Bisphenol A in dental materials - existence and biological effects A literature review Martina Löfroth Marjan Ghasemimehr Supervisor: Anders Falk Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University Bachelor thesis in Odontology (15 ECTS) Dentistry Program February, 2016 Malmö University Faculty of Odontology 205 06 Malmö Table of Contents Abstract ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Materials and methods ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Results ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Studies showing no leakage of BPA ...................................................................................................................... 6 Studies showing leakage of BPA ............................................................................................................................ 7 Studies investigating Bisphenol A from dental materials and health................................................... 11 Discussion .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Glossary............................................................................................................................................................................... 14 References .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 1 Abstract Objectives: Recently there has been uncertainties regarding the potential endocrine disrupting effects of bisphenol A (BPA). This substance is a constituent in many different products such as food containers and receipts which we frequently come in contact with. Resin based dental filling materials are another source of exposure, although the amount and potential risks are not clear based on the existing studies. The aim of this study is divided into two parts. The first one is to identify which direct dental filling materials have the ability to leak BPA. The second aim is to investigate if this leakage could lead to any adverse effects on health. Methods: The database PubMed was the primary source for the literature search which was completed with reference tracking. The selected articles were read in full text independently by two viewers. Results: A total of 23 articles were included of which 20 were used for the first aim (leakage) and 3 for the second aim (health risks). The majority of studies, including all in vivo studies, showed leakage of BPA from dental materials in various amounts and during different time intervals. The findings showed a contradiction in results with regard to the connection between dental materials and adverse health effects. Conclusion: There is a leakage of BPA from some direct dental filling materials in oral environment. A correlation between this leakage and possible adverse effects on health cannot be dismissed and because of this there is a need for further studies, specifically long-term studies. Sammanfattning Syfte: Den senaste tiden har det förekommit oklarheter angående potentiellt hormonstörande effekter av Bisfenol A (BPA). Detta ämne är en beståndsdel i många olika produkter som vi ofta kommer i kontakt med såsom matförpackningar och kvitton. Resinbaserade tandfyllningsmaterial är en annan källa till exponering, men mängden och potentiell risk är inte klarlagd baserat på befintliga studier. Syftet med denna studie har två delar. Det första är att identifiera vilka direkta tandfyllningsmaterial som har förmåga att läcka BPA. Det andra syftet är att undersöka om detta läckage skulle kunna leda till några negativa hälsoeffekter. Metod: Databasen PubMed var den primära källan för litteratursökning, denna kompletterades med ”reference tracking”. Utvalda artiklar lästes i fulltext självständigt av två granskare. Resultat: Totalt inkluderades 23 artiklar varav 20 användes för första syftet (läckage) och 3 för det andra syftet (hälsorisker). Majoriteten av studierna, inklusive alla in vivo-studier, visade läckage av BPA från dentala material i olika mängder och under olika tidsintervall. Resultaten var motsägande angående sambandet mellan dentala material och negativa hälsoeffekter. Slutsats: Det finns ett läckage av BPA från vissa direkta tandfyllningsmaterial i oral miljö. Ett samband mellan detta läckage och eventuella negativa hälsoeffekter kan inte avfärdas och på grund av detta finns det ett behov av ytterligare studier framför allt långtidsstudier. 2 Introduction Among the many endocrine disrupting chemicals Bisphenol A (BPA) is currently at the forefront of discussion. The substance was synthesised approximately 100 years ago and in the 1930s it was identified as one of the first synthetic estrogens (1-4). Since the 1950s BPA has been commercially used in the manufacture of polycarbonates and epoxy resins which are used in a variety of commonly used products. Polycarbonates is a rigid plastic used in toys, water bottles, eyeglass lenses and compact discs (CDs). Epoxy resins are used in protective lining in cans, as strong adhesive and in dental sealants (4, 5). BPA is also a constituent in thermal paper such as receipts and fax machine paper. The primary cause of exposure to BPA is canned food due to leakage from the protective lining, this is followed by thermal paper as the second largest source (6). Due to its wide field of use we come in contact with this substance in our daily life possibly without knowing it. More than 90% of the US population revealed detectable BPA in their urine samples based on Centre for Disease Control and Prevention’s report (7), which demonstrates this frequent exposure. In the early 1990s, scientists discovered BPA leakage from polycarbonates which was the starting point for further research regarding the possible adverse effects this may cause (4). In 1996 Olea et al. (8) reported a significant leakage of BPA from dental sealants to the saliva of patients which led to increased concerns about the potential estrogenicity of dental materials (3, 9). Due to its structure, pure BPA is an estrogen-mimicking compound (xenoestrogen) which can bind to estrogen receptors and potentially exert endocrine disrupting effects (2, 10). Exposure to xenoestrogens can affect not only humans but also wildlife through disturbing their natural processes, such as reproductive cycles and development (3). The monomer Bisphenol A glycidyl dimetacrylate (Bis-GMA) is the most commonly used BPA derivative in epoxy resin based dental composites (2). Bis-GMA is a monomer with methyl methacrylate groups bound to hydroxyl groups of BPA. Another BPA derivative used in dental materials is Bisphenol A dimethacrylate (Bis-DMA) which, in contrary to Bis-GMA, hydrolyses into BPA by salivary esterase, this is due to structural differences between these monomers (2, 11). Bis-DMA is rarely used in dental materials (12). BPA itself does not have a functional role in dental composites, it exists as an impurity from the incomplete manufacturing process or as a degradation product as per the process described above (13). Suppliers often have limited information about the specific composition of dental materials listed in their safety data sheets (14). The European Parliaments regulations states that the producers of dental materials are only obliged to declare toxic chemicals in concentrations of 0.1% - 1%. This concentration is dependent on the level of toxicity of the compound (12). Dental materials can be marketed as “private labels” which means that the retailer put their own brand on a product manufactured by another company. This makes it difficult for a consumer (dentist) to track the manufacturing process and the actual content of the material (15). AH plus, the commonly used resin based root canal sealer, does list BPA as a component in their safety data sheet but the amount is not specified (16). Therefore it is unclear if the concentration is of a level sufficient to cause any adverse effects, if indeed a safe level even exists. 3 Due to BPA being an endocrine disrupting chemical, its uses is regulated by several organisations around the world for example European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These organisations set restrictions for the use of BPA based on the results from scientific studies by introducing a tolerable daily intake (TDI) dose of BPA (17). The first safety standard was set in 1988 by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 50 µg/kg bodyweight (bw)/day (4). EFSA revised this TDI in January 2015 to a considerably lower and temporary level at 4 µg/kg bw/day, this shows a great uncertainty regarding the adverse health effects of BPA. EFSA estimates that the combined dietary and non-dietary exposure for adults is 1.449 µg/kg bw/day which is approximately 3 times lower than the current temporary TDI (6). The aims of this study is to find out which direct dental filling materials contain BPA and their possible leakage of this substance. We also look at the possible adverse health effects from these materials. Our hypothesis for these aims are that BPA could be found in direct dental filling materials such as resin composites and pit and fissure sealants. BPA leaks from these materials and in combination with other sources of exposure it may increase the risk for adverse health effects. Materials and methods Search strategy A review of current literature was made using the PubMed database. The literature search was conducted 12th February 2015. “MeSH terms” and “free-text words” were used as search terms. The used key words were: bisphenol A, bisphenol A epoxy resin, diglycidyl bisphenol a ether, endocrine disruptors, estrogens, adverse effects, resin composites, pit and fissure. Besides database searches, several studies were found by reference tracking. Inclusion and exclusion criteria Data from the primary search have been included only from studies published within the last 10 years. No publication date limit was used for the literature from the reference tracking. Further inclusion criteria were studies which only analysed leakage (or synonyms thereof) of BPA from an oral environment or in vitro and also health effects caused by this leakage. Exclusion criteria were reviews and studies on rodents. The direct dental filling materials included in this review are resin based composites and pit and fissure sealants. Other A report by The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) was used as support for detailed information in tables 1-3 (18). The layout of figure 1 is inspired by a study from Papia et al. (19). 4 Search results Resin composites - Potentially relevant publications: 21 Pit & fissure sealants - Potentially relevant publications: 17 Excluded on the basis of title: 11 Excluded on the basis of title: 7 Potentially relevant abstracts: 10 Potentially relevant abstracts: 10 Excluded onzkdsh the basis of zkdsh abstract evaluation: 3 zkdsh Excluded onzkdsh the basis of abstract evaluation: 2 Potentially relevant full text articles: 7 Potentially relevant full text articles: 8 zkdsh zkdsh Excluded on zkdsh the basis of full-text evaluation: 2 Excluded on the basis of full-text zkdsh5 evaluation: Original articles included: 5 Original articles included: 3 zkdsh zkdsh zkdsh Reference lists: 87 Excluded on the basis of abstract evaluation: 31 zkdsh Reference lists: 64 Excluded on the basis of abstract evaluation: 33 zkdsh zkdsh Abstracts: 56 Abstracts: 31 zkdsh zkdsh Potentially relevant full-text articles: 56 Excluded on the basis full-text evaluation: 41 Potentially relevant full-text articles: 31 zkdsh zkdsh zkdsh Original studies included: 15 zkdsh zkdsh Excluded on the basis full-text evaluation: 31 zkdsh Original studies included: 5 Original studies included: 3 Original studies included: 0 zkdsh Studies included: 3 Studies included: 20 zkdsh zkdsh zkdsh zkdsh zkdsh Total number of studies included: 23 zkdsh Figure 1. Literature search strategy for resin composites and pit zkdsh and fissure sealants. 5 zkdsh Results A total of 20 studies analysing the elution of BPA from resin composites and pit and fissure sealant materials were selected for this review (8, 10, 20-37). Studies showing no leakage of BPA Hamid et al. (21) analysed 7 light cured pit and fissure sealants to identify the released components using HPLC. Sealant filled extracted molars incubated in water were used in the study. No detectable amount of BPA was found in any of the eluates. The authors also stated that the present data does not prove the absence of BPA leakage, but if there was a release, it was below the detection level. Geurtsen et al. (22) investigated four types of light-curing pit and fissure sealants in order to determine their composition and their cytotoxicity. The results showed that different components of the material, such as co-monomers and initiating substances, leaked into water. However no BPA, which is easy to detect by GC/MS, was found. In their report, Koin et al. (23) studied the degradation of dental composites in vitro. They stored a Bis-GMA coated surface in distilled water for 2 weeks. HPLC did not find any detectable amounts of BPA but did find intact Bis-GMA and other BPA derivatives. It is noted by the authors that due to the BPA content in these degradations products health concerns might arise. The water sorption and solubility of 6 resin composites were investigated by Ortengren et al. (38). The testing was carried out using HPLC to analyse the eluted monomers after storage with times ranging from 4h to 180 days. No detectable quantities of BPA was found during the test period. Table 1 – In vitro studies showing no leakage of BPA Study Method Solvent Time DL QL DL:0.070.09 µg/ml Material A study of component release from resin pit and fissure sealants in vitro, Hamid et al., 1997 HPLC water 24h (several time intervals were tested) Variability of cytotoxicity and leaching of substances from four light-curing pit and fissure sealants, Geurtsen et al., 1999 GC/MS water 24h - Fissurit F, Helioseal Visioseal, Delton Plus ND Analysis of the degradation of a model dental composite, Koin et al., 2008 HPLC, LC/MS water 2 weeks - Bis-GMA ND Water sorption and solubility of dental composites and identification of monomers released in an aqueous environment, Ortengren et al., 2001 HPLC water 4h 24h 7d 60d 180d - Alcaglass, C & B Cement Sono-Cem, Targis, TPH Spectrum, Vario-link II ND ND ND ND ND Concise, Ultraseal,, Prisma Shield, Compules, Helioseal F, Delton (Ash Dent GER), Delton J&J ND: Not detected, DL: Detection limit, QL: Quantification limit, h: hour, d: day 6 Detectable amount of BPA ND Studies showing leakage of BPA In their in vivo study, Chung et al. (39) investigated the relationship between urinary BPA concentrations and the presence of composite restorations or sealants in 496 South Korean children. Urine samples were collected and analysed to measure the BPA concentration. The results show that having many surfaces with composite fillings may increase the BPA concentration in children. Arenholt-Bindslev et al. (26) placed clinically appropriate amounts of either Delton LC or Visio-sealed pit and fissure sealant in eight healthy male volunteers and measured BPA in saliva samples collected from the subjects at various intervals. The authors found BPA only in samples collected immediately after placement of Delton LC. Fung et al. (10) applied dental sealant Delton LC on the teeth of 40 adults with no history of fissure sealants or composite resin fillings. The results showed that BPA was only detectable in some of the saliva samples collected at 1 and 3 hours. No detectable amounts of BPA in blood samples suggest no or undetectable quantities of systemic circulation absorption. Sasaki et al. (27) analysed the changes in salivary BPA concentration in connection to placement of a composite filling in 21 subjects. Saliva samples were collected before and immediately after placement, as well as after gargling with tepid water. All samples showed a higher concentration of BPA immediately after filling placement compared to baseline but the concentrations declined significantly after gargling. The authors concluded that efficient gargling may reduce the risk of BPA exposure. In a case-control study Han et al. (28) investigated the relationship between number of tooth surfaces with sealant/resin fillings and amount of BPA in saliva. They collected saliva samples from 124 children of which 50% formed the control group with no dental fillings and the remaining 50% had more than four surfaces filled. Due to the positive correlation that was discovered the authors suggest that there may be a connection between dental sealant/resin fillings and salivary BPA levels. Joskow et al. (29) measured the BPA concentration in saliva and urine after placement of fissure sealants in 14 men. The fissure sealant materials used were Delton LC and Helioseal F, the former showing a low level of BPA-exposure and the latter showing negligible exposure. The authors mentioned that the collection of saliva samples likely reduced the systemic absorption and with that the measured concentrations of BPA in urine. The effects of pit and fissure sealant material on BPA levels in blood and saliva over time was analysed by Zimmerman–Downs et al. (30). Saliva and serum samples of 30 randomly chosen adults, with no previous fillings, were collected in various time intervals and divided into 2 groups, a low-dose and high-dose. The subjects were treated with either 1 occlusal sealant or 4 occlusal sealants, respectively. Results showed that BPA was detected in all of the participants at baseline. The concentration of BPA however increased after applying the sealants in both groups and the level peaked within 3 hours. No BPA was found in any serum samples. Olea et al. (8) also investigated the leakage of BPA and estrogenicity of dental sealants and composites both in vivo and in vitro. 18 adults were selected and 12 dental fissure sealants were applied on their molars. Saliva samples were collected one hour before and one hour after treatment. BPA was identified in the post-treatment samples in varying amounts. The components of uncured resin composites (Tetric, Charima and Pekalux) and fissure sealants (Delton) were analysed in vitro at different pH levels. All of the materials showed a leakage of BPA at pH 7. 7 Table 2 – In vivo studies showing leakage of BPA Study Method Biologic fluid urine Time Dental composite fillings and bisphenol A among children: a survey in South Korea, Chung et al., 2012 HPLC-ESI MS⁄ MS Time-related bisphenol-A content and estrogenic activity in saliva samples collected in relation to placement of fissure sealants, ArenholtBindslev et al., 1999 HPLC Pharmacokinetics of bisphenol A released from a dental sealant Fung et al., 2000 HPLC Saliva Baseline 1h 3h 1d 3d 5d Salivary bisphenol-A levels detected by ELISA after restoration with composite resin, Sasaki et al., 2005 ELISA Saliva Salivary bisphenol-A levels due to dental sealant/resin: a casecontrol study in Korean children, Han et al., 2012 ELISA saliva Exposure to bisphenol A from bis-glycidyl dimethacrylate-based dental sealants, Joskow et al., 2006 Sensitive isotopedilution mass spectrometry saliva DL QL - - Material fissure sealant material composite filling material and fissure sealant material saliva 0h 1h 24h DL: 0.1 ppm QL: 0.3 ppm Delton LC 0.3-2.8ppm ND ND Visio-Seal ND ND ND DL: 5ppb (0.005ppm) dental seal Delton LC ND 5.8-105.6 ppb 5.8-105.6 ppb ND ND ND Pre-treatment/ after treatment - Progress, Palfique, Toughwell, Metafil Flo, Unifil S, Beautifil, Xeno CFII, Prodigy, Clearfil ST Mean detected : 32.1 ng/ml Highest detected : 60.1 ng/ml - - existing dental sealant or resin 0.0028.305µg/L - Delton LC and Helioseal F Mean value: 0.30 ng/ml 26.5 ng/ml 5.12 ng/ml 0h 1h 24h pre-treatment immediately after 1h urine pre-treatment 1h 24h Bisphenol A blood and saliva levels prior to and after dental sealant placement in adults Zimmerman-Downs et al., 2010 ELISA Saliva Baseline 0.64 µg/g cr* 8.70 µg/g cr* 1.68 µg/g cr* DL: 0.05µg/L 1-3h Delton Pit and fissure sealant-Light Cure Opaque 24h Estrogenicity of resinbased composites and sealants used in dentistry, Olea et al., 1996 Detectable amount of BPA Highest mean conc.: 9.13 μg/g creatinine Highest mean conc.: 2.68μg/g creatinine HPLC, GC/MS saliva 0.07-6.00 ng/ml low-dose group: 3.98 ng/ml high-dose group: 9.08 ng/ml Return to baseline 1h pre-treatment - Delton Pit and fissure sealant 1h post-treatment ND-2123ng/ml 3300-30000 ng/ml ND: Not detected, DL: Detection limit, QL: Quantification limit, Baseline = Pre-treatment: Before start of experiment, 1ppm: 1000ppm *cr = creatinine, h: hour, d: day Durner et al. (31) investigated how the leakage of BPA and other monomers from 3 dental composites is affected by bleaching with Opalescence® Tooth Whitening System; PF 15% or PF 35%. Polymerised composite specimens were bleached and thereafter stored in methanol for 24h or 7 days. The results showed that bleaching with hydrogen peroxide increase the elution of the monomers. Specimens bleached with PF 15% and thereafter stored for 24h showed the highest leakage of BPA. The following two studies analysed how leakage of BPA is affected by pH and came to the same conclusion. Atkinson et al. (32) analysed the conversion rate of BPA, Bis-DMA and 8 TEGDMA in whole saliva stored at -20°c or -70°c. Solutions of the substances were added to saliva samples collected from subjects with no previous dental sealants or composite restorations and the mixtures were stored for various times. The authors also investigated the stability of Bis-DMA mixed with whole saliva or water stored at 37°c. BPA was stable at all times and temperatures, Bis-DMA on the other hand was highly unstable. After incubation for 4 months at -20°c almost all Bis-DMA was converted to BPA. All samples were stable at 70°c and only a slight decrease of Bis-DMA was detected in the water samples. Bis-DMA samples stored at 37°c demonstrated a rapid and significant conversion to BPA, the Bis-DMA concentration fell from 200 ng/ml to 21.8 ng/ml after 24h while the BPA concentration, which was undetectable at baseline, rose to 100 ng/ml. The results also showed that a lower salivary pH may decrease the leakage of BPA. Pulgar et al. (37) analysed BPA release from dental composites and dental sealant at different pH (1, 7, 9 and 12). The dental materials were used both in polymerized and non-polymerized form. The authors found BPA leakage from all samples and it increased at more alkaline pH. Non polymerized Charisma composite showed the maximal leakage amount of BPA (1.8 µg/mg). Imai et al. (33) analysed leakage of BPA from a composite resin material in water and methanol at 37°C. Each specimen was placed in water and observed at different time intervals from 5 minutes up to seven days. Then they were transferred to methanol and observed again for various time intervals, up to 28 days. The results showed that BPA elutes more rapidly in both water and methanol solvents within 3 hours. The amount of eluted BPA in water became constant after 7 days but when the material transferred into methanol the leakage increased. In their in vitro study Manabe et al. (34) demonstrated that GC/MS is a reliable method for detecting BPA in dental materials. This method was used to detect the elution of BPA from uncured as well as cured dental bonding agents, dental sealants and dental composites. Three pieces of polymerised dental sealants or composites were placed in phosphate buffered saline for 24h and thereafter analysed using GC/MS. The authors concluded that these 3 materials all leached BPA but in quantities far below the reported dose for xenestrogenicity in vivo. Polydorou et al. (35) investigated the elution of BPA and other monomers from 3 dental composites, a chemically cured, a photo-cured and a dual-cured. The cured samples were stored in ethanol and the eluates were analysed after 24 hours, 7 days, 28 days and 1 year. No BPA leached from the chemically cured material, a small amount of BPA leached from the other samples, mainly from the dual cured composite. The results also showed a slight increase of the eluted BPA with time. In another in vitro study, leakage of BPA were investigated both from light cured (Ceram X and Filtek Supreme XT) and chemically cured (Clearfil Core) composite material. Polydorou et al. (40) compared the elution of BPA based on different curing- and incubation time. Only one of the light cured composite materials (Ceram X) showed leakage of BPA and this occurred in between day 1 and day 28 but not after 1 year. The curing time did not have a significant effect of the amount leaked BPA. G. Schmalz et al. (20) chemically analysed the BPA content of different monomers in fissure sealant materials and their leakage of BPA under different hydrolytic conditions using HPLC. They found no BPA release from Bis-GMA under any of the used conditions. They did however find that the main proportion of Bis-DMA converted to BPA under the same conditions so the authors conclusion is that BPA release is attributed to the Bis-DMA content of the fissure sealant tested. The conversion was time related with a continuous increase in conversion rate from Bis-DMA to BPA during a 24h period. 9 Table 3 – In vitro studies showing leakage of BPA Study Method Solvent Time Effect of hydrogen peroxide on the threedimensional polymer network in composites, Durner et al., 2011 GC/MS methanol 24h DL QL - Material Tetric Flow Tetric Ceram Filtek^TM Supreme XT Stability of bisphenol A, triethylene-glycol dimethacrylate, and bisphenol A dimethacrylate in whole saliva, Atkinson et al., 2002 GC/MS, HPLC whole saliva up to 4 month Water QL for BPA: 1 ng/ml BPA BisDMA TEGDMA Detectable amount of BPA PF 15% without/with bleaching: 2.09 µmol/l /14.49 µmol/ (4.78 µmol/l / 5.07 µmol/l*) without /with bleaching: 1.82 µmol/l / 11.45µmol/l (3.24 µmol/l / 7.66µmol/l *) without/with bleaching: 1.70 µmoL/l/12.41 µmol/l (2.43 µmol/l / 4.62 µmol/l *) See text below QL for BisDMA: 10 ng/ml QL for TEGDMA: 500 ng/ml Elution of bisphenol A from composite resin: a model experiment Imai et al., 2000 HPLC water methanol up to 7d (in water) up to 28d (in methanol) - Detection of bisphenol-A in dental materials by gas chromatographymass spectrometry, Manabe et al., 2000 GC/MS phosphate buffered saline 24h - Release of monomers from different core build-up materials Polydorou et al., 2009 LC-MS/MS Ethanol QL: 0.5µg/ml 24h 7d 28d Long-term release of monomers from modern dentalcomposite materials, Polydorou et al., 2009 LC/MS ethanol Determination of bisphenol A and related aromatic compounds released from bis-GMA-based composites and sealants by high performance liquid chromatography. Pulgar et al., 2000 GC/MS, HPLC Water Bisphenol-A content of resin monomers and related degradation products, Schmalz et al., 1999 HPLC saliva Composite resin Z100 See text below Silux Plus Cured material 91.4 ng/g material Concise 19.8 ng/g material Teeth mate A 55.5 ng/g material ClearfilTM Photo Core Mean values ND 1.92 µg/ml 6 µg/ml 24h 7d 28d ClearfilTM DC Core Automix 5.19 µg/ml 3.98 µg/ml 6.14 µg/ml 24h 7d 28d 24h to 1y Clearfil®Core Ceram X ND ND ND 5.25µg/ml Filtek Supreme XT ND Clearfil Core ND Charisma Pekalux Polofil Silux-Plus Z-100 Tetric Brillant Delton pH 7, cured and uncured 1.4 µg/ml 0.6 µg/ml 2.8 µg/ml 16.5 µg/ml 0.3 µg/ml 12.9 µg/ml ND 42.8 µg/ml QL: 0,5 µg/ml 24h DL: 0.20ppm (0.20µg/ml), QL: 0.23ppm (0.23µg/ml) DL: 1-104 ppm 0.3h-24h 0.3h 1h 2h 24h Bis-GMA Bis-DMA Conversion rate: <0.2% for all times 44.7% 73.4% 70.2% 81.4% ND: Not detected, DL: Detection limit, QL: Quantification limit, PF = Potassium nitrate and fluoride, * = Detected amount after 7 days h: hour, d: day, y: year 10 Studies investigating Bisphenol A from dental materials and health Only 3 of the reviewed studies analysed the association between BPA release from dental materials and its effect on health (1, 41, 42). Maserejian et al. (1) compared physical development between children with amalgam or composite fillings during 5 years. The subjects were randomly selected to receive filling treatment with either one of these two materials. The authors measured changes in body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage and height velocity. Their conclusion was that there were no statistically significant correlations between composite or amalgam fillings and physical development. In another study Maserejian et al. (41) examined how and if resin based composite restorations affects children's neurophysiological functions. The authors used a randomised treatment plan placing either amalgam or composite fillings on the children's teeth. Neurophysiological functions were followed up at 4 and 5 years after treatment by measuring for instance intelligence, problem solving and memory. The results showed that greater exposure to dental composites leads to small adverse effects however these results were insignificant. Maserejian et al. (42) analysed the association between Bis-GMA based composite fillings and psychosocial functions in 534 children. Some of the eligibility criteria were no psychosocial diagnosis, no amalgam fillings and ≥2 posterior teeth with occlusal caries in need of treatment. The participants were randomly selected to be treated with either amalgam, composite or compomer. After 5 years the children’s psychosocial function was followed-up. The authors concluded that children with higher exposure to Bis-GMA based composites showed impaired psychosocial functions for instance anxiety and depression. There were no connection between these functions and the exposure to amalgam or compomer. Discussion In our primary literature search we decided to exclude articles older than 10 years in order to collect the most up to date studies as well as limiting the scope. In the reference tracking however several studies found were still relevant even though they did not meet the criteria above. For instance a study by Olea et al. (8) that was referred to in a number of articles as a starting point for further investigations of the leakage of BPA and was therefore included. Leakage of BPA from dental materials have been analysed in different studies using different methods with the majority showing a leakage of BPA of varying amounts. The studies that showed no leakage were all performed in vitro (21-23, 38) and no in vivo studies could confirm this result. This leads us to the conclusion that BPA does leak in an oral environment which may be due to salivary enzymatic processes that could not be reconstructed in vitro. The use of different methods as well as varying detection limits and quantification limits complicates the comparison process. Only 9 studies have provided information about the used detection- and quantification limits (10, 20, 21, 26, 30, 32, 35, 37, 40). Some of the reviewed studies measured time dependent elution of BPA. Elution occurred in higher amounts immediately after placement of the filling than at a later stage (10, 26, 29, 30, 33). Meanwhile the conversion rate from Bis-DMA to BPA increased continuously (20, 32). Based on these findings it is important to take measures to reduce this initial elution through thorough polishing of the filling and rinsing the mouth immediately after treatment. The “no touch technique” should be applied to minimise the clinicians contact with uncured dental materials in order to avoid possible allergic reactions. This technique may also indirectly 11 reduce the exposure risk of BPA in the clinical situation. The “no touch technique” as well as the clinical recommendations are also recommended by Lars Ehrnford, associate professor in odontology (13). A study by Maserejian et al. is the only reviewed study showing a significant positive correlation between BPA from dental composite restorations and adverse effects on health (42). The other two studies did not find a connection. Three studies is not enough evidence to conclude the effect of BPA leakage on health. EFSA also claims that there is need for further studies on BPA and its effect on health (6). EFSA published their first report on BPA and its risk characterisation from dietary exposure in 2006 (6). This report gave rise to establishing the TDI for BPA at 50 µg/kg bw/day which was based on several rodent studies showing adverse effects at considerably higher doses. In 2010 EFSA concluded that there are uncertainties regarding the possible toxicological effects of BPA due to a lack of scientific evidence. In late 2011 EFSA published a statement (43) on the ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety) report on BPA (43, 44) due to a discrepancy with this and the 2010 EFSA report (45). According to this statement the main reason for variance is that ANSES included non-dietary sources in addition to dietary sources as opposed to EFSA who only included dietary sources. EFSA however did state that there is need for further reviews of new studies to arrive at an accurate conclusion. In EFSA’s report from 2015 (6) the sources used for external non-dietary exposure were; Thermal paper, air (inhalation), dust, toys (which may come into contact with the mouth) and cosmetics. Dental materials were not included as potential source of BPA in this report and therefore the results does not provide an accurate picture of the existing sources. Due to all the uncertainty regarding the TDI of BPA the EU restricted the use of BPA in infant feeding bottles in 2011 as a precautionary measure (46). Infants, children and women of childbearing age are all considered as vulnerable groups for BPA exposure. One of the factors of this is that in general infants consume a higher amount of food and drink per bodyweight than adults, which in turn leads to a higher concentration of BPA. Some studies analysed how BPA can affect the fetus through placental exchange and cause adverse effects (47, 48) this is a reason for women of childbearing age, including pregnant women, to be considered as vulnerable for this exposure. As previously mentioned we are exposed to BPA from different sources in daily life. It can be anything from receipts to canned food as well as dental materials. EFSA´s current opinion is that BPA poses no health risks as the exposure levels are far below the TDI, however the studies that these conclusions are based on does not consider dental materials as a source of BPA exposure. There are possibly other unknown sources of BPA which has not been included in these studies. Based on this we cannot be sure that our daily exposure is significantly lower than the TDI. Hypothetically BPA in a lower dose could also be part of a cocktail effect in combination with other endocrine disrupting chemicals that we are exposed to. This includes a wide range of substances such as dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) synthetic insecticide, pharmaceuticals, dioxin and dioxin like compounds which might act synergistic and lead to unpredictable adverse effects (49). The current TDI level of BPA set by EFSA, 4 µg/kg bw/day, is temporary and up until January 2015 it was 50 µg/kg bw/day. The new TDI is not final due to EFSA awaiting results from an ongoing long term rodent study, this would show the level of uncertainty regarding this subject. Due to this it is important to limit the exposure to BPA sources, specifically for 12 the vulnerable groups such as children and pregnant women (6). As previously discussed the European Union (EU) has already taken measures to restrict the usage of BPA containing materials in infant feeding bottles (46) meanwhile EFSA´s official statement (6) is that the daily intake of BPA is far below the TDI. Limiting a child’s exposure to BPA is a logical precaution. Fissure sealants which are nowadays frequently used in a preventative way to reduce the risk of caries among children may increase the exposure amount of BPA. Even though the studies showed a low risk of BPA leakage from sealants it should still be a matter of concern due to them being in a risk group. In regards to EFSA’s reasoning behind restricting the use of BPA in feeding bottles the same argument could also be used. Considering all the uncertainties regarding exposure level it may also be a legitimate measure to exclude pregnant women from getting composite restorations unless it is urgent (2). Considering that the main reason behind composite fillings is caries the best way to decrease the possible BPA exposure from composites is to prevent the disease in the first place. In the light of the current debate about the daily usage of fluoride from water and toothpaste etc. it is important not to forget its major preventative effects on caries disease. Many studies show the positive effects of fluoride in caries prevention (50) so it could be argued that the recommended fluoride usage indirectly decreases the exposure to BPA due to less need for composite fillings. At the moment many of the studies regarding the endocrine disrupting properties of BPA are conducted on rodents. Some of the studies showed that BPA exposure correlated with adverse effects on reproductive, as well as non-reproductive systems, including neurobehavioral development and endocrine system (51-57). However it is important to consider that the source of BPA exposure in the studies was not dental materials, but pure BPA solvent, which was administered subcutaneously, intragastrically or orally. According to the findings by Taylor et al. the route of administration has no significant effect on plasma BPA levels (58), based on this the route of administration should not be a reason to dismiss the results from studies using a non-oral route. Several factors including metabolism and exposure per kg bodyweight need to be taken into consideration before drawing conclusions on human health based on results from animal studies. Based on one study (52) the pharmacokinetics in women, female monkeys and mice are similar, however the plasma concentration of BPA in rodents in these studies is much higher than the equivalent concentration in humans. Conclusion Based on the results of the reviewed studies it can be determined whether or not the analysed dental material contain and/or leak BPA. It would be valuable for the clinician to attain this information by reading the safety data sheet. This is not the case however as the current regulation policy set by the European Parliament does not require that companies fully declare the content of their products (12). There may be reason to re-evaluate the regulations to ensure that caregivers are aware of the exact content and possible risks of the materials. There is a lack of studies analysing the association between BPA exposure from dental materials and its adverse effects on human health. We cannot draw a conclusion about these effects based on the reviewed studies. 13 Glossary Chromatography: A chemical separation technique which use a stationary and mobile phase to separate the different compounds. Detection limits: The lowest amount of a substance that can be detected by a certain method. Dioxin and dioxin like compounds: Toxic compounds which are by-products of different industrial processes. ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay. An analyse method that is used to detect and quantify an antibody or an antigen. Specific antibodies adheres to their target substance, for instance BPA, the antibodies are linked to an enzyme which in most cases will lead to a colour change. Electrospray ionisation (ESI): A method used in mass spectrometry to produce ions from macromolecules using an electrospray. Estrogenicity: The ability of a chemical to act like estrogen. Gas chromatography (GC): A type of chromatography which use gas as a mobile phase. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC): a modern name of liquid chromatography (LC), Liquid chromatography (LC): A type of chromatography which use liquid as a mobile phase. Mass spectrometry (MS): An analytical technique used for detection and quantification of a compound using a mass spectrum. Quantification limits: The lowest amount of a substance that can not only be detected but accurately quantitatively determined by a certain method. Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI): An estimation of the quantity of a contaminant to which we are exposed to on a long term basis without resulting in any significant health risks. Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC): Natural and synthetic compounds which can interfere with body´s endocrine pathways mainly through interacting with hormone receptors or transport proteins and lead to adverse reproductive, development, neurological and immune effects. 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