Module Focus: Algebra II – Module 3 Sequence of Sessions Overarching Objectives of this December 2014 Network Team Institute Participants will be able to identify, practice, and use best instructional moves and scaffolds for chosen common core standards High-Level Purpose of this Session Participants will draw connections between the progression documents and the careful sequence of mathematical concepts that develop within this module, thereby enabling participants to enact cross- grade coherence in their classrooms and support their colleagues to do the same. Participants will be able to articulate how the topics and lessons promote mastery of the focus standards and how the module addresses the major work of the grade in order to fully implement the curriculum. Participants will be prepared to implement the modules and to make appropriate instructional choices to meet the needs of their students while maintaining the balance of rigor that is built into the curriculum. Related Learning Experiences This session is part of a sequence of Module Focus sessions examining the Algebra II modules within the curriculum, A Story of Functions. Key Points ● Topic A ● ● ● ● ● Topic B ● ● ● ● ● Logarithmic functions have an important historical context. Logarithms help us make sense of very large and very small numbers. Logarithms give us a way of solving exponential equations. Properties of logarithms are essential for evaluating logarithms and solving exponential or logarithmic equations. Topic C ● ● ● ● The domain of an exponential function is the set of all real numbers. Therefore, exponential expressions can be evaluated for any rational or irrational value. It is useful to be able to manipulate expressions containing exponents and/or radicals into forms that are convenient to use. The number 𝑒 is an irrational number that is important in a variety of mathematical applications. A logarithmic function is the inverse of an exponential function. Properties of logarithms and exponents are useful for graphing transformations of logarithmic and exponential functions. Using the change of base formula, any logarithmic function can be rewritten as a vertical scaling of the natural logarithm function (or any other base logarithm). Topic D ● ● ● ● When modeling with exponential functions, logarithms are useful for solving the exponential equations that arise. The number e appears in many applications of exponential functions. There is a powerful connection between geometric sequences, exponential functions, and logarithms. We will continue to explore applications of exponentials and logarithms in Topic E. ● Topic E ● ● ● ● Geometric sequences and series are prevalent in finance calculations. Good modeling problems are often open-ended and sometimes messy! Technology is useful for exploring a problem graphically or numerically. End of Module Assessment ● End of Module assessment are designed to assess all standards of the module (at least at the cluster level) with an emphasis on assessing thoroughly those presented in the second half of the module. ● Recall, as much as possible, assessment items are designed to assess the standards while emulating PARCC Type 2 and Type 3 tasks. ● Recall, rubrics are designed to inform each district / school / teacher as they make decisions about the use of assessments in the assignment of grades. Session Outcomes What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? Participants will draw connections between the progression documents and the careful sequence of mathematical concepts that develop within this module, thereby enabling participants to enact cross- grade coherence in their classrooms and support their colleagues to do the same. Participants will be able to articulate how the topics and lessons promote mastery of the focus standards and how the module addresses the major work of the grade in order to fully implement the curriculum. Participants will be prepared to implement the modules and to make appropriate instructional choices to meet the needs of their students while maintaining the balance of rigor that is built into the curriculum. How will we know that they are able to do this? Participants will be able to articulate the key points listed above. Session Overview Section Time Overview Introduction 28 min Introduces Algebra II Module 3 Algebra II Module 3 PPT Facilitator Guide Review Algebra II Module 3 105 min Extends students’ understanding of exponential functions to a domain of all real numbers and to use their prior knowledge about Algebra II Module 3 PPT Facilitator Guide Review Algebra II Module 3 Topic Opener A Topic A: Real Numbers Prepared Resources Facilitator Preparation families of functions to graph exponential functions. Topic B: Logarithms Mid-Module Assessment Topic C: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs Topic D: Using Logarithms in Modeling Situations Topic E: Geometric Series and Finance End of Module Assessment and Conclusion 99 min Explores developing an understanding of the relationship between exponentials and logarithms and a variety of methods for solving exponential equations. Algebra II Module 3 PPT Facilitator Guide Review Algebra II Module 3 Topic Opener B 25 min Allows Participants to complete a Mid-Module Assessment and follow up discussion. Algebra II Module 3 PPT Facilitator Guide Review Algebra II Module 3 MidModule Assessment 81 min Explores how exponential functions are defined for all real numbers and logarithmic functions are defined for all positive numbers. Algebra II Module 3 PPT Facilitator Guide Review Algebra II Module 3 Topic Opener C 87 min Explores creating models of contexts that involve exponential growth and decay and connect geometric sequences to exponential growth and decay. Algebra II Module 3 PPT Facilitator Guide Review Algebra II Module 3 Topic Opener D 35 min Explores how students learn about series and sigma notation for the first time and how they apply their knowledge of geometric sequences to various financial contexts. Algebra II Module 3 PPT Facilitator Guide Review Algebra II Module 3 Topic Opener E 38 min Revisits key points of Module 3 and allows Participants to complete an End of Module Assessment and follow up discussion. Algebra II Module 3 PPT Facilitator Guide Review Algebra II Module 3 and End of Module Assessment Session Roadmap Section: Introduction Time: 28 minutes In this section, you will be introduced to Algebra II Module 3. Materials used include: Algebra II Module 3 PPT Algebra II Module 3 Facilitators Guide Time Slide # 3 min 1. Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions MATERIALS NEEDED: • Powerpoint • Projector • Clicker • Laptop • Document camera • Participant Binder [Note: This session is 9 hours in length.] Introduce presenter and talk about the session. Mostly we will be working on the student pages. Avoid looking at the teacher pages for the most part. I mainly want you to experience the module from the student perspective. 5 min 2. Start here. Then back up to opening slide. Give participants 5 min to do the opening exercise. We will discuss this exercise later today. GROUP 3 min 3. In order for us to better address your individual needs, it is helpful to know a little bit about you collectively. Pick one of these categories that you most identify with. As we go through these, feel free to look around the room and identify other folks in your same role that you may want to exchange ideas with over lunch or at breaks. By a show of hands who in the room is a classroom teacher? Math trainer? Principal or school-level leader District-level leader? And who among you feel like none of these categories really fit for you. (Perhaps ask a few of these folks what their role is). Regardless of your role, what you all have in common is the need to understand this curriculum well enough to make good decisions about implementing it. A good part of that will happen through experiencing pieces of this curriculum and then hearing the commentary that comes from the classroom teachers and others in the group. 2 min 4. We have three main objectives for this morning’s work. Our main task will be experiencing lessons and assessments. As a secondary objective, you should walk away from the study of Module 3 being able to articulate how these lessons promote mastery of the standards and how they address the major work of the grade. Lastly, you should be able to get a sense for the coherent connections to the content of earlier grade levels. 2 min 5. Here is our agenda for the day. We will spend most of our time on G11 M3. As we go through the module, I will talk about foundational skills developed in prior grades. We will discuss some fluency drills and other scaffolds that can be used to address possible gaps in content knowledge. We will also discuss how this develops skills needed for grade 12 (Precalculus). 3 min 6. (Go through the bullets to give an overview of the progression or flow of each topic and the module as a whole.) MMA after topic B. 33 lessons. 45 instructional days 5 min 7. Supplies: Teacher pages 1 – 10 Display and have participants read the Module overview, scan the standards and the new terminology 8 min 8. (Review the bullet points with participants to remind them of the background students are coming in to this module with.) We are extending our understanding of exponential functions from integers to all real numbers. Students spent a good bit of time in Algebra I comparing linear and exponential growth and connecting that to arithmetic and geometric sequences. Section: Topic A: Real Numbers Time: 105 minutes In this section, you will explore extending students’ understanding of exponential functions to a domain of all real numbers and to use their prior knowledge about families of functions to graph exponential functions. Materials used include: Algebra II Module 3 PPT Algebra II Module 3 Facilitators Guide Time Slide # 0 min 9. Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions GROUP 5 min 10. Supplies: Teacher p. 11-13 Read the Topic A Opener 10 min 11. Supplies: S1 and 2, toilet paper In Algebra I, students explored the power of exponential growth (including the paper folding problem) and studied exponential functions but only with a domain of the integers. This is largely a review. As we discussed in module 1, the idea of “simplifying” is not emphasized here. It is the idea of rewriting an expression in a variety of ways. Which form we chose depends on what our goal is. 5 min 12. It depends on my purpose. If I am trying to evaluate this expression for several values of x, I would probably prefer the first. If I am about to find the derivative, I would prefer the second. If I am going to evaluate the expression or set it equal to a number and solve an equation, these tasks will be much easier if the expression is reduced as much as possible. In Calculus, if this is the first derivative, and I am trying to find the second derivative, it will be much easier reduced. 10 min 13. Supplies: student pages 10 and 11 If you ask students to explain scientific notation, they will probably talk about moving decimals left and right and counting to find a positive or negative exponent. I find they rarely connect that to the idea of multiplying by powers of 10 especially when negative exponents are involved. You may want to do some calculator work here. Show them the 10^x button. On most scientific calculators it is above this weird button “log.” Why would that be? Look at exercise 7 and 8. Work a few from Example 2 and/or Exercise 9 – 11. 2 min 14. Students began exploring properties of exponents in 8th grade and continued in Algebra I. In Algebra II, the standards call for students to extend their understanding of exponents to include rational exponents. 3 min 15. 15. In Algebra I, students graphed exponential functions. They only worked with a domain of integers, but often they would draw a curve through the points. This seems to imply that the domain is the set of all real numbers. 3 min 16. 16. Estimate 2^(1/2) from the graph. Seems to approximately equal 1.4 …hmm √2 ≈ 1.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2𝑛 = √2 because (2𝑛 )^𝑛 = (2𝑛 ) (2𝑛 ) (2𝑛 ) … (2𝑛 ) = 2𝑛+𝑛+𝑛+⋯𝑛 = 2 𝑛 2 min 17. Talk through lesson summary. Note the definition of the nth root of a number and the principal nth root of a number. 10 min 18. Supplies: S.24 – 27 Remember that we are not asking students to “simplify” which is vague and unclear. Switch over to the doc cam and work example 3, 4, and exercise 5 (a). Point out the directions and that there may be more than one approach (show approach from teacher pages for example 4 and then share other approaches from participants) 10 min 19. Supplies: S.30 How do we go about raising 2 to the power of √2? How do we make sense of this within the context of an exponent? Work through Exercise 1. 5 min 20. As we raise 2 to numbers approaching √2, we see that we have to go further back in the decimal to detect a change. Once a decimal place “settles” on a value, it no longer changes as the exponent gets closer to √2. So our approximation gets better the larger we make the index of the radical, but we could keep doing this to infinity. So 2^√2 is the limit as n approaches infinity. This is the same way a calculator or computer approximates a value. Compare that to 2^√2 on the calculator. 5 min 21. Let’s look at another approach. We want to “trap” the value of 2^√2 using smaller and smaller intervals. How far could we go? We could continue forever making our interval smaller and smaller? What happens to our solution as we shrink the interval? Our solution gets more accurate. More decimal places “settle” and we have to go further back to find a decimal place that is changing. 30 min 22. Supplies: S.34 – 41 and T.93 Euler’s number is hugely important in mathematics but is rather mysterious to the students. In this lesson, they define it through an exploration. It is important to emphasize that we have “discovered” this number using one specific example. The number e is remarkable but not magic. It is important in population growth, finance, and other instances. They will see the number e again in precalculus and calculus. I am going to model this lesson as if you were the students. 5 min 23. 5 min. Total time elapsed: 127 minute + 8 minutes discussion/questions = 135 minutes or 2 hours 15 minutes (Go through each point listed.) Students have built on and expanded their understanding of exponents which began in 8th grade and exponential functions which began in Algebra I. This leads us to a key topic in Algebra II – logarithms. Section: Topic B: Logarithms Time: 99 minutes In this section, you will explore developing an understanding of the Materials used include: relationship between exponentials and logarithms and a variety of Algebra II Module 3 PPT methods for solving exponential equations. Algebra II Module 3 Facilitators Guide Time Slide # Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions GROUP 0 min 24. 5 min 25. 5 minutes Supplies: Teacher p. 102-104 Read topic opener for topic B 3 min 26. Students first solve exponential functions algebraically but quickly realize that this technique limits what type of exponential equations we are able to solve. Not all exponential equations can be rewritten using similar bases. And most exponential equations do not have a rational solution. Now we are dealing with an equation whose solution is irrational. Students then take a numeric approach similar to what we saw in topic A. They find the solution by using a “squeeze” method that eventually traps the solution. 5 min 27. As the class hones in on the correct solution, work can be divided to speed up the process. We can find the solution to any level of precision desired. If I want a solution accurate to 4 decimal places, I need to continue until the first four decimal places have “settled” and agree. Students solve a similar problem but within the context of an E. Coli bacteria colony which doubles in size every 30 minutes. 10 min 28. Supplies: S.49 – 51 Have participants work the opening exercise. This is how we open the lesson for students. No instructions, no explanations. The lesson opens with a new function called a “whatpower” function. Without giving any explanation, ask students to evaluate each expression. Allow students to struggle through interpreting what the function is asking them to do. Put them in pairs if necessary. Even if they don’t finish all of them, make sure everyone gets to the last question. Students are making sense of the definition of a logarithm without being confronted with the strange terminology. It is a more intuitive approach. Before introducing the log notation, students already have an idea of how this function works and that there are restrictions on the base as well as on the input. 3 min 29. Then the logarithm function is introduced. As we did with the trigonometric function, be diligent about using parentheses throughout the study of logarithms to emphasize that it is a function. log of a number log(100) This Frayer model is a great way to summarize the discussion about logarithms. 10 min 30. 10 min Supplies: personal board, dry erase markers, felt Factoring is a skill that students need to develop fluency with. It is a great example of a skill for which a rapid white board exchange is a fitting fluency exercise. How to conduct a white board exchange: All students will need a personal white board, white board marker, and a means of erasing their work. An economical recommendation is to place card stock inside sheet protectors to use as the personal white boards, and to cut sheets of felt into small squares to use as erasers. You have these materials at your tables today. It is best to prepare the questions in a way that allows you to reveal them to the class one at a time. A flip chart, or Powerpoint presentation can be used, or one can write the problems on the board and either cover some with paper or simply write only one on the board at a time. Prepare 10-15 problems that progress in difficulty. The best way to get the feel is for us to do one ourselves. I’ll reveal the problem, you work it as fast as you can and still do accurate work and then hold it up for me to see. (Reveal the first problem in the list and announce, “Go”. Give immediate feedback to each participant, pointing and/or making eye contact with the participant and responding with an affirmation for correct work such as, “Good job!”, “Yes!”, or “Correct!”, or guidance for incorrect work such as “Look again,” “Try again,” “Check your work,” etc. Do several to demonstrate the progression of problems.) If many students have struggled to get the answer correct, go through the solution of that problem as a class before moving on to the next problem in the sequence. Fluency in the skill has been established when the class is able to go through each problem in quick succession without pausing to go through the solution of each problem individually. If only one or two students have not been able to get a given problem correct when the rest of the students are finished, it is appropriate to move the class forward to the next problem without further delay; in this case find a time to provide remediation to that student before the next fluency exercise on this skill is given. 5 min 31. Look back at the opening exercise. Discuss responses. How did you come up with your answer? 5 min 32. Lesson 9 motivates the use of logarithms by exploring the idea of assigning digits as unique identifiers. There are approximately 317 million people in the U.S. Log(100,000,000)=8 Log(1,000,000,000)=9 9 digits will be enough unless the population reaches 1 billion. 10 min 33. Supplies: S. 60 – 64 Scan the opening exercise. Students work with the common logarithm in this lesson to discover some properties of base 10 logs that will later lead to properties of logs of any base b (>0 and not equal to 1). Work exercises 7 – 14. Look at lesson summary. These properties will later be expanded to include logs of any base. 10 min 34. Supplies: S. 68-71 Work Exercises 1 – 5 and part(s) of example 1 and example 2. Why is this “the most important property” of logarithms? Gives us a way of evaluating logarithms using only a few known values. Many of the other properties of logs can be derived from this one. 3 min 35. Students continue to explore properties of logarithms using the definition of a logarithm as well as the properties developed in lessons 10 and 11. Students use properties 3 and 6 to solve exponential equations. 5 min 36. We could evaluate a base 2 log using a squeeze process as we have in other instances in this module. That is a long and tedious process. In this lesson students use the change of base formula to evaluate logarithms and solve exponential equations. 10 min 37. Supplies: S. 91 – 93 Students should look for ways to use the properties of logarithms to make the process of solving the equation easier. Anytime there is a restricted domain, we must check for extraneous solutions (remind students of past experiences with radical and rational equations). Work Exer 4, 5, 8. For 5 and 8, show two approaches. 10 min 38. Supplies: teacher pages 214, 223,224 Takes students through the historical development of logarithms, log tables, and how they made computations done without the aid of a computer or calculator much easier. Work through examples 1 – 3 with the participants (not in student pages) and exit ticket. 5 min 39. Total time elapsed: 240 minutes + 15 minute break = 250 minutes or 4 hours 10 minutes (Go through each point listed.) Students should have a solid understanding of the logarithm as a function. Hopefully we can avoid those algebraic mistakes we tend to see with logs (show a few examples). Students have seen that logarithms are useful particularly in scientific applications when working with very large or very small numbers. Section: Mid-Module Assessment Time: 25 minutes In this section, you will allow Participants to complete a MidModule Assessment and follow up discussion. Materials used include: Algebra II Module 3 PPT Algebra II Module 3 Facilitators Guide Time 0 min Slide # Slide #/ Pic of Slide 40. Script/ Activity directions GROUP 15 min 41. Supplies: Teacher p. 225 – 232 Have participants locate the assessment. Give them approximately 15 min to take the assessment with their partner. After 10 minutes have passed give a verbal warning for them to scan any remaining questions that they have not yet attempted. If everyone finishes early, stop this part and start the next portion of this session. 10 min 42. Total time elapsed: 275 min or 4 hrs 35 min. Again, work with a partner to examine your work against the rubric and exemplar. If you have any questions or concerns, jot them down on a postit note and we will address those before we move on. After 10 minutes or so have passed, call the group together and address any questions or concerns that participants noted on their post-it notes. Section: Topic C: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs Time: 81 minutes In this section, you will explore how exponential functions are defined for all real numbers and logarithmic functions are defined for all positive numbers. Materials used include: Algebra II Module 3 PPT Algebra II Module 3 Facilitators Guide Time Slide # Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions GROUP 0 min 43. 2 min 44. Supplies: Teacher p. 246 – 248 Go through each bullet point. Read through the Topic C Opener. 3 min 45. We tend to think that most numbers are rational and that there are a few examples of numbers that are irrational. In fact, the opposite is true. There are far more irrational numbers than rational. Rational numbers are countably infinite while irrational numbers are an uncountable infinite. 3 min 46. Students continue to explore the notion of “trapping” an irrational solution as a lead-in to graphing logarithmic functions. 2 min 47. Students are divided into teams. Each team is either a “10 team”, a “2 team”, or a “5 team.” 2 min 48. By comparing results as a class, students see that these graphs have many features in common. In this way, they identify the key features of the graph of a logarithmic function. 8 min 49. Supplies: S.109 Students remain in their teams and explore the graph of 1/b. The graphs are reflections across the x-axis of the original graphs. Why would that be? Next, students explore the graph of y =𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑏 (𝑏𝑥). From past experience, we know that b should be a horizontal stretch or compress. Look at exercise 3. Graph y = log(x) and y = log(10x) together. What effect did the 10 have on the graph? 3 min 50. Supplies: S.117 The goal here is to realize that there is a connection between the two graphs and that they have “opposite” properties in many ways. We are leading students to the idea of inverse functions. However, the term inverse is not used in this lesson. Look at exercise 1. 3 min 51. Inverse functions will be covered in much more detail in precalculus (the plus standards). At this point, students have not been introduced to inverse functions but it seems logical to discuss them within the context of exponential and logarithmic functions. In addition to exponential and logarithmic, students also look at some examples using linear and cubic functions (they graphed these in algebra I). 13 min 52. Supplies: graphing calculators, S.124,125 Understanding the inverse relationship is a plus standard, but necessary to solve exponential equations. Students will only need to understand this standard to the degree that it is needed to rewrite between logarithmic and exponential form within the context of solving equations. It will be covered in more detail in Precalculus. Work exercises 3, 5, and 7. Note that they find the equation of the inverse but then use technology to produce the graphs of the function and its inverse and use the graph as a means of checking the equation. 15 min 53. Supplies: S.130-136 Students see that properties of exponents and logarithms can produce some surprising results. Unlike graphs of functions studied previously, sometimes two different transformations can produce the same graph. Using the properties and noting the structure of the function can make graphing exponential and logarithmic functions easier. Work through the exploratory challenge and examples 1 and 2. 5 min 54. Supplies: T324 Look at lesson summary points. How are the general forms helpful for graphing? Work through the exit ticket from the lesson. 5 min 55. Supply: S.141, 142 The graphs of y = 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑥 and y = 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 𝑥 are already provided. Ask students to identify which graph is y = 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑥 and which is y = 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 𝑥. Students then graph y = ln(x) on the same axes and compare it with the other two graphs. It is difficult to explain to students at this point why we would care about the natural log, but it is of great importance in calculus since ∫ 1/𝑥 𝑑𝑥 = ln(𝑥). Students usually struggle with the natural log function. Continue to emphasize that since 2 < e < 3, y = ln(x) looks very similar to y = 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑥 and y = 𝑙𝑜𝑔3 𝑥. 5 min 56. Supply: S.141, 142 Look at example 2. We can rewrite 𝑙𝑜𝑔6 (𝑥) as any base we choose. Let’s rewrite it as a natural log. 𝑙𝑛(𝑥) • 𝑔(𝑥) = ln(6) − 2 • 1 ln(6) ≈ 0.558 We can take the graph of y = ln(x) and scale it vertically by an approximate factor of 0.558 and then translate the graph down 2 units. Compare that to the graph of 𝑔(𝑥) = 𝑙𝑜𝑔6 (𝑥) − 2. What would be the advantage of rewriting it in this way? 10 min 57. Supply: Teacher p. 357 These are the primary functions they have used in modeling. Also used cubic and root functions. Students explore this question. This lesson is primarily a review of modeling data. Leading in to topic D where we are modeling with logarithmic functions. Work the exit ticket. 2 min 58. Total time elapsed: 356 min + 9 minutes questions/discussion = 365 minutes or 6 hrs 5 min. Go through each bullet point and ask participants to add any. How are properties of logarithms and exponents useful when graphing? Why is it important for students to understand this inverse relationship between logarithmic functions and exponential functions? Section: Topic D: Using Logarithms in Modeling Situations Time: 87 minutes In this section, you will explore creating models of contexts that involve exponential growth and decay and connect geometric sequences to exponential growth and decay. Time 0 min Slide # Slide #/ Pic of Slide 59. Materials used include: Algebra II Module 3 PPT Algebra II Module 3 Facilitators Guide Script/ Activity directions • GROUP 5 min 60. Supplies: teacher p. 361 – 363 Go through each bullet point. Read Topic Opener for Topic D. 25 min 61. Supplies: Teacher p. 364-380, graphing calculators, beans or M&Ms, plastic cups, paper plates. Lead participants through a lesson study. Have them work through the activity and read the teacher pages making notes of how they would implement the lesson in their class. Discuss as a group what implementation would look like. Timing? Two days for the lesson? Instructional decisions. 15 min 62. Supplies: S. 162,163 Think back through the ways in which we have solve exponential equations. Relating the bases, using a “squeeze” method, using properties of logarithms, applying the change of base formula. This is the first time we have solved exponential equations within a modeling context. Work this problem two different ways. Work through parts of exercise 2 and 3. 3 min 63. Let’s go through students’ experiences in Algebra I. In Module 3 of Algebra I students learned how to write both recursive and explicit formulas for a variety of sequences. 3 min 64. They also learned how to recognize arithmetic and geometric sequences and learned that arithmetic sequences were characterized by a constant rate of change and geometric sequences were characterized by a constant growth factor. 3 min 65. Students learned about linear and exponential growth. One of the major themes of this module was that an increasing geometric function will always exceed an increasing linear function at some point. 13 min 66. Supply: S. 173,174 Here they wrote both a linear and exponential model and then compared them to the actual census figures to determine the validity of the models. Some of this lesson will be review, but the problems are increasing in complexity and adding new components such as the number e. Work through parts of exercises 2 and 3. 2 min 67. Students used the first two formulas in Algebra I. We are adding the third formula and also the ability to solve for t using logarithms. 3 min 68. We have increased the complexity of the task and added additional tools from Algebra I. 5 min 69. Students explored coffee cooling under different conditions using Wolfram Alpha exploration and then graphs and transformations. In lesson 28, we explore this law again. Show demonstration on Wolfram Alpha. 8 min 70. Supply: S.198-200 You will need to review through the parameters with the students. Work through math modeling exercises 1 and 2 as time permits. 2 min 71. Total elapsed time: 452 min + 15 min break + 8 min questions/discussions = 475 min or 7 hrs 55 min. Review through each bullet point. Section: Topic E: Geometric Series and Finance Time: 35 minutes In this section, you will explore how students learn about series and Materials used include: sigma notation for the first time and how they apply their Algebra II Module 3 PPT knowledge of geometric sequences to various financial contexts. Algebra II Module 3 Facilitators Guide Time Slide # Slide #/ Pic of Slide 0 min 72. 5 min 73. Script/ Activity directions Supplies: Teacher p. 469 – 470 Read Topic Opener for Topic E. GROUP 3 min 74. Students continue to work with sequences in this part of the module, primarily geometric sequences but arithmetic sequences are reviewed in the problem sets. In this lesson, students develop a formula for the sum of a finite geometric series. They also use sigma notation for the first time. 3 min 75. You could have students verify their sums using a spreadsheet or a graphing calculator. 5 min 76. Illustrate this problem using a spreadsheet. 3 min 77. In this open-ended exploration, students determine the monthly payment on a car of their choosing. They also consider tax, title, insurance, and other costs that should be considered before purchasing a car. 8 min 78. Supplies: teacher page 510 – 512 Illustrate with spreadsheet. Look through the teacher pages of the challenge. How will you incorporate technology? 3 min 79. Students complete this open-ended modeling task with a home of their choosing. 3 min 80. This culminating lesson of the module takes students through the full modeling cycle and incorporates all of the formulas developed through topic E. 2 min 81. Go through each bullet point. Section: End of Module Assessment and Conclusion Time: 38 minutes In this section, you will revisit key points of Module 3 and allow Participants to complete an End of Module Assessment and follow up discussion. Materials used include: Algebra II Module 3 PPT Algebra II Module 3 Facilitators Guide Time Slide # Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions GROUP 5 min 82. Total elapsed time: 515 min. or 8 hrs 35 min. Leave this slide blank. Ask participants to list key points or ideas from module 3. Take a moment now to re-read the standards that this module covers… Can you think back to moments in the lessons that get students to arrive at those understandings? What things stand out to you now that did not stand out early on? 0 min 83. 15 min 84. Supplies: Have participants locate the assessment. Give them approximately 15 min to take the assessment with their partner. After 10 minutes have passed give a verbal warning for them to scan any remaining questions that they have not yet attempted. If everyone finishes early, stop this part and start the next portion of this session. 10 min 85. Again, work with a partner to examine your work against the rubric and exemplar. If you have any questions or concerns, jot them down on a postit note and we will address those before we move on. After 10 minutes or so have passed, call the group together and address any questions or concerns that participants noted on their post-it notes. 3 min 86. (Review each key point one at a time.) 5 min 87. Total time elapsed: 548 minutes or 9 hours and 8 minutes Take a few minutes to reflect on this session. You can jot your thoughts on your copy of the PowerPoint. What are your biggest takeaways? (pause while participants reflect then click to advance to the next question). Now, consider specifically how you can support successful implementation of these materials at your schools given your role as a teacher, school leader, administrator or other representative. Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes. Video Reflect on a prompt Active learning Turn and talk Turnkey Materials Provided ● ● Algebra II Module 3 PPT Algebra II Module 3 Facilitator’s Guide Additional Suggested Resources ● ● ● How to Implement A Story of Functions A Story of Functions Year Long Curriculum Overview A Story of Functions CCLS Checklist