The €22 Billion Initiative The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference & Exhibition on Donor Funding, Banking and Novel Financial Instruments MEDA FINANCE A project financed by the European Union, the MedAlliance and th Piloted local, then regionalized The Aim To monitor available resources and network with the EC, EIB, EBRD, EU member states and all bilateral and multilateral donors & financial institutions aiming at the support of business through: • Availing the highly needed information about sources of grants, technical assistance, soft loans, and novel financial instruments to their real target…SMEs • Promoting novel financial instruments inclusive Non Banking & Novel Financial Instruments Factoring, Leasing, Mortgage finance, Venture Capital and private equity as the future funding mechanism worldwide. • Positioning the Med Alliance EC Invest in Med as the best implementation and outreach arms. regionally and in Egypt, for all donors and advocating phase 2 • Giving credit and visibility to the EC and all our development partners Meda Finance The Initiative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Survey of EC, EIB, EBRD, EU member states, bilateral and Multilateral grants, TA, lines of Credit, as well as novel non-Banking Financial Instruments available for the Euro-Med (over $ 22 billion so far), … but we continue Setting up the mechanism for periodic updating Conducting "The Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Donor Funding, Banking and Novel Financial Instruments as a networking platform Sustainability of the initiative and setting up the formula for replication Follow-up with customized proposals to all donors Meda Finance The start The cost sharing grant agreement of "Meda Finance" was witnessed by the leaderships of the project partners, Galal El Zorba, Med Alliance & BusinessMed president, Philippe de Fontaine Vive, European Investment Bank "EIB" 1st vice president , Asem Ragab, Anima & "GAFI" president, Dr. Murat Yalsintas, Federation of Mediterranean Chambers "ASCAME" president, and Hani Hafez Federation of Egyptian Industries "FEI" managing director when signed between Dr. Alaa Ezz, Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations "CEEBA" secretary general, Adham Nadim, Industrial Modernization Center "IMC" executive director, and Bénédict de Saint-Laurent , European Commission Invest In Med programme director. Meda Finance The Study CD A total of 113 instruments were sourced, that is besides the aid offered to Governments which is translated into tenders for services and supplies implemented by private sector from the Mediterranean 1. Over 58 instruments available for the whole region by 18 countries/institutions/programmes of AfDB, Belgium, EC, EIB, EBRD Finland, France, Germany, IDB, Japan, Kuwait, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia,, Spain, UAE, UNDP, UNIDO, USA, and WB/IFC/IBRD; besides what is offered to individual countries from Canada, Denmark, and Italy, .. and naturally the countries themselves. 2. Over 81 Instruments available for individual countries: Algeria 6; Egypt 33; Jordan 6, Lebanon 6, Morocco 11, Tunis 14 Meda Finance The Study CD • Grants: in cash or as technical assistance up to Euro 5 million (50% to 80% of costs), feasibility studies, export finance, credit guarantee, diagnostics, upgrading, training, export promotion support, …etc • Soft loans: up to 80% of project budget extending from US$ 100,000 up to 100 million, with interest from zero to less than commercial rate, both fixed and floating, both in euro/$ or local currency, with grace periods from 1 up to 8 years and maturity from 5 up to 15 years (sovereign loans are 0.75% interest, grace 10 years, and maturity 40 years) Where The Mediterranean Blue was awarded and Grants Presented EC, Germany, Italy, USAID, Netherlands, IMC and RDI and Billions of Lines of Credit Vice presidents of EIB, KfW and AFD and Non Banking Instruments Ahmed Heikal in his keynote address announcing the new € 500 million fund And we continued An Annual Initiative Sourcing all Donor Programmes MEDA Finance 2014 Survey Grants, Technical Assistance and Lines of Credit for the Euro-Mediterranean Region Version 2 Conducted by Capitalizing between all EU Projects oject financed by the European Union, the MedAlliance and the local authorities of Marseille - PAC Project implementation by the MedAlliance consortium under ANIMA coordination Cultural and Sustainable Tourism UMAYYAD: Improvement of Mediterranean territorial cohesion through setup of a tourist-cultural itinerary Objective: To contribute to the improvement of territorial cohesion in order to overcome the seasonal misbalances in tourism sector within the Mediterranean territory through promotion of sustainable tourism based on synergies derived from the design of a cultural itinerary focusing on the Umayyad heritage. Budget: 4,153,653€ Duration: 36 months Cultural and Sustainable Tourism GOALS: Governance for achieving local strategies for Tourism Objective: GOALS will focus on sustainability of tourism policies that entails not only institutional cooperation between public administrations but also coordination with economic sectors, social involvement and skilled technical backing: it requires a very structured governance, matching territorial, economic, cultural, social planning. Budget: 1,600,000€ Duration: 12 months Investment Promotion EUROMED Invest Objective: To boost the private business and investment within the Euromed area to contribute to an inclusive economic development of the region, focusing on the Tourism, Transport & Logistics, Water & Green Energies, Cultural & Creative, and Agrifood sectors. Budget: 5,000,000€ Duration: 36 months Renewable Energies FOSTEr in MED: Fostering solar technology in the Mediterranean Area Objective: To transfer Knowhow in the solar energy field, to implement a shared design methodology and to promote solar energy innovative technologies at civil society level, with a specific focus on Building Integrated Photo-Voltaic energy. Budget: 4,500,000€ Duration: 36 months Renewable Energies SHAAMS: Strategic Hubs for the analysis and acceleration of the Mediterranean Solar Sector Objective: SHAAMS project aims at raising public awareness on solar energy through the transferability and implementation of good practices in legal, regulatory, economic, organisational issues and financing mechanisms, to facilitate the take up of solar technologies. Budget: 3,200,344€ Duration: 36 months Renewable Energies STS MED: Small scale thermal solar district units for Mediterranean communities Objective: To facilitate the adoption of Concentrated Solar small scale integrated systems in the Mediterranean basin with a focus on the development of a flexible toolbox of CS applications by demonstrating their effectiveness in public building and premises. Budget: 4,953,512€ Duration: 36 months Renewable Energies FIREMED: Innovative financial instruments to support energy sector SMEs in MED area Objective: FIREMED will assist Energy Sector SMEs in the Mediterranean Region by proposing innovative financial instruments and innovative services, as well as improving matching between SMEs’ need of finance and the investors seeking strategic investments. It will build on the existing support structures of local economies, ensuring an interface between companies, industrial networks and clusters, public and private financial operators, as well as local communities. Budget: 1,919,157.98€ Duration: 26 months Renewable Energies GR.ENE.CO: Green Energy for Green Companies Objective: This project aims to contribute to the reduction of the use of non-renewable energy sources, in favor of renewable energy sources in the Mediterranean sea basin. Budget: 1,997,175€ Duration: 12 months Waste Treatment and Recycling GMI: The Green Med Initiative Objective: The GMI project will encourage the involvement of companies in the development of an integrated and environmentally sound waste management system focusing on activities directed to the youth, specifically through the piloting of “Reverse Vending Machines” in order to encourage recycling. Budget: 4,126,872€ Duration: 36 months Waste Treatment and Recycling MED- 3r: Strategic Euro-Mediterranean Platform for Appropriate Waste Management Objective: The objective of the project MED-3R is to reinforce the governance and participation of public authorities, industrial, commercial and education sectors, NGOs and the general public, in order to improve the industrial framework for waste management. Budget: 4,787,062€ Duration: 36 months Agrifood and Traditional Foodstuffs LACTIMED: Local Agro-Clusters for typical and innovative Mediterranean Dairy Objective: This project aims to foster the production and distribution of typical and innovative dairy products in the Mediterranean by organising local value chains, supporting producers in their development projects and creating new markets for their products. In the end, it will lead to the creation of the mediterranean network of dairy clusters. Budget: 4,836,442€ Duration: 30 months Agrifood and Traditional Foodstuffs E.H.P.P.C. – Med: Enhancing horticultural perishable products circulation among the Mediterranean territories Objective: the E.H.P.P.C. - Med project focuses on the modernization of border points through the introduction of an ‘Information and Communication Technologies’ (ICT) tool as well as of new harmonized and shared procedures able to facilitate producers and exporters in obtaining and transmitting in real time and easily the documents and certificates required for the horticultural perishable products’ export. Budget: 1,400,000€ Duration: 24 months Agrifood and Traditional Foodstuffs SLOWMED: Slow food as a means of dialogue in Mediterranean Contexts Objective: To encourage the Mediterranean culinary heritage preservation and conservation; to promote the recognition of food as a form of cultural and artistic expression; to foster nutrition education based on the Mediterranean culinary heritage. Budget: 1,054,598€ Duration: 12 months Agrifood and Traditional Foodstuffs MedDiet: Mediterranean Diet and Enhancement of Traditional Foodstuff Objective: To protect and safeguard the Mediterranean diet, as an integral part of our lifestyle and a vehicle for the development, stability and solidarity in the Mediterranean Basin. Budget: 4,996,972.82€ Duration: 36 months Textile Industry SUSTEXNET: Sustainable Textile Mediterranean Network Objective: SUSTEXNET aims to create a sustainable Textile Mediterranean Network, in order to minimise the industry´s environmental impact and to maximise its quality and productivity Budget: 1,489,229,16€ Duration: 12 months Textile Industry TEX MED: Innovative cross-border approaches for textile and clothing closers co-development in the Mediterranean basin Objective: To increase the quantity of links, partnerships and cooperation initiatives among the Textile and clothing industries; to speed up an industry evolution toward an integrated T/C Med system to replace the old ¨delocalisation & subcontracting¨ model with a more advanced and balanced ¨multi-localisation & co-contracting model. Budget: 2,000,000€ Duration: 24 months Intergenerational learning PRIME: Promoting Intergenerational learning in Mediterranean countries Objective: To foster intergenerational learning within gold/silversmiths; to develop transferable mentoring schemes for intergenerational learning and transfer of core skills in the gold/silversmithing and gemmology sectors. Budget: 819.071€ Duration: 24 months Employment Creation & Mobility EGREJOB: Euro-Mediterranean GREen JOBs Objective: To build a Euro-Mediterranean incubation system of skills in the field of green jobs through a process based on multi-stakeholders engagement, a standardized training path and a common certification scheme of “green” skills Budget: € 1.763.959 Duration: 24 months Employment Creation & Mobility MED-MOBIL: Mobility and Cultural Exchange Objective: MED-MOBIL intends to create a framework of cooperation aiming to facilitate the exchange of students, professionals and young entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean area by supporting future regulations and improving and consolidating existing programmes and initiatives. Budget: 1,560,000€ Duration: 24 months Diasporas MedGeneration: Mobilisation of economic Diasporas for the Mediterranean countries development Objective: The project MedGeneration aims to mobilise economic diasporas for the creation of successful companies and the attraction of entrepreneurs in southern Mediterranean countries, while guiding the creation of policies for attracting investment targeted at specific diaspors. Budget: 1,928,567€ Duration: 24 months Local Economic Development EDILE: Economic development through inclusive and local empowerment Objective: To enhance the capacities of local authorities & economic bodies in assessing & improving investment projects, using an innovative process mixing case studies, design of assessment tools, dialogue with enterprises & civil society and practical search for higher social benefits. Budget: 1,928,567€ Duration: 24 months Transport & Logistics OPTIMED: Rationalising Mediterranean Sea Ways: from Southern-Eastern to Northern-Western ports Objective: To optimize the maritime trade network between the northern shores of the high Tyrrhenian arc and the southern-eastern shores of the Mediterranean sea, creating an innovative virtual logistics platform structured around ports strengthened as Roll on – Roll Off (Ro-Ro) hubs. Budget: 1,999,481€ Duration: 24 months For a better Mediterranean once more Capitalize with us, in a tradition that is summarized in the following words of ancient Egyptian wisdom: “Rig your Boat, travel near and far, look for a wise partner, knock his door, seek his knowledge, welcome him in your home, this is how your people will prosper” Amenophet, 2,000 B.C.