Physical Development and Biological Aging

Physical Development
and Biological Aging
 Body Growth and Change
 The Brain
 Sleep
 Longevity
Body Growth and Change
Patterns of Growth
 Cephalocaudal pattern:
 Growth occurs first at the top—the head—and
gradually proceeds from top to bottom.
 Proximodistal pattern:
 Growth starts at the center of the body and
moves toward the extremities
Body Growth and Change
Height and Weight
in Infancy and Childhood
• Average 20 inches, 7 ½ lbs at birth
• Triple weight by 1 year
• ½ adult height, 20% adult weight by age 2
• Growth slows, patterns vary individually
• Girls slightly smaller and lighter
• Girls gain fat, boys gain muscle
and Late
• Slower, consistent growth
• Muscle mass and strength increase
•Boys stronger, body proportions change
Body Growth and Change
Changes in Proportions of
the Human Body During Growth
Body Growth and Change
 Period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal
and bodily changes that take place in early adolescence.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two phases:
 Adrenarche-changes in adrenal glands
 Gonardarche
• Menarche
• Spermarche
Body Growth and Change
Levels by Sex
and Pubertal
Stage for
and Estadiol
Body Growth and Change
Normal Range and Average Development of
Sexual Characteristics in Males and Females
Body Growth and Change
Secular Trends in Puberty
 Onset of puberty beginning earlier:
 Norway — menarche at 17 in 1840s, now 13
 U.S. — menarche at 15 in 1840s, now 12½
• White girls at average age of 10
• African American girls at average age 8 to 9
Body Growth and Change
Body Image in Puberty
 Adolescents become preoccupied by bodies:
 Overall, girls less satisfied, boys more satisfied
 Throughout puberty:
• Girls’ dissatisfaction increases• body fat increases
• Boys’ satisfaction increases• muscle mass increases
Body Growth and Change
Body Image in Puberty
 Early and Late Maturation:
 Early boys more positive, better peer relations.
 Late boys less positive but have more positive identity by 30s than
early boys.
Body Growth and Change
Body Image in Puberty
 Early and Late Maturation:
 Early girls more at risk for problems
• Smoking and drinking.
• Depression and eating disorders.
• Lower education and occupational
• Early dating and sexual experiences.
• Mental disorders and behavior problems.
Body Growth and Change
Middle Adulthood
 Physical:
 Lose height, gain weight.
 More skin wrinkling, sagging in 40s and 50s.
 Youth-oriented culture motivates life style changes.
 Strength, bone density, flexibility decrease:
 1 to 2 percent loss each year after age 50.
 Sarcopenia: age-related loss of muscle mass.
Body Growth and Change
Middle Adulthood
 Cardiovascular system and lungs:
 HDL and LDL cholesterol, clogged arteries.
 Hypertension: blood pressure increases.
 Decreased lung capacity after age 55.
 Sexuality changes:
 Climacteric: Fertility declines.
 Menopause: Menstrual periods cease.
Body Growth and Change
and Age
Body Growth and Change
Late Adulthood
 Variability in physical declines:
 Socioeconomic status is a big factor.
 Physical appearance:
 Wrinkles, age spots, height and weight loss
 Weightlifting can slow process.
 Circulatory system:
 Increased blood pressure; linked to chronic
conditions and longevity.
The Brain
The Brain In Infancy
 Changing neurons:
 Rapid growth of myelin sheath, dendrite and synapse
 Blooming and pruning of connections in brain.
 Peak synaptic overproduction influenced by heredity and
The Brain
Dendritic Spreading
The Brain
The Brain In Infancy
 At birth, greater activity in left hemisphere
specializes as infants listen to speech.
 Motor control begins about 2 months.
 Brain areas do not mature uniformly.
 Extensive brain development in utero:
 Born with about 100 billion neurons.
 Enriched early experiences can enhance
brain growth and functioning.
The Brain
The Brain In Infancy
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Density in
Brain from
Infancy to
The Brain
The Brain in Childhood
 During early childhood, the brain and head
grow more rapidly than any other part of the
 Greatest anatomical brain increases from
ages 3 to 15 years.
The Brain
Growth Curves for Head and
Brain and for Height and Weight
The Brain
The Brain in Adolescence
 Growth still occurs in adolescence:
 Corpus Callosum thickens.
 Prefrontal cortex grows: reasoning, self-control, and
decision making.
 Amygdala matures early: emotions and anger.
 Adolescent emotions:
 Slow development of prefrontal cortex.
 Poor self-control; seek rewards and pleasure.
 Seek novelty; increased risk-taking.
 Lack of practical experiences; immature judgment.
The Brain
Adulthood and Aging
 The Shrinking-Slowing Brain:
 Brain loss: 5-10% of weight in ages 20 to 90
 Dendrites decrease.
 Death of brain cells
 Shrinkage of prefrontal cortex.
 General slowing of function in brain and spinal
cord begins in middle adulthood and accelerates
in late adulthood.
 Reductions in neurotransmitters.
The Brain
The Adapting Brain
 Grows new brain cells throughout life
depending on environment.
Dendrite growth continues in adults.
Brain rewires to compensate for losses.
Less lateralization with age.
Findings from Nun Study:
Sleep in Infancy
 Newborns average 16-17 hours a day.
 Varied sleeping patterns Longest sleep period: 11 pm to 7 am.
 May change from longer to shorter sleep periods.
 Most close to adult patterns by 4 months.
 More REM sleep than any other time of life.
 Shared sleeping with parents is controversial.
Sleep Across the Human Life Span
• Infant stops breathing, usually during night, and suddenly dies
without apparent cause.
 Having siblings who died of SIDS.
 African American and Eskimo infants.
 Lower SES groups.
 Passive exposure to cigarette smoke.
 Infants ages 4 to 6 wks
 Sleeping on stomachs, use of soft bedding
 Low birth weight; diagnosed with sleep
 Sleeping with pacifier
Sleep in Early Childhood
 Most young children sleep through the night and have
one daytime nap.
 Nightmares: Frightening dreams are more common.
 Night Terrors: Sudden arousal from sleep.
Sleep in Adolescence
 Many adolescents are not getting enough sleep:
 Average 9½ hours when available
 Like to stay up late, sleep late in mornings
 Biological clocks have hormonal shift
 Melatonin production — about an hour later each day delays
sleepiness at night.
Sleep in Adolescence
 Sleep deprivation and school performance:
 Grogginess and inattentiveness
 Poor test performance
 Discipline problems
 Reports of illness and depression
 Low self-esteem
 Ineffective stress management, exercise, diet
Adulthood and Aging
 Many adults don’t get enough sleep.
 Middle age may bring sleep problems.
 Wakeful periods at night, less deep sleep.
 Many older adults go to bed earlier at night and wake up
earlier in the morning.
 Afternoon naps .
 Insomnia increases in late adulthood.
Life Expectancy and Life Span
 Life span:
 Upper boundary of life, maximum number of years an
individual can live.
 120 years of age.
 Life expectancy:
 Number of years that an average person born in a
particular year will probably live.
Life Expectancy
 Females average 80 years, 74 years for males.
 Gender differences influenced by biological factors – extra X for
 Life expectancy varies across countries.
 U.S. men more likely to die from leading causes of death.
 Associated with lifestyle and workplace stress.
 Numbers increasing:
 Genes, heredity, and family history
 Women who have never married
 Ability to cope successfully with stress
 Education, health, and lifestyle
 Individual personality
 Highest ratio in Okinawa.
Biological Theories of Aging
Cellular Clock
Maximum times that human cells
can divide is about 75 to 80
People age because their cells’
metabolism produces unstable
oxygen molecules (free radicals)
Aging caused by decay of
mitochondria; oxidative damage
Hormonal Stress
Aging in body’s hormonal system
can lower resistance to stress and
increase likelihood of disease