For Every Action There Is A Reaction Powerpoint

“For Every Action There Is A Reaction”
Environment and the Global Community
Grade 9 Social Studies
Inquiry Questions
Does globalization influence our
 Is the title quote true when it comes to
the environment?
 Does your behavior affect us globally?
Outcome 9.4.1
Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship
between environmental issues in Atlantic Canada and
global environmental issues.
A Reality Check Demonstration
“The World As An Apple”
Environment Issues
Brainstorm as many environmental issues
as you can in groups.
Environmental Issues
Brainstorm Possibilities:
*Diaper disposal in landfills, waste watch, littering,
pollution of air and water, pipelines, fracking, energy
sources, electricity, North Pacific Gyre, deforestation,
building of highways, climate change, global warming,
resource depletion, habitat destruction
Domestic/Global Criteria
Word Wall- local, domestic, magnitude,
 Class Activity- Develop a list of criteria to
determine if issues are global or domestic
What makes an issue global?
Domestic/ Global Criteria
Criteria to consider:
-# of people affected
-# of countries/regions affected
-magnitude of consequences
-time required to solve the issue
-length of time the affects exist
Domestic/Global Criteria
Newspaper Investigation Group Activity
-Cut 5 articles about the environment
from the newspaper.
-Attach articles to chart paper
-Using criteria, decide if it is a domestic
issues or a global issue. List reasons why
you made your decisions beside the
-Share with the class
Domestic/Global Criteria
Drawing Conclusions
Most environmental issues affect the
global world in one way or the other. We
all share this planet. For every action we
take for or against the environment, there
will be a reaction somehow globally.
Outcome 9.4.1 Assessment
“For Every Action There is Reaction”
Outcome 9.4.2
Analyze factors that contribute to environmental
Contributing Factors
What are the factors that contribute to
environmental issues? Brainstorm ideas.
Contributing Factors: 3 Interrelated
1. Economic- consumerism (WW) and the
desire for profitability (WW) often creates
scenarios where the environment is taken
advantage of
(Possible Solution- corporations voluntarily
engage in “green” practices to gain competitive
advantages with increasingly environmentallyconscious consumers, businesses in the fossilfuel energy sector begin moving to zeroemission and renewable fuel sources)
Contributing Factors: 3 Interrelated
2. Political- governments have not always been
proactive in their efforts to protect and
preserve the environment, and are often
reluctant to interfere with industry and business
(Possible Solution- governments enact
legislation which a) safeguards critical
environmental resources, and b) proactively
averts potential environmental problems)
Contributing Factors: 3 Interrelated
3. Social- high demand for consumer goods has
produced a society where little consideration
has been given to the negative impact on the
environment of this behavior
(Possible Solution- consumer behavior favors
products and services that are environmentally
sustainable, thus displacing non-sustainable
goods and services)
Why is knowing the perspective of
someone important to understanding their
Perspectives on Environment
What is the Canadian Government’s
environmental record?
 How has it been a contributing factor to
the problem?
 How has it been a part of the solution?
 What is the perspective of Canadians
about the government record?
Perspectives on Environment
What is the perspective of these articles?
 Articles:
* “Support for Harper’s Environmental Record
Increasing, Polls Show”
*“Tories Appear To Be rebranding Stephen Harper as
‘The Environmental Prime Minister”
*“French Climate Envoy Denied Meeting With Harper”
*“Harper Named World’s ‘Worst Villain’ After Damning
E18C8F2D-1- Government site on climate change
Perspectives on Environment
Analysis Graphic Organizer
“Climate Change: Time To Act”- article,
carton, analysis questions
2nd KISH Social Studies
Community Meeting
Scenario: A group of investors want to build a shopping
mall complex in Kensington. It will require the draining
and filling in of the local wetland.
*Local Contractor
*Representative of the Department of the Environment
*Representative of the Provincial department of Economic
*Potential Mall Merchant
*Land Owner
*Representative of A Local Environmental Group
2nd KISH Social Studies
Community Meeting
Make sure to consider political, economic and
social factors.
Meet in groups and write out a description of
the perspective of your character about this
Present your ideas at the community meeting.
 Assessment
Perspectives on Environment
Watch “An Inconvenient Truth”
What factors does Al Gore believe
influence the environment? (Economic,
political, social)
Documentary Graphic Organizer
Perspectives on Environment
Does anyone else have a perspective
about what Al Gore believes to be true?
Research ideas.
Google Assessment
Word Wall:
 renewable resource
 non-renewable resource
 ecological footprint
 carbon footprint
 Sutainability
 Sustainable development
Are you contributing to sustainability?
Ecological Footprint Activity
 Sustainability Quiz Site #1
 Sustainability Quiz Site #2
 Sustainability Site #3
“Sustainability Easily Explained”
 “Plastic Planet”
 “Our Sustainability Path in Canada”
Does that mean we are doing great? We
have a poor record as we found out when
we read the articles. Conaco Phillips? Who
are they? What is their perspective?
What is the perspective and main idea?
Step 1: Each group create a statement that identifies the
perspective and main idea of each point.
 Step 2: Choose 1 representative from your group to go
up to the front of the room and share your statement,
along with the other reps.
 Step 3: Class votes on the most accurate one.
 Step 4: Write best one beside image on chart paper and
 Cartoons Analysis Graphic Organizer
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
What is the perspective and main idea?
“The Story of Stuff”
 “The Story of Solutions”
Personal Influence On Sustainability
How are you as a consumer contributing
to sustainability ?
 Which of your actions are unsustainable?
Create Anchor Chart
Personal Influence On Sustainability
Sustain and Drain I
 Sustain and Drain II
Paper Airplane Assessment
Outcome 9.4.3
Investigate a current global issue
Fracking- A current local issue that has
global implications (WW)
“Fracking Explained:Opportunity or Danger?”
“Animation of Hydraulic Fraturing”
“New Brunswick Protest”
“The Shale Gas Debate Moves to New Brunswick 2013”
“What is Fracking and Why is It SO Controversial?”
“Fracking: A Global Perspective”
“Shale Gas: Government of Canada”
“Natural Resources Canada”
The Point
Effective long term solutions to
environmental problems often require
new ways of thinking about the ways
humans live and relate to each other in
our world. We have to change.
Investigate a Global Environmental Issue