13 Colonies Unit Notes

The Growth of the 13 Colonies 1624-1760
Colonies Grow and Develop Differently
There were 13 colonies.
They are along the Atlantic coast.
They were divided into three groups
-New England Colonies
-Middle Colonies
-Southern Colonies
The New England Colonies
A new group called the Puritans united with the
Pilgrims and formed the colony of Massachusetts
Another Puritan colony was New Hampshire
The Puritans
Following the Pilgrims to Plymouth were thousands of
Puritans were a religious group who wanted to “purify”
the practices of the English Church.
The Puritans came to the New World, mostly
Massachusetts, in what is called the Great Migration.
John Winthrop
Define Purify:
Reform or Change
Who came to America in the
Great Migration?
John Winthrop was the first Puritan leader. He called
America, “the City on the Hill” and said that all Puritans
should act “The New England Way” which meant duty to
the colony, Godliness, hard work, and honesty.
New England
The colony of Connecticut was founded by Thomas
Hooker. He believed that the Puritan leaders where
becoming too powerful in Massachusetts.
Hooker and his followers adopted the Fundamental
Orders of Connecticut, which was a Constitution for
the colony of Connecticut. The first Constitution in
American History!
Rhode Island was found by Roger Williams
Williams did not like the New England way, especially
having to attend Church every day so started the first
Baptist Church in American and moved his followers to
Rhode Island
Ann Hutchinson also went to Rhode Island because she
believed you could worship god on your own, without a
What was the first Constitution
in America?
The Fundamental Orders of
Life in Colonial New England
Most New Englanders were:
 Farmers
 Merchants
 Fishermen
 They used ships called schooners to catch cod fish
 They also were known for Whaling and used the whales
for oil
 Boston was the largest city in the New England colonies.
What does a merchant do?
Trade Goods
The Middle Colonies
The middle colonies unlike the other colonies had settlers from
all different countries:
 England
 Germany
 Holland
 Sweden
 The Dutch (from the Netherlands) built a settlement
called New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam then became
New York when it was attacked and taken by the
 The English also took New Sweden from the Dutch and
called it New Jersey.
What country initially settled the
City of New York?
The Middle Colony Of Pennsylvania
William Penn, a Quaker, founded Pennsylvania.
They did not belong to the Church of England.
They were peace loving people that didn’t believe in
Pennsylvania welcomed all faiths and people from all
over Europe were allowed to settle there.
Penn also Founded the colony of Delaware
Life in the Middle Colonies
People lived on large Farms far apart from each other.
The farms produced grains such as corn and Wheat
The middle colonies were known as the “Breadbasket of
Animal Fur was common for trade.
The Southern Colonies
People lived on farms and large Plantations that grew
rice and tobacco.
The big plantations were started along rivers on the
Atlantic Coast.
African Slaves were used for labor on the plantations
Lord Baltimore founded the colony of Maryland.
In the southern colonies, where
did most people live?
Farms and Large Plantations
Maryland was the first colony to pass a law granting
Religious freedom. It was called the Act of Toleration
Georgia was not a colony of religious freedom.
Georgia was used as a refuge for Prisoners.
The prisoners were poor people who could not afford to
pay their debt.
Georgia then became a colony where people could work
of their debt and gain a new start.
The Carolinas were discovered and divided in the North
and South because of the distance between settlements
Virginia was the first colony, Jamestown was its
The House of Burgesses was started in 1619. It was the
first elected assembly that would lead the colony. It
passed Laws for Virginia.
Problems continued with the Indians. In 1622 Powhatan
Indians attacked Jamestown and killed hundred of
settlers because they had taken more of the Indians
What was the House of
First Elected Assembly in