CLIMB Advisor Application

C.L.I.M.B. Advisor
2015 -2016
Personal Information
Real Name:
Camp Name:
Birth Date:
Phone No.:
Year in
LOCAL Address:
City, State, Zip:
City, State, Zip:
Do you speak any other languages other than English? If yes, please
Are you applying to any other programs in
UniCamp? Please numerically rank the programs in
order of preference
CLIMB _____ Corps_____ WALL _____
Winter Quarter:
Meetings will be held Sunday evenings close to campus.
Summer Availability:
Sessions dates have not been determined. Please list dates between June and August that you absolutely cannot be available. Please
Applications are due no later than 11:59pm on Sunday November 1, 2015. Please send your applications to
You may also drop your application off at the UniCamp Office if you would like to submit a hard copy. For questions, please contact us via e-mail.
UCLA UniCamp, 900 Hilgard Ave. (Suite #301), Los Angeles, CA 90024.
Interview Dates
Please “X” only those dates that you CANNOT interview. Interviews will take approximately 30 minutes.
Interview Appointments
Please rank the best time for you (1-4) and specify the time
that is best for you (15 min increments starting at the 1st time)
Friday, November 6th, 2PM-7PM
Saturday, November 7th, 9AM-1PM
Sunday, November 8th, 11AM-9PM
Friday, November 13th, 2PM-7PM
Volunteer Experience
Prior UniCamp Experience
Year / Session:
Contact Person:
Your Position:
Year / Session:
Contact Person:
Your Position:
Year / Session:
Contact Person:
Your Position:
Year / Session:
Contact Person:
Your Position:
Applications are due no later than 11:59pm on Sunday November 1, 2015. Please send your applications to
You may also drop your application off at the UniCamp Office if you would like to submit a hard copy. For questions, please contact us via e-mail.
UCLA UniCamp, 900 Hilgard Ave. (Suite #301), Los Angeles, CA 90024.
Year / Session:
Contact Person:
Your Position:
Year / Session:
Contact Person:
Your Position:
Other Prior Experience Working with Children (if applicable)
Year / Session:
Your Position:
Year / Session:
Your Position:
Climbing Experience
Please list any climbing, belaying, slackline, rappelling, and any other related experiences below and length of time. (This is not a
prerequisite for applying)
References (please include 1 personal reference, your last HC, your last Co, and one other camp reference)
Phone No.:
Phone No.:
Phone No.:
Phone No.:
Applications are due no later than 11:59pm on Sunday November 1, 2015. Please send your applications to
You may also drop your application off at the UniCamp Office if you would like to submit a hard copy. For questions, please contact us via e-mail.
UCLA UniCamp, 900 Hilgard Ave. (Suite #301), Los Angeles, CA 90024.
Current Plans for 2015
CLIMB is a program that requires a high level of dedication from its advisors during the January – August timeframe. In the box below,
please state your extracurricular, work, and travel plans during these months. We know that you may not have your future plans
finalized this early, so please do the best you can.
Winter and Spring Quarters (January 2016 – June 2016)
Please state your plans here.
Summer Break (June 2016 – August 2016)
Please state your plans here.
Required Questions
1. Are you taking any medication or do you have any physical limitations which could possibly hinder
your abilities to safely perform any of the duties of a CLIMB advisor, including but not limited to
completing an all-day outdoor climbing trip?
Yes / No
2. Have you ever been convicted of, or are presently under investigation for any matter related to child
abuse, sexual misconduct, or violence?
Yes / No
3. Have you ever been convicted of the possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol?
Yes / No
NOTE: If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, please provide details on a separate sheet of paper. Be aware
that a conviction is not an automatic bar to participation. Questions answered untruthfully could result in immediate
rejection. Each application will be considered on a case by case basis.
Applications are due no later than 11:59pm on Sunday November 1, 2015. Please send your applications to
You may also drop your application off at the UniCamp Office if you would like to submit a hard copy. For questions, please contact us via e-mail.
UCLA UniCamp, 900 Hilgard Ave. (Suite #301), Los Angeles, CA 90024.
ACA Recommended Qualifications
1. Do you have a Bachelor's degree or appropriate professional certifications? (ACA.HR-1.a)
Yes / No
2. Do you have at least two prior seasons of administrative or supervisory experience in an organized
Yes / No
3. Have you assessed personal needs in core areas of accepted camp management practices and
have attended a professional development workshop, institute, seminar, or course within the past 3
years to address these needs? (ACA.HR-1.C)
Yes / No
4. Serving campers with special needs requires skill and experience beyond that required for typical
summer resident camps. Is your course of study at UCLA in areas relevant to the clientele served by
UCLA UniCamp, or do you have at least 24 weeks experience working with populations who qualify
for the UniCamp experience? (ACA.HR-2)
Yes / No
5. Have you had experience – other than UCLA UniCamp – training individuals to accept, respect, and
be responsive to multi-cultural diversity of your society? (ACA.HR-5.b)
Yes / No
6. You are applying for a position with the UCLA UniCamp CLIMB program and UCLA UniCamp policy
requires Student and Alumni volunteers in this program to be at least four years older than WALL
campers. Will you be at least 21 years of age prior to the start of the UCLA UniCamp 2012 camp
season? (ACA.HR-10.a)
Yes / No
Please attach a copy of any current certifications to this application (i.e., First Aid, Life Guard, WSI, EMT, CPR).
Get creative! Your answers can be as short or long as you’d like but keep in mind we’ve got other applications to read
Describe something that you are passionate about outside of UniCamp.
What inspired you to apply to the CLIMB program? Specifically, what part of the program do you find appealing?
What do you hope to get out of this experience?
CLIMB stands for Core Lessons in Mind and Body. What does this mean to you and how does that fit into the
mission of CLIMB?
Applications are due no later than 11:59pm on Sunday November 1, 2015. Please send your applications to
You may also drop your application off at the UniCamp Office if you would like to submit a hard copy. For questions, please contact us via e-mail.
UCLA UniCamp, 900 Hilgard Ave. (Suite #301), Los Angeles, CA 90024.
Tell us about your favorite teacher or mentor. Describe their teaching/mentoring style and why that was so
valuable to you.
How do you maintain balance in your life?
How lucky are you and why?
As an OCP advisor (and not counselor), your role at camp is to be a mentor to your campers. You are given the
freedom of an entire week at camp to lead programs and strive for your own outcomes. Outline and describe a
program you might lead with your campers during your week at camp. You have 1.5 hours for this program, and
access to all supplies and gear. Please give a goal, plan of implementation, and debrief of your program.
Mary and her husband live on one side of the river, and Mary's lover lives on the other side. Every day, while her
Husband is at work, Mary crosses the river over the bridge, to visit her lover. One day, her husband finds out and
in a jealous rage, hires a hitman to kill Mary unbeknownst to her. That same day while Mary is at her lover's
house, the lover says to her, "that's it, we are through, I’m breaking up with you". Mary goes back to bridge, but
sees the killer there and flees back to the lover, asking him for help. He says, "don't you understand? It's over, I
don't care, leave now." Mary then follows the river bank, sees a ferryman and asks him to take her across the
river. "Ten bucks", says the ferryman. "But I have no money!" says Mary. "No money, no ride", says the
ferryman. "But the killer is after me, help me!", says Mary. "Too bad", says the ferryman. "No money, no ride".
So Mary goes back, encounters the killer by the bridge, and the killer kills her.
Whose fault is it that Mary has died? Rank all five characters in the descending order, #1 being the most at fault,
#5 being one with little to no fault and give your reasoning for the rankings. Don't forget any of the characters; no
ties are allowed.
My signature certifies that the information contained in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I
understand that any falsification in this application will be grounds for termination of services. I hereby give UCLA
UniCamp permission to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this application and to check my references. I
also understand that I will have to complete a federal live-scan fingerprint and background check prior to attending camp.
I understand that the cost of the live-scan will not be reimbursed and failure to complete the live-scan may result in
termination of service.
Applications are due no later than 11:59pm on Sunday November 1, 2015. Please send your applications to
You may also drop your application off at the UniCamp Office if you would like to submit a hard copy. For questions, please contact us via e-mail.
UCLA UniCamp, 900 Hilgard Ave. (Suite #301), Los Angeles, CA 90024.
Applications are due by 11:59pm on Saturday, November 1
Please submit the application by e-mail to:
If you have any questions about C.L.I.M.B. or the application process, please contact the
Program Directors!
Crazy Legs |
Gryffindor |
Applications are due no later than 11:59pm on Sunday November 1, 2015. Please send your applications to
You may also drop your application off at the UniCamp Office if you would like to submit a hard copy. For questions, please contact us via e-mail.
UCLA UniCamp, 900 Hilgard Ave. (Suite #301), Los Angeles, CA 90024.