Spring 2011 Hematology Lab Fundamentals of Hematology readings Complete Blood Count Report Leukocyte expression of quantity VCS Technology MICROBIOLOGY 410 HEMATOLOGY LAB Spring, 2011 Objectives: Understand and interpret common parameters of a Complete Blood Count report. Perform accurate microscopic examinations of prepared peripheral blood smears (White Blood Cell differential count and Red Blood Cell morphology evaluation). Distinguish normal from abnormal blood cell morphology in prepared peripheral blood smears or photographs and drawings. Identify blood cell inclusions in prepared peripheral blood smears or photographs and drawings. Understand the origin and consequences of observed blood cell abnormalities. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students are expected to read and abide by the University's Academic Honesty Policy: http://www.calstatela.edu/academic/senate/handbook/ch5a.htm. Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, and may receive a failing grade in the course for a single violation. Week 1 March 30 CBC/Normal Differential Carr chapter 1; Evolve Weblinks 1 “Understanding the CBC”; Evolve Weblinks 23 “Artifacts”; Uthman “1. Blood Cells and the CBC”; “2. Anemia: Pathophysiologic Consequences, Classification, and Clinical Investigation” Week 2 April 6 RBC Maturation/Normal and Abnormal Morphology I Carr chapter 2-3, 10-14, 24; Evolve Weblinks 1 “Diagnosis From the Blood Smear”; Evolve Weblinks 10 “Iron Deficiency Anemia”; Evolve Summary Tables “RBC maturation”, “RBC Variations”; Uthman “3. Nutritional Anemias and Anemia of Chronic Disease” Week 3 April 13 RBC Abnormal Morphology II, RBC Inclusions Carr chapter 10-13; Evolve Summary Tables “RBC Inclusions”, Uthman “4. Hemolytic Anemias”, “5. Hemoglobinopathies and Thalassemias” Week 4 April 20 Review RBC Maturation and Morphology Week 5 April 27 MID-TERM EXAM (125 points) Week 6 May 4 WBC Maturation Carr chapter 4-9; Evolve Summary Table “Myeloid Maturation” Week 7 May 11 WBC Non-Malignant Disorders Carr chapter 14-15, 22-23; Evolve Summary Tables “Monocyte v Reactive Lymphocyte”, “Leukocyte Alterations” Week 8 May 18 Acute and Chronic Leukemias Carr chapter 16-21; Evolve Summary Tables “Myeloproliferative Disorders”, “Acute Myeloid Leukemias”; “Lymphoproliferative Disorders”, “Acute Lymphoid Leukemias”, Week 9 May 25 Review WBC Maturation and Morphology Week 10 June 1 FINAL EXAM (175 points) Grading: The total possible points earned are 300 (sum of Mid-Term and Final examinations). The Final exam will include material covered during the entire course. Letter grades will not be assigned or reported separately by the Laboratory Instructor. Attendance: Attendance is required. Instructor: John Colby, MT(ASCP) Staff Applications Scientist Beckman Coulter, Inc. jwcolby@beckman.com Office Hours: By arrangement Wednesday 15:30 – 22:00 Required Text: Clinical Hematology Atlas, Jacqueline H. Carr & Bernadette F. Rodak Internet: Evolve Student Resources http://evolve.elsevier.com/Carr/hematology Home page of pathologist Ed Uthman, M.D.: http://web2.iadfw.net/uthman (last accessed 3-20-2011) The Red Cell and Anemia is a series of 5 HTML documents, also available in PDF. Hematology Web Site of the New York Department of Health, Wadsworth Center, Through the Microscope: Blood Cells: http://www.wadsworth.org/chemheme/heme/microscope/celllist.htm (last accessed 3-20-2011) Home page of the American Society of Hematology: http://www.hematology.org (last accessed 3-20-2011) Educational materials include an Image Bank and Teaching Cases are located under PUBLICATIONS. Home page of Blood Line: http://www.bloodline.net/ (last accessed 3-20-2011) Image Atlas and Case Studies sections. Centrifuged Blood Coulter Principal Slide preparation Microscope Slide Prep Cell Architecture Areas to Examine Too Thick Film too thick Good Area Good area for exam Too Thin Film too thin RBC, Platelet, WBC Normal WBC Blood Cells PMN or Neutrophils Neutrophils PMN Neutrophils PMN with drumstick Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocyte & Neutrophil Monocyte Monocyte Monocytes may be increased in chronic infections, chronic inflammatory disorders and some forms of MDS and myeloid leukemia Copyright ©2005 American Society of Hematology. Copyright restrictions may apply. Monocyte with a typical folded, lobulated nucleus and a ground glass appearance to the cytoplasm Copyright ©2005 American Society of Hematology. Copyright restrictions may apply. Monocyte Eosinophil Eosinophil Eosinophil Eosinophil and Lymphocyte Basophil Basophil Platelets Giant Platelet Basophil, Neutrophil, & Lymphocyte Broken Cell Basket Cell Crushed Eosiniphil Crenated RBC Water Artifact Stain Artifact