______________ Grade _______________

63-70 = A

56-62 = B

49-55 = C
