
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
IS380, Lab 5
1. Use the following data and queries to practice SQL commands from CH 10 and 18.
2. In the spool command line, replace your own path to save the result of your activities.
3. Answer questions A-N then turn in the questions and answers only. Please use Microsoft word
for this part and turn in the hard copy. Spooled file is not needed.
4. Make sure where you spool your file to. This helps you locate your lab activities.
5. You have one week to turn in the Questions and answers.
6. Please make sure all tables are dropped before leaving. To quit working, use “exit” command
then you are logged out.
7. All syntaxes are
italic and end with semicolon (;), all questions A-N are bold.
Conversion and Transformation Functions
Getting the date and time from Oracle:
Oracle uses the operating system date and time to display the current date and
time. The following command line is used to get the current time and date from
Oracle. Dual is a small table of Oracle used for testing functions.
Do the following before steps 1 & 2:
Describe Dual;
1. Select sysdate from dual;
2. Select Current_Date from DUAL;
The above two queries display current date.
Load Table Holiday
Spool h:\123.txt
drop table HOLIDAY;
create table HOLIDAY (
ActualDate DATE,
CelebratedDate DATE
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
insert into HOLIDAY values ('NEW YEARS DAY',
insert into HOLIDAY values ('MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.',
insert into HOLIDAY values ('LINCOLNS BIRTHDAY',
insert into HOLIDAY values ('FAST DAY, NEW HAMPSHIRE',
insert into HOLIDAY values ('MEMORIAL DAY',
insert into HOLIDAY values ('INDEPENDENCE DAY',
insert into HOLIDAY values ('LABOR DAY',
insert into HOLIDAY values ('COLUMBUS DAY',
insert into HOLIDAY values ('THANKSGIVING',
Now query the table:
Select * from holiday;
Now do the following query:
3. Select holiday, actualDate, CelebratedDate from Holiday;
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
Step 3 query is the same as the following query, do the following query now:
Select * from holiday;
The Difference Between Two Dates
Refer to Holiday table, to find out which holidays are not celebrated on the actual
anniversary, we find the difference of the actualdate and the celebrated date and if
the answer is not zero , then the result shows the date of the anniversary . Now key
in the following:
4. Select holiday, actualDate, celebratedDate from holiday
Where celebratedDate – ActualDate != 0;
A. How many holidays have not been celebrated on their anniversary?
Adding Months:
Refer to the output of the step 3 query, if you want to know the date for 6 months
after labor day, then do the following, this combination of column and select
commands will create a new column called SixMonth and the select clause will
add six months to the labor day date and displays the new date. Do the following
5. Column SixMonth heading “Six Month”
Select ADD_MONTHS (CelebratedDate, 6) As SixMonth from holiday where
holiday like ‘LABOR%’;
B. What is the date?
Subtracting dates:
This can be done by using the ADD_MONTHS but using negative sign which
causes the subtraction to be performed. Do the following query now:
6. Column SixLess heading “Six Less”
Select ADD_MONTHS (CelebratedDate,- 6) -1 As SixLess from holiday where
holiday like ‘LABOR%’;
C. What is the date?
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
Least function:
Least function chooses the earliest date from a list of dates, whether columns or
literals. Key in the following:
7. Select holiday, LEAST(ActualDate, CelebratedDate) As First, ActualDate,
CelebratedDate from holiday where ActualDate – CelebratedDate != 0;
D. Under what column do you see the result of LEAST function?
Load Payday table:
drop table PAYDAY;
create table PAYDAY (
CycleDate DATE
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-JAN-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-FEB-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-MAR-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-APR-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-MAY-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-JUN-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-JUL-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-AUG-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-SEP-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-OCT-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-NOV-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
insert into PAYDAY values (TO_DATE('15-DEC-2004','DD-MON-YYYY'));
Next_Day computes the date of the next named day of the week (that is, Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday) after the given
date. For example, suppose payday is always the first Friday after the 15th of the
month. The table PAYDAY contains only the pay cycle dates, each one being the
15th of the month, with one row for each month of the year.
Do the following query now:
8. select CycleDate from PAYDAY;
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
E. What day of the month is the cycle date for payday?
Now key in the following:
9. Column Payday heading “Pay Day”
select NEXT_DAY(CycleDate,'FRIDAY') AS Payday
from PAYDAY;
F. Do you see any problem? If the payday is going to be Friday, which date in
the list does not look correct?
Now key in the following and compare the result with that in step 9:
10. column Payday heading “Pay Day”
select NEXT_DAY(CycleDate-1,'FRIDAY') AS PayDay
from PAYDAY;
G. What difference do you see? Why?
Load table Birthday
drop table BIRTHDAY;
create table BIRTHDAY (
constraint PK_BIRTHDAY primary key (FirstName, LastName)
insert into BIRTHDAY values ('GEORGE','SAND',
insert into BIRTHDAY values ('ROBERT','JAMES',
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
insert into BIRTHDAY values ('NANCY','LEE',
insert into BIRTHDAY values ('VICTORIA','LYNN',
TO_DATE('20-MAY-1949 3:27','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'),42);
insert into BIRTHDAY values ('FRANK','PILOT',
Select * from birthday;
LAST_DAY produces the date of the last day of the month. Suppose that
commissions and bonuses are always paid on the last day of the month. What are
those dates in 2004? Do step 11:
11. column EndMonth heading "End Month"
select LAST_DAY(CycleDate) AS EndMonth
from PAYDAY;
To calculate each person’s age, compute the months between today’s date and their
birth dates, and divide by 12 to get the years.
12. select FirstName, LastName, Birthdate,
) AS Age
H. List all the ages____________________________
FLOOR is the intuitive opposite of CEIL. Here is the format for FLOOR and
some examples:
FLOOR(2) = 2
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
FLOOR(1.3) = 1
CEIL (for ceiling) simply produces the smallest integer (or whole number) that is
greater than
or equal to a specific value. Pay special attention to its effect on negative numbers.
The following shows the format for CEIL and some examples:
CEIL(2) = 2
CEIL(1.3) = 2
The following table is not on the list of tables on my website, you need to key it
in. This table and the two queries followed after, are used to show the usage of
Ceil and Floor command.
Drop table MyTable;
create table myTable(
insert into myTable(ID,
insert into myTable(ID,
insert into myTable(ID,
insert into myTable(ID,
select * from myTable;
value)values (1,9);
value)values (2,2.11);
value)values (3,3.44);
value)values (4,-4.21);
SELECT id, value,CEIL(value) FROM myTable;
I. List values under CEIL column _______________________________
SELECT id, value,FLOOR(value) FROM myTable;
J. List values under FLOOR column _______________________________
Combining Date Functions
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
To find out what date is 6 months from now which is going to be your review date,
or… we combine the ADD_MONTHS and LAST_DAY functions with SysDate as
13. select SysDate AS Today,
LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(SysDate,6)) + 1 Review
from DUAL;
In step 13 query we are telling the system to show the result under a column called
K. What is the review date?
ADD_MONTHS takes the SysDate and adds six months to it. LAST_DAY takes
this result and figures the last day of that month. You then add 1 to the date to get
the first day of the next month. Now, to see how many days until that review date,
you simply subtract today’s date from it as follow. Note the use of parentheses to
ensure the proper order of the calculation in the following:
14. select (LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(SysDate,6))+ 1)-SysDate Wait
from DUAL;
L. How many days is the result of step 14?
TO_DATE and TO_CHAR Formatting
TO_DATE and TO_CHAR are alike insofar as they both have powerful
formatting capabilities.
They are opposite insofar as TO_DATE converts a character string or a number
into an Oracle date, whereas TO_CHAR converts an Oracle date into a character
string. The formats for these two functions are as follows:
date must be a column defined as a DATE datatype in Oracle. It cannot be a string,
even if it is in the most common date format of DD-MON-YY. The only way to
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
use a string where date appears in the TO_CHAR function is to enclose it within a
TO_DATE function.
Now key in the following:
select sysdate from dual;
string is a literal string, a literal number, or a database column containing a string
or a number.
In every case but one, the format of string must correspond to that described by
format. Only if a string is in the default format can format be left out. The default
starts out as ‘DD-MON-YY’, but
you can change this with the following:
15. alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = "DD/MON/YYYY";
Now key in the following:
select sysdate from dual;
To change the date format back to Oracle default format, key in the following:
16. alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = "DD-MON-YYYY";
Now key in the following:
select sysdate from dual;
The Most Common TO_CHAR Error
Always check the date formats when using the TO_CHAR function. The most
common error is to interchange the ‘MM’ (Month) format and the ‘MI’ (Minutes)
format when formatting the time portion of a date.
For example, to view the current time, use the TO_CHAR function to query the
time portion of SysDate as follow:
17. select TO_CHAR(SysDate,'HH:MI:SS') Now
from DUAL;
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
M. What date do you get?
This example is correct because it uses ‘MI’ to show the minutes. However, users
often select ‘MM’ instead—partly because they are also selecting two other pairs
of double letters, ‘HH’ and ‘SS’. Selecting ‘MM’ will return the month, not the
18. select TO_CHAR(SysDate,'HH:MM:SS') NowWrong
from DUAL;
N. What date do you see now? Compare with step 17 date.
For more on TO_DATE and TO_CHAR functions refer to Oracle Reference Book,
Chapter 10.
Determining certain date:
Following Queries determine certain dates based on the current
date. For example: If you want to know what the date would be 247
days from today or before current date, do the following quires:
19. Select Sysdate, sysdate +247 from dual;
20. Select Sysdate, sysdate -247 from dual;
Power Command:
Power command is used to raise the value to an exponent power. The following
command line raises all the values of myTable under the column called VALUE to
21. select power(value, 2) from myTable;
Chapter 18 commands and activities CANNOT be
practiced in CSULB LAB due to security reasons.
These are for your reference and can be worked on at
home if you have Oracle installed.
Creating User
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
The following is the general format to create user:
create user user identified
{by password | externally | globally as 'extnm'};
Now key in the following example;
create user csulb identified by thebeach;
Changing Password:
To change a password, use the alter user command:
alter user csulb identified by is380;
To change your own password, use password command:
Then old and new password accordingly
To change other users password, use password command with the username as
Password csulb;
Create user csulb identified by thebeach default tablespace users;
Enforcing Password Expiration
You can use profiles to manage the expiration, reuse, and complexity of
passwords. You can limit the lifetime of a password, and lock an account whose
password is too old. You can also force a password to be at least moderately
complex, and lock any account that has repeated failed login attempts.
For example, if you set the FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS resource of the user’s
profile to 5, then four consecutive failed login attempts will be allowed for the
account; the fifth will cause the account to be locked.
If the correct password is supplied on the fifth attempt, the “failed
login attempt count” is reset to 0, allowing for five more consecutive
unsuccessful login attempts before the account is locked.
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
In the following listing, the LIMITED_PROFILE profile is created for use by the
user CSULB:
create profile LIMITED_PROFILE limit
create user CSULB identified by THEBEACH
If there are five consecutive failed connection attempts to the CSULB account, the
account will be automatically locked by Oracle. When you then use the correct
password for the CSULB account, you will receive an error.
Connecting to Oracle using a different username or logging in under different
Connect msahebja@cba10g;
Connect csulb@cba10g;
Creating Roles:
Create role MANAGER;
Granting Privileges to a Role:
grant select on COMFORT to MANAGER;
Granting a Role to Users:
Adding a Password to a Role:
alter role MANAGER identified by is380;
Removing a Password from a Role:
alter role MANAGER not identified;
Revoking Privileges from a Role:
Prepared by M. Sahebjame
Dropping a Role
To drop a role, use the drop role command, as shown in the following example:
drop role MANAGER;
Granting Privilege:
Grant connect, resource to csulb;
Csulb cannot log into her/his account creating tables until she/he first has the
CREATE SESSION system privilege:
grant CREATE SESSION to csulb;
Grant manager to csulb with admin option;
Grant dba to csulb;
DBA privilege gives the user full control on the server
Granting Limited Resources:
When granting resource quotas in an Oracle database, you use the quota parameter
of the create user or alter user command, as shown in the following listing. In
this example, CSULB is granted a quota of 100MB in the USERS tablespace:
alter user CSULB
quota 100M on USERS;
Revoking Privilege:
Revoke dba from csulb;
Spool Off;
Thank you and good luck to you all. (This is not a syntax )
Prepared by M. Sahebjame